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Everything posted by Tritledee

  1. Middle school kids can be quite mean. It's unfortunate that she didn't grow out of that phase.
  2. Habaneros and head cheese. Yummm!!! Seriously, OMG, I don't see this ending well at all.
  3. ^^^^^ ^^^^^McCrae could have at least had the decency to cover those things with bandaids.
  4. I'm sure she thinks she topped Dan's funeral with her wedding. If the season was longer she'd have given birth in a quest to top everything.
  5. ^^^^^Word on the street is that Ginamarie is gassy. I wouldn't want to sit beside that either.
  6. I agree. I guess Aaryn is the only one who really knows if she's a racist, but the remarks she has made are racist, hateful and disgusting.
  7. Bigger doesn't always mean better, but size DOES matter. So how are they going to get rid of all these houseguests? By my count (and bear in mind that I'm no expert because this is only the second season I've watched), there will probably need to be two more double evictions, unless someone self-evicts or is expelled. Right? Wrong?
  8. beebeejunkie, I was wondering the same thing, but just used "tools" (ALT X) and went to 150 percent and it was fine for me. Or do it the way slimcruz said.
  9. I don't dislike Elissa, but if she doesn't want to be there I wish she'd self-evict NOW - before the nominations. Then all these gutless wonders wouldn't know what to do.
  10. Maybe Jessie moved them up higher on her forehead when she was sleeping. One of her insane pranks.
  11. I noticed that too. Didn't even hear her lovely voice.
  12. I'm really looking forward to having that high screech thing that does in the diary room gone from the show. Idiot missed a golden opportunity to get rid of Amanda, saying it was "too soon". Now her chance is most likely gone. What a moron.
  13. Maybe there was a "cockaroach" in her slop muffin. I also like your theory that it's from being evil. Yeah, she's going to pay for that when she gets a little older.
  14. The "live" eviction should be hilarious this week. I don't think there will be any hugs.
  15. Agree. The only way for Jessie to have avoided going home this week would have been for her to say, prior to the POV comp, that if she didn't get taken off the block she was going to start talking. Loud. I admire Jessie for what's she's doing now in ratting out everyone. Instead of pissing her off further they should each be kissing her butt, though Jessie wouldn't fall for it anyway. She's got nothing to lose by talking. She may as well enjoy herself as much as possible these last two days and get somewhat of a last laugh.
  16. Well, to be fair, she has invested a lot of time into teaching him about grooming and sex and such. I'm sure she is looking forward to having the opportunity to show him all of her helpful videos, like how to clean his butt crack. It'll really suck if she put all that work into him only for him to go to jury house and be with Jessie.
  17. Ginamarie seems to have an obsession with underwear. I wouldn't be surprised if both times she was playing panty games they were actually her own. It's sad to see a woman in her early thirties acting like a pre-teen.
  18. I predict that she'll be on the block next week unless she or Elissa wins HOH. It's going to be very entertaining to watch her trying to save herself.
  19. Exactly! They get their little feelings hurt and let that dictate their "strategy".
  20. At the end of Thursday two out of the three people in Jury are going to be anti-Helen, and there's a lot of time for those two to sway the others in Jury against her. IMO the most Helen is going to be able to hope for is the $50,000.
  21. Jessie is probably the one person in the house that Helen hasn't been able to manipulate, and I think Helen is finally realizing it. I'm sure she's kicking herself for not seeing it sooner and getting her (Jessie) out before Jury.
  22. I think she's hoping for a career as an underwear model. I'm sure Victoria's Secret will be there at the finale with contract in hand.
  23. A beauty tip that I will give both Aaryn and Ginamarie for free: Get rid of those ugly, hateful thoughts and the ensuing expressions won't ruin your looks.
  24. Probably everyone has already looked, but here's his Facebook, just in case: https://www.facebook.com/mccraeolson Doesn't say anything about being a pizza delivery guy.
  25. I have to agree. There are enough like-minded people in Texas (and elsewhere) and money talks too. I think Aaryn's skin is thick enough that it just won't bother her that much, and also she's so self-centered that she won't care.



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