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Everything posted by Mendes56

  1. Janelle and Ashlea telling Kaysar that Ivette and Beau are together and are fooling everyone. Kaysar is dumbfounded, keeps saying "Oh shit, this is the fucking twist". Howie joins the group and they have to spell it out for him as he goes into his dumb act. Both girls give up a lot of information. Ash and Jan are trying to get Howie and Kaysar to get rid of Eric or Ivette or Beau. Ash wants them to go after Ivette, Jan wants them to go after Eric.
  2. Lockdown over, everyone inside except Kaysar and Janelle still talking on the hammock. She is trying to find out if he has a deal with anyone and to get him to help her against Eric. Kaysar is not giving her the info, but she keeps trying to find out if he made a deal to stay instead of Ashlea.
  3. Beau asking Michael what is wrong, truthfully Michael evading, sounding erudite, thinking about the people watching Beau keeps trying to get him to open up, Michael stays closed, starts talking about moving to US in 1997 Michael says he has been here for so long but doesn't feel at home. He feels closer to Beau than anyone else. CUT TO FISH
  4. Camera 2: Eric, April, Ivetter, Jen, Maggie Conversation about muff diving. E - If you are diving on your girl and you didn't get her off, wouldn't you think something is wrong with you I- If the guy that doesn't know your spot, you won't get off. There are girls who are so uptight they can't tell their partner what to do.
  5. 1:20 BBT I think I just heard someone say "Hey Baby could you bring me my water bottle? Its in the kitchen" while there is a group around the pool. Was that Sarah speaking to James :shock:
  6. Change your time in your profile to either reflect your time or bb time. You have to figure it out from Greenwich Mean Time. I think California is Greenwich Mean Time - 7 hrs, so Florida would be -4 hours. I could be wrong, google GMT to find out for sure
  7. I think Kaysar and Michael are the hot men (would hate to see K go so soon) I think Eric and Ivette have the best personalities. Of the women, I think Janelle is the hottest and possibly the smartest. April is a gamer, the one to watch
  8. April seems intent on getting Kaysar evicted. She backed up James that K stabbed him in the back and just said that she asked K to pray for Bentley and K said he couldn't because in his belief animals don't have souls. I wonder if it is possible she is with Ashlea or if she wants to pick off the men (despite her claims). Should be interesting to watch how she plays this game.
  9. Try 4 1/2 hours til BB in Hawaii!
  10. Yeah, they got scolded for speaking Korean in the storage room.
  11. My first thought was that maybe it was mentioned because he'll be praying 5 times a day. But my second thought was how devout can he possibly be to want to live in BB house. So my third thought is Yeah, whaddup wit dat!
  12. Thanks Hanklee for a great running commentary!



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