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Posts posted by CaliforniaCowgirl

  1. What in the name of Big Brother has this game turned into??  These people are all (save a few in maybe in a brief moment or two) running around chasing their emotions like greyhounds running for a lure on the track!  They have completely lost sight of the game.


    Since when are Shelli & Clay, who have known each other less than 2 months, so self-entitled that they are OWED the jury house to spend the rest of the summer together on our $5.99 a month?  Clay (the 4 month "super fan") is more useless in the BB game than the Calvin Klein label on the underwear he modeled is to quality of the product and this back end of 20 donkey's & 14 racoons his mom rescued and reha'd is willing to fall on his sword for Shelli, who would spit him out at the first sign of getting what she wanted (which she did "you'd use the veto on me, right")!!


    Shelli could jump sharks and they would be afraid to bite her if she fell in the tank.  The incredible idiots in the house are back on the "we can get her out any time" (have fun sitting next to Julie Chen and explaining that logic, in case you didn't watch her, sword in hand, during that obstacle punishment).


    Vanessa is trying the "Van Mist" but she's no Dan.  The house is on to her but will they do anything?


    I think this week the house will vote Shelli out in spite of the producers wanting to keep her.  Austin and Steve were not buying the Vanessa stuff (that could change).  I would love a Shelli out the door blindside because she is so sure she is staying!

  2. Win, Jackie, Win!!! Let Vanessa's less than lovely head roll out the BB house next Thursday.

    That would be awesome but Vanessa is not one to give up the power easily.  I didn't watch last night after the show because I'd had more than enough  Big Brother crap for one day, but I'm sure Vanessa has already laid out the next 6 poker hands and told Jackie who to nominate.

  3. Well that certainly was a waste of a Thursday night show.  Hopefully now we can get back to the real show of Big Brother.


    Disappointing that Vanessa won again and will call all the shots, along with the runner up's for prom king and queen.  Jackie will be nothing more than an HOH pawn!  They need to change the way that comp is done and have the names drawn to see who the next two are to play!

  4. CBS certainly kissed her butt and it's obvious that she did get special treatment and good edits because she's transgender, and she herself pulled the "I'm on transgender meds" card.  They would never treat just any regular HG like that and no HG has ever gotten away with excusing behavior because they had ADHD or were on meds for something.  Go away and good riddance Audrey.

    Frightening thought of the day. Julie did no reveal Liz/Julia twin twist right? . Chance of Audrey coming back in the house?

    I hope they would not be that completely and utterly stupid to bring Audrey back for any reason, ever.  I think they wasted so much air time making it "The Audrey Show", kissing up to her family and showing how brave Audrey was that there was simply no time to do much but the careful exit interview and a few goodbye messages!

  5. As good as he is at veto comps it's only a matter of time before he wins an HoH comp. He would have every right to put up Shelli and Clay with the option to back door. Vannesa. Shelli would have no grounds to be upset that he put her up. That would be golden and show whether or not if he has the balls to play this game. 

    He certainly has every right to ask them since they asked him to stick his butt on the toss-comp line so many times.  Let's see how Shell & her Clay Pigeon react when they get asked the same thing!  They will scatter like roaches from a light show!

  6. Oh I am 100% sure this is Audrey's "FIRST" (meaning on tape in front of 24/7 cameras & mics, because anything prior would be Dr./Patient confidentiality) panic attack, and the drought in California is just a myth and we really all have swimming pools and emerald green lawns and we are scamming the rest of you.


    Audrey needs to GO AWAY and deal with her real life problems in real life, get the help she needs and above all someone needs to address her identifying attachment to a TV character like Dexter Morgan, especially if she is having psychosis, psychotic dreams and the paranoia she seems to exhibit.  I'm not saying this because I dislike Audrey as a BB HG but with every crazy person who goes off on some rampage in real life people immediately target "mental health" and why wasn't something done, recognized or reported, and why did this person slip through the mental health cracks!  No joke and the BB game aside!

  7. Hey uvp, I wanna revise my prediction for tonight's live show as follows:

    Somehow, the DR was able to persuade 5 HGs to either cast "hinky" votes to add some drama to the show, or to give Audrey a "sympathy" vote.

    Clay, Vanessa, Austin, Julia/Liz, & Steve all vote to evict Johnny Mack. James, Jason, Meg, Jackie, & Becky all vote to evict Audrey.

    It's a 5/5 tie and Shelli has to cast the deciding vote to break the tie. Shelli starts crying and can't handle the pressure and she refuses to vote on live tv. We then go to a commercial because I don't have an ending for this scenario, I just though it was funny if something like that happened.

    I could see that happening.  As long as Fraudry gets votes and cheers, but still leaves, she and CBS will save face!

    I still think her exit is being pre-taped right about now!

  8. If you have panic attacks and aniexty Ativan is a very good medication. When in the midst of a panic attack or high anxiety the meds bring you back to clarity. You are not numb or disoriented unless you overdose. Panic attacks take all clear thought away from you. The meds make you feel normal when managed correctly. Also a spiral of panic attacks can pit you in a deep depression. I have lived that life and with medication and therapy you can live a panic free normal life. I used to facilitate a support group for people suffering with panic and anxiety disorder. It has benn over 30 years for me. I wish Audrey all the best.

    Why should she be in the BB house is she needs to take so many meds to "normal her"  and the other HG's can't keep "clear thought away" and feel "normal" due to lack of those same meds (if they elect to taking them)??  They are in the same house with the same pressures and those have-nots I have not seen eating or being catered to.  I completely fail to understand the "Audrey Defense" in BB17 any more than I understood the "Aaryn Defense" (Texas made me do it ) in BB15.   The Big Brother House is no place for Audrey or any HG with these "conditions". 


    This is not the Audrey-Game or the Audrey Show.  If people keep saying "It's been nothing but Audrey" and yet they keep feeding the Audrey fire by continually posting (whether in her defense or otherwise) they have no room to talk about others posting on the internet or any forum they choose!

  9. Audrey will not even show up for the live eviction and Julie will say it's due to "medical issues".

    It will be a unanimous vote and there will be no penalty vote (even though with BB rules there should be).

    Julie will have a post live-evict interview with Big Jeff or some other past HG or the next BB Take Over Host.


    I doubt (and would hope) that Audrey will ever be seen again on Big Brother or any other CBS show after this.

    JohnnyMac I could 100% see being invited back again!


    For HOH:  Definitely would not (and pretty much in this order) want to see:  Clay, Vanessa, Liz/Julia or Austin.

  10. I'm starting to change my opinion of Becky.  I don't think she is as clueless or naive as she appears to be.

    The "business woman" is coming out in her and I suspect she would be heck to work for!  Once they get the grim reaper out of the house I think Becky might start jumping into the game.

  11. I wonder JUST how uncomfortable the HGS felt having to practice and go thru the

    motions of the television taping of the Veto ritual ?

    CBS... you should hide your head in the sand.

    You're screwing up a basically great summertime reality show.

    If they put in a "save Audrey" twist then they will have completely ruined the show this season.  I have seen many wonderful and creative ideas from the live feed fan base and the producers ignore them all.

  12. They all think he is like a child and not a threat. Hope this is his game plan lol. He hasn't done much so far.

    He won the POV when he needed to because he would have been sent packing that week!

    I'm very happy he's interacting with the group and being more social but I hope he knows what he's doing being a a so-called alliance with Vanessa!



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