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Posts posted by Canopus

  1. Amanda did seem to have the gift of intimidating people. Maybe Julie was protecting herself from Amanda's wrath.

    That may be part of it, but I get the impression Julie doesn't follow anything about BB. She's probably just handed a script and told to read it. She probably knows little more of what's going on than the player's name.

    I think that CBS just wanted to tar one player as a racist, and let the rest go. It makes for a better story if there's just one racist houseguest they can embarrass, rather than a house full of them.

  2. But I liked the conspiracy theory and you are right it does shoot that down. But someone said that Judd has a large fan base and maybe that is who they are shooting for since they always want the fan fav to win So until Judd is evicted the conspiracy theory lives YAY

    I don't think there's any direct scripting in BB. But it's obvious the producers have favorites, and design comps and special powers that benefit those players. It's not a fair game, but I think everyone knows that going in.

  3. She is so different from her sister. I'm a little surprised I liked Rachel's sister as much as I did.

    I actually kind of liked Rachael, or at least tolerated her much better. Sure, I knew the producers pretty-much set the game up for her to win, but I didn't mind that much considering the other options. She was at least interesting to watch, even though I'd never want to be near her in RL.

    Elissa... yawn. Boring, with all of Rachael's faults (and many more!) and none of Rachael's positives. If BB brought her on the show hoping she'd be another Rachael, they failed miserably.

  4. If it was just 1 or 2 people that hated Elissa so much, I might be inclined to think they're just haters. But when almost everyone in the house hates her guts, I have to believe that Elissa is the problem. She has a gift to make people hate her, probably for good reasons we are not completely aware of.

  5. Rachel jr may win AFP. but not with my vote.

    I just hope that her son doesn't suffer any taunting at school or online over her behavior...

    It's very unfortunate for a child when their mother abandons them for 3 months, and makes them a target of ridicule, all for the purpose of ho'ing for fame and attention. I can understand someone doing it for money in order to better their family, but in Ellissa's case it's only about herself. As a mother, she should be ashamed.

  6. Bah! Good riddance to her. She is a stupid, talentless, stuck-up b*tch that happened to marry rich. If she didn't get lucky as a gold-digger, she'd be nowhere in life, and too dumb to do anything about it. When she gets older and plastic surgery stops doing anything for her, her husband would be wise to throw her in the trash and trade-up.

    Don't any of you wonder why everyone in the house hated her? She isn't a likeable person in RL!

    Do you want to know how I really feel about her? :laugh4:

  7. I liked her in the beginning, but she lost her glow, as she quickly became disgusting and the bully she just can't admit being.

    Opposite for me. I didn't like her at first, but she grew on me. Yeah, she could be a bully, but she was also one of the more entertaining players. After she left, the house got a whole lot more boring. From here on, it's a snooze-fest, with nobody deserving of the win.

  8. Even though I don't really care who wins at this point, I still stand by my philosophy that no matter who makes it to the final two and wins, that person deserves to win.

    Partly, but only because the rules of BB encourages only losers in the finale. The first half of the game people get out the biggest threats. By the second half of the game, there aren't enough good players left, so the losers control the votes. Eventually, the losers get out all the good players, and there's nobody left but unworthy players.

    That's the way the game is set up. It's very hard for a good player to win, because they have to be really, really good to survive to the end (along with help from the producers, of course).

  9. No the only thing that Julie mentioned to Amanda that she might have been a bully. She asked Amanda about her showmance. Julie laughed and seemed to enjoy Amanda's presence but with Aaryn she was very stern and quoted some of her remarks and any smile was forced.

    It was totally unfair that Julie used Aaryn as she scapegoat and does interviews about Aaryn being a racist and even goes no David Letterman to talk about Aaryn being a racist.

    This proves that they don't want to tarnish Amanda because they want to bring her back in future seasons.

    It's because Amanda and McCrae are a couple. CBS will want to put both of them on Amazing Race, or some show like that.

    Aaryn was a solo player, and is disposable by CBS to make themselves look good.

  10. I think Julie was just offended by the Asian remarks (conveniently ignoring how close Aaryn and Helen were). Her own husband runs an entire network whose shows (primarily this and Survivor) ALWAYS cast the token black person, the token gay person, the token asian person...and the rest of the cast dominated by (arugably) "normal" white folks. Maybe Julie could make an ACTUAL difference and ask her hubby to just fire Grodner the Hutt and weed out a lot of this show's negative aspects that have cultivated over the years in one fell swoop. Especially if the lady is now casting her own friends.

    Good suggestion. I'd also add that Julie should ask her hubby to fire her as well, and put in an interesting host instead.

  11. Candice for what? What comment she made? Almost everybody against her except Howard, Jessie and Elissa. Those comments is horrible. Aaryn got what she deserves. It's her fault she put herself out like that. I hope the same for Amanda, GM, Andy and Spencer(more disturbing). They really verbally bash Candice in the house. Candice did nothing to deserve this abuse. Since Candice put up with them in the house, when others get evicted, they should Julie and the audience should harsh on them. It will serve them right. Those hg should be ashame of themselves. Oh, Amanda shouldn't call anybody fat. We've seen her fat stomach. And Candice not even fat. I'm sick of Amanda the most. I know a strait- jacket will be ready for after she step outside the BB house.

    Candice is a loud, foul-mouthed, b*tch. Her and GM are exactly the same.

    I'm not sure if Candice ever made racist remarks (I thought she was using the word "cracker", but maybe I'm wrong), but she was definitely not a nice person. She was verbally attacked, but also did just as much in return. I don't feel sorry for her at all.



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