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Posts posted by Tritledee

  1. 18 minutes ago, HeleneL said:

    Rachel's sister was the complete opposite.  Quiet, not nasty and only got evicted because she was Rachel's sister and had kept it a secret.  I can still hear Rachel's laugh and her awful crying in my mind.  I almost puked when  saw her come back for a second season and hear her say "I'm back bitches!!".  And then I get to see her again on Amazing Race.  OMG can't get rid of her.  Her crying was just as bad on that too.


    I thought Elissa seemed nice too, except for when she ridiculed Amanda for wearing a one-piece bathing suit.  That was petty and just plain mean.  I didn't care for Amanda, but she didn't deserve that.  

  2. 1 hour ago, Lamasquerade said:

    First if all, I don't post links due to the bad link problems I read about in threads. If I can find these articles believe me, anyone can.  For the defenders, have at it, but the reality is that those riots were seriously dangerous and anyone who didn't need to be there shouldn't have been there. He had a two year old daughter at the time and why would he risk getting harmed just because he wanted to see if he could "survive it?" As a dad that's irresponsible,  but as a regular joe shmoe off the street, it sounds more to me that this dude needs a head check.  I hear all about the vet respect but what about the cops that have to be involved in this stuff because it's part of their job too and when people attend these type of protests as a joke or as a spectator sport it just makes more trouble for everyone. I'm sure he will be all mad at himself for going into the Bb house when he finds out about all the fun he is missing at the Georgia Tech protest. You can call him odd, but I say wacko. It's nice to have a salesman job like his that permits him to hop on planes at anytime and miss work all for a little bit of "fun."


    Those are all excellent points.  Thank you.  I hadn't thought about all of those aspects of his "riot fun trip".  

  3. 2 hours ago, WOC said:


    Thanks for nothing! Now my fingers are tired! ;)


    So I read his tweeter post. That was an odd thing to do, but I don't see it as a racist thing. I see it more as a adrenaline junkie thing. An absolutely odd way of going about it, true, but not really racist. The only reason I say that is because for all the time he was in the house he never acted that way. As much criticism as he received it would have been all over the multiple sites if he had said anything reflecting racism. If he had made any racist comments on his tweeter account it would be out there too. Cody haters, just like Paul haters, love to find fault.


    How did racism come into this?  M point was that he spent money, obviously to race to Missouri for a riot.  One would think that if he was going to make an impromptu trip to another state,  it would perhaps be to Iowa (? I think that's where his family is) to see his daughter.  But no, he "just had to go" to Ferguson for the fun of it.  His priorities are messed up, IMO.  

  4. 11 minutes ago, WOC said:

    Just watched the video Roli, didn't actually watch that season, thanks. Refresh my memory, did Julie call out any of the current HGs about the bullying this season? 


    On a side note, I see Rachel's sister was in the house! I'm glad I missed that season. Rachel ranks as one of the nastiest HGs ever in my opinion! I hope I'm never subjected to her goofy duckface again.


    I liked her sister.  I didn't watch Rachel's season. 

  5. 7 minutes ago, WOC said:

    Can I get a link to the riot thing?


    I'm sure you can Google it as easily as I did.  Search terms:  his name and Ferguson riots.


    Sorry, but I'm on my tablet at someone's house, quietly occupying myself while the cutest baby in the world naps and copying links on this tablet is a pain in the ass.

  6. On 9/19/2017 at 6:05 AM, Newby said:

    I read this was true the season Aryan (probably spelled wrong, but she was the girl who was racist).  Supposedly BB had only handpicked people in the room and they were told not to boo.


    Aaryn Gries, what a character she was.  I just watched a clip again of her interview with Julie when she was evicted.  The audience gave a mix of applause and boos when she came out, but later some of the audience made their feelings known.  Aaryn had no clue what was coming.  It was hilarious. 


  7. 4 hours ago, watchers said:

    It will surely upset some on the boards as well....


    I don't like Cody, but it won't bother me in the least if he wins AFP.   It's not like any of the HGs will share it with me, so why would I care? 


    I care about who wins elections because they impact my life.  Who wins on BB does not.  

  8. 1 minute ago, Lamasquerade said:

    Wait until he reads the tweets from barstool sports the escort service that hires his girl. In 2015 there are tweets from men asking that they stop featuring Jessica Graff because she looks like a "tranny" and they are sick of them shoving second rate girls down their throats when they are there for sports. Lol. I found that especially funny because Cody thinks he has himself a hot chick, and he is transphobic.  Add racist on that. Also for anyone with kids, only his is smart and all other.kids are "booger eaters." Yeah what a year, AFP either goes to the wacko military guy or the drug affiliated criminal.


    Yeah, I read those Barstool comments too.  I think they'll have a mutual parting of the ways.  There's plenty of deal-breakers for each of them.  

  9. 1 hour ago, Lamasquerade said:

    People read.one thing and they harp on it until the end of the season. This is what makes Cody unstable and it's out of his mouth and on video that can easily be searched. He says that as soon as he heard the Ferguson verdict he flew out there to be part of the riots, to see if he could survive. He said he gave a BBC interview dressed as a "bomber." He enjoyed himself especially the gas I to the crowds. He is an asshole for all his other comments but the Ferguson thing makes me think this dude is crazy.


    That's disturbing, to say the least.

  10. 33 minutes ago, JessicaRocks said:

    One of the things I haven't seen much talk about is the issue of BB giving Paul all those "friendship" bracelets to give out on the very first broadcast.  When you stop and think about it - that was just one more "device" that BB gave Paul to further HIS game.


    Look how it played out over the season:


    1) Right off the bat, Paul made several allies by who he gave them out to (no one else in the house was given such a sanctioned "device" in which to gather allies) - the device of the friendship bracelets ALONE should have been enough advantage for BB to give him to offset him being the only veteran.


    2) It messed with the strategy of some of the HG's right off the bat - e.g.: Cody, who wanted to use it to his advantage to not get evicted right away, while not wanting to let Paul think Cody would be one of his "yes" men...Paul picked up on that - it was hard to miss - and immediately started seeing Cody as an enemy.


    3) The selected HG's were wearing the friendship bracelets the whole game - cementing for all to see their alliance with Paul, a visual reminder to all of king Paul's place in the game at all times.  It also gave Paul a legitimizing foundation to have his "friendship" meetings all season.


    4) Raven gave her friendship bracelet to the visiting celebrity - again calling attention to PAUL'S friendship bracelets...Paul even made a big deal out of it with most of the house when Raven was evicted, with all his "concern" that Raven left the house without her friendship bracelet - it was SO important for Paul to make sure he got another one to her immediately (and so upstanding and true Kevin volunteers to give up his bracelet to give to Raven).


    My God - does BB production really believe that we haven't seen how transparently they have been "Team Paul" from the beginning to the end of the season?!


    Agree completely.  The friendship bracelets were just a subtle psychological ploy.  Between those and the three week safety, it was very obvious whose name was going to be on the check.  I suppose we could all be wrong, but it's unlikely.  

  11. 14 minutes ago, JessicaRocks said:


    I just don't think we saw what Cody was really like.  BB put him in an impossible situation (blindsiding him with Paul's 3-week safety, then forcing him to make a 2nd nomination in seconds with no preparation - all after already nominating 3 HG's)...there was really no way anyone could have recovered from all that (well, maybe with help from BB - which he certainly didn't get from that point on).


    He should have listened to Jessica instead of being the alpha male.  She was way better at the game than he was.  I didn't like her, but she should have outlasted him.  Without him, I think we would be seeing her in F3 right now.  

  12. 9 minutes ago, Aldrich said:

    I think you might be a tiny bit invested due to your many responses to me on this subject.  IMO you are a 'right fighter'.  You MUST prove to whomever that you are correct.  And so, I can say that I believe you are correct, in your own mind.  


    My life definitely will go on with much happiness and glee as seems Cody, our beloved vet, will win AFP, as he deserves some acknowledgement that viewers have his back, so to speak.


    Now, your response to this post will be the final comment as far as I am concerned.  And I get the feeling that getting in the last word is very important to you.  And so go at it. THE END!! :D


    LOL.  Transference.  


    Have a great day.  

  13. 3 minutes ago, PinkyLee said:


    I was under the impression Cody wasnt a super fan.  I think his intentions where to come in guns blazing win comps and win the game.  As soon as he realized its not just about winning comps he got lost not knowing what to do or how to overcome that.  We all knew his target right off was Paul.  Seems as soon as he found out Paul got 3 weeks of safety he saw right off what direction the game was going and maybe sorta gave up?  The direction to him being the others where just followers and puppets because as soon as Paul got his safety the others flocked to him leaving Cody in the dust other then Jessica of course.  Cody to me doesnt appear to be the type of person to kiss anyones butt for any given reason, even for 500,000.  I admire a person like that one of conviction whom doesnt go along with the crowd just to go along.  

    All I know is BB sure has changed from when it first begin.  Not so much for the better either because now they are making it very clear CBS plays a huge part in what these house guests say do and who they like and dislike in general.  


    I agree, but they do have a chance to watch prior seasons when they're in seclusion before going into the house.  I don't think he bothered to watch much.  Also, he strikes me as the type of person who thinks people should acquiesce to his way of thinking rather than acclimating to the the situation he finds himself in.  IOW, he's too stubborn for his own good.  

  14. 7 hours ago, HeleneL said:

    Josh is the most enervating person I have ever seen.  He never stops moving;  the singing, the chewing with the heavy breathing, the ridiculous dancing in front of the mirror. 


    I wouldn't use the word "enervating".  He is hyperactive a lot of the time.  He would do  better to expend some of his nervous energy working out or running. 

  15. 52 minutes ago, Aldrich said:

    As I posted...'Disagree and feel anger and express that'.  Nowhere did I say that he should not be criticized but the comments stating his military experiences left him with violent tendencies or deep seeded anxiety & that you can see in his eyes serial killer instinct,  that is over the line.   


    As for the many in military that you seem to know or are aware of,  yes we have a variety of people who enlist.  Fortunately if/when these issues come to light they are dishonorably discharged and face punishment.  


    Re our criticism of other HGs,  I don't remember Cody giving orders to 'SHIT IN HIS MOUTH' (re Ramses), or to shun people, or for the group/mob to attack and mentally break others, or to entice someone to beat pots and pans in another HGs ears, the list goes on and on re the evil actions both ordered and taken this season.


    If my comments make you upset that is YOUR problem.  


    Nah. Nothing on this board makes me upset.  I'm not emotionally invested in any of the Hgs.  It's just television.  Your life will go on no matter what happens with Cody.  I promise.  :hug:



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