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Everything posted by MonkeyGirl44

  1. 12:19 pm BBT. Meanwhile in the HOHR, Sam and Angela. Sam asks if Angela wants to hide she will do her laundry for her. She tells Sam that Bayleigh tried to come talk to her. She says we will talk but it’s too soon and she needs to calm down. She says she has known Bayleigh was the hacker, she has told her such bulls**t and sat there for days being lied to and Bayleigh trying to get information. Angela says there was no need for her to do this, she came off her HOH and hijacked my HOH. She says Bayleigh is making scottie swear on the bible about stuff and that she is bullying him. She says she knows Bayleigh is the brains of that side. Angela says we’re cutting off the head of the snake. She says they are trying to pin stuff on Scottie. Angela says as soon as she won the veto people kissed her butt and quit ignoring her and tried ro get her to bavkdoor Scottie and he thought he was on their side. Angela says it was exhausting pretending for 3 days with Bayleigh. She says a weight has been lifted. Tyler rings the bell and comes in.
  2. 12:17 pm BBT. In the PBR, Haleigh and Bayleigh. Haleigh asks if she is ok. Baleigh says this is what she gets for sticking her neck out for Rockstar. She says now it looks like that was my plan. She says I literally got no wuestions right but I’m the hacker, people are giving me too much credit. Haleigh says it doesn’t make sense that u are the hacker. She says it does make sense bcuz they could’ve had a plan all along & they could’ve just been looking for someone to blame it on and I walked right into the plan. She says for Tyler to yell at me and be so ride and so cocky. She says I was never gonna backdoor him u saw me last week try to protect him, so it makes no sense why he is treating me like such trash. She says Tyler is going to feel like an idiot when he watches this. Haleigh says too bad your power can’t save u. She says too bad I didn’t use it [she still could’ve fone up as the replacement]. Haleigh says well when u stay his week. Bayleigh says I don’t wanna stay with u crazy a** white people, I’m done. She says Sam will vote how they tell her to, Brett will vote me out, Kaycee will do what they say, they’ll cancel u or Fessy’s vote. She says I have been fighting for people in this game the whole entire time. She says she won’t be screaming and fighting, she’ll tell the truth and u can believe me or not. Bayleigh says she not even sure what to do. Haleigh says u can’t give up. She says I won’t, but I am not going to lie and manipulate. Haleigh asks if Angela gave her any hints that this is what she was thinking? Bayleigh says no. Haleigh thought it was gonna be Scottie. Bayleigh thinks Kaycee knew the whole time and Haleigh says and that’s why she was acting so weird. Bayleigh thinks last week Tyler told Angela that Bayleigh would backdoor her but that wasn’t the plan. Bayleigh says if it was Tyler and Scottie up, I was gonna keep Tyler. Bayleigh says it sucks, she really wishes she was the hacker. Bayleigh has been folding clothes and putting stuff away this whole time. Haleigh says they’ll get thru this. Bayleigh says she believes her but then what. Haleigh says win HOH and the hacker next week. Bayleigh says she should’ve know better. She doesn't know what she is gonna do. Haleigh asks if she needs anything and leaves.
  3. 12:14 pm BBT. Bayleigh knocks on the HOH door. No one answers. She calls down to the kitchen and asks if she is in here. Haleigh says I don’t know. She rings the door bell and Angela says I don’t want to talk right now. Bayleigh says ok and leaves. 12:15 pm BBT. In the KT, Scottie, Haleigh and Tyler. Tyler says good times in the Big Brother house. Scottie says he swore he was going up. Haleigh says she wishes they had wine, she could drink a bottle and s half. She gets up and says she’s foing to check on her.
  4. 12 :11 pm BBT. Sam, Rockstar and Tyler in the BY. Rockstar tells Sam no one knows what she is going to do so the hacker probably won’t cancel her vote. Tyler tells Rockstar he will do everything he can to make sure Rockstar stays. She says she appreciates that. In the PBR, Bayleigh is alone and says it is actually comical, she didn’t get 1 question right (people seem to think she is the hacker).
  5. 12:11 pm BBT. Feeds are back. Angela used the veto to take Tyler down. Bayleigh is the replacement. The house is actually fairly calm.
  6. 2:35 pm BBT. Feeds are back. Angela won the POV! She gave up $5,000 to win the POV to save Tyler (her words).
  7. 9:34 am BBT. HGs still in bed or doing ADLs. 9:36 am BBT. WBRB.
  8. 9:30 am BBT. The KT crew is discussing what the Hacker Comp may be. They think it’ll be done inside the house, upstairs.
  9. 9:29 am BBT. Haleigh, JC, Faysal in the PBR still in bed. In the KT is Bayleigh, Sam, Scottie and Kaycee. General talk.
  10. 9:17 am BBT. Faysal, Bayleigh and Rockstar talking in the PBR about past HGs and somebody not using a veto. They give shout outs to Swaggy. JC has just appeared, he was under the covers. Rockstar says she can’t believe he (Brett) keeps f***ing staying. Kaycee and Sam in the KT. Sam is getting coffee. Tyler comes in. Scottie as well. Tyler gets called to the DR. In the PBR, doing sign language and whispering is saying that she thinks Tyler is working with Brett. She says when Kaitlyn created her kwn alliance in her head it was Kaitlyn, Rockstar, Faysal, Haleigh, Tyler and Brett. JC tells Rockstar to go into Rockstar’s bed. BB says wakey wakey HGs. JC says he wants to sleep a little more before nominations, he is tired and there is a comp today.
  11. 9:15 am BBT. Bayleigh reading her bible in the PBR. Faysal is also in there laying in bed and is doing sign language. Rockstar is there too and telling him what it means. She says she doesn’t want to be back on the f***ing block. We get WBRB.
  12. 9:09 am BBT. Rockstar, Sam, Kaycee, Bayleigh and Faysal in the BBR. Sam keeps yawning. Bayleigh says her sister is probably engaged & she missed it. She says they are planning a wedding and not even engaged. She says it’s the sister who was the whole lesbian and now has a boyfriend.
  13. 9:05 am BBT. HGs doing ADLs. Sam and Kaycee in the BBR. Nominations are supposed to be at 10:00 am BBT. They aren’t sure what to wear bcuz of the Hacker Comp. Kaycee stayed up til 4:00. 9:07 am BBT. Bayleigh and Faysal go into the lounge. They are whispering. Bayleigh tells him Angela said neither of them are going up. She says she told Angela she didn't care about anybody but her and Faysal. He asks if she believes him, she says yes, Angela hasn’t ever lied to her.
  14. 8:58 am BBT. Rockstar alone in the WA. She is getting ready and talking to the camera. She says she doesn’t knkw if being a mom has made her soft or being older bit she has never cried this much, ever! She says she’ll lrobably cry more later. She thought she was tougher than this. She says yeah I was a part of it the whole time, whatever. Brett and Kaycee walk in, she says she was just talking to herself. In the HOHR, Angela is curling her hair. Faysal comes into the WA. Rockstar tells him she was having a conversation with herself. Brett gets called to the DR. Bayleigh is uo and heads into the WA. Bayleigh says Faysal looks like a peacock or a toucan (his hair is all sticking up).
  15. 1:50 pm BBT. Kaycee and Angela’s conversation in the lounge is on lather, rinse and repeat. They keep going over the same things.
  16. 1:37 pm BBT. Kaycee and Angela still talking in the lounge. They are discussing what to say to Bayleigh about changing their vote. They are going to say theu didn’t tell her bcuz they didn’t want Rachel running sround losing her mind. Brett is supposed to say Rachel told about Bayleigh’s power and the all girl alliance. They discuss whoever is HOH next week they won’t have to get blood on their hands bcuz Bayleigh will with her power. Angela says we have to win, this is the perfect week to win. They wonder what JC’s power is (he doesn’t have one). They need to make sure they pin the vote on Scottie. Kaycee thinks Brett may have done the rogue vote. They contrmplate a possible battle back. Angela wants Scottie out next, he is annoying her. Kaycee says he thinks he’s funny. Angela thinks JC has a plan up his sleeve, a sneaky plan. Tyler and Faysal have now joined the girls in the HOHR, general talk.
  17. 1:23 pm BBT. Rockstar, Haleigh and Bayleigh in the HOHR. They are saying Sam has made it clear she is playing personally. Rockstar says she can’t get Sam to talk game about working together. Again, discussing backdooring Tyler if it becomes an option. Rockstar will put up Sam and JC and she won’t tell Fessy. They say JC is too comfortable yelling at production and slapping people in their faces. Rockstar says people need to squirm that have been safe. Bayleigh says there are a few (funny bcuz Bayleigh has not been on the block either). They say Scottie will put up Angela and Rachel. They don’t think JC would put up anybody that Fessy wouldn’t want up. Tyler and Faysal playing foosball. Angela and Kaycee in the lounge. Kaycee says Rachel said she can’t go thru this again. Kaycee says she ran her mouth and got herself in trouble. She says Rachel is losing faith in their group. Angela says she hasn't even talked to her bcuz Rachel knows she’s irritated.
  18. 1:10 pm BBT. Bayleigh is in the HOHR with Haleigh. HAleigh says they need to win. Bayleigh says the only thing that would better is if Swaggy comes back. She says she would literally jump on him. Haleigh had a dream he came back. Most HGs in the KT eating & making food. In the HOHR, they think the HOH comp will be something easy bcuz it was easy to set up, maybe booths. 1:19 pm BBT. In the PBR is Scottie and Rachel. Rachel says Bayleigh asked people to vote a certain way. She says since Scottie was already gunning for Brett it would be beneficial for him to vote him out. Scottie says she is still good with him. Scottie says to be prepared bcuz Brett threw Rockstar under the bus in the last speech so to be prepared. Rachel is reading bible verses outloud to Scottie.
  19. 12:52 pm BBT. Haleigh and Rockstar in the HOHR. Rachel comes in to get Bayleigh’s bible and asks if she has their vote. They says yes. Rockstar says it was hard bcuz Brett is my best friend. Rachel leaves. Haleigh and Rockstar are discussing comps. Rockstar says we have to backdoor Tyler. She also thinks JC needs to go up bcuz he’s too comfortable. She doesn’t want to do it though bcuz she is supposed to be an advocate for the gays. Haleigh says that’s a stupid reason, u can be an advocate and get him out bcuz he’ll beat us. Haleigh says name 1 person who would try to get JC out? They can’t think of one. Haleigh says final 2 would be perfect for me and you. Haleigh says she doesn’t like Rachel. JC, Angela, Bayleigh and Kaycee in the KT making food and eating. In the HOHR, Rockstar says she is done with her “nicotining”, she wasn’t addicted just bored. Haleigh says Kaycee is the biggest floater. Rockstar asks if ahe could put her up? Haleigh says she wouldn’t want to but who else will? They want Fessy to win and do it. Then, the next week Rockstar could put up JC and Sam and then backdoor Tyler. Haleigh says they need to be prepared for somebody to come back. Haleigj says her whole week will be ruined if Kaitlyn came back. Rockstar says she would have to be different. Haleigh says Tyler would fall back into it. She says Kaitln is a witch and casts spells. She says it wouldn’t be Tyler’s fault, he is easy to manipulate. She wonders what Fes would do? Rockstar asks about their talk. Haleigh says she told him they should solely be friends, her feelings were hurt, he ignored her for over 24 hours.
  20. 12:50 pm BBT. Kaycee and Sam in the WA. Sam says Rachel was begging. She refuses to give anyone a definite answer. Kaycee says she was asking me too. They hug. Kaycee leaves.
  21. 12:40 pm BBT. Tyler, Scottie and Faysal sitting on the couch in LR. General talk. In the WA Sam and Rachel. Rachel says she wants Sam to vote for her personal game and she wants Sam’s vote. Rachel says she has built trust with her. Rachel says I voted to keep u over Steve. Rachel says I’m working for u, not against u. Sam asks if that’s how she’s always felt or feels now. Rachel says always. Sam says after this people go to jury and will help decide the winner. Rachel says she considers Sam an with her. Bayleigh comes in and summons Rachel to the lounge. She yells at Rachel for telling Angela what she said about Tyler and Angela. She says that didn’t need to get around. Rachel goes back to the WA. Sam asks what was that all about? Rachel says she was asking about something I said. Sam says she appreciates Rachel. Sam says we can talk more. They hug. Sam says don’t walk on oins and needles it doesn’t help. Rachel leaves.
  22. 12:28 pm BBT. Angela says she is going to try to convince to give her 1 more massage. Rockstar so we’re still on the same page. They say if there is a battle back or vote back it’ll be tomorrow. Angela says if Kaitlyn comes back can we all agree we all would put her on the block? They say yes! Angela asks Bayleigh if Tyler threw her name out? Bayleigh says no not really. Angela says she’s trying to figure out who’s working with Tyler. Haleigh just walks into the HOHR and Bayleigh yells “KNOCK!” Haleigh goes back out & knocks, then comes back in.
  23. 12:26 pm BBT. Angela come into the HOHR. Angela says she got ready for GMs (goodbye messages). They discuss how they don’t wear make-up unless they go out. Bayleigh says when she goes out she is beat for the gods & is slaying. Bayleigh says Wednesday is the most awkward day in the house.
  24. 12:10 pm BBT. Bayleigh just notices that Rockstar has her belly button pierced. Rockstar says she had her tongue pierced, her nipples, and her ______. She says that was the best one, walking up stairs and rumble strips on a highway....yasssss! Bayleigh says that’s still not ok.



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