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Posts posted by CrazyBBFan

  1. He is being portrayed as the lazy fat guy that sleeps (and eats) all the time. BB can do so much with his story.  I think people want to hear about what life was like with his famous father.  Like other seasons, coffee chats or walking around in the backyard before the other houseguests wake in the morning.  

  2. 21 hours ago, HeleneL said:

    Why is he asking everybody what they would do if it were their HOH?  It's his HOH.  Now with all the deals he's placed himself in a position where he has to put up people he really doesn't want to.  It's so evident with those two girls (both pawns really)  on the block there's a backdoor plan.  The rest of them aren't stupid but it might backfire if the person who wins the veto doesn't use it.  Not sure either of those girls can win anything.


    I think this is something new that DR is making the HOH do before nominations.  Ky and Xavier did the same thing but a little different.  I heard them say several times that they had to meeting with everyone. 

  3. I hope someone in the house explain to her about why being in a showmance was a bad ideal.  You are playing against two people that you know will take each other to the final two.  To make things worse, both of them are great players.  For the past week, all they did was stay in each other arms and ignored everyone in the house.  it's time for her to go home next.

  4. Being safe until jury has made her chances of winning to zero.  I think some of the other players are going to use this against her.  It sounds good until you say what she did.  I'm going to throw two of my teammates under the bus so that I can be safe over the next few weeks.  Big Brother can only be won by one player but, you need help from a team of players to get to the end.  She lost focus of the bigger picture.

  5. Instead of telling him all the things he should correct, people are coming up with reasons to vote him out this week.  I hate when they do this to a player.  By this Thursday, his spirit is going to be broken. No one is going to speak to him or look at him in the eye.  The sad thing is that production is going to make him campaign for votes.  

  6. I think he understands the game more than anyone in the house.  He gives the best advice on how to play the game.  I just wished he would listen to his own advice.  When Big D and Azah have private talks, it's some of the best live feed ever on the show.  I agree that the eating and napping all day needs to stop.  



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