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Posts posted by Slowpoke

  1. Bump ?

    It usually means a poster wants to bring the thread back up to the top.... so people will be aware of it.

    - - Like this thread reminding people to try and check to see if there isn't a similar thread that's been posted already.

    (not to be confused with 'bump and grind') ;)

  2. Hi Jenna - Sisu - Vote for Kaysar :!:

    You all sure picked a busy time. Morty's has been running slow because of all the traffic in here.... so please bear with us.

    and Sisu... good luck with navigating the internet... I've been around for awhile and still get confused ! (but then, I AM slooooowww)

    Lots of Canadian neighbors in here, so you should feel right at home.

  3. The unlimited voting is what bothers me.

    I keep remembering how Scott Savol kept returning week after week.

    (Scot fans....Sorry, Scott had a nice voice but was lacking in showmanship and personality) The Cappy fans know they have to vote... and keep voting and voting .... and they will.

    It's not over til the Fat Lady Sings :(

  4. Almost afraid to post this - - -

    The thread title DOES read America's Choice - Vote for Eric

    There ARE some viewers and posters out there who will be voting for Cappy.

    I'm sure there's space on Morty's for them to voice how and why they are voting for him.

    I'm not always a 'goody 2 shoes' ..... but, come on - Fairs Fair :!:

    but, pssst.... I'll be voting for Kay (I like Mike too - but don't want to split the vote)

  5. Holy crap.....

    I use a lot of .......... ..... & - - - 's in my posts.

    (does this mean I'm a bad person ?) Maybe I should post a POLL.

    I thought this thread was about .... who laughed at what ?

    Went to work - and came back tonite to a Poster 101 Class :roll:

    Me thinks we're all tired of watching live feeds and don't know what to do with ourselves. :wink:

    I didn't watch the feeds when it happened - but, when I saw the K-Mart pic in the photo capture thread..... (<<<<<there I go again) I thought it was kinda funny that someone copped a K-Mart sign :lol:



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