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Posts posted by Slowpoke

  1. You can't blame Jessie for never getting above a 7 or 8 year old mental level.

    It's just not in him.

    (and he never really looked comfortable or sincere when he dealt with Michelle... jmo)

    Janelle .... I don't think she wanted stardom - she seemed to be content on being a big fish in a little pond.

    As far as I recall she wasn't pursuing a movie career.

    She had done some photo shoots ... but I don't think modeling was her main goal in life.

    Seems like she's just having some fun with the aftermath of being on BB.

    (now... if I could only rationalize WHY she liked DICK... I'd be one of her biggest fans....)

    Edit: ... hey.. how did Janelle get into Jesse's thread ?

  2. Marty quote: "It does seem that there is nothing Jessie can do to get evicted though."

    soooo true

    How could one person be MORE obnoxious ?

    I'll agree that 'maybe' her game plan is to let Jessie get on everyone's last nerve and get voted out....

    but, time is running out...

    If she stays... she'll be one lucky HG

  3. Welcome Hula...

    L O L ... I was waiting for you to post that you like 'walks on the beach and quiet dinners for two' ^_^

    Make yourself at home..... and, by the way.... you'll find there are quite a few - - umm, mature posters here at Morty's.

    (maybe we should start a Senior's Thread over in Off Topics ? You know how we old folks love to talk about

    all our aches and pains and pass around those Corny "OLD" jokes)

  4. I started in the CBS chats waaaaaay back.

    (actually still e-mail back and forth someone from N.C. that I became close cyber-space friends with)

    It was a mad-house over there - and I remember checking out Aldav.... got Morty's link there... and I've been here ever since.

    I joined when Morty was doing all the up-dates. (did he ever sleep ?)

    His humor and 'take' on what was happening in the house hooked me.

    After awhile I lurked on the message boards, and finally got up enough nerve to start posting.

    I only visit a few other Message Boards... but usually don't even register... just lurk a bit on most of them.

    Been here thru thick and thin AND will probably still be here if the Old Age Home lets me have a computer :P

  5. Hi all the Newcomers... take your shoes off and put your feet up.... make yourself at home.

    Psssst.... Mommy

    Hmmm .. you just noticed we didn't say "Welcome" ?????

    As I recall you jumped in feet first back in Aug.

    Right into the Live Feed Update thread .... lol

    Posted on: Aug 2 2005, 05:33 AM

    Joined: 25-July 05

    "This is my first post...hopefully I am doing this right...

    Kaysar and Howie taking showers.

    Janelle reading Beau's Bible.

    Maggie, April, Ivette, Jen and Beau talking about Rachel and how she has a crush on Howie."

    Sooooo..... consider yourself Welcomed by me .... after all I am a self proclaimed Slowpoke :rolleyes:



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