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Posts posted by Cathy

  1. She should have just followed through with nominating Amanda. With all the drama Aaron created, I bet she's number one on who Amanda is now going to try and evict. If the drama was for possible jury votes ( Helen controlling things there), it won't matter if she doesn't get to f2.

    Loose lips sink ships. I hope she sunk her own.

  2. The fact that she's still there says more about the house guests morals than Aaron's (since she's already shown everyone her true colors). Does it also reflect what happens out here? Probably since its easier for many to look the other way if there's some benefit to not making waves.

    I'm almost more disgusted in the house guests that have now embraced this person for a better chance at 500,00. ( i.e Andy, Amanda, McCrae dumping Judd and giving Aaron his spot)

  3. Hate that America voted for someone who is really playing. I wouldn't even consider many of the HG floaters bc that would imply there was some strategy in their game play. Hoping she wins veto.

    I hope she wins veto too and Elissa or GM go up.

    Yes, her personality can be abrasive and she goes off the deep end here and there, but to nominate her instead of GM is stupid. I'm not a big Amanda fan per se, but at least she's playing the game.

  4. Call her what you will but one things for sure. You can't call her a floater. She is deffinately playing the game hard, sometimes too hard but I'm OK with that.

    As for what she says in the house that bothers me not. She can curse like a sailor for all I care. Just play the game and not hide behind someone (like McCrea is doing) It's funny how posters here despise the floaters and attack the ones that do play the game, good or bad.

    Amanda and Helen are playing the game big time, an yes sometimes too much but I'm not going to fault them for that.

    I agree.



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