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Everything posted by georgectv

  1. 8:18pm bbt Judd tells Amanda the boxes contained a BBQ steak cookout, $5,000, and this(the megaphone) (I 'believe' I saw Helen holding the BBQ card outside, meaning Candice won the $5k, but I can't officially confirm that) 8:19pm bbt BB tells Spencer to put on his microphone(seriously? he's talking in a megaphone! lol). Spencer/Amanda laugh over how hard Amanda hit Spencer with the plate when they were joking around after the HOH comp ended. 8:22pm bbt Aaryn joins Spencer/Amanda, saying she is already nervous over the MVP nomination. Amanda says she isn't worried, if the MVP wants to come after her again, after she didn't receive any votes this week, then go ahead, since she has a good idea of who the MVP is...
  2. 8:09pm bbt The house is open again and the HGs are back inside. Lots of random talk about the comp and hugs from everyone for GM. 8:12pm bbt GM tells the other HNs from the week she hopes they are ok with it, but she is going to have 'just a sip' of soda(figuring it's ok for her now, since she was a HN but won the HOH). She goes to the SR to get a 2 liter, followed by Andy/Judd who congratulate her in private. She returns to the kitchen, opens the bottle, then changes her mind, saying if she could wait all week, she can wait until midnight when the other HNs can celebrate with her. 8:15pm bbt Evidently the megaphone that Spencer got when he opened the box has to be used any time he talks. Aaryn clarifies at 8:16:55, Spencer has to talk thru the megaphone until the nomination ceremony.
  3. My unofficial times of the HOH Comp: Julie Chen says the comp starts now at 6:52:13pm bbt Spencer out at 7:22:45pm bbt, 30min 32sec Candice out at 7:22:49pm bbt, 30min 36 sec Helen out at 7:23:05pm bbt, 30min 52 sec Amanda/Elissa out during FISH between 7:23:18-7:24:00pm bbt, 31min 5secs-31min 47secs Andy/Judd out during FISH between 7:26:30-7:27:18pm bbt, 34min 17secs-35min 5 secs Jessie out at 7:47:37pm bbt, 55min 24sec McCrae out at 7:59:33pm bbt, 1hr 7min 20 secs Gina Marie wins HOH!
  4. As soon as the feeds came back from FISH: 10:49:00am bbt F3/4 Helen/Candice in WA, Helen about to shower, thinks tonight is a double eviction... Helen: it's a double eviction Candice: would they tell us that? Helen: ummmm, I don't know, why are they starting it this early? (Helen goes into the shower, then comes back to Candice at the sink) Candice: oh my God this is crazy Helen is getting things from a makeup bag, making it hard to hear her words. She appears to be assuring Candice she is safe in the event of a double eviction tonight. 10:49:25am Helen: I'm going to try to win it. Candice: ok Helen: (whispers something)... she's out the door (Helen gets in the shower, Candice works on her hair in front of the mirror) Candice: Oh God this is crazy... this is too much to do in 15 minutes (BB must have announced during the FISH) Helen: I've only told you that. Candice: ok Judd joins them, Candice tells him she is shaking, already on edge... 10:50:59am bbt Candice: you think it's a double eviction? Judd: He just said it was for the live feeders Candice: oh he said live feeders? No... Helen: oh yea, he said something for the live feeders (and as fate would have it, Helen forgets where she is standing while washing her hair, and does give the live feeders something to see) Candice: I thought he said this was for the live show? He didn't say live feeders, he said live show. (Andy has joined them) Andy: He said live show. He said we have live show stuff in 15 minutes. I think he just means typical stuff. Helen: You don't think we have a double eviction? Andy: Why would we have a double eviction at 11am? Helen: Because the second eviction would be live (and Helen gives the live feeders another nip slip in the shower) Andy: No, I don't know Helen: Andy is like.. Helen... Judd: I don't think we have anything to worry about.
  5. (with all the GREAT coverage here, I feel an important conversation was missed late last night, so I'm doing a quick review...) 2:43-3:26am bbt Howard/Candice/Jessie in cockpit, talking to Jessie about possibility of having 4 votes to evict Amanda(Spencer, GM, Jessie, Andy) 3:26am bbt Jessie agrees to consider the plan, then she leaves and Howard/Candice stay in cockpit discussing when to approach Andy 3:50am bbt F3/4 switch to Jessie/Andy talking, no sound until at first, then.. Andy: If I'm being honest with you, I feel like I would be much safer keeping Amanda... (FISH for 11 seconds) Jessie: I will tell them 'I am too scared, sorry' Andy: Have they talked to Gina Marie or... Jessie: no, everyone's asleep Andy: Will the votes still be 7-1 or 8-0? I want to be with the majority, I don't want to be f'd over. If the votes leaning that way, I want to know, Jessie: Howard made a valid point, that they have been running the ship, and I've been feeling like that lately Andy: But at the same time, if we voted with Howard, Candice and Spencer, where do we fall on that ship either? I feel like we are still low man on the totem pole. Jessie: I agree, that's why I came to you. Andy: I just want us to do the same thing. Jessie: Me too. Ok, I'm going to go play it off, like we never talked. 3:53am bbt Jessie returns to cockpit, to tell Howard/Candice that she is nervous and scared that the plan won't work and the house will find out about her. She agrees that if they can get Andy on board.... 3:57am bbt Jessie leaves... and goes back to Andy... Jessie: Andy, basically they are still pushing, and I was like I don't think it will happen, and they said if they can get Andy's vote, would you? I never said I talked to you. So Howard said he is going to come talk to you in the morning, and he's probably going to ask you, so just drop it and tell him no, They agree, Andy rolls back over and Jessie goes to bed.
  6. 7:20am bbt no surprise... they are still asleep...
  7. 3:06pm bbt Amanda's rebuttal to Howard's speech Amanda: Since we are clearing the air, I know that we had spoken, and I know it was kind of instilled in you by Spencer to throw me under the bus, and he is sitting here and completely denies it and says that you are lying, that he wants you home, but I know that's not the truth. And I appreciate what you're saying Howard, but with that being said as well that you want to self evict, 3 days ago you were sitting there saying that Candice is a cancer on your game, and that from the beginning you can cut her loose to everybody. It's nice of you to say that, but... Howard: To be truthful about what I said, if anybody wanted to get with me, Candice was always with me. If you didn't like that Candice, with one side of the house, I'd say I could bring her with me, or we could play separate game, which me and Candice have talked about that, are we comfortable enough to play separate games? If that was so, that would have been so. if some of you had been comfortable to work with me, I think she would have been on my side. The other day, all I said was I didn't really realize the impact of being connected to someone, and if it's ok, disconnect us and think of us as individuals, that's it. Now adding that extra long part that you just did, that's not that. I'd rather much you vote to evict me than stay here. We aren't playing the game, we are playing a soap opera, that's not why I came here. (Howard, I hate to tell you, but the soap opera IS the game) Amanda: But that is the game, everything that I've said has come from a game stance. So for you to sit here and say that you've had her back from the beginning, that's a lie, and everybody knows it, and for you to sit here, did you not say that Candice is a cancer on your game? Howard: no, I didn't say she's a cancer on my game Amanda: or cancerous to your game Howard: I didn't say she was cancerous to my game Amanda: basically she's not good for your game, and you were gonna say that you were not going to campaign against her, but she doesn't help your game? Howard: I said in this aspect of it right now, it's not helping my game right now, but she is my friend and I ask that you separate the two since we're both on the block, and I'd much rather go home than her. Amanda: You never said that to me. I know you said that to Helen because you don't think you have her vote. But it's also very apparent that you are playing a... you want to go home but you also have a master plan. You also have a secret alliance that's trying to flip the house... Howard: It's not a secret alliance, my game plan and my last wish is that people will vote off their own merit and not be told what to do to feel safe, and that me and Candice can stay, and know that we will be on your side. But know that if not, I'd rather Candice stay. Amanda: But you are sitting here lying to every single person, saying that you want to self evict, when you know that you and Spencer and a couple other people are in an alliance to vote me out last minute and flip the house on McCrae, Helen, and Elissa. Howard: I'm not in an alliance Amanda: You know it's the truth, so don't sit here and play the victim card (Helen gets up and walks inside) Howard: Everybody is in an alliance. So everybody that is in the middle, either you are gonna vote and do what they say to feel safe, or you're gonna stand up. If you're not gonna stand up, I'd rather Candice stay and I go, (Andy gets up and walks inside) and it's gonna be the same story every week. Amanda: And that's, "Keeping it real with Candy". Candice, Did Spencer tell you to go talk to Helen? (everyone is dispersing from the patio now) Candice: Yea, he told me to go talk to her and he was going to try to get you out of the house. Thanks Spencer. If I'm here, you better be holding on to that bar for dear life. Spencer: Anyone else have anything they want to say to me before I go back and finish my nap?
  8. 3:00pm bbt Howard gives a post-meeting speech Howard: I still want to self evict, cause if you ain't going to play this game to compete, and you are gonna use, I understand using a lie here or there, to hide your alliegence to, if you are with a group, but when you've got to stoop to like, maliciously lying, or manipulating people, and then knowing that they're more indians than rather chiefs, and they would rather be safe than play the game, I don't think that's what the game is about. Someone(I think Helen): What are you talking about? Howard: I'd much rather go home than be here and fight for the fact that I'm here, everybody's here on their own merits, so I didn't come all the way, just for a certain group of people to tell the middle people what to do every week, and watch something like this go on, and these same people... whether Candice is on the block or not, everybody left here has their own mind and is willing to fight and be warriors, and I respect that to the utmost. But Jeremy, I think he was immature with some things, and disrespectful, but it's the same disrespect just done in a mean, vile, cynical way. With that being said, it's not just because of Candice, I could probably name 3 or 4 people that are true to theirselves, and will stand up and make their people proud at home, family, wives, kids or whatever. $500 thousand is not gonna make me be vile, vindictive, and bring up lies and say we can be friends, cause we are not gonna be friends, cause my friends wouldn't do that. My friends stand in battle. That's what this game is about, so, I can't play the two face game. I'm truthful, if people come ask me, take off the fricking scary mask, and see that the people that run up to them the fastest but don't want to say it in public, are really the ones that are being vindictive, like that's all I want, so I can't really do this, it's not where I'm from, I'll go home $500,000 richer in here(points to his heart) and my family be proud of me, than to stay here and see how money can change me and be mean and vindictive and make up lies just to get an advantage in the game and compete. If this side wants to go at this side, then cool, we can know that and we can all chill and hang out. I can't even chill and hang out, because I know that at the end of the day, somebody throws something out there, and they wait for you to bite, and whoever is straddling the fence, if they want to feel safe, they are gonna believe it, even if they know it's a lie, then you gotta act funny and think that the person being lied on is funny, when it's you feeling guilty because you know what's not the truth. So I promise you, I like what you(Candice) say, thanks for being real since you've been here, thank you(Spencer) for having my back, thank you(GM) for being who you are, thank you teacher(Andy?), and McCracker, I've got mad respect for you, I felt this game was for you. Everybody else in between, I don't know, all I ask is that you come to me. If not, I don't know, that's just it, who I am, that's my religion, I'll go home like that, richer for it. So if you don't want to compete, if we all want to stay here and do this charade, I'd rather Candice and Amanda stayed, and I'll leave, cause I can't play this charade, I want to come here and play and fight. My family will be proud of me at the end of the day. Other than that, I'd ask that you keep everybody's name out of your mouth, especially if... this is one way to know it's a lie, if they know this, ask for this person to be brought in, then we can talk, but if that ain't the case, then you know something is up with it. Like to me that is common sense, if you aren't going to play with common sense, I would still rather go home. Cause I've watched Big Brother, maybe I'm not as big a fan as some of you all out here, but that's boring to me if the same few people are going to manipulate everybody, that's going to be a boring season, because the same thing is going to happen every week. I want people to fight for the reason you are here, make your people back home proud for who you are, stand up for yourself, and that be it. I don't want to ask any questions, because I know whoever is feeling a certain way about what I'm saying or even what Spencer has said, it happens all the time, that's why I don't say anything, cause when something like this happens, the first person to say anything probably feels a little guilty, or has said something, so please don't say nothing to me, I'm not gonna talk about no game, not until Thursday night, then I'm gonna say the same thing to all of America, I'll go home being me any day. I ain't gonna put anybody on front street because of what I know. Play the game. If 4 people can run the house, that's interesting, or even 5.. I hear the comments, I hear everything. The way I react to stuff wouldn't be civil and probably not christianlike. With that, I have been very quiet and selective about what I've said. That's why I'd rather say it in group setting so you can take it and eat on it however you would like. That's all I've got. (Whew that's all?)
  9. 2:58pm bbt Candice calls a house meeting Candice: ok, um, you know I woke up this morning, and I'm bombarded by people telling me that Spencer is telling everyone that he wants Howie to stay and wants me to leave. You come to me and you tell me that you want to rile an army to get Amanda to go. ok? Spencer: ok Candice: I wish to God it was you sitting up on that block and I wish to God that you keep my g**d*** name out your g**d*** mouth. Spencer: That's a very christian approach to this. Candice: I don't really care. Spencer: I would like for Howard to stay and you to go, absolutely Candice: Thank you. Thank you 100% for being honest, because last night you said you wished she(points to Amanda) choked on her own siliva, and you were riling an army to get her out. Spencer: That's not at all what happened Candice Candice: So stop being an liar. Stop having your name in my mouth, and quit it. Keep it real. If you want me to go, thank you for being completely honest. Spencer: I do want you to go and I want Howard to stay. Candice: Howard has come to you and told you like a man to keep my name, out of your mouth Spencer: And that is exactly what I've done. Candice: Well really? Because you didn't do that today. Spencer: No, I wasn't campaigning against you, in fact if you'd have been out here earlier, I'd said that what happened is Howard has been telling everyone to send him home over you, because he respects you so much, and that's exactly what I said. I said my personal preference would be for you to go and for Howard to stay. Candice: ok, well last night when you pulled me aside in the bathroom and told me you wished that she choked on her siliva... Spencer: That's not what I said at all. Candice: ...and that her f***ing boob would pop out and she would die... Spencer: Her boob would pop out and die? Candice: ...all of this stuff that you are saying, I really need for you to stop lying Spencer: Candice, you are trying to make me look really bad.. Candice: oh I don't have to try honey, everyone knows the true Spencer, so I really wish the real Spencer would please stand up Spencer: That's fine, the real Spencer is here Candice: So that next week if you win HOH I expect to be on the block and I'm cool with that because I'm a for real person, but I'm gonna tell you one more time, keep your name out your mouth. Spencer: ok Candice Candice: If Howie said he would self evict, I'm a woman, I defended Howie because I believe in him, just as I would stand up for anyone else that I believed in in this room, ok? When everybody goes to cast their vote, I hope that everyone uses their own mind in there and their heart. If you want to play the game with me, vote for me. If you want to play with Howie... Spencer: I will be voting to evict you on Thursday Candice: Trust me homey, if you are up there next week, I will glaaadly tell Julie 'I vote to evict the (brownie?) man', ok? Spencer: I'm sure you will Candice: So, further more, if you would like for Amanda to stay, vote for Amanda to stay. Vote with your heart, not because anybody else tells you to, and Howie, I do not want you to self evict. If you want Howie, keep Howie. If you want me, keep me. If we're the two targets, that's fine, but I'm gonna tell you one more time, you have s****ed on me with the mad-hatter situation, you lied and you told Aaryn, you have lied and you have schemed and everybody has seen how you are, so g**d**** if it's a wall you better hang on to that b***** because you are going home next week so help me God. Spencer: That's just fine Candice Candice: Thank you the meeting is adjourned.
  10. 8:30am bbt Still waiting for the morning wake up call. There are no early risers in the BB house this season.
  11. (flashing back while HGs are still sleeping) 1:00am - 1:07am bbt FISH 1:07am bbt F3/4 - Howard/Candice in semi-arguing on patio Candice: I do not regret helping you, I do regret keeping you safe for the past two weeks. Because that is the type of woman I am. Howard: Then why do you keep holding it over my head? I don't regret coming in that room, when I said I wasn't going to mess with a woman in here. I slept on the floor the first two nights. And if I'd had to keep sleeping on the floor, I'd have done that. If they were going to keep talking to you like that, I wanted to keep you as close as possible, no matter how it looks... after that night. So I ask that you stop acting like Helen and holding it over my head. Yes you have helped me the last two weeks. Candice: So you didn't campaign against me today? Howard: If you have something to say, then say it. I asked people to hold us to our own game, and I left it at that. 1:10am bbt F3/4 Jessie/Judd joins Howard/Candice on the patio, and conversation stops. Jessie says she asked BB if they will buy them more cigarettes and take the money out of their stipend. She says their reply was BB would help them try to quit. Candice asks if maybe they would provide them once you are in jury. Jessie thinks it wouldn't be a bad thing if she quit. F1/2 Meanwhile, Amanda/Andy are whispering in cockpit, certain Howard is leaving and Candice will now target Spencer. 1:14am bbt F3/4 In HOH, Aaryn is out of bath, wrapped in towel, talking with Spencer: Spencer: You are someone I can be friends with, it's not good for me if you go. Wait until tomorrow, someone will make up a story, probably conspiring right now that you/I are talking planning to get out Helen, and we'll have to defend ourselves. Aaryn: Also, think about this, I didn't even choose my nominees... Howard's up, and now that you are coming off, I've made a deal with Elissa so I can't put her up, GM is my good friend, and everyone else is helping me, so I have to put Candice up. Do you know how that looks? The only time they've gone up, well Candice went up because of McCrae, but the only time Howard/Candice will be up is because of me, and you know what they've been saying about me, so it looks like that's validating it, because I put both of them up. Spencer: I know, I thought when you were talking about putting up Howard and Candice, you are going to look like the biggest bigot in the world now, because one of them will go home on your watch. Aaryn: Yep, exactly. I can't control that, I came here to play a game. I know what I'm like, my family knows. I already look like one at this point, so put it on my tab. Everyone already thinks I am one, so it doesn't matter any more. Spencer: I know what you're saying. Aaryn: It's like you've already taken that dignity from me so, why not, just go thru with it then, if you're going to put that on me, then... Spencer: Still, Candice going home is a better opportunity for Howard to stay. Aaryn: Please... I want her to go home, I want her to go home... Howard is a good man. Spencer: He is... why is Helen out for him so much? Why is he on the block? Aaryn: I'm not sure it's Helen. Why has everyone been on the block except Andy/McCrae/Judd? I just did what... Spencer: Can I ask who told you to put me up? Aaryn: Amanda... if I go up against Amanda, I go home. If I go up against GM, I go home. Spencer: I was told the best I can hope for is 1st member of jury. 2:06am bbt F1/2 Howard/Helen in the SR(Howard is ready to give up his game for Candice's sake) Howard: By me having a big heart, and stepping in trying to help her with the flipping the bed thing, I knew we'd be tight after that... now, with her speaking for me, and saving me for the past 2 weeks. I can not, will not campaign against her, even saying we are playing 2 separate games is hard.... if feels like and may have been set up to get her to be emotional, even if Spencer's intent was to do that, to use people's good heart... people will use whatever against you... me, as a man, morally, unless it behoves you and moves you to pull Aaryn's chain to put up someone that doesn't matter... I'd rather if she's gonna put up Candice, I would ask you as a friend to get everyone to vote me out. If you aren't ready to send Amanda home, then by the power that is vested in you, I'd rather you send me home, I'd feel much richer, she's the only woman to stand up for me. I'll tell everyone to do that if it's what is the situation. It's hard to play the game with a big heart, when you are friendly and courageous for the one's you like. I can't stay here knowing she is the one that took up for me... I will walk out the door happily Helen: ok, I mean.. (and like magic, Andy comes in looking for food in the fridge.. then leaves) Helen: I want you to know something... any puppettering or pulling strings going on... I love you/Spencer as a person, this isn't just me, it's alot of people, even if I could switch a few, I don't think I can switch enough... Howard: that's fine... if Candice does go up, I'm asking everyone to vote me out, if people are scared to vote Amanda out, I understand that... 7:15am bbt All HGs still sleeping... 8:20am bbt BB sends us to WBRB, may be time to wake the HGs for the day!
  12. 11:45pm BBT GM asked Aaryn if Candice would be nominated. Aaryn says no, her plan at this time is to honor her deal with Helen and nominate Howard and Spencer.
  13. 1:30pm bbt Jeremy/McCrae/Amanda playing pool, Howard/Candice, Aaryn/Kaitlin somehow sharing the patio lounge area 1:35pm bbt Kaitlin goes inside to check on pizza that is cooking, Aaryn and Candice share in their dislike for the smells in the house Aaryn: it's going to be a boring 3 or 4 days, until anything else happens 1:42pm bbt Jessie/Helen have joined the HGs outside, Jessie sharing a story about meeting Lance Armstrong. 1:47pm bbt Jessie still sharing stories with Helen, tells about friend Matt 'just being named CEO of his company, well a company. He also works with his dad, at Northco'. Helen says Brad Womack from The Bachelor is also from Austin. When Helen says Brad did not end up marrying the final girl, Jessie says she'd be willing to date Brad. 1:50pm bbt Jeremy/Kaitlin are in kitchen eating, leaving Aaryn alone with on patio with Candice/Jessie. Candice is (again) explaining the boys alliance to Aaryn. They are promoting the idea of a girls alliance. Aaryn admits she's been working on her relationship with Elissa, stating it's been hard, because the only conversations had been snide. Judd joins them. Jessie says she feels Jeremy was only loyal to himself.
  14. 12:34pm bbt Pool 'conversation', Jeremy, Candice, Amanda discussing MC, the game, along with Aaryn & Kaitlin present Jeremy(standing in pool): my mom told me and all my best friends said, Jeremy you gotta lay low at the beginning, you can't win anything Amanda(laying on chaise): It's hard though Jeremy: I told them I'm not a loser and it's just way too hard to throw stuff and not be me, it is what it is, if I go out, I go out with a blaze of glory and my head held high. Candice(laying on towel): I'm just upset because you all were using me as a vote Jeremy: I didn't say anything to you Candice: Spencer did Jeremy: and I voted for David still, to stay(he did actually do this) Candice: Jeremy, you did not vote for David Jeremy: When you get home, will you call me and apologize for that? Cause you are gonna see. Candice: You couldn't have possibly voted for him Jeremy: I swear on everything Candice: If I did, then that means GM didn't, and we know she did Jeremy: Nick didn't, it was me, Kaitlin, GM, Aaryn, and you, that's 5 Candice: well why did Spencer tell me to do that? Jeremy: Spencer will tell you right now that I voted for David to stay. Amanda: Candice, were you the one that told Jeremy that I was the one who told... um... Candice: no, not at all Jeremy: You are fibbing through your teeth Candice(sitting up on towel, feet in the pool): look me in my eye, and lie on me one more time Jeremy! Jeremy: You are fibbing through your teeth Candice: Kaitlin, did I say that in the room? Jeremy: You are fibbing through your teeth Candice(standing in the pool now, face to face with Jeremy): Look me in my eye, I do not lie about... Jeremy: You are fibbing through your teeth Candice(crosses past Jeremy to approach other side of pool) Jeremy(now behind Candice, hands behind his back in a non-confrontational pose): look at me, you are fibbing through your teeth Candice(back to Jeremy, now addressing Amanda/Kaitlin/Aaryn): When I came up to the room, who did I say y'all should put up? The one person that I said you all should put up, on the block, when y'all two were in the room and you questioned me? What did I say about Amanda and McCrae? Jeremy: We're not talking about the time in the HOH room Candice: That's the only time I ever talked to you guys together Aaryn(now sitting forward on her chaise): who did you say to put up? Candice: The one person I said to put up? Did I throw Amanda and McCrae under the bus? Jeremy: You threw Amanda's out there for sure Aaryn: no Candice: No, thank you Jeremy: I'm not talking about the time we were in the HOH room when we were talking with Aaryn Candice: I said you should put up Nick Jeremy: You can pick another time hahaha Candice: (to former HOH Aaryn)and the reason why I said you should put up Nick, is because I wanted to show you that Jeremy was working with him, (speaking to Kaitlin) but I couldn't come and tell you that, because you were sleeping with the enemy. I wanted to tell you there was a boys alliance, remember when I came and said, someone on your side isn't really on your side? Kaitlin: yea Candice(turns to Jeremy): and I didn't say anything about Amanda and McCrae Jeremy: so we only talked once? Candice: if there's one thing I am, it's a loyal person boo, and you're not about to lie to me Jeremy: I just said it, calm down Aaryn: I don't remember if that's the conversation with just me and Kaitlin Candice(exits the pool, returns to her towel) Jeremy: that's ok, don't get upset Candice(laying back down): that's why you'll be playing the game from outside the house, boo.... Jeremy: you'll be gone soon too... I know what happened, I'm not the one getting all upset Candice: because I don't like being called a liar Jeremy: because you just got called out and you know it Candice(sitting back up again): called out about what? Jeremy: You just got called out Candice: she just said that I didn't throw them under the bus! So I had a secret conversation with you? So shut up! (lays back down) Jeremy: it wasn't secret... good luck, lie again Candice: one thing I am is loyal Jeremy: and lying obviously Candice: no one was loyal to you, that's why you are going (sing song voice) 'out the door' Amanda(finishing the question she never really got to ask): I was told that I was the one that started the alliance to get out David, that's what I was told. Jeremy: you started the movement, that's what was said Candice: yea, says the person who is on the block Jeremy: the only reason you were taken off the block(week 1) was because he knew that you would go up again, which is why you'll be going home soon. I'll be going because I'm a champ, and you'll be going because you can't keep your emotions in check.... 12:38pm bbt
  15. 12:24pm bbt Helen/Andy in HOH, discussing Jeremy's attitude in the game, and the change in his attitude so far this week Andy: I do think that he knows it's no one's fault but his own. Helen(speaking to the camera, to Jeremy's mom): Sorry, Jeremy's mom, he's gonna go, I know you love this show, I wish we could have kept him here, but he made his bed and he has to lay in it. Hopefully he will see his ways and how they harmed the folks in this house. We forgive him, we are going to move on. After the game hopefully he will treat us with respect, and we will treat him with respect. (She blows a kiss to the camera). Enjoy the rest of the season.
  16. 9:50am bbt Helen tells Candice about her talk with Kaitlin Helen: I'll tell you this, people wanted me to put up Howard, Aaryn and Howard. I didn't because I wasn't comfortable without telling you/Elissa first. Also because I hadn't talked with Spencer first, and I felt they were equally culpable, and so why one and not the other? They would both have to go on the block, but I didn't know if Elissa would put the third on the block. I know a lot were upset with me that it wasn't Howard. If it had been Howard, he would have used it(POV, if he had won) and then I wouldn't be in this situation, but hopefully she(Kait) will(use the POV on herself) and it won't matter. Otherwise, the house will blame me for not putting up Howard. So, I've had to make some deals with her, because it would be my fault if Jeremy didn't go out, I could just see it. But if Jeremy goes out, they won't care. I think it's kind of symbolic that he goes out on my HOH and Elissa's MVP. I've been told about the things he's said about me, and he says it's his age, being 22, but it's narcissism, and a personality deficiency. I feel bad for his mom, with this being her favorite show, and her son acting so poorly. Candice: I hear what you are saying about Kaitlin, but last night she was still talking about how if she wins HOH, what it was going to be like up stairs, a party and they will all be together again. Just want you to know they are still all clicked up Helen: well that's interesting Candice: She's still hooked up with Aaryn Helen: well I'll tell you this, she told me she was going to be nice to Aaryn until she walked out the door. She didn't feel right leaving her alone. So maybe that was part of it in the back of her head. GM... I like her, but people want her out, she's a lot of fun, but I'm going to do what people in the house want. When Nick walked out the door, that was her worse move, the way she acted towards everyone. I've never seen Judd so upset, she dug herself in a little there Candice: she's milking that a little bit, she can't possibly be that.. carrying his hat around for the camera, it's symathy Helen: I'm thinking of using her as a pawn the next few weeks, unless she wins HOH Candice: if Aaryn wins, she's coming after me Helen; last night when we were going to do make up and you were in DR, Gina asked if we should wait for you, so...
  17. 9:44am bbt Helen/Kait in HOH, Helen gives Kaitlin a pep talk leading in to POV ceremony Helen: This is huge for the house, and I'll tell you, I've talked to everyone, saying you are safe the next few weeks, or we are MVPing them out of the house, I've talked to Elissa, you are safe, I don't even want Kaitlin on the block, some have said what if we need to use her as a pawn? If numbers go down that is fine, but we can't vote her out. You have me, Candy, Elissa on your side. Andy/Elissa almost won that POV. We have people that are strong physically, mentally, and are very loyal, so you have that in your back pocket. Do this for us, and we will do this for you. I owe you, I have your back, as much as I can, as long as I'm in this house. I was gonna have this whole spiel, but I'm going to be respectful, Jeremy take your seat. I want you to understand, I know you care for him, if he is the one for you, he will be here at the end of the game. The game won't be here if you don't do this. Your game has gone exponentially in your favor. The one thing I haven't done yet is lie, I told Jessie to vote Nick out, I told her if she didn't vote with us, she would be the next one out. Now Spencer/Howard are on our list. I want you to host a nail party with me up here. This is your HOH as well, this is defining the next few weeks. I love you.
  18. 9:38am bbt Kaitlin joins Amanda/Andy/Spencer/McCrae, they all compliment her on how nice she looks. She tells them story of Kait/Elissa related to Elissa seeing Kait's perfume bottle: Elissa: is that what that perfume smells like? I don't like it. Kaitlin: Really? I do. Elissa: Oh, is it yours? Kaitlin: Yea Elissa: Oh it smells good on you! (all laugh) Kaitlin: way to put your foot in your mouth! Amanda: At least she tried!
  19. 9:12am bbt Gina tells about a guy named Matt who won Mr Toronto. Others ask how Matt will feel about her/Nick? GM: Well since I didn't hook up with Nick, but I guess since he sees that I like him, I don't know how he's gonna react. Which, me and Matt we weren't like really 'together together', so I don't really know what to expect from him. Elisa: You were just friends? GM: We were a little more than friends, dating/dating Candice: like lovers? GM: yea, if it was more, obviously I wouldn't be with Nick, so it wasn't like official, we just kinda hung out, you know? But I did meet his family, they were pretty cool.. if it was more serious... Jessie: if he had put a ring on it GM:(laughs) well kinda but Elissa: how long were you together GM: just a few months Elissa: that's what you gotta say, if you like me, you gotta put a ring on it, or you are gonna move on to the professional roller blader Candice: rollerbladed to your heart (they are all doing hair/makeup in good moods, having a good laugh about GM and her relationship) 9:15am bbt Candice says how she can't believe she figured out the MC. Gina feels she should have figured out why Nick would disappear at times in the house, it was to meet up with the MC! Gina shares about figuring out an ex was cheating on her, then realizes today is his birthday... "Happy Birthday you piece of *&S%" and she laughs...
  20. 9:03am bbt Amanda's imitation of Gina explaining how her/Nick knowing each other in the house is equivalent to 6 months to a year outside the house... "Everyday we are in here is 24 hours, 7 days a week... 3000 seconds, carry the 2, divide it by 4, multiply that by the big size of my heart, that's like 6 months to a year I've known Nick!"
  21. 7:30am bbt I see 4 cams of sleeping HGs... 8:15am bbt we have fishes... it may be wake up time in the house... 8:30am bbt Feeds are back and the HGs are up! F1/2 Helen/Elissa in HOH discussing what Helen will say in the POV ceremony ("Jeremy, take a seat"). Helen feels Kaitlin is working with them, so she isn't going to make a big show out of the POV ceremony/putting Jeremy up. Elissa comments how odd it is to see a cd player. F3/4 Judd/Andy are on patio talking. Judd says a girl told him "there are a lot of things you've said that I've caught on to". Judd isn't sure what she means by that. "I told her I'm going to bed... it's creepy".
  22. 3:08pm bbt Howard/Helen in HOH Helen: I know that comp sucked for you... How: I ain't gonna lie, I wanted Aaryn to be a HNot, but I didn't know what to do. At the end of the day, it became personal Helen: Be truthful with me, why did Spencer want me to put up Amanda as the replacement nom for Jeremy? You said you talked to him about it.. How: I don't know if it was out of fear, if they say we are cool... I was poloticing to get Nick out, I don't know lots about Amanda... when I heard her name come out of her mouth Helen: Nick is a strong player... when did Spencer want Amanda? The whole point of this group, is to go after the other side, why not GIna or Kait? I'm not stupid. Someone is lying to me. I'm going to talk to Spencer, I'm interested to see what he's going to say How: I can't speak for Spencer, I'm not going to lie to you, maybe he was scared Helen: there's nothing else you are hiding? How: Spencer thought she was coming after her for personal stuff, redneck bigot, so they got together and I thought squashed it, I don't want shadiness. Helen: I really want to trust you guys, but something doesn't hold up. Tell me about the vote, why wasn't it 8-3? How: I know the day before Judd was 50-50, maybe they got to him, Kaitlin has a heart, maybe this is 50-50, I said I'm all in, Helen: Why was the vote not 8-3? How: Jessie was back and forth with it. I know right before the vote, Jeremy talked with McCrae. I know Amanda/McCrae tried to cut a deal. Other than that, I don't really know. Helen: it's fishy, that vote, I'm sorry to dwell on it, but there's a mole, so I can't talk to anyone How: I'm a psychology major, when people stop talking to me... I told 5 people, Elissa, Judd, Candice, McCrae, just win it cause I want them to be HNots, I don't want to be ugly, but it felt so good throwing stuff in Aaryn's face... a lot of stuff she's said, I tried that, but I really really know if the focus is on the 4th vote, that's all they've got going for them cause the focus isn't them. If you ask me who to put up... get those people up, maybe the mole will come out. Helen: I think everyone knows the target is Jeremy... How: I know he is loyal to Kaitlin and Aaryn.. Helen: I won't put up Gina, I like her How: she's the only one who came in, wanted to talk 1 on 1 last night. I don't like some of her comments, but it's not as vidicitive as Aaryn and Jeremy. I'm doing all I can to not lose it personally. If being around Spencer makes me look shady. I get a different feeling with him vs Jeremy or Nick. We are all on one side. If he's looking bad, I don't want it to make me look bad. Helen: well, he's making you look bad, so just be careful. He talks lots of game with Jeremy, but not with me, so I'm telling you something is up. How: I want to defend myself. It's hard being truthful. I really want to play this game with dignity, whoever I align with, the cards will fall as they may. The MVP vote makes all the sense in the world. Let's do it, I'll be down. Helen: I'll tell you, you aren't my target, I may need you, you need to trust me. How: You need to trust me. Helen: Until someone confesses about that vote, I can't trust anyone. I hope whoever did it feels bad, because we didn't need that vote, it was stupidest play whoever did that. How: I have my opinion, I'm not a hater Helen: I'm not a hater either, but someone is lying to me. You say I can trust you, Spencer, Andy, Judd McCrae all say I can trust them, but you know, someone didn't vote right How: I'm with you, and I'm getting closer to Candice, of course I want to protect the women close to me. I don't think it's Candice, Andy, Judd, but Spence, I don't know, this could be good/bad for me, cause he's the only one that has talked to me consistently. I'd don't know about McCrae or Amanda. Helen: it's not them, because they are 2 people. Just know you aren't the target, I've got bigger fish to fry, but I want to figure out this vote. Jeremy may be my new best friend, that's all I'm saying, I want to further myself in this game, I don't want to be duped. How: You and Elissa, Me and Howard are the two oldest guys, I think we can run with that, with trust, I don't want this to be a scapegoat for them, this is all they have. Who ever it is, the focus needs to stay on who we want to get out. But if your focus get's off of that, it's game on. with you being up here, I'm comfortable... my thing is I'll be the same person, I run with you every morning... I'm in. Helen: when there is a wierd vote, I need to know, someone is going to tell me eventually, the votes can't be off by 1 How: are you a forgiving person if this person... Helen: of course, so I'm going to give Spencer a shot How: ok, the thing is.... Helen: I need to give other people time to talk.. there's something going on... 3:28pm bbt Helen heads to the HOH door, Howard gets up, takes her into the HOH bathroom, closes the door How: this is a guy telling the truth, once I knew Jessie was gonna vote, and Judd was, and Spencer was gonna vote, I stopped trusting him too, cause I saw him hanging with Jeremy/Nick. Spencer promised me he would vote for him, he promised he would run with it. I didn't know about Amanda/McCrae, they said they wanted to get Nick out. I said to myself, if there is a 4th vote, maybe I can sway the HOH on our side, to be like, that's who did it, cause I feel like Amanda is after me. Helen: so you were the 4th vote? How: yea, I did it Helen: thank you for admitting that How:I want to apologize, if this gets me sent home, that's my only lie to you Helen: that's a big lie (helen starts to cry) I trusted you... What did Spencer have to do with this? How: He didn't.. I thought I could use it against Amanda, I felt she was after me, cause she thinks way way ahead. that's the God's honest truth, but I'm loyal to you. Helen: Thank you for telling me the truth, I'm so disappointed... were you working with Nick? How: No, I wasn't working with no one. This has nothing to do with them Helen: didn't you think we would look at the votes and question it? How: I thought I could come in and not lie.. Helen: then why did Spencer... How: It was all me, I'll take the brunt for it, I don't like them.. I trust you Helen: thank you for telling me the truth.. The vote could have gone the other way... How: once I found out where everybody really was.. I questioned Jess, I had no question about her, McC, I trusted him... Only other one I questioned was Judd, he said he was 50/50.. I know the man I am... Helen: Explain the first vote, who voted from the other side? How: I don't know. That was a smart vote for me Helen: If I forgive you, realize this is huge, cause I could evict you for lying to me... you promise? Will you tell me about one other thing you were involved in? There's one more thing... How: I don't have anything else to tell, but you tell me what you've heard. Helen: I've heard there was a guys alliance, you, Sp, Jerm, Nick, and McC How: There was no guys alliance, because they couldn't trust each other, they didn't like Jeremy, I wanted to work about McC... I've been hearing about that, that's not a problem, this is the only thing I've lied about. Helen: Then you should vote with the house, then get HOH and put Amanda up, because now I don't trust you. Let me tell you, it is going to take a lot not to tell Candice that, she's going to be so disappointed. How: I'll tell her myself Helen: you don't need to, I won't tell her, just don't lie again, I feel so duped How: I was only going to do it if Elissa was safe... because I'd heard Amanda say stuff Helen: I don't want you to ruin your game How: right now I feel like an outcast... Helen: I could feel it, you and Spencer were all jumpy yesterday, you guys were not normal. How: I really want them out, so we can just game play... there wasn't a guys alliance, this is the one lie I told. Helen: Maybe you weren't in it.. maybe I just put you in it, it was just the other 4 How: are you serious? Helen: don't tell anybody about it... I will drop talking about the vote. I'm not going to ruin your game. I can forgive you and move on in the game. You owe me one now though How: I will always owe you because I'm with you... Helen: I wanted you to be honest with me, and I appreciate it. How: I couldn't even pray, and now I'm getting close to Candice, I'm a horrible liar. Everyone is coming after everyone, when I had a reason to do something, I thought Elissa is safe... just like this POV comp. 3:38pm bbt Helen: Ok, let me talk, I need someone from our side to play POV, so we can backdoor Jeremy. I don't want to put Jeremy on the block, last time we put him up and he won. I need one from our side, if I put Kaitlin and Aaryn up, they will both take themselves off... I don't want to put up Gina.. If Jeremy's chip is picked and wins POV, then Aaryn goes home with the votes. How: Everybody is cool, I worked my but off with the swing votes, I'm sorry to my mom and pastor for lying like that, but it won't happen again. Please let me tell Candice cause I'm getting close to her Helen: ok, tell her but no one else, I don't want it to ruin your game. How: What ever you want to do, I'm down when that, I'm all alone here. What you said about the guys, that's a lot of guys trying to do damage, if it's all but me... that's up to you all Helen: ok, Howard you are strong, Elissa can't win a POV, looking at who is on our side, I'm looking at you or McCrae, I need someone to win POV to backdoor Jeremy. If you stay on the block, Aaryn goes home. How: This is my thing, if you put up someone from our side... Gina cried all last night, but if she gets a win, she'll be right back to disrespectful. If you put someone from our side, it could cause turmoil? Helen: End of the week, I want Aaryn/Jeremy on the block How: It's scary to me, cause you are mad at me Helen: I'm not mad, I'm moving on, you told me the truth. I need someone who can play hard in POV, you or McCrae, you aren't going home.... How: I would like for it to not be me, and be McCrae, I really do trust you, that's why I'm telling you the truth. I'd rather it be McCrae, cause there is a sliver of a doubt. Helen: You are in this alliance with us. We have wanted to get Jeremy/Aaryn out, I will tell Aaryn she is a pawn. Had I found out you were lying to me, I would have put you up, but you told me the truth. I'll make a deal with Kaitlin to pull her off, or pull you off. How: I know you can be emotional, but if you have a doubt, ask me, ask me in front of the house. After last night, I really don't have words for anyone else. I just hope what ever happens, come to me, don't believe other stuff Helen: Howard, no one can say things that will upset me about you, I will come to you, you told me about the vote... you are either with me or you are not. How: I want to play the game and be the same man that I am. 3:49pm bbt
  23. 2:48pm bbt Amanda/McCrae with Helen in HOH They agree Aaryn/Howard are 2 good nominees Amanda: we need it to be someone that is strong, and that will use it if they win McC: only thing is if we put up Howard, will it upset Candice? Amanda: I talked to Candice yesterday, asked if Howard is in boys alliance, and she flipped on me. Helen: She was in shower when Jeremy shared with me, so Candice heard, she had a feeling it was Sp/Jerm/How/Nick. More talk about Howard vs Spencer going up, because Helen is so upset that Spencer was trying to get Amanda nominated last week. Helen: Who is the right 3rd person? Amanda: Kaitlin, Spencer? because they are traitors? McC: they are scared Amanda: if Jeremy won and didn't play the veto? Helen: we get rid of Aaryn, and make Howard loyal Amanda: nom Aaryn and Howard... we want to take one off the block and put up Jeremy... Aaryn, Howard, and Spencer, or put up Kaitlin? McC: if she said to go up as a pawn? Helen: Aaryn, Howard and Kaitlin as MVP vote? She would use it on herself if she won POV Amanda: We should tell Aaryn that Jeremy voted to evict David. Helen: I'm not going to tell Howard anything but I need you to play POV because you are strong. Amanda: So tell him Aaryn and Kaitlin, surprise him with the key, tell him the reason is you want him to win veto. Don't tell him so he doesn't freak out. MVP puts up Kaitlin, since she agreed to be a pawn. Helen: I can't believe how deceitful How/Sp were. Do you know how much in DR I've said I trust them? I'm going to let Aaryn come up and tell her she's the pawn. I want this to be shocking, no one tell Howard. I just learned every secret. Yesterday Jeremy said there is stuff going on that you don't know, but he literally spilled the beans. Amanda: The night he was screaming at you, we can't forget that Helen: oh I know, I want him to think he is safe. Amanda: Howard has said he is throwing comps, so he will have to play hard. Worse case is Aaryn or Jeremy goes home. Helen: If Jeremy won POV and took Aaryn off the block, Spencer goes home Amanda: no, Howard, he's too strong. He's the one that pitted the two alliances against each other McC: thank goodness for Judd, I kept telling him, I was so worried Helen: McCrae, it's ok, you voted the right way McC: we all came to play the game Amanda: Candice is dangerous, you can't let her know anything, because he is manipulating her too McC: Howard did not vote with us, we know that he is lying Helen: there is no annimosity between us. Howard is the one, McCrae you have always voted right. Amanda: How/Sp sat down and strategically decided to vote Helen: I knew immediately, I knew Jess was solid, she studied with me all night long, she never flinched. They were so shady, to think they were lying to me all along. Amanda: I wouldn't be surprised if Howard came in and said you two are different, asian and black, he swore on his bible.... Helen: are you guys going to share this with Elissa? I think we should wait? She's going to ask why Howard? Amanda: When everyone made you a target, I came to you and told you...we are solid, I trust you guys, Andy and Judd, they are solid, we can get to final 5.
  24. 2:35pm bbt Kaitlin/Helen in HOH Kait asks to say her peace first: I am starting to realize that Aaryn is the root of the issues, bringing out my bad side, I'm not catty. Helen: I remember you made a gesture when Jeremy came after me. Kait: I'm guilty by association Helen: You can play this game by yourself. I would love you to work with me. I know you are working with Jeremy, We have mad respect for each other's game play. I told him I'm thinking of putting you up as a pawn. If you come over to the light, I saw how close you were to winning HOH, I was happy to see that, playing for yourself to win, I felt bad for you, you had to study, I respect that. So I told Jeremy, I won't lie, it's an option. I talked to Andy, he loves you, if I don't put you up, you can thank Andy. I won't back door you, and I would like the same from you. I wanted to protect Aaryn also, but after last night... it was a strange vote, people were lied to.. think about it, 2 strong players have left, it leaves the game open for people like you me and Andy. I'll give Jeremy credit, he came up and told me things, he's trying to make up for the past. But I need to know if I protect you, you'll protect me. Kait: 100%... it would almost be better for me to go up as a pawn, I hate to say that.. Helen: after last night, everyone is saying put her up. Kait: I've been loyal to her since day 2, I'm a loyal person(starts to cry) Helen: Jessie saw the light, you can too... you can trust Andy Kait: I get everybody's perspective in this house, that's why I'm mad at this catty highschool... Helen: and you see it, God bless Kaitlin. Aaryn's antics, over the racial slurs and the bed, the whole house is like, please, she's upsetting everyone Kait: she's upsetting me too Helen: You were going to be the pawn, never the target, but you aren't going home Kait: it would almost be better for me to be the pawn, so I don't have to vote, and I could play for pov. Helen: I want to see how loyal Jeremy can be to me. Kait: She exaggerates so much, I only hear one side of the story, I have too big of a heart, it's starting to get difficult. Helen: I appreciate that. If you want to go up as a pawn so you don't have to vote her out.. Kait: Obviously I don't want to go up... I feel bad because Elissa came to me wanting to work with me, and I didn't know the house was going that way. I think it's rediculous that the house talks so much, I admit I've fallen into the black hole also Helen: But you can change that. Last night wasn't the night for her to cause so much commotion. It broke my heart. (Candice has been called to DR, comes in to get clothes, then leaves) Helen: I will tell you, you will NOT be the one going home. I have 4 people in the game before... and Andy loves you, if you want to come over to my and Andy, you can still be friends with... Kait: I told him last night, he should make a proposition to work with Andy... and I haven't gotten to know you yet. Helen: there are people here I am loyal to... if I put you up and you win pov/come down... just know you are Pawn with a capital P.. Kait: I trust you They hug and Kait leaves.
  25. 2:30pm bbt Helen McCrae meet in HOH, Helen says she trusts McC, glad he exposed MC before Jeremy told Helen about it. They go over the votes, McCrae shares that Spencer/Howard worked together to split their votes this week. McC: I'm thinking nominate Aaryn, Howard, and Spencer, and backdoor Jeremy. Helen: What if I put up Aaryn and Spencer, or Aaryn and Howard? And the third one is the other one? McC: That would be great, they think I'm the dumbest kid? Helen: Who would be better, less likely to come after us if we backdoor Jeremy? McC: It kind of doesn't matter. Helen: You know the first week, a huge alliance some will fall by the wayside. I knew if we got rid of Elissa, we wouldn't still have the numbers, because people would turn.



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