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Posts posted by Cathy

  1. I don't see Caleb winning the whole thing unless the others implode on each other and he stays quiet long enough to squeek through and dominate in later competitions. But I do see him lasting a few more weeks. The house has bigger, more annoying targets. Like Devin. And Joey. And if they wise up, Zach.

    With that said, I have to say that the Caleb I am seeing in the house is exactly like the one I remember. Slightly egotistical but he has a good heart. Girl crazy.... definitely girl crazy and unless Amber actually feels the same way that he does (we will see soon what happened BEFORE the live feeds came on), he needs to cut her quick from the game. He's not homophobic. We've seen past homophobic contestants REFUSE to sleep in a bed with a gay man.... he doesn't care that Frankie is gay. He gets along with him GREAT. He's not racist. A true racist would never align with someone from another race. He is aligned with Devin. The house even talks about Caleb and Devin being best buds.

    My faith in my friend is fully restored. And no, he isn't a stalker type. He is just smitten right now.

    To be honest, I feel MUCH better now. I was very torn on this whole thing. So unless if I see something drastic happen, Caleb has my full support.

    After watching the feeds a bit, he seems like a nice guy. Maybe too intense at times, but that doesn't make him a horrible person.



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