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Everything posted by pinkie

  1. I don't believe that that was what Ivgal was saying at all ignorant doesn't always mean uneducated ig
  2. Same thing last year, Enzo went out during the live broadcast
  3. Why does it bother you so much that you believe Jordan is slow, why is that a point of scorn from you, why do you use it as a reason to not like her??
  4. I know Sugar, the haters will always find something to hate on
  5. No thank you, I played an online version, and believe me that was quite enough PS I can't tell if that was a compliment or a criticism of what I said
  6. So you would just lay down and not even put up a fight when it happens??? Not even a last ditch effort? You have no idea how you would actually feel or act in the house, none of us do, I know I would fight til I was sent packing, and yes you better believe that I would think that I deserved to win and if I could convince someone to keep me whether they should or not, you better believe I'm going to freaking try. It's called playing the damn game....never lie down and give up til your sent out the door Oh and you never said a thing about being surprised, you said that her convo with Adam proved her sense of entitlement, I just disagreed that's all
  7. Marty have to sa I never saw you do a dang thing to deserve a warning level of any sort

  8. How is it entitlement to expect that your alliance stick by you, I just don't understand how you all expect people to act, I guess you would all lie down and tell your alliance " ok no problem, I'll just bend over while you screw me over"
  9. No one is trying to shove anyone down anyone's throat, I couldn't care less if people like them or not, just stating my opinion, as the haters, who try so tirelessly to convince us that we should hate them do too
  10. That is the most awesomest thing EVER, New respect for Adam
  11. Kablabber needs to go home!!!!! Make it happen Adam
  12. Don't hurt yourself to badly there Kalia, it would be a shame if you hurt your eating arm!!!
  13. Yes she does well when she doesn't have to move, that's why I want her gone first, then porko
  14. Bwahahahaha I'm hoping POV is OTEV, Kalia don't do well in physical comps
  15. You're on fire tonight Fatcat!!!!

  16. Pretty sure the fireworks will be between Dani and Jeff, not Brendon and Jeff.... heck it might even be from Brendon and Dani... who knows...
  17. HAHA you cracked me up tonight!!!



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