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Everything posted by BBLover4ever

  1. Hate that he is probably staying. He will go to the end with Vic if they don't get him out.
  2. I liked the scenes last night from the Christmas POV comp. The set looked amazing and the clips of him daydreaming. LOL However, that said, he is a real floater and if Nic would get her head into the game and away from him, she should see he is not good at comps and offers nothing to help her get further. Vic was going to vote Meech out anyway, so the bribe carepackage was a joke.
  3. I get a feeling that James has an inkling he is in trouble. He has packed his stuff up in case of a DE.
  4. I'm so mad at Nic for flipping on James and Nat. James hasn't gone to talk to her yet because she got her panties in a wad when he questioned her vote earlier. Now she thinks he is "sketch" (Paul's wording) since he hasn't come up to the HOH (which is constantly full with the Final Four idiots) to talk to her. UGH. When James goes, I will probably not watch the rest of the season. Just finale. May have to change my name to BBlover"sometimes" LOL.
  5. They talked about texting when the show is over. I don't think they plan to try and date. ??
  6. When did all the PDA start with Nat on James? All the hugging and kissing his shoulder while is is washing dishes.......
  7. He has not had a chance to get time with Nicorey due to Paul & Vic up their butts constantly. Unfortunately, James thinks he doesn't have to talk to her because he trusts their final 4 deal. Only Nicorey are too easily swayed by Paul......
  8. I feel that the last care package is a joke and totally wasted. I split my votes between Vic and Corey only because I can't stand Paul and there were no other choices. Hate Nicole's HOH this week.
  9. Cant believe Nicole doesn't see right through him. He screamed at her when he was on the block from Michelle and blamed her for being up. He doesn't leave them alone enough to really think on their own and she is easily swayed.
  10. When James gets evicted and doesn't have 3 chances to get back in, then it is not right. LOL I know this is because I want him to go further than Nicorey and Paul. But, sadly, this probably wont happen because he cant beat Vic in comps.
  11. Paul is staying unless James gets to talk to nicorey, he doesn't have a chance because sitting ducks constantly in the hoh
  12. I am not happy with Nicole planning to work with Paul and Victor! UGH! Paul is going to be in the final 2, mark my words. They are missing their chance to get rid of him. Victor will probably pull off the next HOH.
  13. The reason the voting time was so messed up was to add the winner of the jury buy back to the eligible voting. I am hating Corey and his boys Vic and Paul.
  14. Not liking nicorey with Paul at all. Paul would beat them in the end.
  15. She can be "tiresome" with all about her talk. LOL but she and James are funny together.
  16. I think Nicole at least won a comp in her season didn't she? The only one she got this season was given to her. I wish the vets would have stayed strong. It would be a different game.
  17. All he talks about is partying with his friends. Not much of a thinker on the game. Hope he doesn't get the last care package. He will probably give it to Nicole to vote for him LOL.
  18. I voted for Meech to get the care package, but now I regret it. She ended up being "mean" with her nom speech to Paul. I know it is a game and all, but I do not like it when they start attacking other houseguests on a personal level. Like Paulie and Corey with Natalie. Paulie said stuff and Corey clapped with approval.
  19. I hope he doesn't get the care package. Not sure who I am voting for yet. BUT def not him.
  20. He hasn't been on block this season so far huh? If Victor or Paulie come back from Jury, he will be OTB, no doubt. Hopefully he can muster up a veto win.
  21. James doesn't know about the jury buy back and if Victor or Paulie come back, he will probably be up on the block. He hasn't been on the block this season has he?
  22. Victor is really taking the possibility of getting voted out very well. He CAN be proud of his competition wins. Of course, he would not have made some of the moves he has made if it weren't for Paul and Paulie leading him to them. However, I still want him to win the jury buy back and win the whole damn thing.



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