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Posts posted by BBLurkerPlus

  1. 12:33PM Ian cracks a joke when production says they want more Tom Cruise and less Ian in his performance. He responds, "so you want me to be an inch shorter?"





    12:37PM BBT Coming out to the BY after his performance in the LR, still in costume, Kaysar asks Ian if he's wearing space pants.  He responds by slapping his butt and saying, "Yes, because my ass is out of this world." [Ian cracking ALL the jokes today - BBLurkerPlus]


  2. 10 hours ago, straykat said:

    Didn't like Memphis in his first season. So far in this season, he is even more egotistical and arrogant. Hope he dons his mask and heads out to see Julie sooner rather than later.

    He's an anti-masker in real life. Believes the pandemic will disappear after election day. He said it in the feeds. Idiot.


    Also the nom ceremony took THREE takes to get the racist overtones (or outright racist speech) out of it.  I doubt we'll ever see take 1 or 2, but both made the houseguests pissed off.  Grandpa Memphis with the Walmart Feet is not long for the world if the other side wins an HoH, and even his alliance is starting to get restless.

  3. 6:54PM BBT Apparently Memphis had a harsh nom speech and referred to David directly as "boy" during noms or while making him a have not (it's not clear yet).  David tells Kevin in the storeroom, "Fuck that 'boy' shit. Motherfucker, I'm 30 years old!"  [Does Memphis get one of the new BB22 production HG racism strikes for this? - BBLurkerPlus]

  4. 1:43am BBT Cody, Tyler, Memphis, and Dani sitting in the BY talking. It comes up that Kaysar demanded bidets [not clear which brand, but assuming cheap biobidet or brondell rather than premium Totos - BBLurkerPlus] on both the house toilets as a condition of coming back for All Stars 2020.  He's the reason there are bidets in the BB house for the first time and Cody says he's so fuckin' grateful.  Production cuts away as they start to explain to confused Grandpa Memphis in more detail.  Here's the scene...



  5. 8:07PM BBT Xmas/Kevin/Tyler/Nicole in photo bedroom. Tyler asks about the picture of Kevin where he's screaming.  He relates that he had the first Pandora's box ever in BB, and he decided not to open it because he knows that the Pandora's box story is about bad consequences. Production kept him there and convinced him to open it. Production meddling in its infancy.  Here's the whole clip...



  6. 12:42PM BBT Enzo explains the origin story for The Meow Meow.




    12:43PM BBT Then Enzo mentions the "Strike" system that the houseguests are under. Crossing the line with race, gender, etc, earns them a strike.  But he didn't say how many strikes before there's a punishment and what that is.  He jokes that his Meow Meow origin story is giving him all the strikes.

  7. 6:54PM BBT Feeds are back.  Ficole and Xmas are talking in the bedroom.  Cody, Ian, Day and Bay are in the living room talking.


    6:56PM Keesha joins the group to gather intel.  Memphis comes in a minute later and Bay takes off now that the room is covered to see what's up with Xmas and Ficole.


    6:57PM BBT Camera changes and you can see past the front door where Kevin, Janelle, Kaysar, Nicole, and Tyler are in the Kitchen.



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