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Posts posted by Slowpoke

  1. Have you seen the great 'BLURB' on the Big Brother Pages page ?


    Show your support for MORTY'S!

    Reality Enquirer wants to know. Who has the best Big Brother site this year?

    We know Morty's smoked the competition last year. Let's make it two years in a row!

    Have you been visiting us daily and reading our recaps? Have we made you smile and gasp, or just plain entertained you?

    Visit Reality Enquirer http://realityenquirer.blogspot.com/ and see the right hand side of the page for the poll.

    Choose Morty's as your favorite site! While you're there, look around a little and check things out.

    Go Morty

  2. but shouldnt a website be made to hold tons of ppl?

    Tillgurl.... as I'm typing this.... on the bottom of the opening page of the Messege boards... it tells how many people are on.

    This is what it's saying at the moment :

    "In total there are 476 users online :: 82 Registered, 0 Hidden and 394 Guests"

    So, yes, a lot of people are clicking and refreshing at the same time....

    Result - - - Critical Error - - - every once in awhile.

    Kinda when they jam the phone lines for American Idol :wink:

  3. Even if Eric reads every messege board there is.... he will rationalize every comment and thing he did in BB6......

    he'll never admit to himself or others that he did or said one thing un-sportsman like or crude in the House.

    What a shame.

    He's probably a great fire fighter..... and is great in the type service he performs.

    I almost hope I'm wrong..... and he just got sucked into the game and the power he was given so early in the game.

    But - I don't think so.

  4. I've voted from every computer I can beg, borrow or steal!  Is there a way to get around the 'you've already voted' message?

    hmmm.... I would hope Morty's could win without having to do that. We ARE the BEST after-all.

    I've got a feeling it's slowed down this week because posters are so busy reading and posting about what's happened in the House this past week.

    Morty's is hopping :!:

  5. Welcome to all that are new here at Morty's - -

    There's sooo much to read and catch up on with BB6 going hot and heavy... but... have you noticed the POLL that is for the best BB site ?

    If you haven't voted yet, and would like to vote .... I've copied part of Salter Paths post from another thread....


    salter-path wrote:

    Ok gang..there is a poll here


    When you open the link there is a drop down menu on the right with a list of sites to chose the best site from. You can scroll to see all the sites listed. Come on ..lets show some support!


    Again - Welcome and Happy Reading and Posting :!:

  6. Can't believe it's been such a short time ..... and only a few have been able to keep it hidden that they're a 'pair'.

    I really can't blame James and Sarah for telling Kaysar that they're not one of the pairs.... IF... CBS told them about the extra money they could get if they got thru the game without anyone knowing.

    They haven't slipped, it's only that it's pretty obvious that they would HAVE to be.

    Howie and Rachel have done pretty good keeping their connection quiet to.

    (but, I may have missed something)

  7. He was squirming with that question, he gave a lame answer, he might have broken my trust.

    HAHA What a joke reason, he was getting really red, I think he was afraid there would be a follow up to it.

    The only thing metaldale.... is.... that Eric probably walked out of the room thinking... " geeeeezzzz, did I pull off that 'snow job', or WHAT ? "

  8. Couldn't believe the 'bull' he was feeding Julie that it LOOKED like Michael was 'acting like he might' break his trust .... and that meant the same thing to him.

    duh ......

    So - that was Eric's excuse for breaking the allience made in the beginning and putting up Mike.

    Another X on my scorepad for Cappy.... hmmm.... think I need to start a new page.

    (if this is on another thread... sorry..... Mod please remove)



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