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Posts posted by Tritledee

  1. 10 minutes ago, HeleneL said:

    You're right.  I'm getting senior moments.  Toss it up to my age lol.  In my mind I could see Mark and Elena sitting on the block.


    On the other hand, the show tonight was the most cringe-worthy of the season IMHO.  Can they all possibly be that stupid.  And I hope somebody sticks a knife in that f'n bird soon.  Maybe Jason on his way out the door Thursday.  


    I truly hope it's either Jason or Alex.  Actually, I'd prefer that it's Alex for being so stupid about throwing the comp.  


    Edit:  I hope they don't change their minds and evict Kevin.  

  2. 8 minutes ago, joystiick said:

    I know posters have commented that they were tired of other posters talking about dumb and stupid the hg are, but, no matter how much it is discussed, our discussions cannot accurately reflect how incredibly dumb these people are. There are seven people left, and Paul gets 3 of them to throw the hoh comp? Then, after watching3 couple in a row get targeted, Alex volunteers to be a pawn. How dumb is she. Will the light bulb ever come on? 


    Yeah, the thing is, I don't care if someone is tired of what others post.  


    The light bulb will come on when Alex is sitting on the stool talking to Julie.  :lol:

  3. 17 minutes ago, JessicaRocks said:

    You know, the single dumbest thing that I get SO tired of hearing these dumb HG's lament about (over and over and over again) is how stupid Jessica was to use her "halting Hex" when she did.  If Jessica had NOT used it when she did, she would have been THE biggest fool in BB history because the house would have taken that opportunity to evict her.  THEY would have been the biggest fools in BB history had they not, since by evicting her at that time would have split up Jody PLUS the "halting hex" would have been evicted with her.  But Christmas has said about a million times that SHE (Christmas) was THE smart one for using HER temptation when she did compared to when Jessica used hers.  The house told her that they would evict Cody if she didn't use the hex, but they were SO lying to her!


    I am SO hoping that Jessica wins AFP this season - THAT would salvage this entire season as far as I'm concerned and make me completely happy.  All the HG's would be so surprised and pissed that their heads would EXPLODE.  I would so love to see all their expressions when they announced her as AFP winner.  If Jessica wins AFP, BB will have to issue Depends to all the HG's beforehand to contain the mess they would make otherwise.


    Well, they all tend to try to justify things for themselves.  Of course she had to use her halting hex.  Her biggest blunder (other than spending valuable game-playing time laying in bed with Cody), IMO, was to blurt out that she had the temptation when she did.  That was a panic move.  


    Jessica had a real chance to go far in this game because she was a good competitor, but she made the poor decision to isolate herself with Cody.  She's right where she deserves to be....sitting at home watching BB with the rest of the viewers.  


    I don't think she's at the top of people's minds when they're thinking about AFP.  She just wasn't memorable enough.  She couldn't even hang in there long enough to make it to jury.  



  4. 1 hour ago, JessicaRocks said:


    Go to CBS.com, then go to the very bottom of the page and click on "Help".  At the top of the page that brings up, there is a drop down "Contact Us" - the drop down choices are "Submit a Question" and "Feedback".  I left them an earful.


    I hate to break this to you, but they won't "hear" your earful that you left them.  It's all about ratings.  

  5. 1 hour ago, Canopus said:


    So, why should he bother eating slop all week, if he knows he's getting evicted? There's no impact to the game or other players. When he gets to jury, he can eat what he wants. So what's the big deal about eating what he wants now?


    I really don't think anyone should get kicked out unless they break rules which intentionally affects the game or other players. He's only affecting himself, and he's getting a penalty vote as punishment (even if it means little at this point).


    Well, our opinions differ, but neither one of our opinions matter anyway.  :mellow: 

  6. 25 minutes ago, Canopus said:


    They are being applied to everyone. Matt got a penalty vote for violating the rules. That's the rule!  There's nothing that says you get kicked of the game for not eating slop.


    I guess I should have inserted the word "effective".  If breaking the rule incurs no real penalty, then it's worthless.  Matt knows he's being evicted.  The penalty vote means nothing.  


    When Chima got evicted, Grodner, herself, said that it was for "multiple rule violations".  So, yes, there IS something that says you can get kicked out of the game if you repeatedly break rules.  But BB likes choas because viewers like drama, so I doubt Matt will be deservedly kicked out.  He'll get rewarded with luxury and sex with Raven in the jury house.  


    Statement from CBS:

    “Chima has been evicted by the producers from the Big Brother house for violating the rules. She will not be part of the show’s jury. Her eviction will be addressed on an upcoming broadcast of the show.”

  7. 52 minutes ago, Lamasquerade said:

    Yes Jason you are now famous for all the wrong reasons.  His comment about rape on video has been reported in the New York Daily News. "Big Brother contestant under fire ..." 


    16 minutes ago, straykat said:


    Yeah, also  TMZ and quite a few others have picked up on this. Seems that this isn't the first time he has brought up raping a woman. 


    I saw something about his family apologizing for him too.  


    Oh, what a fine mess he's gotten himself into, and he doesn't have a clue.  It looks like his chances for AFP have gone up in smoke.  

  8. 34 minutes ago, Lamasquerade said:

    Thanks. I knew it started with an A but I was too lazy to Google. Fair enough, but they would need to set the amount of warnings that meet criteria for expelling the hg.


    Yes.  It's amazing to me that after all of these seasons, BB production still hasn't ironed out the wrinkles.  


    I tend to be a by-the-book kind of person.  If there are rules, I try my best to follow them.  It makes life a lot easier, and it makes things a lot simpler if the same rules apply to everyone instead of being arbitrary.  



  9. 3 hours ago, Lamasquerade said:

    Could be true but the HG didn't notice that. Some in that house do absolutely nothing for anyone else and Kevin comes to mind. He thinks his role is to tell stories and touchy, touchy, feely, feely the girls. Xmas took away that privilege and now he is mad at her.


    Kevin washed the towels.  


    Why does everyone smell the towels before using them?  

  10. 3 hours ago, Lamasquerade said:

    Huh? I quoted you and you brought up Chima. I elaborated. We are discussing rules and there are many  replies regarding rules.  The point is BB tends to rate offenses based on HG popularity, ratings grabbers and offense flavor of the week. If someone does something against the rules they should be gone, period. What's the point of rules of they are not followed? Viewers opinions of how minor or major an offense is should not matter.


    I agree, though I do think they should get warnings.  But flagrant and repeated violations, like Matt is doing, should cause him to be expelled, IMO.  


    And the blonde girl is Aaryn Gries.  ;)

  11. 2 minutes ago, stevea11 said:



    "Have others flagrantly and repeatedly broken rules after being assessed a penalty vote?"

    Yes, numerous times thru the years. They only way you get the boot is fighting, assaulting someone and the occasional tossing their mic pack in the hot tub. 


    Well, there's no point in rules then.  One would think that after all these years they'd figure out how to do things better, but then we're stupid enough to watch, so what does it matter.  :rolleyes:

  12. 2 minutes ago, Canopus said:

    In any case, I want to watch the remaining scumbags/bitches in the house feed on each other and experience the hate they spewed on the evicted players. Let Kevin find out what Jason said! Let others say it to Jason! And, please, let them finally start personally attacking Paul!


    There was only one truly decent person in the house, as far as I could tell, and that was Mark.  Well, maybe Cameron and Ramses.  But it WILL be amusing to watch the rest eat each other alive.  

  13. 49 minutes ago, Hanna said:

    I honestly cannot believe Josh was the first to start figuring it out. He tried to tell Christmas and she shut him down. I think the others will do the same unfortunately. His best bet was Christmas. Hopefully she starts seeing for herself after he planted the seed. I think anyone else will run right to Paul and tell him. God I hate this season.


    I think there's a possibility that Christmas may be even more stupid than Raven.  If that's possible.

  14. 1 minute ago, stevea11 said:


    I see your point Roli. Expelling him probably won't happen as it would create a possible tie vote at the end. Others have broken this rule in past years and the punishment has been the same. Penalty vote. Whoopieee


    I haven't watched since the inception of BB.  Have others flagrantly and repeatedly broken rules after being assessed a penalty vote?  


    BB could probably figure out a way around the tie, if that should happen.  


    I lost what little respect I had for Matt for this very childish behavior.  He signed a contract.  

  15. 3 minutes ago, stevea11 said:


    A possibly better idea would be to give Matt one penalty vote for each day he eats normal food.


    All that penalty vote is doing is counting as an extra vote against him on Thursday.  Because the HGs are already planning to vote him out, it doesn't matter how many penalty votes he gets.  He's got nothing to lose UNLESS BB decides to expel him.  Then he would forfeit everything, including luxury time in the jury house with Raven.  


    Edit:  I'll just add that if BB doesn't expel him, they'll just be setting a precedent that nobody has to follow any rules ever.  They'll look very foolish.

  16. 49 minutes ago, omahaguy said:


    Matt should be ejected from the game for blatantly and repeatedly violating the HN rules. Sent home ... no paid jury vacation for him





    27 minutes ago, graceomalley said:

    yes!  I don't get that - why is he not being at the very least penalized for that?  BB does have rules and he should be following them -


    He was assessed a penalty vote.  Because he is continuing to violate the rules, he should be expelled from the game and Jason should have to nominate a replacement nominee.  But of course since the POV comp has already been played, this really wouldn't be fair to the replacement nominee.  


    So, IMO, if the HGs had any brains, what they would do is evict Raven on Thursday.  THEN Matt should get expelled.  Problem solved.  Well, except that they'd have too many weeks left in the season so they'd have to skip an eviction or shorten the season.  

  17. 5 hours ago, WhatADay said:

     I would like to see Jason win AFP if he doesn't win the final two, and I doubt he will.  Paul and Alex just get more deplorable with every passing day.   Josh is still winning the DF award.  What worries me is the thought that these people are representative of their age groups.  Depressing!     Jason isn't constantly bashing others, and I had to laugh tonight when he said something like "act like a lady for a moment" to Alex, and I thought " he will pay for that comment', even though she is rude, loud,  and well, I won't go on and on.  Christmas still is on my 'pretty awful' list too.  Honestly, I think this show is really depressing me about the future of our country.  Jeez   And by the way...  I only post under this name.  I am pretty sure a lot of people don't like most of these people for most of the reasons I don't.  I understand using some deception to win this game, it is almost required. But Paul simply has no conscience. And once again, I see mean in Alex and in Christmas, although I am sure they would disagree.  Josh is just one big mess.


    I can't disagree about Alex being rude and loud, and her hyperactivity has gotten very old.  I don't think what she's portraying herself to be on BB is representative of most people in her age group.  I've known a lot of people in that age group, and most are mature, decent adults.  I hope IRL Alex acts better. 


    I liked Christmas in the beginning, but there's something just way off about her, IMO.  There's simply no justification, as far as game play goes, for some of her mean attitude.  


    Paul is, as Josh would put it, "roofless".  (I can't help but laugh every time Josh says that.  Hopefully  when he's out, somebody will inform him that the word is "ruthless". :lol:)


    Josh is the only one of the bunch that I have any hope for, as far as learning to become a decent person.  Maybe he needs a couple of whacks upside the head, figuratively speaking, from his mother to straighten him out.  He acts like a decent person some of the time, and then reverts back to being immature.  At least he feels guilty after the fact, so maybe he will grow up someday.  


    Please don't let this show depress you about the future of our country.  If we don't have hope, we have nothing.  The producers of BB usually seem to pick most players because of their social and mental defects.  We probably wouldn't watch a bunch of normal people for very long.    


    1 hour ago, Lamasquerade said:

    The only thing these people represent are competitors attempting to win grand prize. Some need someone else to get through, some pull out the "ugly" and some treat it like a paid vacation.


    I agree, but I hope I don't have any of that "ugly" in myself.  (I know some here would scoff at that. ;))

  18. 2 minutes ago, carmen said:

    Mr. Massachusettes lives to see another week.  Raven apparently is exploding as a result of Jason not using the veto on her.

    I would love to see Kevin (or whoever stays between Raven / Matt) pull out an HOH this week just to see how the power would shift and possibly change things up.




    Mr. Massachusetts may not make it to see another week after all.  He's freaking out.  



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