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Posts posted by Tritledee

  1. 33 minutes ago, Lamasquerade said:

    Did anyone watch the YouTube video from house kitty 2 titled: Raven slept with Cody night 1 in the BB house?  I'll be checking it out later, but thought I would ask. Wondering what that is all about?


    Raven did sleep in the HOH bed with him, but I don't think she got what she wanted.  She said he kissed her.  If they had sex. she would have bragged about it.  

  2. 2 minutes ago, JessicaRocks said:


    Tankless water heaters do absolutely nothing to help the problem I was referring to.  The problem is cold water in the pipe between the water heater and the faucet/shower - you have to run the cold water out of the pipe before you get hot water at your shower head or faucet.  The only fixes right now are recirculating pumps (that keep hot/warm water in the pipes at all times), or multiple smaller water heaters located under the sink or otherwise close to the faucets/showerheads.  Like I said, for some strange reason, this is where a LOT of water gets wasted yet NO ONE ever talks about it.  (Multiple small tankless water heaters located around the house would solve the problem, but tankless heaters are expensive, especially to install...and I don't mean a LITTLE expensive to install, I mean VERY expensive - median installation cost is $2,000.)


    'Sorry to get on my soapbox about this - I'm always wondering why this major area of water waste is never discussed (just think about how long you run your shower EVERY DAY to get it hot).  I'll shut up about it now.


    I agree.  Every time we have to replace a water heater (we have multiple properties), I look at options.  I'd love to be able to put in a more efficient system, especially for our little one bedroom houses, but it's too cost prohibitive.  


    (Apologies to the "off topic" police.  ;) )

  3. 20 minutes ago, Newby said:

    I sure hope SOMEONE puts a bug in the HG ear that they need to watch the shows and read the message board to see how Paul played them and what a POS he is.


    I hope somebody clues him in that he's not very attractive, inside or out.  He's so full of himself.  I wish somebody would knock him off of his high horse.  

  4. 1 hour ago, WOC said:

    How old is Kevin? I seriously doubt he's "a lot older then 56."


    He's 56.  He's a sun worshipper, so his skin has taken a beating.


    2 hours ago, River said:

    I've always thought Kevin looks older than 56 too. I think that is his stay-at-home dad cover...he's retired! Wonder what he did for a living? Also I noticed one time when Jason said it must be expensive to have so many kids still living at home he dodged the question and quickly changed the subject. What do y'all think? 



    His wife is the money-earner, and maybe they have other investments.  His life, and that of his father, were public before he went on the show.  I don't think he's lying about anything.  

  5. 3 hours ago, Lamasquerade said:

    No. Josh is looking good. He lost weight and is built up so they are reminding him not to take steps back. The nagging about it has crossed a line since he didn't hire them as life coaches or personal trainers. The mommying has gone from decision making in the house to what Josh puts in his mouth. I think Josh doesn't mind, but I view Josh as being weak...another extension of how this guy needs to be told what to do. Next, they will tell him when to go to the toilet since they have already dictated when he sleeps. As usual for me, by this time in the game they all end up annoying me. Finale can't come soon enough.


    I agree.  He has obviously lost weight.  Some people get a certain perception in their minds and can't see past it, which is why some folks here are still under the perception that he's overweight.  


    I think Josh has benefited from his stay in the BB house, no matter if he wins any money or not.  He was exposed to life outside his insulated family unit.  He's in a situation where everybody doesn't adore him.  He has learned some tough lessons and done some long overdue growing up.  I hope he doesn't revert when he gets back to his family.  


    I think most of the others haven't learned a damned thing.  Their loss.  

  6. 2 hours ago, Aldrich said:

    Just saw video on TMZ showing Paul walking up and bitch slapping Josh on face because he was crying.  Shocking. Will Josh not turn on Paul after that?  Or will it continue, Paul intimidating his way to the big bucks and everyone continuing to give in to Paul to avoid being next person attacked.  Assault charges perhaps?!  Paul's true character is shining thru now.  Scum abuser foul mouthed slime.  Please no one vote for Paul to win.  If he is in F2 please Jury,  let the other person win.  


    So odd that so many this year, just like last year, are hoping Paul doesn't win.  Not odd but sad that here we are again.  Another year tarnished with that ugly devil.  


    Paul is a real POS.  And he's likely to win.  

  7. 3 hours ago, HeleneL said:

    Josh changes his mind as often as he changes underwear.  Last night he's telling Paul what a great game he played and he had no choice but to play it that way being the only vet and how the jurors will recognize this great game play and should give him their votes to win.  Blah, blah, blah.

    Night before he's telling the camera that he doesn't like the way Paul is playing only to protect himself and that if he's to win this game Paul has to be taken out, he's just not sure when.  Kudos if he does take him out but I highly doubt it.


    His last chance was this week, and he blew it.  

  8. Alex deserves to be sitting on the block, and she deserves to go home.  She didn't approach Josh to talk about nominations and try to convince him to put up Paul.  Then it would have ended up a tie, most likely, and Josh could break the tie and get out Paul.  Josh is a fool.  Alex is a fool.  Christmas is a Tool.  I'm glad it's almost over.  


    Does anyone enjoy that stupid brunch thing they do where they talk about the season?  I find it a complete waste of time, especially this season.

  9. On 8/24/2017 at 0:00 PM, Lamasquerade said:

    Websites? You mean the websites when one person has 10 different posting names and votes all day for their favorite player?


    58 minutes ago, Vista said:



    Yes, and that's why I don't even bother to vote.  


    I honestly don't understand anyone being so invested in a reality show contest that they'd devote so much time to voting.  No matter who wins AFP, it's not going to impact my life.  At all.  


  10. 24 minutes ago, WOC said:


    If I knew Paul in real life (shutter at the thought) I would give him so much shit for looking like a deranged, mental home escapee while he pranced around the house with that stupid bird wrapped around his waist. He looks like the duck dynasty handicapped grand kid that no one talks about. 


    Good depiction.


    If I knew Paul IRL, I would un-know him. 

  11. 54 minutes ago, JessicaRocks said:


    You know what - of everything that has been going on in the house, of all the plots, subplots and screwy things unfolding this season - the thing that has gotten under my skin the most is Paul and his frickin' FRIENDSHIP!!  He acts like he invented the concept and the word and the strategy...but his idea of friendship in the game is no different than any other strategy ever used in BB since the beginning of the show: he simply fools some people into being on his side while they get rid of other people so that he can win the game...whoop-de-do, isn't he a genius!!


    I'm so SICK of Paul!  :angry:


    49 minutes ago, HeleneL said:

    lol join the club lady.  I've had a hate on for that word since I first met Paul last season and he started on this friendship quest.  Everything was friendship right down to the fries. Gag Gag Gag!!


    I think he's still under the mistaken stupid impression that he can market "Friendship".  This year he handed out the bracelets, and I imagine he's wondering how many have sold because he's so cool and all.  :animated_rotfl:


    He probably thinks everyone wants to start wearing floaties around all day too.  



  12. 1 minute ago, HeleneL said:

    Well of course they do but the early predictions were for 185 mph winds and now these are down somewhat.  However they are very concerned about storm surges.  You're sitting in your cute little bungalow and 10 feet of water suddenly appears at your front door!  How do you get to the roof?  Really?  you want to take that chance?  And what about the first responders.  You decide to ride out the storm and all of a sudden you're in need of help for your family but they can't get to you because the storm is too fierce and they are helpless.  People were warned that if they didn't evacuate 911 would not be available during the storm.  I'm sorry but I think it's selfish of these people to stay put when they know it could be fatal.


    There are a variety of reasons why some people don't evacuate.  The most heartbreaking reason is that some can't afford to leave.  

  13. 1 hour ago, GrassyKnoll said:

    In Kevin's defense, I'm a little older than him & we get beyond the grade school dramatics, put downs & back stabbing especially if he is a stay at home dad. Then he is thrown into a house controlled by Rasputin & some pretty narcissistic people & cry babies, I'm sure he feels he isn't up to sparring verbally with the abusers. It was ridiculous when Narcissus Christmas got mad at him for asking if she was going in the pool. She could sit on the edge & stick a leg in. Sheesh what a stupid thing to get mad at & then it sets Baby Josh off. Yes I know Kevin talked bad about others, but so did the others & so do all of us but the isolation, shunning & lack of respect of Kevin is hard to watch.


    As I've said previously, there's something off about Christmas.  You're right.  It was a very stupid thing to get mad about.  In the beginning I thought I would like her, but she has been my least favorite for a long time.  

  14. 6 hours ago, Lamasquerade said:

    This guy is a mess now but who really knows how genuine his guilt really is. In the end, whatever move he makes he will blame on Paul and hysteria.


    I think it's genuine.  I don't think Josh will win, but it would probably not be such a good thing for him, personally, if he did.  It's really not a life-changing amount of money.  He kinda strikes me as the type of person who would blow it all very quickly.  


    I never really had a favorite this season.  I don't want any of them to win.  BB should just split it five ways and call it a day.  ;)

  15. 31 minutes ago, JessicaRocks said:

    Christmas' brand will definitely suffer from her exposure on the show IMHO.  I don't have any kind of positive impression about her - I think she has been kinda mean, petty and classless.  And as far as her game play, really what has she done...she has done no more than Kevin, just lucked out hanging with the "cool kids".  How weird is it that a contestant with a broken foot is probably going to make the finals this season?




    Her brand is being a cross-fit superstar.  I doubt her stint on BB will hurt that.  Cross-fit enthusiasts don't seem to be all that concerned about how nice or classy someone is.  At least not the ones I know.  And now she's working out again, showing off her abilities and her body.  That can't hurt. JMO.

  16. 40 minutes ago, PAULISABUNION said:

    I can't even remember which HG is from one season to the next. I wouldn't ever have an interest in chatting or going to a party/event regarding a BB HG. None of them are relevant to anyone other than the folks who in that reality TV world. Jessica probably would get more attention than Alex or Xmas anyway, at least from dudes.


    Same here.  I'm not even enamored with REAL celebrities, so I'm definitely not eager to meet any of these bozos.  

  17. 3 hours ago, Tiger87 said:

    You guys are reading too much into Josh. It's simple. He's a immature kid in a grownup body. His mental age is half his physical age. At times, he shows flashes of intelligence and moments of clarity. Then he runs off and bangs pans or asks Paul if he can take a nap or cries into Christmas's shoulder. He's a 12 year old kid at a really long summer camp.


    That's a pretty good summation.  I agree.  



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