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Everything posted by MonkeyGirl44

  1. 10:30 am BBT. In the KT, Scottie and Faysal. Faysal asking how live feeds work and how many rooms they show and if the camera changes to other rooms. Scottie explains it to him.
  2. 10:26 am BBT. In the HOHR, Haleigh laying in bed and Rockstar laying on the couch. There has been no talking for several minutes.
  3. 10:14 am BBT. In the HOHR, Haleigh thinks it may be the spelling como so they are thinking of words. Haleigh says the only problem is when Kaitlyn was here she and Tyler had a 16 letter word. Rockstar says and they didn’t tell u what it was...b***h!
  4. 10:11 am BBT. In the HOHR, Rockstar says Faysal wanted her to pick him. They don’t want Rockstar to go home on Haleigh’s HOH. Haleigh wants him to win but doesn’t want it to put a bigger target on himself.
  5. 10:07 am BBT. In the HOHR, Rockstar says did u tell scottie who the target is? Haleigh says no. She thinks he assumes it’s Tyler. Rockstar says she should tell him it’s Angela in casual conversation bcuz then if Tyler wins he may be likely to ise the veto on Rockstar. Haleigh says Tyler pinky promised that if he won he would do what Haleigh wants but that doesn’t mean s**t to her. Rockstar thinks if Scottie and Tyler are working together they would wanna keep her over Angela bcuz Angela is a bigger threat.
  6. 10:03 am BBT. In the HOHR, Haleigh asks how their conversation went. We get WBRB for a few seconds. Rockstar saying she (Kaycee) is sick and tired of people accusing her of being the hacker. Haleigh says if it’s not Kaycee, it’s Scottie. Haleigh says we have got to win today. She says the good thing is I have one of them to put up if one comes down, I just have to think who to put up next to u to ensure she stays. Haleigh says all the cameras were on Kaycee after the hacker comp. In the geometry room is Angela and Kaycee sitting silently.
  7. 10:00 am BBT. Haleigh and Rockstar in the HOHR. Haleigh says we have to stop hanging out so much bcuz people see us as a pair. She says that’s why u were put up, to hurt me. She doesn't want one of them to get in power and put us up next to each other. Rockstar says she doesn’t like Angela or Kaycee, Brett has always made her somewhat uncomfortable, and Tyler is a little bitch and she’s never trusted him. Haleigh says we gotta get u down Rock. She says I know. Haleigh thinks Faysal can beat them all athletically.
  8. 12:59 pm BBT. Scottie, Haleigh, Rockstar and Brett in LR. Bayleigh comes in and says she bit thru her jaw.
  9. 12:46 pm BBT. In the lounge, JC and Faysal talking. JC says Faysal is being an idiot. He says if Angela wanted u out she was set up to back door u. He says Haleigh was the hacker and set u up to go home. Faysal is defending Haleigh saying she did a dumb move but I trust her. He says Haleigh is not leaving our team! jC says then she wins hacker next week and does what? Faysal thinks Bayleigh will be saved. JC says how? Faysal says me, u, Haleigh and scottie save Bayleigh and he thinks he can get Brett. Faysal says even if we don’t win HOH, we win HOH bcuz Bayleigh will use her power and change the noms. Faysal says he has Brett. In the HOHR, Angela, Kaycee and Tyler saying “they” think they are going to break us apart and Bayleigh will stay. They said Bayleigh is leaving and we are even stronger now.
  10. 12:44 pm BBT. In the PBR, Haleigh says whoever leaves this week, I’ll be following. In the HOHR, Angela says Haleigh isn’t that smart. Kaycee says Haleigh is in school and is probably a fast typer.
  11. 12:39 pm BBT. JC says he doesn’t care who the hacker is, Bayleigh needs to go, she has a power and is crazy. Angela says now we have a reason to go after Haleigh. Angela is convinced “they” talked Haleigh into talking this. Tyler says yeah the best person at comps now has u as a target. Kaycee comes in and says u can hear everything u guys are saying downstairs. JC says I’m going to do damage control. He leaves. Angela tells Kaycee she thinks Haleigh just took this for Bayleigh bcuz she hasn’t done anything else. Angela is still rubbing Tyler’s back. He says u know I didn’t say that. She says I know. Kaycee says they want us to turn on each other and it won’t work. Kaycee thinks Scottie knew who the hacker was and angela agrees.
  12. 12:37 pm In the HOHR, JC says they are sticking to the plan like they have been and everything is good. JC says he is pissed and he he sees her scream he will tell her to calm her t***ies down. He says she wants to play up being a victim.
  13. 12:33 pm. Tyler is upstairs outside the HOHR saying this went to far now I look like such a bad guy. Bayleigh is crying in the PBR, Sam, Haleigh and Rockstar are with her. Tyler goes into the HOHR with Angela and JC. JC says he doesn't believe he is a villain. He says this is what she does, makes a big deal out of nothing. Angela says she has been planning this. Bayleigh goes to the DR bcuz she bit her lip or something.
  14. 12:25 pm BBT. Haleigh says she loves everyroom in this room but a couple people owe Bayleigh an apology including her bcuz she won the hacker comp. she says Tyler, Kaitlyn told me about your game play and u even said nobody would put u up. She says that plus your comp wins. Tyler is told that he threw Angela’s name under the bus and Tyler laughs and says no i didn’t. Baleigh starts screaming yes he did and u treated me like trash and how about a f***ing apology! Bayleigh says she didn’t attack Tyler or theow him unser the bus. She says he is a little boy and can’t apologize. Tyler says he did everything he ever said he would do to her. Tyler says u are screaming at me and she is the one who did this to u. She set u up. Bayleigh says no she was gonna set u ul, he says well good it didn’t work! He says u still have a power and u screaming doesn’t make it true. He says u lied and got caught. She says Bayleigh got backdoored and I was left alone in this house! Tyler says I’m not a villain like that.
  15. 12:21 pm BBT. Angela and Kaycee in the HOHR. Angela says Bayleigh was trying to make her feel bad for her, playing the victim to another level. She says she told Bayleigh the things she said she meant. Haleigh comes up and calls the girls down. Angela says is Haleigh gonna say she is the hacker?
  16. 12:16 pm BBT. In the PBR, Haleigh apologizes to Bayleigh and Rockstar again. Rockstar still saying she needs a halting hex. Bayleigh says they have made it clear how they feel about her.
  17. 12:05 pm BBT. In the PBR are Haleigh and Rockstar. Haleigh says I need u to not be mad at me and to understand me, I am the hacker. Rockstar says are u serious? She says why? Haleigh tells her she is going to call a house meeting. Rockstar says she is smart and won something. They hug. Haleigh says she thought worse case scenario she though Scottie would go back up. Rockstar says she should’ve put Brett up. Haleigh says if I could go back, I would’ve taken u down and put Brett up. Rockstar says that’s what she was going to do.
  18. 1:55 pm BBT. HGs are in BY, swimming, running, tanning or lounging. Rockstar is smoking and sitting by Sam. Rockstar says she is thinking about self lreservation or an epic social statement. Sam says that’s beautiful but she doesn’t think this is the platform for it. Rockstar asks how real she can be and have Sam not tell? She says she is a lock box. Rockstar says if these spolied a** privileged a** kids are going to keep her on the block is it better for her to let them know what she thinks of them and go out with a bang and keep Bay here to make a statement. Or should I stay on the block every week and get further in the game? She thinks she could make a statement or maybe she is doing her family a disservice if she could go further.
  19. 1:47 pm BBT. In the WA, Rockstar and Faysal. Rockstar asks if he thinks her, Haleigh and him can make it to the final 3? He says I don’t know, we just gotta win. He says I feel like stiff has to start going our way. She says she doesn’t want to jeopardize her family’s chances but feels like this is bigger than that.
  20. 1:37 pm BBT. Faysal and Rockstar keep talking about the halting hex and they need one real bad.
  21. 1:33 pm BBT. In the WA, Rockstar says sometimes things are bigger than us and America needs to be sent certain messages. Bayleigh says that cluld be her speech “America these people u have been supporting are actually....Rockstar says fake, spolied a**, Bayleigh says classless, trashy a**. Rockstar says spolied, rich, privileged. Rockstar says she is thinking of keeping Bayleigh there for her own sense of justice. Bayleigh says in her one on one with Angela, Angela said she wanted Bayleigh to be the first black person to win, then puts me on the block little bitch. She says “Get off your power trip sweetie, cool. She says she’ll realize I’m innocent as hell and that will go down in history. Rockstar says what if I have an elic speech and u stay here and win the whole f**kin’ thing. I’m not promising things but I’m thinking of some things.
  22. 1:27 pm BBT. Bayleigh is braiding Faysal’s hair in the WA. Rockstar comes in. In the pool are Angela, Tyler, Haleigh and Kaycee in her peanut costume. Brett is tanning by the pool. In the WA, Rockstar asks if Bayleigh thinks she can win it if she stayed? She says yes that was the plan, I have a lot to prove. She says why? are u thinking lf doing something crazy? It’s my job to talk u out of it as a friend. Rockstar says she is gonna maybe do a crazy speech saying she’s coming after everyone. Bayleigh says that’ll make them want to keep u more. Rockstar says she can’t stand any of these people. They talk about how Angela showed her true colors. Rockstar says she never thought Angela was cool. Bayleigh says she has a nice body. Bayleigh says let’s be real though she was a little gymnastic boy and then got a boob job later. She says sometimes this is people’s only moment to shine so u have to let them.



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