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Posts posted by CrazyBBFan

  1. If Jackson wins Big Brother, everything he has done in the past and in the house will be in the spotlight.  All the things he did off camera and all the things he did to Kat and Holly.  Once the season is over and all the houseguests have been paid, I think several of them are going to tell some great stories about the game.  The truth always comes out in the end.

  2. 2 hours ago, Kspen said:

    In her eviction speech she said she wants ordinary girls/women to know they can be extraordinary.  In my opinion, Holly is neither one of these.  Ordinary women do not take over an hour to spackle on makeup.  Extraordinary women shouldn't be jealous of other women.  They don't blame others for their own decisions and actions.  Holly saying Nicole bullied her into throwing the HOH is pathetic.  If Nicole made that deal in order to keep Holly over Tommy, that's NOT bullying, it's gameplay.  How quickly Holly forgets that she was in the group that talked badly to and about Nicole.  Has she admitted what Nicole told Nick and Bella was true? Has she admitted that she lied to Nick and Bella to protect her game.  Has she apologized to Nicole for any of that?  Not that she has to, but don't be a hypocrite and blame Nicole or say she bullied her into making bad decisions.  She is back to being a mean girl like in the beginning of the season.  She has become a withered, frail shell.  Always complaining about she can't breathe, can't sleep, hates the house, is jealous of Nicole, is playing her own game.  She was so worried about how she was being seen/portrayed in the real world early in the season.  Apparently not anymore after her dirty gameplay.


    I totally agree.  

  3. I feel that it was DR that set up the whole thing.  Look at the facts.  Jackson just happens to ease drop at the right time.  Jackson was smart enough to come up with a plan to tell Nicole and Cliff.  Someone suggested to Nicole to call a house meeting.  The smirk on Jackson’s face shows that he was lying about everything.  After all this time in the house, they know each other quite well.  Tommy knew exactly was happening but could not do anything about it.  

  4. This is the case Nicole should make in the final two.  Bella tried to destroy her game and she survived the group of eight.  Then Cliff’s notes exposed her game by his big mouth.  Christie was the biggest player in the game and she got rid of her during the double eviction.  Jackson is a great player but he had tons of help at the begging of the game.  If it was not for the Jackson/Holly/Kat connection and BB helping him, he would have been gone a long time ago.  She sent Tommy out because she’s thinking about jury votes.  By sending Holly to the jury, Jackson would win the game. 

  5. 2 hours ago, KPugs said:

    And again, why is being a 'maga-lover' a bad thing? 


    I did not say that being a maga-lover is a bad thing.  Holly is the one that says because of her conservative background that she should not be doing this stuff.  One of her major fights was about not having sex on the show (This is when Jackson tried to break up with her).  She even had sex with Jackson while people were in the bed next to her were talking about game (Sis and Christie knew what was going on and made an excuse to leave the room).  Holly was the main mean girl trashing Kat about having sex with Jackson.  People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.  If she feels that people should not judge her, she should not be throwing all those stones.

  6. Nicole knows the smart move would be to keep Holly.  While Cliff and Nicole are studying for the final, Jackson and Holly are doing other things in the HOH room.  Both of them can beat Holly and Jackson in the end.  It’s going to be another bitter jury. The only thing standing in Cliff way is the next POV because Jackson and Holly will take Nicole to final three.

  7. 13 minutes ago, KPugs said:

    You have no ability to diagnose someone you have never met. You are clearly obsessed over Jackson and too can be considered 'mentally ill'. If you don't like it, turn off the channel. 


    For someone that has been watching BB from the beginning, it kind of hard to turn off the channel.  BB over the past few seasons has gotten worse.  From Paul to Tyler and now Jackson.  I don’t know if you watch the live feed but, lots of bad stuff happens on it.  It has gotten so bad that they block the feed sometimes to protect Jackson.  


    I hope that they fix things and make it right for the next season.

  8. 7 hours ago, echo said:

    Cheat how? 


    It has been rumored that production talk to all members about Jackson. They were told not to say anything bad about him. They were also told not to say anything about his cheating.  Several of the players would talk in code about not saying anything about Jackson.

  9. Why would he put up Jess and Christie?  If Tommy win the POV, he will take down Christie.  He would have to put up Nicole or Cliff.  I have a feeling that DR told him about Christie and Tommy.  Cliff and Nicole knows about Christie and Tommy.  I'm glad he has done this because he will go on the block during the double eviction.  With Jackson and Holly having won the last three HOH, everyone will put them on the block.

  10. 5 hours ago, DOOD said:

    I'm actually wondering what Christie's reaction will be when the game is over, and she discovers how  much of an overwhelming majority hate/dislike her as a person. Will she have to be put on suicide watch?

    I'm not joking. She seems as if the kind of person that thrives on what other people think of her. I seriously question  if she is stable enough a person to deal with an overwhelming fame of being disliked.   


    I think the problem with Christie is the same with the last few seasons cast members.  They were cast to play a role instead of being a player.  I think the only reason she's on the show is due to knowing someone in casting.  She might have been told it was going to be easy to win.  It appears that production is helping these cast members out by sharing information in DR sessions.  Several of them said that DR is giving them lines to say for the show.  I feel the crying is fake like Vanessa did in her season.  She will be fine after the show because of her big paycheck.   I wish BB would go back to having more players than cast members.  I feel the only game players this season are Nicole, David, Ovi and Cliff.  All the others are there just for the money and fame.



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