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Everything posted by BBLover4ever

  1. I am starting to like him. Didn't first week but now..... He hit the nail on the head when he said that everyone wants Devin out but he is afraid no one is brave enough to actually go against Devin. Reminds me of several past BB's.
  2. He may just get through for awhile.
  3. I really don't care one way or the other if she stays or goes. At least for now.
  4. He is definitely a different bird. I'm glad that Donny is realizing he can't trust him.
  5. I hope she goes tonight. On another note, I think it would be great for an all woman alliance to actually form and work together and get the men out. But, for some reason, it can't be done.......damn men.
  6. I kinda like her! I agree she may be a floater but she has at least watched the show, not like Joey.
  7. I don't like getting "America" involved. I think it is just a way for the producers to change things up - America's vote is not even considered. Hate it Hate it Hate it
  8. I really really like him. :clap: He knows the game and he listens and catches on to more than those youngsters think. He is really genuine and is very humble.
  9. I thought the look was jealousy but hey I' just a redneck from east Texas.lol
  10. Not feeling it with this one. Wouldn't hurt my feelings if she went first.
  11. I thought his dad was just too affectionate!
  12. I have heard of his sister ... But I really like him. He is really funny! BUT I do not like the Team America crap.
  13. OMG! If I read another post about how Dan swore on the bible! Geez already!
  14. I think Dan will win. Dan - Brit, Jenn, Joe, Danielle, Frank, Ashley Ian - Shane In the clip from the Jury House, Brit was actaully saying that Dan is playing the game. I think she will convince Frank once he gets over himself. Ahsley will follow.
  15. I've seen the video's of Dani's morning make-up ritual....practicing her smile and all. Did the other HG see all of this? I know one time Brit told her to leave the eye liner off today or something like that. Never saw where any comments were made about her make up thing?
  16. First, I'm on the Dan train! Choo Choo. But, I think Ian would be an idiot to throw the 3rd HOH to Dan. He has to know that Dan is in it to win and he (dan) voted Shane out without batting an eye!
  17. Go Dan! Just hope that if he does throw final HOH, Ian takes him. Ian wants to be up against the best and Dani is certainly not that! BUT if Ian wants a sure 500K, Dani would be the way to go. I love everyone's "mist" comments! Dan is truely a great manipulator and the greatest BB player IMO. I was ready to stop watching but he really made it interesting and it would be a real let down if he doesnt go to the F2 after all the hard work he has done to get this far. I want Ian and Dan F2 with Dan winning the big bucks!



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