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Posts posted by BBLurkerPlus

  1. 2:05PM After Elissa split Aaryn in HOH with Andy, GM and Helen saying "The only thing that gets Elissa to stop is to keep saying 'you're right.' And that's what I do. She's going home next week anyway." Then she changes that and says maybe not because she gets paid more than all of them to be on BB because she's Rachael's sister, and production will give her special powers or an advantage to stay or something.

    2:06PM GM finishes off agreeing with Aaryn by saying "People think that I'm freaking nuts. That's [Elissa] a whole new level of robotism." Aaryn then says to Helen, "I'm sorry but your best friend in the house is f'n nuts."

    02:09PM Amanda walked in a few minutes ago and chimes in with "She's not all there."

    Shot of Amanda and AAryn in the bathroom at the HoH sink. Note: The Black Fish are swimming with the white fish at the middle and top of the tank. This is an observation and not necessarily "scientific."

    02:13PM Aaryn, "My greatest fear coming into this game was that I would be manipulated. Everyone who is honest is gone, the ones that manipulate are still here. This is my greatest fear - it's happened. [uh, has she watched BB?]"

    White fish are on the bottom of the tank now in HoH Bathroom.

    02:18PM Aaryn still tag teaming Elissa bashfest with GM. "I don't want to work with someone who thinks they're better than me." Helen is still pretty much listening to her game hopes being completely smashed into the ground - obliterated - because of Elissa's action here.

    02:20PM Helen expressing disappointment that she thought her and Elissa were a team working together until today when she told her she wasn't. Helen says "Okay, I'm going to Jury." On cue, Elissa enters the HoH again and starts slurring about Andy being a liar and fake for the cameras. [is she on muscle relaxants or pain meds? Sounds like it...]

    Mostly the dead silence of contempt hangs in the room now that Elissa is back.

    02:23PM Elissa slurs about "bag game moves" as she sits next to GM and talks over everything GM says.

    Amanda and Andy are back in HoH now. Elissa left when they came in.

    02:30PM Amanda speculating that Elissa has been given a phone call home at some point to her husband because of something Amanda overheard. Also, Amanda hates the way production tiptoes around Elissa and gives her considerations because she keeps threatening to walk from the game.

    02:33PM Aaryn re-counts how Elissa said Amanda said that Aaryn is stupid and gullible, and all her HoHs aren't hers because she did others bidding. Aaryn says Elissa then said "You can never have the life that I have, so I don't know why you try to compare yourself to me." And that Elissa wasn't afraid of Aaryn because she's Rachael's sister. [Wat?]

    02:34PM Aaryn still recounting that Elissa said all Aaryn's HoH wins were all luck and she deserves no credit. Aaryn asks if she's stupid for considering the other HG desires when choosing nominees. The other HG say totally not stupid.

    02:35PM Amanda says when Elissa sees someone in pain she's pure fucking evil. Amanda makes a face imitating Elissa enjoying watching someone suffer.

    02:38PM Aaryn still relating Elissa stuff. She says Elissa said that she has a final 3 deal with Amanda and McCrae. Amanda interrupts with, "Whats our alliance name, then? Batshit Crazy?"

    [spencer came in at some point in the last few minutes and is on the couch]

    02:42PM More Amanda chat, then Spencer pipes up about Elissa with "Fuck off, Bitch. Take your Fucked up Face and keep steppin'..."

    02:44PM Mccrae walks in and says he was talking to Elissa. She was going off on Andy and McCrae says he fake agreed with her saying "That punk!" The HG in the HoH laugh.

    02:46PM Aaryn speculates about a game twist to bring HG back from Jury. She says if Elissa is out, the producers will make her the one that comes back. She also says it feels like she's on a scripted show for entertainment and it doesn't feel like they're being allowed to play the game because of production meddling and Elissa's demands.

    02:49PM Talking about medication, Aaryn volunteers that she gets something for cold sores [??] then Amanda talking about Elissa getting medication for genital warts. FOTH immediately. Brief back and you hear Amanda saying "She would be SO horrified." Then immediate FOTH again. [Not sure if this was jokes, but it didn't seem like it]

    02:51PM Amanda continues that they should ignore Elissa and "spread rumors about her genital warts." [so maybe they were joking before.]

    02:52PM HG speculating about how this event with Elissa would be edited and how much will be shown and how Elissa will be portrayed. BB pipes in and tells Amanda and McRae not to talk about production. Aaryn gets in a final production jab quickly.

    02:57PM Rehashing Elissaisms. GM volunteers to "go low" with the personal Elissa jabs. Aaryn calling Elissa's husband a cheating sugar daddy who didn't marry her for love. She then gets sidetracked into talking about Brendon's dick and how watchers can see it and how ugly it is.

    03:00PM McRae say he really wants to hear Cher's "Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves" so bad right now. One of the wakeup songs today was ONJ "Physical" and another "Meow Meow" song Amanda hated [probably this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJhXJ3kifkw].

    [Repeating info now, so I'm out]

  2. 01:58AM Amanda announces she wants to get drunk. Andy says they should pool their daily alcohol allocation so a couple people could get completely drunk at a time and rotate. The HG decide that's dumb.

    02:00AM McRae says he played Rock Paper Scissors with Jessie to see who would blow whom. Amanda is not charmed.

    02:01AM Spencer says Marilyn puts him to bed every night going down on him. Amanda says if a guy takes forever she won't do it. Andy says he's a giver and will give a lot of BJ's if he's really into the person. Amanda says she and Spencer are takers. GM is asked what she is. She doesn't commit to either.

    02:03AM Amanda saying if she wins something, she wants an HOH. She says she wants "Pictures, Food, and Power." Aaryn dares her to put her up.

    02:05AM Spencer says he will eat some head cheese if someone will fry it up. But Amanda says it smells so bad they can only try it when the backyard is open. They go to check and see if the backyard is open. It's not yet. Elissa calls up that it's 2am, then goes back to putting on the hunting gear again to sleep in the HNR.

    02:06AM the HG are wondering if everyone will be called to the DR and we get FotH.

    02:09AM Aaryn is getting sucked into the black and white fish thing and segregation again. Amanda is insisting that segregation is racist. Aaryn is saying that "scientifically" the dark fish stay at the bottom because they hide in the dark and the light fish stay in the light to blend in. Amanda says she's having a blonde moment, and McRae says they're both having a "fucking nutso moment." Aaryn says if America thinks she's racist, she doesn't give a fuck. Amanda asks why Aaryn is sitting in the white chair, then laughs.

    02:12AM Aaryn says as of the midpoint of the game she's over caring what people think. Amanda is says "hence, that's the reason we both got that question at week 3 or 4" and we get immediate FotH.

    02:14AM Aaryn says that Amanda and Kaitlyn are both seductresses, but Amanda is overt and Kaitlyn is more coy. Andy offers that Spencer is the house seductress. GM pipes up that Jeremy had sex with Kaityn and messed up the bed. Spencer says he pretty much told him that he had sex with her.

    02:15 Aaryn talking about her weird dreams is putting Andy to sleep, then he jumps up and head to the bathroom.

    [i'm out for the night]

  3. 01:21AM HOH discussion with everyine except Helen about what fights the HG have had in the house and with whom. McRae says he tends to "announciate" when he gets mad. Amanda questions his GM-like word choice.

    01:23AM Amanda deciding that she's had eight fights or heated arguments while in the house. Andy says that Aaryn was the beneficiary of the grasshopper alliance blowing out, even though she wasn't in it. FotH for some reason.

    01:25AM Elissa is deciding on strategies for staying warm in the HNR. Wearing hunting outfit. Spencer offers his black sweatpants. Elissa demurs and changes to saying she should make out with non-HN HG when they are eating so she can get the flavor of what food they're having. Andy asks what she wants him to eat tomorrow.

    01:29AM HG debating ebonics words for credibility. Andy says Spencer looks so tired.

    01:30AM General Jessie bashing.

    01:31AM Aaryn recounting last week when Jessie said "I'm just listening to the cunts. GM, Helen, and Elissa are cunts." And explaining that Jessie was saying the meanest things that she could think of because she was so stressed out.

    01:34AM Amanda summarizes that Honesty is the best policy. Aaryn jokes that it's what Big Brother is about. Amanda says "well, sometimes you can't be honest." Andy slips a bit and confesses having a final two with Jessie right up to when she left, and Amanda calls him on it and he minimizes. A bit more Jessie bashing, GM yawns in closeup, and FotH.

    01:39AM Amanda confesses never having been to a Red Lobster. Someone chimes in that the biscuits are great. Andy starts to explain about Chicago and its suburbs[as it related to RL] and we get FotH again.

    01:41AM Cut in to Andy mid-sentence saying "...Chilis is a little below...but still fucking perfect." Most HG in room like Chilis, but they're dogging on TGIF. Amanda loves Cheesecake Factory. Andy loves the California Pizza Kitchen Pear + Gorgonzola pizza. It's his "jam." Amanda loves Panda Express, especially orange chicken. Andy loves it, too. He did a post "The 9 stages of regret" and it was his most popular ever. Andy continues that Panda Express is good when you're eating it, but an hour later you can feel it coagulating in your stomach and you regret it. The HG get off on Chipotle Grill and we get FotH.

    01:46AM Elissa announces she's going to bed., then FotH again briefly with Andy saying "that room becomes -30 degrees at night."

    01:47AM Andy wondering if Zingbot will come this season. McRae heard saying "I hope not" off screen.

    01:48AM Aaryn's theory is that when the HG catch on to what's coming up, production says "fuck you" and changes things up. Andy is still waiting for the damned Marguerita Party.

    01:50AM Aaryn demonstrates how Jessie would annoy her by jumping in between Judd and Aaryn when they were together. McRae describes his personal space as a bubble.

    01:51AM HG dogging on Elissa's lack of "spacial awareness" [i think they mean situational awareness] and how she can't pick up on social cues in a room. This started because they couldn't believe that she was snuggling up to Spencer earlier [probably for heat].

    01:52AM Aaryn says OTEV wasn't fun because she didn't win. Amanda says sarcastically that she feels really bad for Aaryn. Aaryn says she should be thinking about Aaryn's needs.

    Elissa in WR doing ADL. McRae in the room, too.

    01:55AM Aaryn asks Amanda "the heart of McRae or 500k?" and Amanda says "500k" without hesitation. She then recants and says McRae...and 500k.

    01:56AM HG debating proper name for dick cheese. They settle on "schmegma". Andy corrects to "smegma." Amandy ponders if there's a proper word for vagina cheese. Aaryn talks about googling that. Amanda asks incredulously if she went home and googled "pussy cheese." Aaryn says no, mock offended, and then proceeds to say it looks like cottege cheese.

  4. 12:53AM Amanda is scraping a pan in the KT. Spencer, Aaryn, GM, Helen, Andy, and McRae are in HOH chatting.

    12:54AM GM and Aaryn leave.

    12:56AM McRae says he has a pretty good gaydar, and he doesn't feel Nick is gay. There were some oddities, but he doesn't think he was gay. Andy says he's not sure. He said there's a thing called gay, but it could be that Nick was just weird.

    GM and Aaryn are in the cockpit. GM is upset.

    12:57AM Andy asks "Can we all agree that GM is insane?"

    Amanda comes into HOH

    12:59AM HOH debate about what set GM off [besides her period hormones]. They decide in the HOH room that it's memories of Nick that were brought up in the OTEV comp.

    01:00AM Andy talking about OTEV comp. "I brought you the right F'n letter, cunt." Then goes on about the gay stereotypes in the speech of OTEV or the beaver [it isn't clear].

    01:03AM Amanda is eating HN hor d'oeuvres (olives) and listening.

    01:05AM Helen wants to tell America that Head Cheese is not food. Also, CBS wasted money buying the habeneros that no one is eating. They're blaming the HN food this week on hamsterwatch voting. It was the site McRae frequented and he's blaming the HN food voting this week on the webmaster/mod there. Helen is asking about the site and McRae is talking about how the site works and that he likes the updates the webmaster does.

    01:07AM GM is still sniffling and whispering sad period feelings to an impressively attentive Aaryn in the cockpit.

    01:09AM Helen is called to the DR.

    01:11AM GM premature period pity party in cockpit is over. Elissa is putting on hunting gear Amanda was wearing in the HOH room.

    Helen in WR, everyone else in HOH now.

    01:13AM Debating who of the HG are the most favorite with fans. Elissa is asking McRae if he thinks she's popular with the fans while she checks herself out in the outdoor gear and says the outfit is cute.

    01:15AM McRae thinks the fans may not like Elissa's copious cursing. Elissa defends them as appropriate on the right occasions. McRae says "Fuck yeah, Dingo!" McRae says he misses checking in on the fan websites like hamsterwatch and wants to see what it's saying about this season. He is now explaining about how the webmaster is making money by giving her BB opinions.

    01:19AM Andy eating oreos. Elissa says she doesn't like the filling. Amanda says Oreos and milk are the best. She says she would "fucking murder a puppy right now for an Oreo." She recants after saying "sorry America."

  5. 11:42 Aaryn complaining about not getting enough Amanda time because McManda spend too much time making out. Helen came in a while ago and is listening to music. Someone starts singing and we get FOTH.

    11:45 Elissa is washing off her OTEV comp letters (they're metal) in the WR.

    11:46 Spencer talking about when he went to rehab.

    11:47 Andy back to talking about the gay/bi-curious beaver in the OTEV comp. Amanda says it was blatantly bi-sexual.

    Mostly boring BS now. I'm out.

  6. 11:17 Booze train leaving the station in the HOH room. Wine and beer all around. Andy confessing he's not a fan of bro-antics in sports like chest bumping. Everyone except Helen, Amanda, Elissa, GM in the HOH.

    11:19 Aaryn complaining that GM really messed up her game in the OTEV comp by showing others tiles in Aaryn's "area". Aaryn said she was thinking "Motherf***ers, get out of my mud."

    11:20 Andy asserts that OTEV is definitely "a homosexual" and Spencer agrees. Aaryn says that whoever wrote OTEV's lines was a girl and we get FOTH.

    11:22 Talking about Zingbot now. Doing her best Jesse Pinkman, Aaryn says "y'all were so mean to me when I asked if he was a real robot." Andy says what if Zingbot blew everyone's games up? McRae says he F'n hates Zingbot. Andy says he's pretty awesome. Aaryn wants to be a sexy Zingbot for halloween. A bit more halloween talk then FOTH. When it comes back all feeds are on KT.

    11:24 HOH comes back briefly and Aaryn is saying "I think they didn't want me to be the sweet blonde girl" and we get FOTH again.

    11:27 Feeds are back, Amanda has joined HOH. Amanda confesses she was physically attracted to Nick first, but she was intrigued by McRae. Andy talking about pre-interviews. FOTH. Andy is saying Nick is his type. Aaryn says to Andy they totally put you in here because Nick is gay and he likes your -- and we get FOTH.

    11:30 Amanda - Nick was one of the most odd people I've ever met. Aaryn says Nick was totally gay and people shunning her for saying it in the beginning was wrong. They can't imagine David making out with a man. Aaryn asks McRae to imagine Amanda and her scissoring. Andy talking about how Jeremy (??) complemented him by saying early on "You're a really cool gay guy." McRae hops in with an impression of him "yeah, you're not like the guys I usually beat up."

    11:34 Elissa doing ADL in bathroom.

    11:35 Wedding talk in HOH. Amanda wants a big wedding and would do it if the media paid for a big TV wedding. McRae would not, but he would go on Amazing Race for the honeymoon (as Amanda suggested). Spencer says a wedding is more beautiful if it's private. Andy wonders aloud if GM would beat the shit out of him if he made out with Nick.

    11:37 Andy proud that he was the only one in the house that knew David's last name was Ghertin (sp?), then asks Aaryn to top off his wine.

    11:38 Aaryn confesses that she's never seen dick cheese and asks Amanda if she has. Amanda confesses that her brit was uncircumcised and that says that in her experience brits usually aren't. Someones says "it's hot in here" and Aaryn starts sinking "it's gettin' hot in herr" and we get FOTH.

    11:40 Apparently OTEV's command was to "put your <item they're looking for> in my beaver box." Amanda wants to know if McRae will put <something> in HER beaver box. Spencer messed up his knee in OTEV comp.

  7. 10:48 Helen reviewing with Andy and Elissa what type comps are yet to come: the Wall, measuring, the morphing faces, mazes, etc. Elissa decides the conversation is not Elissa-centric enough and suddenly announces she's allergic to something.

    Andy, Helen Elissa in HNR. AAryn, GM, Spencer, McManda in HoH room.

    10:52 Helen back to geeking out on OTEV, and Elissa pops up with "did Rachael win OTEV?" - no one knows, but Elissa thinks she did. Andy starts theorizing about a woods subtheme for Big Brother this year and Helen starts talking about a new series called "Summer Camp" that is launching, and we get FOTH. Comes back with Elissa saying "please don't talk about production" then FOTH again.

    10:55 Elissa is glad they got the beaver. Andy ignores the comedy potential of that statement and continues underplaying his abilities. Helen is espousing her BB wisdom of winning but not winning too much so you can take the game. Elissa says Jordan had a good social game and is a really sweet person. Helen is wondering how Jordan played the game in the house. Andy jumps in with Jordan's darkside stories.

    10:58 Helen thanks Andy for trying to win OTEV "for us". Elissa makes a catty comment and Helen reminds Elissa they are going to be nice from here out. No more bad comments. Elissa says she has a fierce side, but saves it for people that deserve wrinkles and "you guys totally deserve wrinkles." She says she's very selective where she spends her energy. Elissa is so proud of how she solved the riddles and Andy bursts her bubble a bit and says those riddles were pretty damn easy.

    Aaryn is called to the DR again.

    11:02 Helen still rehashing OTEV. She's saying she should have spent more time scoping out where other HG names were instead of running back to OTEV first. Andy talking about Elissa's insane yoga levitation skills getting up the OTEV ramp like she was flying. Helen can't wait to watch herself in that comp.

    11:04 GM comes in and announces she feels crappy because she's on her period. She lays down to sleep and the party in the HN room splits up. FOTH

    11:05 KT Elissa is announcing she can't wait to watch the OTEV comp also!

    11:07 KT Amanda whispers something really quiet to Andy and he says "no" very decidedly then heads up to HOH, leaving Amanda in the KT, cooking their garbage.

    11:10 Elissa comes in KT and confesses that before being a HN she couldn't eat pickles, they gross her out, but now she has to eat them to survive. When she got a drink in Canada called a Caesar, she always gave her husband the pickle.

    11:13 Aaryn is back from DR with a big bottle of wine and is roaming the KT looking for something to open it while complementing Elissa on winning OTEV. Amanda ammounces she's going to bed early tonight while playing with the slop doo-doo cooking in the pan.

    11:15 Spencer and Mcrae making a beer run to the storeroom, dropping F bombs all the way.

  8. 10:28 Helen is attempting a motivational speech and somehow brings Jesus into Elissa's successful effort to win the OTEV competition. Helen says "down" Elissa days aren't allowed from here out for the other houseguests to see. When Elissa is down, Helen says Elissa is to come to Helen and she will sequester Elissa in the HNR so she can't snap on other people in the house and mess up Helen and Elissa's game.

    10:36 Elissa took in what Helen said and responded with a "I miss Candice."

    10:37 Elissa starts talking about how "it makes her sick when they talk about her [Candice]" and we get FOTH.

    10:38 Helen is telling Elissa she wants her to experience winning HOH. Elissa wants a Yoga Mat as HOH. Helen says she'll get it. Helen says she can't make it another 40 days on slop, and Elissa agrees, saying that her stomach feels like it's going to die.

    10:39 Elissa says she can't relax until Spencer is gone, and Helen says she'll make sure Spencer goes. [uh, maybe not, Helen]

    10:40 Elissa says she's totally done with Aaryn, and Helen says it will be good when Aaryn and Spencer are gone. Helen says Spencer came so close to winning OTEV today, and confesses that if she is booted before Spencer, she will totally lose it.

    10:41 Secret Agent Andy pops in to the HNR to tell Elissa and Helen that it seems like Spencer's going up. They then BS about the OTEV competition a bit. Helen reiterating that Spencer almost winning OTEV was a surprise. She thought Aaryn would be the best one in that comp.

    10:46 Helen asks what Andy's doing about voting and Andy says he's voting Spencer out.



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