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Everything posted by BBLover4ever

  1. Jess nominating josh and Ramses is a waste. Unless she backdoors Christmas. Wonder if the idiots would vote her out?
  2. I think it would be very interesting if he won HOH. I don't think he would let Paul lead him around.
  3. Hate it if she got the last temptation! Her true self was out when Cody was in the house. A little bi***.
  4. So little sweet thing is having sex with Matt? Hmmmm.
  5. Ok not trying to be mean here, but if Raven has had so many surgeries, where are the scars? I mean the tank top she is wearing (I'm watching BBAD from Sat night), I don't see any type Of scarring? Where do they go in to put a pace maker in?
  6. I was surprised that there is only one more temptation so early in the season.....I agree that it was all a production setup for Paul to get and stay in the game.
  7. I thought she would hold her own, but not sure now. However she is thinking ahead and if they put Christmas up it would just piss everyone off and whoever is up against her will be voted off. Unless the others realize Christmas needs to go and stop the special treatment. She will make it to jury and done absolutely nothing to get there.
  8. What happened to backdooring Christmas? Dominique is a waste of HOH right now. Geeze
  9. I was impressed with cody's exit talk with Julie. I am going to be rooting for him to win the battle back.
  10. I like his attitude. And as far as the F word, they all use it frequently. I hope he and Alex go far.
  11. I think he would have had the group behind his nom of Paul if he hadn't put Christmas up as a replacement instead of one of the "outsiders".
  12. Cant stand him and always will not be able to like him. I can't get excited to see the shows or read about what is going on with him in the house AND the stupidity of the newbies falling all over him. Did they not see BB18? They should know how he is playing. I do not like Cody's arrogance but at least he saw that Paul needs to go. Geez
  13. She has tried to get Cody to tell her his plans, etc. But he wont LOL. I think she is "trying" to use him, but he is not going for it. Don't care for either of them.
  14. I like to watch him. The looks on his face when the youngens do something stupid, LOL. And he seems like a good hearted guy..........
  15. Can't stand him and I can't believe he was picked to get the 3 weeks safety by the fans! Gotta be production. Ugh, hate hate hate he is back. Oh, did I say I HATE it!
  16. I read that he was on a soap opera. Not sure which one. He has tried to calm Josh down several times. I wonder how he got on if he never watched the show.
  17. Not a fan i know this isn't the place, but I can't find the general discussion where we can talk about all of it lol. Like me how I am soooooo disappointed that Paul is in the house. I just can't get over it and be excited about watching g this season. I am really bummed
  18. She talked too much too soon about who to get out. I still hate tipster a Paul is there! I,m sorry but I just hate it..... anyway, she is gone.



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