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Everything posted by Lamasquerade

  1. Of course Donny is included in every task, because technically he has to be. I think if Dreadrick and Trankie had the chance, they would not consult/include him at all as they have proved in daily BB life. I don't think it has anything to do with not liking him, but more with fearing him. They're afraid of him and they know he has them figured out. He is smarter than the two of them put together. JMO!!!!!!!
  2. I'm hoping that is exactly what he does.
  3. I guess he'll have to put a ring on her finger now. It's always my opinion that who makes it to the end is the best player, no matter what their game play was during the game. If they outlive 15 others, they had to do something right.
  4. If she did than everyone would say she is using him to further her game, "sending out mixed messages" etc. I think she's cutting the psycho loose and good for her. And when she gets fat from having Cody's babies, she will be able to get a side date with Caleb. Best of both worlds. lol
  5. Of course. They are laughing at him not with him. He is so dry and totally boring. Any taped conversation of him would cure insomnia.
  6. It's not the same as two people hanging on a rope for 6 hours and one giving up with the other given safet because you know they both wanted it. It's not the same as attempting to compete, but not really doing so. BB has no way of knowing who is holding back. What Derrick did was to ask his opponent "do you want HOH" and then not even attempt to play. So, as I see it, Derrick could have been silent about it and let Frankie win, but then the audience might have thought he just answered wrong, but no he had to play the hero and give Frankie the HOH. That's a big difference! By the way, what was so important about "Frankie seeing his granpa?" I guess that was a picture right...well Frankie chose to go into the house and he knew grandpa was dying and he knew there would be no pics. So, I call BULLSHIT on both of them!
  7. I just like Hayden and hope he sits #2 with Zach. I don't like Zach personally, but I like his craziness and the ability to keep the house on their toes. Amber is small fries, these guys will prove their worthiness when they get one of the string masters evicted.
  8. I hope he gets to evict Frankie and Derrick. He is the only unpredictable aspect in the house.
  9. Agreed! And that moron Julie had to ask Derrick if he threw the comp, really? It was evident and it should not be permitted because it changes the whole game. Derrick had to make a point of what a great guy he is...not! He should have just answered wrong.
  10. I just hope that the sniveling female idiots that recover this week manage to gain their senses and go after the real brains of the operations if they get the chance - Derrick and Frankie. Those two deserve to sweat a bit too!
  11. Borders I totally agree with you too. What some call "support" from the HG in their so called time of "grief." I call strategy. As a viewer, I see these players as fame and money grabbers. They are egotistical and narcissistic. For those who really need the money - go and earn it!
  12. As for the "support" the house gave him: 1: Would some of them have been so supportive if they didn't think they were going to be continuously safe in Frankie's plan? 2. Do you think the bottom feeders of the house (such as Brittany) would have got the free passes that Frankie got and possibly Derrick may get? My answer is NO!
  13. I agree and I respect that. I guess it depends on how close you are to family members. Some I would choose to stay and some I would definitely pack my bags and go home if anything happened to them. Frankie is an attention whore and loves spectacles. For someone as "close" to his grandpa as he says he was, it's back to business and antics in the house.
  14. He needs mental help. He is so obsessed with Amber and every conversation revolves around her. I wonder how many restraining orders he has for stalking? lol It takes him 20 minutes to tell a 3 minute story. They put him in the house to torture us.
  15. They should back door Derrick when they get the first chance, otherwise this game is his. Zach is his own worse enemy.
  16. Maybe for an extra audience treat he'll wear the sock monkey on his head. Not only is he physically short, but he's also a mental midget.
  17. What an adorable couple. :pukes: Okay, so this is Christine only in nom mode, can you imagine what she is like if she is sitting in one of the seats on eviction night? Yeah, not so happy go lucky any more.
  18. Conversation from last night, Zach is making sense. "She always thinks she is safe, let Christine sweat for once." It's brutal though because Frankie is eating and making animal sounds. It appears that Frankie may be done with Zach at this point and Zach better start watching his back.
  19. Good exit! I wonder how high her shoes would have been if she didn't have a toe injury. Kids are good looking for sure, but so is she. If they had a couple of mature, single, normal, non-back woods males in the house, she'd still be there.
  20. She's famous already!!!!!! Look, it's a Jocasta McCarthy doll. lmao
  21. lol Mama more HB than dad. Hey, Nicole your village is calling you.
  22. Hopefully.... He is telling Zach how carefully he picked the members for the alliance. Also said something that when Amber (I think he was talking about Amber) is on her period he wants her to go talk to the other females. It's painful to listen to this asshole's conversation. He makes no sense ever. They should put us out of our misery and backdoor him this week.
  23. Let the games begin! These fools finally realize they will have to start picking off each other. Zach's eratic behavior should prove to be very interesting this week. I think Christine should be worried. 10x the nose fluid this week.



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