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Posts posted by CaliforniaCowgirl

  1. Audrey and her "platform" need to just leave.   BB needs to keep their DR nose out of it, realize their epic failure and move on.

    She and her over-the-top "panic attacks" are not doing anything to help her cause or the LGBT cause.  I fully expect her to pull the "you're doing this to poor me because I am transgender" card next since the current pity party is not working so well


    I am willing to bet the DR is working overtime on Vanessa and Shelli not to put Audrey up because the poor, fragile, misunderstood Audrey might DOR or have a melt-down (and we would not want the feeders to have blacked out feeds while the Psyc Team comes in to deal with the situation).


    I'm sure she's had plenty of discussions with shrinks during her pre & post transgender journey and she thought she was going to try it all out on the HG's, along with her so-called psychic dreams. 


    Audrey is just a terrible BB player plain and simple.  Bad players who make bad mistakes need to be voted out regardless of their race, gender or economic background!

  2. I can't stand so called BB experts who claim to watch every season do nothing while an alliance in the house takes control. If you love the show and know the show then why would you waste the opportunity that many other people would want in being in the BB house then stand by and let a group control your fate instead of realizing the threat and doing what must be done to survive, which in this case would be to trust Audrey and join forces with the rest of the house to get rid of the 6th sense.

    I guess it's easier to say while watching the feeds than actually being in that house and trying to figure your best way to 500K.

  3. I just hope Vanessa uses the POV and Shelli follows through to put Audrey up, the house votes her out and CBS/BB stays out of it and lets the games begin.  Audrey needs to go and CBS needs to cut their loses.  


    I'm so sick and tired of the HG's and the DR having to "talk someone off the ledge" when they boo-hoo, throw their own pity party and want to leave.   Don't hold their damn hand, tell them "there is the door, don't let it hit your BB bag on the way out".  Instead CBS/BB behave like the wife whose husband broke his leg in 3 places and says to him "now you've messed up my seating arrangements for the dinner party", or in this case, the BB schedule!!  If people can't handle the game just let them DOR and be done with it, have a back up plan or 3; have a non-eviction week and give everyone a party with some party games & perks the viewers and feeders will equally enjoy with the HG's instead, bring in a Zing-Bot in training, anything but the sympathy trip.  It would seriously make more internet chatter if someone DOR'd than having them toss their own pity party and sulk for a week while the DR tries to put the genie back in the bottle!


    I really miss the players like Dan, Janelle, EvelDick, even Rachel (who boo-hoo'd all the time but had ZERO intention of ever leaving the game), Brendon (a total idiot but played hard and never gave up).  Shelli and Vanessa may seem like strong players but they are both very weak as gamers.

  4. I don't necessarily feel the other side is "stupid", they just have not had a chance to really play the game and their only hope is lying low and going with the flow, not running their mouths, trying to win (or throw depending on who asked) comps and staying off the radar.  They really can't do much while the power alliance is running the show until they start to fracture!


    JohnnyMac, Jason or James need to win HOH to give the others a taste of their own meds.   I think even Becky and Jackie might surprise and I have no idea what Steve is thinking but he might have a plan.  Hopefully they clear the dead weight (Audrey) and start playing the game.

  5. I want these BB players to be better than they are. It is frustrating to hear some of them say they just want to make it to the jury so they can hang out and party. That's loser talk to me. If you didn't come on BB to win the big prize why are you there?????

    I understand that some are on BB to advance their careers, exposure and or to increase social media followers but come on, only winners (and sometimes good players) can truly capitalize on that.

    But any HG who's only goal is to make it to the jury should be evicted before jury. IMHO.

    I can't wait for Zingbot to make an appearance and possibly light a fire in some of these HGs.

    I agree.  "Making Jury" is a cop-op.   Some HG's use it as a strategy to stay in the game I guess and sometimes it works.

    I think I would rather go before jury if I were going.  The worst thing has to be hanging in that house to get booted out F3.

  6. I keep going really back and forth on how I feel about Audrey. A week or so ago, I was starting to intensely dislike her for all the weird lies she keeps telling. It was really over the top. 


    But now, the more and more I watch her, I'm starting to think she might be mentally ill or has some sort of mental problems that may or may not be related to medication. But I keep noticing that she'll tell someone something and they always say, "No, YOU said that!!" and then it becomes a big fight that ends up with her crying and feeling frustrated. 


    I'm starting to think that she might not be deliberately lying, and that she's getting things confused in her head and it's resulting in her feeling constantly made out to be the house villain and ostracized. It's sad to watch, and I'm starting to feel sorry for her.

    I agree with you on the personal part of it but this is Big Brother, not Dr. Phil Cures The Mentally ill.  Audrey is on the wrong show and if CBS wants to exploit her and vice versa they all need to find a different venue, otherwise Audrey needs to Cowgirl Up and get her head in the Big Brother Game!

  7. (sorry in advance; I do not know how to quote to other posts in one post, so I am replying to several of the above)


    "The shih tzu hits the fan":  priceless!!


    I totally agree that Audrey is not a good representation of the LGBT Community.  I don't personally know any fully transgendered people who were male and now female (know one who is like Jenner who didn't make the change below the belt), and have several friends who are openly gay and comfortable with it, and we're all comfortable with it (like Jason, or Meg is with her roommate), and none of them like her, or think she is getting the message out there!  (In Audrey's limited defense CBS maybe can take some of the blame but she knew what she was signing up for and she signed on the dotted line).


    I disagree that Audrey in the house is not the Audrey outside the house.  I'm sure the stress of the house makes some people more "intense" than they would be in the real world but for the most part the leopard does not change the spots even if they've changed the gender. 


    I think she is a BB legend in her own mind and came in on her high and mighty that everyone was going to do her bidding!  Every time one of her plans backfires she gets hysterical, flings her hands and starts accusing.  Excusing away her behavior due to meds or hormone drugs or whatever is pathetic, as is she needs the money because her parents (the same ones who alleged had her hauled off in the middle of the night to anti-transgender boot camp) paid for her surgery out-of-pocket and she needs to pay them back.  She needs a different platform and BB is not it!  Shame on CBS while we are at it!

  8. Since Audrey has outted the Sleeper Cell Alliance ( Clay, Shelli, Vanessa, Austin, Liz & Audrey) to the "other" side of the house, I think it's funny as hell that she now wants to mount a counter alliance to go after them, Did Audrey forget that she destroyed that 8 man alliance way back in week one??????

    I don't think that Audrey can smooth talk her way out of this one. Audrey played a messy game and it looks like she is getting set up for an eviction on Thursday.

    I totally agree.  She just does not learn from past mistakes and now none of the 6 or 8 sides of the house trust her.


    I don't think Audrey can smooth or rough talk her way out of much of anything (unless production has a "keep Audrey" twist).

    Messy is some spilled slop, Audrey's game has been turn the blender on high, toss in all the ingredients and leave the top off, then blame it on the kids!

  9. Shelli, Clay & Co. are depending on the Twins for an extra person/vote for their alliance (pick any alliance you like; they have at least a dozen) but I am hoping it will backfire on them.  Liz/Julia already voted against Jeff so they might jump ship in the next couple weeks.  I am hopeful it will be interesting but after 16 seasons, the last 10 being pretty much "what the house wants/what production wants" it's probably just blind & stupid enthusiasm!

  10. Vanessa is definitely running this game, or I should say running away with it for a touchdown!  I'm not sure what Audrey was accusing her of or vice versa since neither one of them were making much sense and Clay was interjecting his 10 cents with 9 cents change worth and making matters worse.


    I hope the plan is to get rid of Audrey and they stick to it, but with these "Froot-Loop Dingus' in training" anything is possible!

  11. Another week of listening to Shelli In Power, simpering about how wonderful she is and freaking out about how she does not want someone coming after her!  HO-HUM!  A good BB Q&A would be "how many times did Shelli change her mind between getting HOH and nominations?" (I confess to losing count).  I can't wait until either she or her Clay pigeon are on the block and can't do anything about it!

  12. Listening to Steve & Austin talk game they know their stuff.  I think Steve is waiting for the breakdown in alliances.  Once a fracture appears he might be able to capitalize on it, or at least I hope so.  This is his dream to be on Big Brother.  This is a guy who left Cornell to do what he wants to do.  I would love to see him in F3!



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