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Everything posted by georgectv

  1. 7:10am bbt It's just after 7am in the BB house. Dan is up and ready for POV today. Should be an interesting day. Dan goes out to patio, tells us "I couldn't sleep last night, it comes down to what Jenn wants to do, I don't think it's over yet." He's cold, so goes back inside. 7:25am bbt Jenn is up, Dan is back on patio, gives us a recap of what happened last night, his funeral, calling Dani dead to him, meeting with Frank in HOH, making F2 deal with Frank, convincing Jenn to use POV on Dan. It's amazing what being locked up for 24 hours in solitary can do for you, for game and catching up on my sleep. 7:27am bbt Dan: If this goes through, will I stay loyal to Jenn, Frank, Dani? The answer is yes. It all comes down to Jenn City. Don't want to kill the suspense for you, but if she doesn't use it, I'm going to jury Thursday. 7:29am bbt Dan: Now I understand why criminals come up with their best schemes in prisonl. They have nothing better to do than think... and sleep... and worrying about not getting shanked. After my speech, people were enraged. Dan sees a bird fly down by the pool. Is that a good sign? nah, I'm grasping at straws. 7:30am bbt Dan Says morning to his wife, says to tell mom hi, don't worry about his weight, not sure she has seen him act this way. Had to know I wouldn't give up, and I never will. If Jenn doesn't use it, can't say I didn't go down swinging, sent the house into a tissy. If I survive, I'll celebrate my bday on Sept 1. I respect Frank, Comp beast, smart guy. 7:34am bbt Dan: Last night Jenn felt apprehension that I didn't come to her about using POV, she's right, reassured her I won't shank her next week. She wanted to protect girls, may look like punk taking down guy to put up girl, I reassured her. Joe thought there was more to my meeting with Frank. These will be longest 4-5 hrs of my life. 7:36am bbt Dan: I told Dani last night, when people hate me in the game, they are blinded as to what I can do. Not one to toot my own horn... hope carrot man wakes up soon. Food for thought, guy in house is hell-bent on getting me out of this game, took punishments, 24 hrs later I talked him out of getting me out... what's wrong with me? 7:39am bbt Dan: to be honest with you guys, I'm 50/50 about this working. Dani was pretty mad at me. Bird is back, Dan gets bread to toss onto BY for it, but it doesn't take the nibble. Some tweet Memphis that his boy might get out of a jam again. Last time right around my bday I needed Memphis to take me down. 7:43am bbt Dan: If I don't come down, hope you guys aren't disappointed, I probably won't do much campaigning, enjoy my time, talk to you guys. I haven't had to come out yet, did yesterday, have to wait to make your move. It's crazy that people are enraged that I told someone they were dead to me in this game, no personal attack, I play on their emotions, good reason to hate me? yea, point viewers. I wanted to see her cry, didn't want her upset, but needed tears so it would be believable. I'm excited for a 50/50 shot. 7:48am bbt Fish, Wake up call? Back and Dan is lowering awnings. 7:51am bbt Still just Dan on feeds, back to patio, tells mom he is eating something for her, Matza, not as good as Joe's slop cookies, but... calls it a PeeWee Herman sized cracker. 7:53am bbt for 25 days I covered for Ian, and he get's cocky? He doesn't appreciate it. Can't say America doesn't love him, but he's changed from day 1 to day 50.
  2. 10:00pm bbt Frank has gone to bed in HOH, Shane/Joe are sleeping, Ian just changed clothes, and Brit/Dani/Jenn/Dan are on the patio talking. 10:10pm bbt Dan defends saying Dani looks like Bristol Palin, then they agree Dani looks more like Sarah Palin. Brit then breaks into doing a Sarah impersonation "I'm Sarah Palin, I can see Russia from my back yard." 10:12pm bbt when the patio crew realize Bristol's ex was named Levi, same name as Joe's son, Dan questions if Joe is actually married to Sarah Palin. 10:14pm bbt Dan reveals that in high school, he told his friends he made out with Clarissa from Clarissa Explains It All. 10:18pm bbt Patio talk turns to Ashley twin videos. Dani explains the movie Beastly. Brit refuses to watch it, won't watch a movie if it has less than a B rating. If she's at Redbox and there isn't a good movie, she'll just leave, go home and watch Teen Mom. 10:20pm bbt Dani tries to argue that if Brit bases her movie choices on other people's opion... Brit sees where Dani is going with this logic, and tells Dani she is the type of person that likes ALL movies. Brit tells of another movie she saw on a plane, would have preferred to look at the back of the seat. Finally Brit agrees if she is jobless for 6-7 months, house is clean and dog is groomed, she may give Beastly a chance. 10:23pm bbt Brit won't watch a Katherine Heigl movie. "She reads a script and says, this is horrible! I'll do it!" Brit/Dani keep arguing about quality of movies. Dani/Brit like Breakup, but Dani didn't like they stayed apart. Brit did, because she needs some harsh reality in her life. [worth watching them on Flashback] 10:26pm bbt Dani loves Lord Of the Rings, Harry Potter, Twilight movies. Brit hasn't seen LOTR, but would get them from Redbox. Dani/Brit now having serious discussion about the Twilight special effects quality. 10:30pm bbt Ian/Shane up and about. (If Jenn would leave, the QuackPack could have the meeting they want to have) Brit tells Jenn she could watch Bride Wars on a loop. 10:34pm bbt Brit's favorite Julia Roberts movie is Sleeping With The Enemy, explains the plot to Dani who hasn't seen it. Dani's favorite JR movie is dying young. Dan metions Primal Fear(Which Boogie reference in his post-eviction interviews when explaining the reveal of Ian's deception) 10:36pm bbt Brit loves loves loves Pearl Harbor. Dan says they just had their movie card revoked. Only movie Dan walked out of is Knights Tale. Brit won't give a chance to No Reservations. Dani hasn't seen Eat Pray Love. Ian has made his way to the hammock. 10:39pm bbt Jenn goes to K. Dan wants to talk non-girl movies. First up, God Father. They laugh at Dani for telling Dan to 'tie a bone around your neck and play in the street'. They thought she said boner, not bone. Britney: Hashtag boner around your neck. Jenn is back on the patio with cake. 10:41pm bbt Dan mentions H.S. in a sentence, and Dani wants to know what it stands for. Dan asks what's the most he every laughed in the house? Dani starts guessing times Dan laughed, topic of Zingbot passing out causes fish. 10:44pm bbt between fishes, Dan tells Shane, who has joined the patio, they just recapped Heat Stroke 2012. 10:47pm bbt BB calls Frank to the DR. HGs shout back to BB that Frank is asleep. BB calls Dani to DR instead. Brit goes for cake and is back, now Shane is back inside to the SR for a snack. 10:50pm bbt Shane reports BB gave them 4 beers and a bottle of wine. Ian asks if it's ok, he told Frank he would 'bank' a can of beer for Frank. 10:52pm bbt Jenn goes inside, QuackPack meeting minus Dani starts. Ian thinks they are all on same page, depends on POV tomorrow. Ian says Dan can play for it, but... Dan is willing to throw it, asks if Shane wins it, is Ian in 1000%? Ian says he will tell Frank before hand, won't blindside him, says Frank said himself that Joe doesn't deserve to be here. 10:54pm bbt Jenn is back outside, Brit starts up the propane fire pit on the patio, and the Quack Pack meeting ends.
  3. (Sorry this is late... just realized I never posted this from this morning) 7:25am bbt Joe was up to use the WC, but he has rejoined everyone in their respective beds. 8:23am bbt after a lengthy wake up call, the HGs are going about their morning routine. HOH Frank is gathering clothes to send out for cleaning, and Ian is rocking in the hammock. 8:26am bbt Frank gives some shoutouts to Boogie and others causing fish... sorry to mom and nana for the cursing, love you all 8:29am bbt Jenn joins Frank in the HOH, wants to check in with him. Frank says it's a no brainer, she hasn't done anything to make him not want to trust her. He wants her to vote out Dan when he's on the block. He's not like others who when HOH don't say what they want. Frank says it isn't going to be anyone but Dan/Dani. Those are the only 2 going up. Best option to get Brit/Shane's vote. Only going after one 'team'. Jenn understands. 8:32am bbt Joe/Shane at HTub discussing Frank's winning streak, will have to get Frank out next week. Frank tells Jenn he wanted to come in house, have fun, not win so many comps 8:35am bbt Frank tells Jenn there may have been times Frank/Mike told the 6 they wanted Jenn out, but it wasn't true. Only said to build trust with others. Jenn agrees, Mike had good team. Frank says Jenn on block next to Mike put wrench in things. Jenn says she's big girl, can handle it, gives him hug and we see fish. 8:43am bbt back from fish, Frank/Shane/Brit on patio, Joe/Jenn soaking feet in Htub, back to fish 8:49am bbt Back again, Ian has joined the patio, end of conversation from finding bananna costume a few weeks back. Talk about Family Guy episode, and shout outs, and fish in/out(Flashback is acting up, They may be trying to fix it)
  4. Ian's letter: Dear Ian, Congratulations on your Big Brother HOH win. We are so excited for you. It's still hard to believe that you are there. We all still can't believe it. Your dream, and now your reality. We are so proud of you. We are all so addicted to Big Brother, even Dad. Grandma and Grandpa are watching it. Uncle Ronnie is addicted too. He keeps me updated while I'm at work. I understand you are the talk of Tulane too. We all miss you so much. I miss our phone calls. Dad misses texting you about baseball, and you are missing some GOOD baseball. He said it's not the same without you. I just want to pick up the phone and call you. This is the longest I have ever gone without talking to you. Ryan is ecstatic about you being in the house. He and his friends are loving it. I know this was always a dream for you, and now it's a reality. It's hard to believe you are there. I still can't believe it. I thought I wouldn't be watching Big Brother with you this summer since you are staying down in New Orleans. Who would have thought I would be watching you on Big Brother. We are all so excited. Be good, play an honest game, but a good game. Stay true to yourself. Don't do anything that you might regret. We are all rooting for you. You are the best. We love you. Love, Mom Dad and all the family.
  5. 10:05pm bbt The feeds are back, Brit/Ian on couch sad, Frank packing... FRANK WON HOH. Joe/Shane in arcade, Joe says Frank said either I put you up, or you vote Dan out. in K, Joe says the food you can handle, the bed is the problem(HNs must have been assigned during HOH comp). 10:08pm bbt Brit says she wishes she could have heard from her husband, there's always fricking next week. She asks Ian what they will do, still too many in the house. Ian says has to be another FF. Brit tells Ian she agreed with Frank to work with him after Frank realized Mike was leaving. Brit says Ian needs to go to bat for her. Brit says at least she's not a HN. 10:10pm bbt Brit says she defended her vote against Ash to Frank also. Dan/Jenn/Shane/Dani/Joe sitting at table/K, while Frank is getting his things ready to take to HOH. 10:13pm bbt Brit tells Ian, if we can get him to put up Dan with Joe, we'll be fine. She tells Ian he either has to backstab Frank, or vote out Dan. "Do what you have to Ian, but have my back" 10:15pm bbt Brit asks why Ian put 1000 instead of 1? He said it didn't matter since Dani went over. 10:17pm bbt Dan joins Brit/Ian on couches. Ian leaves. Dan asks Brit if Ian thinks he's going to get put up? Brit says Ian needs to push for Dan/Joe as nominations. 10:18ppm bbt Dan says the ball game seemed so much easier yesterday. Brit says Ian is upset because he didn't put up Joe/Shane (They discussed doing that last night if Ian won HOH). Dani is making a cake for Brit's birthday. 10:20pm bbt Frank comes through, Dan congratulates him. Brit says don't take her being bummed out due to him winning, she really wanted a birthday letter. Frank says when he got a low seed, he thought there was no way. When he played Dani, he thought no way I win 3 more of these, the practice did help. 10:22pm bbt Brit tells Dan all those times she was a HN and he ate food in her face, she's going to do that to him. Frank says his heart was racing still from before, he didn't think he'd do well. Frank says he is one POV away from his pre game prediction of 3 HOH/4 POV wins. Dan says he had 3HOH/2POV the season he won. 10:25pm bbt Talk turns to HN food for the week, if there may be a luxury comp instead. Frank realizes his hands are beat up some from digging in the balls during the POV comp. Frank wasn't sure if the clover he found was right, because it only had a dot of his clover, not the entire clover. Frank got pumped hearing the crowd cheering. 10:30pm bbt Pizza's are done, and cake is baking. Dan thinks the BY should be open soon. Joe may clean out the fridge this week. Should be lots of food coming, since no HNs(only Dan?) Frank joins Brit/Dani licking the cake batter from the bowl(I LOVE doing that!) 10:34pm bbt Joe/Dan on couch, Joe asks 'think you will be on the block?' Dan laughs "funniest thing I've heard all day. I don't have much shot against anyone. I couldn't get it done. Take my chances. Won't see a change in me. Still salsa balling". Dan asks who Joe thinks? "Shane". Talk of jury house leads to fish/trivia. 10:38pm bbt Dan stealthly quietly seems to ask Joe if 'little guy' is up against Dan, would Joe keep Dan? Joe nods yes. 10:43pm bbt Dan to Joe:"Who do you think is untouchable? He won't put up?" Joe doesn't know, but "Ian is your best shot, if he sits next to you, you win" Dan:"I appreciate, I know there are some scenarios where I wouldn't ask for your vote, but if it's him..." (as Dan slowly builds his plan for the next phase of the game) 10:53pm bbt Dan leaves couch, goes to lay down in bed, others in K, Dani/Brit playing. Dan begins to tell us his speech to Frank... If I survive this week by winning veto, I know whoever I go up against, I lose, so it doesn't matter. But if I survive, we are 1 for 1, we each went after each other... but is Frank going to buy that? (Dan forgets he's talking to us and starts to mumble) If I sell out Ian, it will cause distrust in my alliance.
  6. 7:55pm bbt Dani/Brit talking, Brit says this worked out perfect, would have liked Frank gone, but Ashley was getting on her nerves. Brit asks Dani if HOH comes down to them, will Dani throw it to Brit. Dani says yes. Brit wants to put up Joe/Ian, because they are fine with backdooring Frank. 7:58pm bbt Dan comes in to Brit/Dani, speculating the HOH game with balls in holes won't be score based, but putting the balls in specific days, so know the days. Brit asks if he knows the algorithm for calculating days, +1, is noms, +2 is food, +4 is POV. Dan heads back to K. 8:00pm bbt Brit reminds Dani there are 7 people here still that want Frank out. Ian is buddy buddy with Frank again, but he can't play for HOH. Brit says Dani has a heart of finely spun, egyptian cotton gold, the kind of girl Brit's husband should have married(ha!) Brit tells Dani of the tie breaker strategy of Ian putting 1, Dani putting 2. Dani said Ian didn't say that to her, and he put 1000. Dani really did think the comp lasted 20 minutes. 8:05pm bbt They agree that Frank doesn't realize that while Dani is close to Dan, she is just as close to Brit. Brit says everyone thinks she is close to Shane, but he is a freaking liability! Brit says they need to hide behind a shield while the guys attack each other. Dani comments on Ashley's nomination speech, if you can't articulate words well, don't use the word articulate. 8:08pm bbt Shane joins Brit/Dani, they question who to nominate to hide alliances. Brit leaves, Dani says now is the time for Ian to get back in with Frank, because Ian knows he is 5th on their 4(Dani/Shane/Dan/Brit). Lots of speculation on how the next round of nominations will play out. 8:14pm bbt Shane says he wished Ian had gone with the plan of nominating Shane/Joe, and hope Frank didn't get to play for POV. Dani question who Ian would put up(not that he can play for HOH tonight) 8:20pm bbt Shane leaves Dani to decompress, and fix her makeup. At the table, Joe, Shane, Brit, Dan share small talk, and Joe reenacts his nomination silent speech. Joe says he was trying to break the ice. Ian asks where Frank is, and they say he has been in the DR for 40 minutes now. 8:24pm bbt Brit/Dan/Shane tell Ian he made a ballsy move, but Ian says he was a coward. Dan/Brit going over past comps from Brit's season. Shane is amazed that Ian just said the name of the HOH comp(Buzz-Worthy"), and the pun Julie Chen made as a lead in. Brit says she was too short to see when the ball got to the end of the lever. She didn't expect a double evict, and she was outgoing HOH, so she didn't even practice for it. They suddenly realize everyone they see right now is all that is left in the house. 8:28pm bbt It's time to make some pizza! 8:30pm bbt Brit says Ian doesn't need to feel bad about Mike leaving now. Frank comes out of DR, Brit asks about it lasting so long, Frank jokes 'might have got a special power!' 8:32pm bbt Brit is finishing up collecting Ashley's things. Frank joins Brit in WCA to ask if Brit would nominate Dan if she wins HOH. She says she wants it bad because it's her birthday. He asks again if she will put up Dan. She asks if that's what he really wants? She says she will do it. Topic goes back to gathering Ashley's things from the WCA. They call in Dani/Jenn to figure out a drawer of things. 8:36pm bbt Brit/Frank finish getting Ashley's things together, take it to the SR. 8:40pm bbt Time to refigure bed arrangements... 8:46pm bbt Ian/Frank talk, Ian says he was sad today because he knew he was going to have to vote Mike out tonight. But Ian was upset that Mike didn't even try to pratice the 'cheese thing'. Frank again says he's not mad at Ian. Ian says he got in a position he didn't want(HOH), freaking the frick out, because of what was said at the door by Mike, everyone got to him saying put up Frank/Ashley, Ian knew he couldn't play the next HOH. He wanted to give Mike the 4-3 vote, but was worried if he did he'd go up next to Frank, and if Frank won POV, Ian would be voted out. He tried to guess to high on the tiebreaker so he wouldn't be in the position he didn't want... Frank says 'don't worry about it little guy, big Frank still loves ya'. 8:50pm bbt Ian gets called to the DR. Frank goes back to K with everyone, says 'poor Ian'. Brit agrees, gives Frank a hug. Frank jokes about hugging Dan also, but might go too far, get angry with him. They joke Frank will hug Dan, then act/claim Dan head-butted Frank. Frank says Mike drank 3 beers before the live show. 8:52pm bbt FEEDS go to TRIVIA - TIME FOR HOH COMP to begin
  7. 8:10am bbt Frank/Mike awake, go to arcade, Frank says I can't give up hope, even last night I talked to Joe, what if with 10 minutes left he changes his mind? Mike says he wants the last words out of his mouth to be to try. Mike says he will make his final appeal on live tv, say Joe's family's names, tell him to do the right thing. Frank says Dan is behind it all, but then to have used those 2, Shane and Joe. If it was Ian/Ash, who knew what they were doing, but for it to be them... 8:13am bbt Mike: if you talk to Joe today, tell him he doesn't even need to talk with Mike today, just go for the sympathy, Mike felt bad for you last week, talked with you, did any of the 4 talk to you? [these 2 are still so clueless as to what is going on in the house this week] 8:17am bbt Mike plans to scare Dani right before the show with his knowledge of her being a nurse, aluding to him knowing because of a special power, and then appeal to Joe on the live show to 'do the right thing' since his son and millions of people are watching. 8:19am bbt Mike: Last week, I came up to Joe and said 6-2, you're good, and he went, 'really?'. Now you and I know I wasn't doing it to be a nice guy, it was just strategy, but it isn't going to get repaid, really? 8:26am bbt Mike misses the bo-flex machine that was in the BB house last time he was here. Frank shares a dream he had about a dude that cracked a beer bottle over Mike's face. Mike says the dream is exactly representative of what's going on in here. 9:03am bbt Frank is alive on the feeds again, sitting in WCA, talking to himself/practicing his last minute speech (to Joe?) for a 4th vote. Frank: I know all you people watching right now on Superpass are diehard fans gotta realize the move to evict Janelle was the right move for me because she was coming after me. Mike is a good guy, really good guy, he loves this game and I love it. I hope it irritates you as much as me that people in this house are a waste, for you people that have tried to get in here, so many in here don't deserve to be here, as much as Mike. 9:07am bbt Frank: Joe might change his mind, it's the right thing and smartest thing for him. But for him to do it because it might be a big move on tv or shock people, I'm not here to do that. I need Mike here so I have someone I can truely count on to have my back, I'm glad I have 2 that do(Ian/Ash). Their track record isn't as good as I'd like, but I just hope... 9:10am bbt Frank: at this point I've talked so much, trying to get people to put others up, if I didn't have Dan here, I'd be killing it. I'm better than him, I have to think that way. 8:40am bbt Frank: This is a terrible feeling, in past weeks, we knew we had the vote, or at least thought we did. This time we are holding out hope, but... 8:50am bbt Frank has left the arcade, where Mike has gone back to sleep. It's quiet again in the house.
  8. 10:00pm bbt Brit/Ash talking. Brit tells Ash that Joe cried after Ash left HOH last night. Ash says it was scary being in there with everyone staring at her. Brit says Jenn hadn't been saying much to them. Ash is scared of the double evict Thur night. They agree you can tell how tense Ian is by how fast he is rocking. 10:05pm bbt Ash/Brit head to WCA. Mike/Frank/Ian on patio, discuss what Julie Chen will ask Mike. Mike says first question is always what happened? Ian quotes Julie, "You won allstars, what happened?" [oh Ian, you know!] 10:08pm bbt Ian says he is going to make Joe sweat next week if Ian is HOH. 10:12pm bbt Frank says Dan thinks if Frank is gone, Dan can rope Ian in. Ian: And be 7th in the alliance? I don't think so! Brit goes to HOH, where Shane/Joe/Dan/Jenn/Dani are, most tired because they were up late last night(me too!) Ashley joins Frank/Mike/Ian on patio. 10:15pm bbt Brit says on the night of the BB12 double eviction, they had about 2 hours after the live show before the yard was set up to play the next HOH comp. Brit worries the HOH will be like search for the clown shoe, "It's such a crap shoot" 10:18pm bbt Joe says today Frank's pitch was first to tickle him. Joe: then Frank said he feels he could be the best player to ever play BB. And he offered to 'let' me back onto his team. He said he was going to carry me. 10:21pm bbt If you haven't followed the house for the last 24 hours, Ash/Frank/Mike are on the patio trash talking the group in HOH, and Shane/Joe/Dan/Brit/Jenn/Dani are in HOH trash talking Ash/Frank/Mike. And Ian is rocking on the hammock. 10:28pm bbt Frank goes inside looking for food. Mike can't believe Brit is upset about missing her husband. And tomorrow will be all about her birthday. Mike is glad he's matured, 5 yrs ago he would have been insulting Brit about being away from her newlywed husband. Instead, Mike just says the comments to himself. And to Frank/Ashley. Mike says Dan is the worse, because he participates in the meanness, is careful what he says, is a party to it. When we were cool, he would get me to say things like I just did, then put his face down like he's embarassed. He's doing the same thing as his season, and it's working! Frank says Dan is lucky they don't know how to play the game. 10:34pm bbt Mike can't wait for October, when Joe gets back home, to 15 fans, and... nothing. Ash says Joe hopes to open a restaurant, their heads are sooo big. The trio move on to bashing Shane. In HOH, Jenn/Dani questioning if Ash is an actress. 10:39pm bbt Jenn/Dani discuss Jojo's sexual orientation. Dani was suspicious of Jojo. Jenn tells a story of Jojo flirting with her. 10:42pm bbt Mike can't wait to see his trainer, who should be proud because Mike has worked out 42 of the 45 days he's been in here. 10:48pm bbt Mike doesn't plan on getting on the internet when he leaves. People will have dug up his mug shot "My team just won the world series, I was left in a drunk tank, my hat fell off, so major hat head, and I decided to smirk on the mug shot". I just don't want to invest in the energy. 10:50pm bbt Frank says I'll ask my mom how it is? 50-50? 75-25? That's all I need to know. Mike says he'll ask one of the three people he gives shout outs to, they will know. Mike's frustration is that 11 years ago he was evicted by a redneck from TN, and this year Joe decided not to roll with them. 10:54pm bbt One thing Mike does want to go back and see is if Janelle did push the reset button! 10:55pm bbt Brit comes to HOH, starts a 'grapling' match with Dani. Dani wins, and Brit breaks her mic.. again! 10:59pm bbt Brit leaves to exchange her mic, then Jenn leaves HOH, leaving Shane/Dani alone, until Brit returns to get the 'new dirt' from Dani. Dani says Jenn doesn't trust Ashley now, and Ashley is emotionally attached to Frank... and Jenn. Dani tells Brit that Ashley isn't 'straight' as an arrow, and neither is Jojo. Brit: This house is much more steamier than I knew. I'm not sure how that affected Ashley's decision. She told me last week she didn't like Frank.
  9. 1:00pm bbt Frank/Ash in K eating. Dan/Dani alone on patio [Dan is an expert soft-talker]. 1:02pm bbt Brit/Ash go to lounge, Ash: I love being around You. I wanted to keep Boogie since I could work with him. Brit: I'm fine with that, but sad because I got excited when the 4 girls met and agreed to work together. Ash: I took a risk, but it didn't benefit my game. Brit: I'm not mad, don't play game mean, Ash can talk to her. I don't know for certain that Dani, Dan, Shane are working together and I'm the 4th wheel. Ash: I told Joe I had to pick a side for the game, hate being in the middle. Brit: It's like when you/Frank came in saying we were talking about you. First time Jenn was in HOH was last night. You assume everyone is talking about you. Ash: That's what Jenn says, now I feel like you are attacking me in here. Brit: I'm not mad at you Ash: Everyone is allowed to play in teams, but now I'm not allowed to? Brit: I didn't say that, I don't blame you at all Ash: You are obviously mad... Brit: I came in to say I'm not mad. Ash: ok, you're not mad, you're not mad.... Brit: I didn't come in to argue with you Ash: there's only 4 weeks left, this game will go so fast Brit: I thought you knew I had your back in the game, I didn't know I needed to say it. Ash: It comes down to black and white. I thought Janelle had my back, and she didn't. I told Joe regardless of what happens, I'll work with Frank and Ian. If I talk to anyone people think I'm being sneaky. I'm sorry I feel alienated, I took a risk, it's all you can do in this game. Brit: I don't want you to feel alienated or ostrasized. Ash: Wil told me not to play this game personally, but look where he is. I didn't know if I could trust Jen fully. Who knows if I could trust Boogie, but I wanted to make a game move, it's my own indecisiveness. Brit: well I don't want you to feel akward. 1:12pm bbt Brit/Ash hug it out. Dan goes to HOH/Shane. Dan/Shane start to speculate again if there is an eviction show tonight, or fast forward tomorrow. Shane says the HOH LD appears to be so BB could fix the sliding glass door. Dan says he is out of theories. 1:17pm bbt Dan/Shane still in HOH. Shane says Ian told them he would nominate Frank. Brit finds Dani on patio. Says she tried talking to Ash, but Ash is so defensive right now. 1:21pm bbt Dani seems upset that Frank hasn't offered a deal for her to work with him. Brit says Frank knows Dani/Dan won't work with him. Dani asks Brit if she would consider working with Frank if Dan was gone. Brit says don't even think things like that. 1:22pm bbt Frank/Mike at pool Frank: I was honest with Ash, if we don't win the next HOH, one of us is going home. Only option is if I win POV and they put up Joe... 1:26pm bbt Frank/Dan in lounge Frank: obviously you have to be worried about me winning HOH. If you throw a vote our way, I can tell everyone Joe did it. You are the sheperd over there, if we get you out, we may be able to change it up. At the very least, you could go into this HOH knowing no one is going after you this week. I want to work with people who can help me get to the end. Me/Mike are dangerous, but last week Mike kept you from going up, if he didn't we wouldn't be in the predicament. I know down the road you need to get rid of me. Our backs are against the wall, have to say anything, but we have been good about doing what we say. Dan: uh-huh... yea.. yea... Frank: I have to at least throw this idea out there. Mike is so distraught, he's coming to me asking if I should go up to Dan... 1:31pm bbt Dani/Brit go to SR for pita chips, well really to spy on the arcade room to figure out why Frank/Dan are alone talking. 1:33pm bbt Ian checks in on Frank/Dan. Frank says they are trying to smooth over the akwardness. Ian reports back to Brit, who appears livid that Ian has upset Dani (Ian made a comment not shown on the feeds moments ago) 1:35pm bbt Dani is ok, doing makeup in WCA, but Brit is beside herself knowing Dan is talking to Frank... still! Brit/Dani doing makeup in WCA, one eye on arcade door. 1:37pm bbt Dan/Frank come out of arade, Brit says 'sketchy...' Dan comes to WCA, explain's Franks pitch of throwing a bone, a vote for safety next week. 1:41pm bbt Brit says Ash talked to her just before Frank talked to Dan, says Ash wasn't nice to Brit. Frank is back to poolside with Ash/Mike, tells them of his offer to Dan, was super cordial. Mike/Ash feel it was a 'super good pitch'. Back in WCA, Brit says Frank/Ash would use POV on each other, so both need to go up. 1:47pm bbt Dan goes to K where Shane is, fills him in on Frank's offer. Dan called to DR, Frank still filling Mike/Ash in on his offer. 1:54pm bbt Shane/Dan/Frank in K, Shane shares that he once had to get a mammogram... talk turns to steroids, creotine... It's lunch time in the BB house
  10. 8:25am bbt It's time to start the day. Mike was up, then laid down in the WCA. Now Frank is up and finds Mike, ready to recap to him the events from last night. Frank: first Joe drops the hammer on me, no go... Frank thinks Joe wanted to share until Mike went to bed, says Ash came out upset over Jenn being mad at her. Frank says Ian was upset to find out Mike is going, so Frank is sure now they can trust Ian is with them. Frank says he went to HOH and called out everyone for talking about Mike while he's asleep? He says no one replied to him except Shane saying sorry when Frank walked out. Then Jenn called out Ash until she cried, and everyone sat there watching. Mike: So Jenn's rolling with them now? If Joe's talking behind my back, I will destroy him today. Frank: Don't come tell me saying you want to be a man about it, then go tell them I didn't take it right. And Ian was out here crying, I said don't you realize what you are doing to this kid? Mike really is a nice guy. Mike: Well thanks for the defense. I'm going to leave with more money than 7 people here, I just need to stay calm. I'll say something to Joe, this makes it easier, you need to move on, hopefully can get them back. To have an alliance with 7 or 8 people? And I'll talk to Jenn, everyone was trash talking me, and you were a part of it? 8:31am bbt Mike: At this point we've done all we can. May be best thing for you that I go. Frank: I can't believe I'm in the house with all these people. Mike: things change, they start fighting, they have to turn on each other. 8:33am bbt Frank: One thing Joe said, if Mike is gone it may be better for you next week, you'll need me to win HOH to keep you safe. I told him you said you don't want flip floppers, if you vote my boy out this week, I can't work with you. Mike: I'm calling Jenn out too. This is refreshing, now I don't have to hold it all in. It's not like you'll be in a different position if I act this way. What's Jenn thinking, being in a 6 person alliance? 8:36am bbt Frank: Jenn should be able to look at it with common sense and say, Mike's a better player than me, I haven't won anything. Mike: it is what it is, time to move on. Mike/Frank go to K, see dirty dishes, Frank says he's going to go on blast from now on about anything he sees. BY is on LD, so they can't go outside now. 8:38am bbt Mike/Frank move to the lounge. Mike: I knew he wasn't going to do it, but I had to try. Frank: I almost didn't go up to HOH, because I saw how close he was even when he told me. But when I heard his voice up there, I went to tell them it wasn't right to do that when you were asleep. Mike: at least say it to my face. I was going to tell you tomorrow, what we had in here is something you can't put a price on. One person will win, everyone else will leave unhappy, I appreciate the friendship, money will come and go, from minute one we've had each other's back. Your reputation from the beginning being a threat, and mine, they had to get us out. It's ok, this game is super funny, you never know, maybe you get to avenge the wrongs. I knew standing on that pirate ship, my game was going to be hard. Even the dumbest of dummies would know they couldn't let us roll together. 8:42am bbt Frank: I feel like if I get the chance, I'd like to get Dan out first. It's like he's the shepherd. Mike: There are so many big players to go after. Maybe if you get Dan out, you can swallow your pride and pull in Shane. The key question is if Ian and Ash are going to stand pat with you. 8:45am bbt Joe is up to change his battery in SR. Walks around, doesn't run into Mike/Frank, who don't see Joe. Joe ends up back in bed. Mike: Should I call a house meeting, say I'm leaving, people are crying, I'm here for 36 more hours, I'm fine, this is unnecessary, let's not have this right now? Frank: I don't think it's the worse thing. I can be mean but... I don't want to get hopes up, but it might even help you. 8:47am bbt Mike: I may need to do it for me, with all the emotion, I know myself, I have to go one way or the other. Years past when I wasn't a father, it could get really ugly, I could see myself taking a $36,000 punch at one of them, it's not good for me, stupid, embarassing, it's the low road, let the emotions get the best of me like Willie did. I feel bad for Ian/Ash, to go through pain for me. 8:49am bbt Frank: If I win HOH, put up Shane/Dan, split up that 4some really quick. Mike: I can walk out with my head high, we gave every ounce of our being to succeed. I'm not gonna feel bad about it. I got tricked into coming here, it is what it is. Frank: I told Ash, even if I go next... Mike: 7 people are going to misreable they didn't get to final 2, and one is going to be the worst for getting 2nd place. I'm going to the other side of the walls to something they will never have. We'll have our friendship, they won't be in our lives after this, our journey continues. 8:52am bbt Frank: when I go up to HOH and see Dan, a catholic school teacher, talking dirt about you. Mike: If I can keep my cool, I'm going to go around, say good game, shake their hand, make people feel guilty, that's what Dan does. Just mentally, I don't want to deal with it. Frank: I hope Julie doesn't ride you when you go out. Mike: I know it can get ugly if I go that direction, it isn't worth it. Who knows what will happen if they push it. It's such a mob mentality over there.
  11. 10:00pm bbt Jenn joins Shane/Joe in HOH. Shane hugs her, tells her she is a pawn. Joe tells her again, his vote is 100%. Jenn says they think she has a super close relationship(with Ash) and it's not true. She feels the campaigning is 1(her) against 2(Boogie/Frank). Brit says her opinion may not matter, but she doesn't understand why Jenn has been with her team for 45 days, and they aren't even considering voting for her. Meanwhile, Boogie/Frank on patio want Joe to validate why he chose 'them' if he tells Boogie no. 10:07pm bbt Brit plans to take bath with Dani, Shane plans to run to release some energy. And surprise! Joe plans to tell Frank 'no' the next time he sees him [hasn't he been planning to say 'NO DEAL' for about 10 hours now today?] 10:10pm bbt Shane explains to Jenn his version of saying she was safe is that if Shane didn't win POV, she would still be totally safe. Jenn again tells the story of Mike saying he grossed $9mil at a restaurant. Shane/Jenn bonding over Mike bashing while Joe/Brit listening in HOH. Shane thinks it's a blessing for Mike, since he can go home to his son. Frank/Ashley are now on the patio, Ash eating while Frank reclines. 10:13pm bbt Brit reminds HOH crew that she never mentioned Dan's name when talking to Frank/Mike. Joe feels Mike's main reason for anger is because Dan made a move before Mike was able to make one. 10:17pm bbt Jenn asks Joe what Ashley told him. He says Ash said she is sticking with Frank regardless of vote, wants Joe to vote for Jenn to leave, but not tell so Jenn is blindsided to keep peace until Thur. Jenn questions if someone else is telling Ash what to do? Joe says Mike is in her head. (again) Joe says he is going to give his decision tonight, and it will cause Mike to throw a fit. 10:21pm bbt Joe says he didn't want to tell Jenn, because he felt Jenn/Ash are close, was worried Jenn wouldn't believe him. Jenn says she felt something was up today. 10:24pm bbt Jenn called to DR. Dan joins Shane/Brit/Joe/Dani in HOH. Dan gets filled in about them telling Jenn that Ash is voting against her. 10:25pm bbt Joe: This could get nutty tonight, if Jenn goes after Ashley, and they will know what I used against her, be prepared... I think the 'no' is officially out, because you know Jenn isn't going to hold back. 10:28pm bbt Ash/Frank still on patio, running scenarios of HOH wins and who to target. 10:30pm bbt HOH crew guessing(and I'm hoping that) when Jenn gets out of the DR, she will go right to Ashley and confront her about her vote/lie. Joe asks why was each time Frank was nominated, the house would flip and vote someone else out? And the one time we had him, the game changed and kept him? 10:33pm bbt Jenn out of DR, back in HOH, they welcome her back. Brit points out this is the longest they have/will go without eating takeout/fast food. Dani says she hardly ever eats fast food, she goes to Subway or... Jenn says being on block has turned into a blessing, because she could have been running with them. 10:39pm bbt Jenn says she has tried to get Ian's vote... topic of sushi party/spin the bottle/Shane and Dani's first kiss... Shane says "that was very memoriable, uhhh, memorable that's it!" 10:44pm bbt Frank/Ash on patio still, Franks idea to throw HOH if it's a tiebreaker: I'll put 1, you put 2, so you can't go over and you'll win. Jenn bonding with HOH crew, sharing some of the events of the season with them, she realizes Janelle won't hold a grudge against Jenn after the game ends. Ash goes inside, Frank still on patio, Ian is watching from the hammock. 10:48pm bbt Joe asks Jenn if she plans to talk to Ashley about her vote tonight. Jenn says no she doesn't want to start a fight tonight. 10:50pm bbt Ash finds Brit in K, Ash says 'they are working Joe for votes, working Ash, must feel Brit is a no'. Brit says it will all work itself out. They agree they don't like confrontation. 10:53pm bbt Ash says she doesn't know if 'they' have an elaborate scheme, but she hasn't told them that they have her vote. Brit: you haven't?
  12. 9:57pm bbt Joe is out of the DR, goes to HOH but we get FOTH Jenn/Ash at HT, Jenn felt Brit was sincerely shocked about renom today. 10:00pm bbt HOH view is back, JOe is with Brit/Dan/Dani/Shane, topic is back to Jenn complaining about being nominated, noticing Frank/Boogie are campaigning for votes for Boogie. 10:05pm bbt Brit says Jenn told her she doesn't want to say anything bad about Boogie because he already won this game once. Ash asks Jenn if Ian went upstairs(nope, just inside out of sight). 10:10pm bbt The house is divided along alliance lines: Shane/Dani/Dan/Brit/Joe in HOH, Jenn/Ash on patio, Frank/Boogie last seen doing laps in BY, Ian out of sight. HOH crew trying to decide who is more 'at fault' in the eyes of Frank/Boogie/Jenn. Shane tells Joe 'you went from the worst position last week to a great position. You need to win HOH this week.' Joe says house will burn if he wins... if his blood pressure can take it. 10:15pm bbt Ash finds Ian in the WCA, laying down. BB:Frank, Mike, please put on your microphone. Ian:Microphones. That bugs me, I wish they had a button 'put on your microphones'. I sounds like Frank and Mike share one microphone. Ash begins to read Ian's palm.. oh wow, wow you are going to live a long life. I can tell because I'm trained in this, prosperity, only married one time, no divorces. You're going to have alot of money. Ian:from this show? Ash:I can't tell that. You need to be patient... 3 children. Ian:3? That's 3 more than I want. Ash:2 boys, 1 girl, I can't tell the order. You're going to be happy, as long as you keep your free spirit. 10:20pm bbt Boogie joins Jenn on patio, both surprised Joe is with HOH crew. Jenn remembers when Shane wanted Joe out. Also she's upset with Dani, who tried to talk with her in K. Boogie:there are so many in here to hate. Shane doesn't think you guys will stick together. They think Joe is going to be helpful? All it takes is one HOH and everything changes. It's really just Dan who did this, he's the only one smart enough to do this. Shane is so stupid. [um, what about Ian?] Boogie: Can you imagine being 21, 22, sitting in your small town, looking like he does? Go to Boston and make something of yourself? 10:25pm bbt Frank joins Boogie/Jenn on patio to bash Dan/Dani/Shane/Brit/Joe, who are all in the HOH bashing Frank/Boogie/Jenn. 10:30pm bbt Joe/Shane alone in HOH. Joe is preparing himself for their team to lose one along the way. Shane feels Joe/Brit are in best position, since Shane/Dan/Dani will go before them, that's 3 weeks. Dan has gone outside, but skips the patio and heads over by the pool. Dani follows shortly after. 10:35pm bbt Shane:now I see why people go in the DR and cry and complain. What Willie dealt with was nothing compared to this. Boogie:This parallels real life, I had a falling out with good friends/bartenders. A class action law suit was filed, I told my boys choose a side. 10:40pm bbt 4 feeds of Dan/Dani playing corn hole. A playful arguement insues over the score... Dani:17-15 Dan:17-15, you're winning, I'm losing. Dani:I only need 4 points! (no points scored) Dani:17-15 Dan:17-15? or 18-15? Dani:oh that's right, I'm 18-15. Dan:no, you said 4 points to win, so don't cheat. Dani:I really have 18, no I have 18 Dan:17-15 Dani:it's 18-15 fool! Dan:no, you said you need 4 to win Dani:no, I said I need 3 to win. Dan:no, 4, go Dani:I need 3 to win, I'm 18 Dan! What am I 17 or 18? [more like 7 or 8 hehe] Dan:fine, I'll give you 18, doesn't matter, I'm going to beat you anyways. Dan:all the live feeders at home are going 'she only had 17' [i know!] Dani:fine, I have 17, so be it. Dan:'how could you let her have that extra point?' This is an intense game. (no score on that round) Dani:what's the score? Dan:you have 18, because they wanted to give you the extra point. Dani:you're sitting here saying I'm cheating. (feeds cut back to Frank/Shane/Jenn on patio, then split to Ash/Ian/Brit in WCA) 10:43pm bbt Ian feels bad about taking part in the negative talk this morning, feels bad about his 'mountain bike' comment. Ash disagrees with the idea of jury being bitter, based on her knowledge of watching past seasons[she shows signs of strategy at times!] Ash goes for a snack. 10:45pm bbt [i just noticed Frank/Boogie are both wearing head bands] Ash is back with a bananna, then goes for another, but drops it, so is headed to the SR. Each time she walks out, Ian/Brit whisper. 10:48pm bbt Boogie still working on his questions to ask Joe in hopes of getting his vote. What do you think is going to happen? Do you think they are going to take you to Final 5? Have you thought about the tv thing, because they can't help you with that. Do you think talking to the camera and baking a cheesecake to 700 people on the internet late at night is going to get you somewhere, because I'm in this business. Frank:Let me talk to him a couple times first! [lol]
  13. 8:13am bbt We have FOTH, followed by movement in the BB house! Boogie, Ashley first up, followed by Jenn. 8:30am bbt Boogie on patio talks to himself(and us, about his POV speech?) "A french philosopher had a long quote, I'm going to keep it short, and in english..." Boogie:Dr Will, we have a big one today brother, really wish you had come along, twice as hard as allstars, no where near the finish line, you are certainly glad you stayed home. What a big moment today, come on Shane, swing it my way brother 8:34am bbt Ashley joins Boogie outside, he explains to her this year/time on the block is so different than his other two times on BB. BB2 there was no POV, he went out early, Allstars he cruised to end. 8:36am bbt Ashley says she plays percentages, really thought last week Dan was going. Boogie says it's his fault, he trusted Dan, knew him outside the house, imagine if he did this to us, what he will do to the rest of you? Frank would have done it if I had let him. The downfall was Wil came to HOH and coped an attitude. 8:38am bbt Jenn joins them on patio, Boogie feels if Shane won't put up Dan, there is chance Joe goes up. The 3 rehash Wil last week, coaches twist, decision to keep Dani(and Dan) week 2, Wil's lies 8:44am bbt Jenn says Frank went to talk with Shance late last night. Boogie feels this morning is important, last one to talk with Shane. Boogie says he talked to Dani, tried to work things out with her, said he ended with a thank you for helping with his ear. He shares with Jenn/Ash his suspicion about Dani being a nurse 8:46am bbt Ash asks about Dani's loyalty to Dan. Boogie says his biggest hurdle today is Dani begging Shane not to nominate Dan. 8:48am bbt Boogie:Dan's always going to come up first when people start going at those guys, is probably what's in her mind. If I was her I'd think maybe Dan should go and I can blend into the background, let the bigger people battle. She's going to be a target if she's a duo with Dan, and a duo with Shane. 8:55am bbt Boogie asks Jenn/Ash if they will talk with Shane this morning? Jenn will if opportunity presents, but won't run to HOH, she feels less is more. Boogie says Shane has to feel good he knows how votes will go, he can move on. Jenn:Maybe it's good you put Frank/Mike up together because you found out important info. Boogie says he will reinforce that point with Shane today.
  14. 10:00pm bbt Joe has started a cooking show to explain how to make turkey burgers. Frank/Boogie discuss talking to Shane more to put the target on Dan. 10:10pm bbt FOTH for 15 minutes 10:25pm bbt back from FOTH.. Ian and Shane talking in HoH. Ian doesn't think the PoV will be physical. Shane asks him about the question mark cube and the balls. Frank is also in HoH, says he was the first to see the balls in the kitchen. Shane says he would not open a Pandora's Box. Frank doesn't understand the incentive to have a PB on Friday, too early in the week. Dan also in HoH. Shane says he doesn't know what half the comps are. Dan says it hasn't affected his performance. Shane said he was told to take his shirt off for the beach promo shot. Ian didn't have to. The downstairs group keeps singing and they block all feeds when that happens in case there is audio bleed from one room to another. Downstairs, Joe tells Jenn he is going to use the bacon fat for gravy. Jenn is having a muscle issue and soaked in the hot tub twice. Now she's asked for an adheisive heat pad. 10:33pm bbt Frank/Ian explain the solitary confinment penalty from past seasons to Shane/Dan. 10:38pm bbt Ian leaves HOH, Frank immediately asks Dan/Shane 'what happened to the silent 6 yall?' Dan says he can take the head. Frank says what heat you haven't been on the block! 10:40pm bbt Brit joins HOH. Frank says he will look like an idiot after he blogged so much about the silent 6 this week. Brit is quiet, Frank asks if she needs a hug. Says he can leave if he's causing tension. Shane says no it's fine and offers snacks to Frank, who declines. 10:45pm bbt HOH group is watching Dani/Joe/Ash do pilates/yoga on spy-screen. Dan/Brit are quiet, Frank/Shane making comments. 10:50pm bbt Shane goes to the balcony to watch the exercise class. Joe is mock screaming in pain, Dani keeps 'bullying' him thru the reps. Frank asks Brit if she got bad news in the DR, she seems bummed out. Brit says she is bummed, but he must be too. Frank says he worked so hard to get in here, now working hard to stay. He says he still hasn't voted, and this Thur is day 40.
  15. 8:40am bbt Mike is up on the patio alone. He wants to evict Britney on a double eviction this week. Would like to send her to jury as #1, worst position because you spend the most time there, let the bitterness subside, in time to vote for the best player. He decides to give a mid season scouting report on each of his fellow HGs. Frank: Obviously love him, beast at competitions, loyal, great friend, he's definately been my Dr Will of this season. Ian: Great kid, don't have anything bad to say about him, but in the context of BB, not the best at comps, understand him struggling with physical, but not great at questions. I don't want him in F2 because he's too likeable. He would give a great speech, do good in the Q/A, but don't get me wrong I would do better, just don't want to take that chance. He'll be happy to get to the jury, take the $25k and be happy. 8:46am bbt Jenn:I need to keep her around. She lost Wil, constantly looking for validation/support. Not sure if it's the split house. Mike Boogie can provide that, not cold hearted assasian, I can provide that. That will be a mini-goal for the day. Like Ian, not great with comps. Ashley: Sweet sweet sweet girl, I love her. Horible back injury, and only complained(WBRB) She's just a sweetheart. Would be my dream F2. She's likable, will make it far, Chicken George of my season, so non-threatening in comps down the stretch, did you see her cat technique last night? Not a threat, so got to keep her around. Problem is I have lots to keep. 8:50am bbt Joe: He's been here a few weeks longer than he should be. But I have him right where I want. No one talked to him last week, didn't realize he was safe, Frank/I in understated way made him think we made it happen, a quick look/wink, so he feels loyal to us. He may stab us in the back, but hopeful he's nominated today. Shane: Captain America, he's a beast, won't lie, that's good/bad, I respect him, sick athlete, love his competitive fire, similar to me, haters don't think I'm saying I'm on his level athletically, but mutual competitiveness, frank also, holds value with Shane, he respects the effort. Even though I was crusing to easy cash, I kept running like competing with 100. He will stay loyal if Brit doesn't get to him. Good to line up with him in comps, good chance him, me, frank or Dan will win. And he's a huge target. Of 11 POV/HOH comps, he's won 3 POV, 2 HOH, 5 of 11 comps. Long as he sticks with the plan, long as we are safe, win everything Shane. BUt I don't want him in F4, when he can win his way to the title. If he has 9 wins under his belt in F2, didn't fight with anyone, would be tough to beat him. 8:55am bbt (Mike takes a break for iced coffee) Dani: Nice girl, obvious cast in Jordan role. Game play, I think she's one if you just treat her like a robot or video game. Dan is at the controls, but I grab the joy stick at times. Good competitor, firey, done cheerleading, pagents in the south, so that puts her in warrior status, so competitive for them, but someone I'm not afraid to love along and compete against in the end. Not the strongest, strongest girl with Janelle leave, would have been interesting to see her go against Brit for safety last night. I like her and her position in game, we bonded over the Jani thing, talked about her family, mini-goal for this weekend spend time hearing about her brother/parents, I can tell that means a lot to her, gets long winded but it's worth it. Would Dan choose me over her? 9:00am bbt Brit: I have a love/hate relationship with her. She keeps it real, fun to commiserate with her when having a bad day/hour in here, classic complainer. Sometimes it's too much, she's never happy, even when she's happy. Super cool chick, mature, yet immature. Career woman, married, about to have kids, but then messy, leaving cups around, bit of princess factor like Jani, I expect more of people who are married, have homes. Game play... 9:08am bbt (Feeds go to FOTH) 9:17am bbt (Feeds back) Mike is still talking about Brit: She's the one I trust the least, and bugs me the most in here, with her bad attitude. Dan: I love Dan, great guy, want a life long friendship with him. May be setting up a big play on me, but if he scumbags me, I'll look him in the eye and shake his hand, definately one of the best players in this game, I want to go far with him, but, here's the caviate, he's the one that can go toe to toe with me in the F2. He's likeable, doesn't have the brash cocky thing that can rub people the wrong way, it makes him a tad bit more likeable. He can match me with his final speech, the one thing that HGs use to decide their vote at the end. So there you have it folks, I reserve the right to change my thoughts, give you something to listen to on this Friday morning. Hope you have some great weekend plans. Mine? Not get nominated, maybe win a veto, no real motivation, I'd rather Shane win it. No H/HN comp, so an easy day here. 9:20am bbt
  16. 10:15pm bbt Ian is done playing 'Guess the Former HG' with Dani/Brit. They decided it was boring. Frank won the poker game. Ian's armpits are stinging, now that he is out of the shower after washing the Nair off. Brit asks if he wants her to blow on them, but instead uses the hair dryer on cold setting. 10:25pm bbt Brit/Dani/Ash played their own version of Livefeed police, watching Joe use the WC, then wash hands w/o soap. Now saw him eat mayo from spoon, then put spoon back in the jar. 10:30pm bbt Dan/Frank made a connect 4 game from playdoh. Dan calls it Gravity. 10:35pm bbt Ian called to the DR. Brit asks Ash if BB has been everything she expected, will she miss nights like this? Ash says yes at times. Brit says you'll miss it, want to relive it just for a night. Would like to have an entire cast come back to the house for a night. 10:45pm bbt HGs playing Band/Alphabet game... Beatles, Chicago, Duran Duran, Eagles, etc [how long before this leads to singing and... WBRB FOTH! I knew it!]
  17. 8:30am bbt Boogie is the first/only one up this morning. He is in the WCA putting drops in his ear, then lays down, eventually nodding back off to sleep. [He has told others he has had 5-6 ear infections in his lifetime, but 3 have been from each season he has been in the BB house, all due to comps. The last two seasons he played involved sticking his head in oatmeal, and this week he was submerged in lime-ade]. 9:00am bbt Boogie has his iced coffee and heads to patio for his morning monologue. Shout outs and ear update, it's still throbing. He apologizes for the boring week as far as game play. He does expect it to gear up soon, fast forward and trimming the fat. He wants it on the record, 2 gone by Sunday night, first jury member will be a week from tomorrow. Then admits he could be wrong.
  18. 10:05pm bbt Frank/Dan/Boogie in HOH, Boogie impersonation Ian, but Frank thinks it sounds more like Regis Philbin. 10:10pm bbt Brit/Ash leave HNBR, plan to play badminton, Dan/Boogie leave HOH, HGs are roaming, appear to be heading to BY 10:14pm bbt Brit joke-describes the akwardness in the WCA, where Ashley is preparing for her date, and her ex Ian is washing his hands. 10:17pm bbt Ian joins Boogie/Dan/Dani in the K, says his mom is huge Jani fan and hates Boogie for playing sleazy. Dani thinks everyone in Dan's family hates her now. 10:20pm bbt Ash telling Brit who her booty call is, on patio Joe/Jenn discuss cooking shows and what it means to 'fold' in a recipe. 10:24pm bbt Dan/Ian/Boogie go out to play pool. Shane tells Joe the timer is done, so Joe/Jenn go to K. Ashley waiting for Frank to pick her up for their date. 10:28pm bbt Dan tells Ian "Here's what I'm thinking, to get Ash back, you need to spell out 'Im sorry' in something", like q-tips, towels 10:30pm bbt Brit thinks there's a chance Frank and Ash may 'do it'. Frank comes into WCA to blow dry his hair. 10:35pm bbt all cams on K, Joe agonizing over Avocado cheesecake he made but can't eat. 10:40pm bbt Ash comes to Frank's HOH, who was trying to clean up for the date. He heads to K for glasses, so she waits in his courtyard, at the chess table. Ash says she was early because traffic wasn't bad. They decide to chug the beer. Frank apologizes for not having cable, only 3 channels on his tv. They wish there was a BY channel. CD Frank requested was 3 or 4 on his list, he only knew 2 of the songs. Ash is surprised HOH has a cd player, not an ipod. 10:45pm bbt Frank/Ash date turns to talk about beers, then restaurants in Naples. 10:51pm bbt Frank/Ash discuss Frank being on the block 3 of first 4 weeks. Jenn/Wil/Brit chatting in K. Ash dropped her laptop the day she left for BB, hopes it's ok. 10:55pm bbt Frank/Ash talk Frank's fav tv show, "It's Always Sunny" Wil/Jenn have joined the BY gang, landing on the patio. Frank/Ash working on their bottle of wine.
  19. 4:00pm bbt Ian is out of the shower, Dani is clipping her nails. Yes, it's Tuesday afternoon in the BB house. 4:05pm bbt Dan/Frank in HOH, discussing option of cutting Brit/Shane from Silent 6, getting them out before jury. Frank:Mike does like the idea of him(Shane) winning POVs for us. He did win 1 HOH, but it was more of a crap shoot. Do we want him to make it to final 3 though? Dan asks what Frank's thoughts are on this week? Still Wil? Frank: Absolutely, even today I saw him sitting at lunch with Ashley/Ian, that could be dangerous. 4:10pm bbt I switch to Dani/Brit in the WCA to see if they are talking strategy.... Brit: Finger nails without polish doesn't bother me, but toenails without polish does. Back to Dan/Frank in HOH, Dan feels people are starting to get worn down, they get more emotional, you can start fights, things like the ants, my season a piece of chicken. It creates a reason for someone to be evicted. 4:15pm bbt Frank questions if any from the other side can win a comp. Dan insightfully says you never can discount anyone because it can always happen. Dan reminds Frank that in his season, Dan tried to evict Memphis the first week, then they teamed up in week 4. Being a coach was difficult for Dan, dealing with Kara and Danielle. 4:20pm bbt Dan tells story of going to 3 day Kid Rock concert with Chelsea, first night he was ok, second night was too much. Frank says one night is fine, next day he wants to just sit on the couch and hydrate. Shane/Ian have joined Brit/Dani, discussing(joking about) Brit's negative attitude. The possibility of a Pandora's box suddenly hits Britney: What if someone comes in the house? I look hideous! What if Joann Butler comes?!? Brit starts doing makeup. Shane says he never had seen BB until in sequester. Dan/Frank reliving early days in the house, when Willie confronted Frank. Dan asks if Frank was worried he would get hit. Frank says no, worse case if he does hit me, he goes and I stay in the house. Dan says he was concerned it was going to become a fight. They both agree the headbutt wasn't really all that much. 4:35pm bbt Brit tells Shane/Dani she didn't want first coach's pick, or last coach. [Frank thinks he's still talking to Dan about Willie, I think Dan is playing the BB game]. 4:39pm bbt The IDLD is over. Brit gets excited when Ian says there is a Bocce set outside, but he was joking. They did get new badminton birdies. 4:40pm bbt Brit/Shane head outside, agree Ian has his cake/eating it too, doesn't want to put up Frank/Boogie. Brit: It's annoying, but we need him to keep getting us info. Shane: Do you think he realizes we have a F4 deal? Brit: no Shane/Brit agree Wil is gone, he's a liar, threw them under bus, is wishy-washy. 4:42pm bbt Dani joins Shane/Brit by pool, Brit asks plans for next week if they win HOH. Shane: nominate Ash/Jenn or Joe, see how POV goes. Dani: Joe definately goes up. Not sure who I put beside him. Shane: I'd put up Jenn. Ian comes outside and joins them. In HOH, Frank/Dan reviewing the POV comp order and how Frank ended up in the Spiri-tard. 4:47pm bbt Ian/Shane discuss getting out the floaters next 2 weeks(Jenn/Ash in their eyes). Brit: Good idea, everybody, let's get out the people we can actually beat in competitions. Good strategy... this is the big game that everybody talks every season, get out all the floaters so that it's competitive. Truth is, no one really wants to be with a competitor. 4:50pm bbt Frank heads outside, followed by Dan, and Ian goes to K. Frank/Brit/Dani/Shane/Dan agree if Thurs is fast forward, Joe/Ash are noms, Joe is target. If Joe wins POV, Jenn goes up and gets evicted.
  20. 12:05pm bbt All 4 cams on Brit doing Dani's hair [i guess they are getting fixed up for the HOH camera this afternoon?] Brit's plans for the afternoon, eat slop, shower, nap 12:10pm bbt Hair time is done, it's lunchtime, Wil/Boogie/Jenn chatting on the patio 12:15pm bbt Boogie stops Brit before going in from patio, reminds her to take her dishes/coffee cup with her. After she goes in, Boogie/Jenn think the timing of that was awesome. [HGs have had an ongoing fued of getting people to clean up after themselves] 12:20pm bbt Sandwich making continues in K, on the patio Boogie sharing about co-parenting his child. 12:30pm bbt Joe/Brit are questioning if the scales they use are accurate. Joe checks it by putting a weight on it, but BB voice tells Joe to 'stop it' in a harsh tone. Ashley tells Brit she doesn't like to see Brit using a plastic spatula when cooking, for fear it will harm her (future) baby. Brit says it's silicone. Frank questions if silicone is still plastic? 12:35pm bbt HGs in K compare sub shops, Jimmy John's vs Subway vs Quiznos. Joe demonstrates to Dan how to cut open a pineapple. 12:40pm bbt On patio, Boogie/Jenn/Wil talk about amount of alcohol BB provides, then the annoyance of the food fight. Brit/Joe discuss dental surgery Brit had 8 weeks before coming in the house, and teeth sensitivity issues. 12:45pm bbt Ash joins Brit/Joe, catches end of Brit's story, so she tells it again, fracture lines in her teeth, bonding(or binding) to strengthen them, 5 hour surgery. 12:50pm bbt Frank asking for blog suggestions. Wil says you can't talk about the '-gates', Banana-gate or Zingbot-gate. One suggestion is the ants. Others are Brit not cleaning up after herself, BB bootcamp workouts, and 'dogging on Janelle'. 12:55pm bbt Dani joins Boogie/Jenn/Wil on patio. Boogie says you won't be out here long in those pants, it's too hot. Dani can feel the slop diet affecting her. Brit thought the candy canes would be more enjoyable than they really are.
  21. 10:00pm bbt BY workout continues, In SR, Dani tells Shane that Frank was 50/50 on using the POV to backdoor Dan. She says Wil came down from HOH last night thinking he had made the deal with Frank. Shane says they can talk more later tonight, as Ash comes in the SR. Dan/Ian want to start a game of pool, but the table isn't level since it was last moved for a comp. In the K, Wil/Ash/Jenn share a quick moment of dancing. 10:05pm bbt Dani heads inside to DR, Jenn/Ash join the HGs in the BY, Wil is putting dishes away in the K. 10:07pm bbt Dan's pool shot hits Ian on the hand. It was an accident, but hurt pretty good. 10:15pm bbt Dani is back from DR, Joe is called next. Dan/Ian have settled into their game of pool. 10:20pm bbt Wil is done cleaning the K, joins Jenn/Boogie/Shane/Ash on the patio, all agreeing that Joe cooks but never cleans up the K. Brit/Frank finish their BY run. Wil is called to the DR. 10:25pm bbt Post-workout Brit joins Dani on hammock, wonder who Joe/Wil would put on the block. Joe comes over, asks if he can campaign. Joe shares that last night, Wil came to Joe, said they got Frank to agree to take Joe off the block in exchange for getting out one of Brit/Dani/Shane/Dan, but Joe says he didn't know which one. Joe's pitch is that he is alone, and looking for a home. He is loyal, and Wil is who he is. Joe doesn't believe in what Wil says, they just disagree. 10:30pm bbt Joe tells Brit/Dani his strength isn't in comps, but he has integrity and they can have his vote. Brit says she will definately want to talk later in the week, she will want to feel safe. Joe says he just wanted to lay the ground work, let them know where he stands, that his heart is in it. 10:33pm bbt Joe leaves, Dani says "I knew it, I knew it, Wil is coming after us." Brit says Wil has asked to work with Brit/Shane and also Mike/Boogie. Brit says she believes what Joe said, because she witnessed it last night. She saw Wil come out last night and hug Joe, so she sent Ian to talk with Frank and find out what was going on. 10:37pm bbt Brit says if Frank starts to try to keep Wil, she will explain that Wil try to cut a deal with her. Brit/Dani agree that Wil has to go. Brit says Joe needs to go next week, then Brit says Ian is getting on her nerves, because he won't put up Frank/Boogie if he wins HOH. 10:40pm bbt Frank joins Brit/Dani, they share Joe's campaign speech with Frank. Frank says it's true, he talked to Dan about it this morning. The 3 agree Wil needs to go this week. Brit feels if Joe wins HOH, the Silent 6 could still be safe. Ian joins the trio, and game talk turns to having shiny faces in the DR. 10:45pm bbt Brit asks who Ian is voting out this week? "Whoever anyone else is" Brit:You are such a follower! Talk turns to underwear garments, followed by Brit describing Frank's ideal girl... tall, cool, not too girly, real chill, doesn't put up with him, totally gives it back to him, looks smoking hot, but not always into makeup. 10:50pm bbt Frank said he wanted to wrestle Ian, so suddenly Frank topples off the weight bench he's sitting on and tackles Ian. After a quick wrestle, they go back to where they were.
  22. 10:10am bbt Mike had a dream last night, at Dan's school football game, kid got hurt, real short dream. Dan dreamed he was in hotel, Brit was on top floor, a study hall. Dan was on first, plain white, wearing only boxers, asked guy for directions, the guy took him by thumb and said "you're coming with me" 10:15am bbt Brit/Wil/Frank looking at Jani's b/w wall picture. Ashley called to DR, and WBRB again. Ash has had back pain all morning that BB doesn't want us to know about. HGs aren't allowed to discuss it either. 10:21am bbt Back from WBRB, and Brit decides Wil should not spell his name William, but going forward he should spell it Wilham. "Why 2 Ts in Britney? Exactly, that's why I only have 1!" 10:25am bbt HGs discussing dogs brings WBRB(dogs have to sign waviers too?) They are all sitting around waiting for the H/HN comp. 10:30am bbt Wil tells Brit he thinks she knew the coaches twist to enter the game. Brit says Jani told her about it day 2 or 3, Jani's logic made sense, but Brit had reasons to believe the opposite, based on what she was told in the negotiation phase... WBRB 10:40am bbt 10 minutes of WBRB... 10:44am bbt Back from WBRB finally, Joe/Frank are alone in HOH, joined in conversation... Joe:You can tell that they know[in DR?] I would rather go home, than have to play his kind of game. That's just the way it is, if I'm HOH, that's who I'll be gunning for. And I'm saying that, you might have a deal with him, I'm just being honest, this is who I do not want in the game. [who Joe? Say his name again please! For us.] I can't change that, I've thought about it over night, is it smart to say this, not going to bs you... if Jani said some of the things he said she said, I don't know them [all during Joe talking, Frank is giving yea yea agreement]. Frank:Trust me, I haven't forgotten that he was lying to me and Mike, to our face, just a little over a week ago. It's only been 8 or 9 days. And there are some people in this house whose original plan this last week was me, I haven't forgot that. If you go up, it's only because it's the easiest way to not rock the boat these first few days before the POV. I'm probably going to have to do that, but it doesn't mean you're the person I'm trying to get out. 10:48am bbt Frank continues to tell Joe he doesn't feel Wil is trustworthy at this point. He downplays that Wil voted for him this week, since it was 8-1, Frank had the votes anyway. Joe points out he did save Frank once, and "keep in mind, I'm a loner. Things can look pretty, but it's never bad to have an extra person. I'm resigned to the fact that I can't win BB, due to my age. I'm looking to get to jury and get Wil out." 10:54am bbt Joe ends his campaigning to Frank. Back downstairs, Dan/Mike helping Ashley walk and deal with her back spasms. [Danielle is sitting on the couch looking like A.she wished she had back spasms so everyone would give her the attention, or B.She wished she could offer her own medical advice without revealing her Nurse/Kindergarten teacher lie?]
  23. 10am bbt All HGs are up, doing ADL, most in K/LR, small talk but nothing really to report. Frank did mention 'they' said the comp would be by noon [so expect a H/HN comp in 2 hours?]
  24. 10:19pm bbt Frank's letter from Nana: Oh how I've missed you these past 30 or so days. I love and miss you much. I didn't know I would miss those 7am calls so much! haha! Well let me see, what's new? hmmm Chris is in the Dominican Republic this week on a mission trip, but Daniel and Jonathan are here. It's been unbearably hot and dry. We are in a drought situation, and everyone is coming for feed. So we are busy, busy, busy. We are all so very proud of you. So know that win or lose, you have done an admirable job. I'm going to go for now. Sweetie, remember to mind your manners. Gotta run now, I love you, you precious human being. Nana



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