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Posts posted by CaliforniaCowgirl

  1. You need one of those giant write on/wipe off boards to keep track of the changing alliances.

    The twins (at least one of them) is working with Austin, and they are both, or all 3, working with Shelli & Clay if I have that correct.  They only need to survive next week's eviction and then they can both enter the game, right.  Gosh I hope they are on the block next Thursday.  It might make for some good excitement!

  2. OMG for 2 days it is all Audrey Audrey and nothing else but Audrey. Who cares. She will be gone in a little more then 24 hours.  :bag:


    Kinda like the political news is nothing but Donald Trump. 


    eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!  :frusty:

    Oh sorry, I thought it was:,  Marsha, Marsha, Marsha!!  What does/do Donald Trump & Marsha Brady have to do with Big Brother?  Just asking since I don't see Shelli, Clay, & the rest of the Grodner Bunch mentioned!!

  3. Well I have been in the audience during a taped "live" eviction. (Jesse eviction) That is not how it works. You buy tickets and the audience is not hand picked. They now do throw in a few celebrities in the audience but Audrey is not going to get special treatment. 

    Jesse was a long time ago.  How it works now is how CBS wants it to work!  People who had tickets to the Howard evict were told in the parking lot it was a "no go" (same as it says on the tickets that CBS has the right to  do anything they want".

  4. I'm semi speechless about Clay on a personal level (on a BB game level I think he is less than a BB Idiot in Training)!

    TowelGate:  Texas A& M Locker Room towels (clean to University standards) vs Laundry at Grandma's towels (April fresh & spotless) vs  Mom putting your bath towels in with the wildlife rescue towels.  Shelli is starting to look better for him!

  5. maybe I am missing something here - if the slop was affecting her meds and she needed to eat, or if it was a reaction to the meds in general, why not advise the HGs of that?  and why, if she is not feeling well, doeswn't she speak to the HGs herself and tell them that it is a medical issue?  Is she not allowed to discuss it?  Wouldn't it help her if the HGs knew that it was something physical - especially as she has been taken off of HN status?  I have absolutely no idea what is going on with her - none - I suspect that she severly underestimated how the game would affect her - physically and emtionally - tonight and Thursday should be interesting, but I do hope that everyone sees that no one in that house in any way harrassed her regarding her gender status - it was strictly game play -

    The only things missing here are (and this is just my opinion):

    #1: CBS not treating the viewers and live feeders to "honesty and integrity" on their part (what a surprise)! 


    If slop is affecting her meds (which I doubt in this case but it has sent a few HG's to the hospital) this might become the huge problem for CBS and the producers.  Grodner & Meeham have continued to push this slop punishment on the HG's and the viewers in spite of everything that has been said since they introduced it and a few hospital visits specifically related to the slop diet!  After that they introduced the "viewers select the extra have not food" and the internet idiots selected the nastiest of the list (although I really think it was already producer selected)!


    CBS will no doubt counter anything and everything via their legal staff that not enough is or was known about the effect of  slop vs meds (specifically when the cast Audrey), including but not limited to vitamins, supplements, herbals and hormone meds (for transgenders if it gets that far, which it will not) and everything OTC or in between and they are "doing everything to make it right" (after all "CBS Cares").  It's a valid argument because if anyone out there in BB land even knows what a PDR is (JohnnyMac via medical, and perhaps Jason and Steve because they are information sponges, probably do) or listens to commercials about any prescription or non-prescription drug and the list of "it may cause...you probably get the point!

  6. Is nobody targeting Clay and Shelli? 


    What the heck? 



    Are TSP really that STUPID?

    Apparently this appears to be the case once again!  Every single BB Season the HG's go into this game with their strategy and blazing agenda and they get in the house and into complete memory loss that the #1 rule is "Break Up The Power Couples".

  7. Vanessa is a professional poker player.   I confess I am not sure exactly what job skills go on that resume, however isn't a "bluff" sort of a lie-in-training, and hasn't she made several million dollars playing poker?  If you can get someone to believe you and do your bidding you are winning whatever round you are winning.  Vanessa's goal is for everyone else to fold and so far she's making that work in the BB game.  I don't necessarily like her or dislike her right not,  I'd really like to see her at the mercy of what we seem to be calling "The Stupid People" and see how much game she brings to the table!

  8. Why would they have to compensate her ?

    Seems like they've done way to much for her already.

    No one twisted her arm to participate as a HG in BB.

    AND it seemed like she was perfectly fine when she thought she

    was weaving her little webs and getting away with it.

    Poor loser -- or -- screwed up meds ?

    Either way... I'm sure she's rethinking how she should have played the game.

    I do not know, it's just a hunch that CBS might be in deeper sheep over this "situation" than meets the eye!

    If true that she didn't want to reveal and CBS told her she had to or she could not be on the show that could be a problem, regardless of the 139 and counting page contract the HG's sign!

    A few of the "BB Take Overs" have been Kathy Griffin and it's no secret that she is a huge advocate of the LGBT movement, and she said at the first one to everyone and Julie that she wanted Audrey to win the game, so that's not exactly a coincidence. 


    Since BB is "allegedly" planned as to comps far before the HG's are "allegedly" selected, and Julie adamantly denied several times that this had anything to do with Jenner I tend to mistrust what Julie(CBS) have to say!


    I feel the only thing Audrey is not rethinking anything but only thinking how to forward manipulate the situation to her best interest!


    Pure speculation, but after watching Audrey's game play and manipulation tactics I would not be surprised if she spend a few of her several hours in the DR trying to bully CBS to get what she wants.

  9. I find it interesting that Helen could not even wear her prescription eye glasses in the house without blocking out the manufacturer's name, yet Miss Shelli went on for a good 20 minutes about her jewelry and how she makes it and how you can buy it on ITSY, promoting her business!


    I can't wait until someone who is not in an alliance with Shelli (which pretty much limits it to the duck and the fish) is in power.

    I want to see if she and "poopie head" have any real game in there!

  10. Maybe she just doesn't want to deal with anyone in the house after what went down and figures being by herself until the live show? Remember she lost her alliance then when she tried to expose everything about the alliance TSP ran to the 6th sense about what Audrey said instead of using the info to their advantage.

    What exactly "went down"?  She got caught in lies, her game blew up in her face, Clay yelled at her (I have seen much worse yelling at each and verbal abuse other over 16 past BB seasons) and she couldn't not handle it so she went off into her next "manipulation to play the victim & get everyone off my back plan".  Nobody is buying what she is selling!

    I've had the displeasure of being employed by one. It is very stressful and I don't wish interactions with them on anyone. 

    Veterinary or MD???

  11. Janis, I totally agree.  If she is allowed to eat for whatever reason and she is still in the game Have Not should be suspended for the duration of Audrey's stay in the house (hopefully only a few more days).


    Linda, BB's "penalty nominations" are basically a joke.  The only time they have removed an HG is violence, destruction of BB property and the only case of self-evict was EvelDick the 2nd time.  BB publicity put it out that he needed to help a friend through a personal tragedy or something but it was really the Aids test came back positive.


    mayzee, I totally agree with you.

  12. My parents, grandparents, etc., raised me to never kick anyone when they are down and out. I don't care for her but hope she's adult enough to leave the house with some dignity. I would put nothing past her, however.

    I totally understand your point and I agree, however again I do not see anyone (save some dirtbags on the internet, who will always be there) being anything but kind and considerate.   The HG's have taken her food, looked in on her, asked her if she needed anything!  I don't see that as kicking her when she's down.


    Audrey got up several times, she's eating, drinking, sneaked into the bedroom to get some clothes or something.  If she can do all that I think she's just tossing herself the ultimate pity party.

    I worry for her after her exit.  She doesn't seem capable of handling all this rejection.  I hope she decides to stay away from the web and doesn't read all the horrible comments.

    Don't worry, they will not unleash her on society.  Most of the HG's go through a decompression stage anyway (I think BB pretty much requires it).  I'm sure she will be under a doctor's care and have plenty of security to get her off the CBS lot.

    I am almost certain she is a sociopath. [Article: How to spot a sociopath: http://www.naturalnews.com/036112_sociopaths_cults_influence.html#]


    They don't have the same feelings and emotions as other people. Sociopaths love to manipulate and play their own games. They will go to obscene lengths to win. When you are no longer manipulatable you are no longer useful. 


    Best and most recent example is prior to POV meeting she got in bed with Vanessa and "cried" and got sympathy. This didn't pan out the way she wanted it to. She has no more use for Vanessa.


    She manipulated her way on to Big Brother and probably lied to Jason about CBS nixing the idea of her not wanting to tell the HGs about her being transgendered.


    She is toxic.

    That's interesting because our veterinarian's wife is a medical doctor and she said, off the record from a lay-person's standpoint (not having physically examined the patient or the patient history in debth) that is the conclusion she would have drawn!

  13. I can just imagine how stressful it is playing with a twin that is switching in and out every few days.  When your not in the house you have no clue what is going on and who is talking to her about what.  When you switch you only have a few minutes to really tell each other everything and that is just not enough time.  Austin working with and knowing about the twins helps because he can tell the other what has happened in the house.  I think because of this stress Liz and Julia have done things they wouldn't normally.  Julia and Liz are two different people and want to act like themselves but are forced to level their personalities for the game.  Right now I think it is obvious that Liz and Julia are safe until after week five eviction.  Jason has stopped with his twin thing and even made comments that he doesn't care anymore.  Austin, Vanessa, Clay and Shelli have her back right now and that helps as well.  But to be sure they are safe Austin and Liz have to win HOH next week.

    The "twin twist" is another CBS joke.  This one is only a smidge better than the last stupid one, only because there are more savvy HG's (or they have been better briefed or hinted to by the DR).  The twins will enter the game!!!

  14. This situation with Audrey is complicated. Sometimes I feel sorry for her, and other times I think that she's faking some or most of it. I put some of the responsibility for Audrey's meltdown on the BB casting professionals. IMO something is wrong with so many HGs taking various medications in order to participate in the game of BB. Has it always been this way, or is this something new? I only vaguely remember a few seasons ago where HGS were taking AD/HD type medication.

    Austin mentioned taking Zanax while in sequester. Vanessa has mentioned "taking her meds" several times. Audrey has mentioned taking hormones. A few days ago Audrey was talking to Clay and just casually mentioned that she wondered how many HGs were taking meds.

    I know that CBS and/or BB production is trying to censor the majority of the talk about the HGs taking drugs, but the cat is out of the bag.

    I mostly think she is faking and I think CBS is letting her fake (otherwise medical would be seriously questioned regardless of CBS Lawyers) to give her a nice exit eviction (whatever they cook up) and they don't have to deal with the internet-aftermath any more than they lie to us, any more than Vanessa says she's playing with honesty and integrity!  It's just another day in the so-called reality world of Big Brother!

  15. As a human being I feel sorry for Audrey for putting herself in this situation because nobody forced her to do anything. She is not an enslaved person, she is a grown woman who signed up to play the game of BB. If she has legit medical issues that are preventing her from continuing to play the game, she should leave immediately and take care of her health. I wish her well and truly hope that she gets the professional help that she clearly needs.

    However, as an avid BB fan I am pissed off that Audrey's antics have hijacked my favorite summertime obsession. And as a fan of BB I can honestly say that Audrey's game play was all over the place. She was a villain one minute and a victim the next. A trusted ally one day and a backstabber the next. I don't think that Audrey even knew what she was doing & saying half the time she was in the house. When you're known as a liar in the BB house it's hard to get the other HGs to trust you. She was given many chances and opportunities to change things around and she had 2 powerful allies protecting her.

    None of the HGs bullied Audrey, she blew up her own game and at the end of the day, she has no one to blame but herself.

    I feel sorry for lots of people who have hard times or whatever but at the end of the day this is not Dr. Phil, Oprah or Jerry Springer, this is Big Brother.  Life real life you come to play the game or you don't.  I do not and never will feel sorry for Audrey as a BB player.  She came to play, she failed, she's getting voted out and if she goes back in the real world and boo-hoo's that it's because of her meds, or she was bullied and misunderstood and plays the trans card I hope she gets the same results.  Cowgirl up and deal with life!

  16. #1.  If she's in as bad shape as i've heard and read,  hallucinations, hormone probs etc etc etc...she needs a hosp & out of BB.


    #2.  There is NO good reason for her being allowed to remain in the HN room, lights out, & having reg. food.


    #3.   I love all peeps whether trans, gay, les or anything else but she is casting a bad shadow on any other normal one of those whose dreams it may be to enter BB in the future.


    #4.  Sorry if this sounds Cold..however, we had to watch her cry a river after she was outed in HOH rm, stay there for a couple hr.s alone and then IMMediately come down stairs  (not even red eyes) and begin with James/Jackie turning on every1 that outed her upstairs??????  I believe she is playing a role using her time in BB as her claim to fame for speaking paid venues on "transgender situations" AS she was doing (and being pd. for prior to going into the house).


    #5  It absolutely is not fair to the other HG's to have to deal with whats she has now resorted to as CBS allows her to remain in the house.   ANYone else with bad med problems would have been removed.


    #6.  IMHO=She shouldnt collect her stipend, shouldnt be in there & I hope she has a good life.  Its all an act & CBS buying into it.


    Gosh I been here since the beginning back in Eddie McGee's journey & never witnessed anything so rediculous.

    This is my very 1st negative reply about anything concerning BB or folks in it during all my loyal years to BB lol..but hey, facts are facts!  She's had her fame....stop pampering her butt!!

    I agree with every single thing you said and I thank you for saying it.  I think this is quite possibly  a BB/Audrey publicity stunt to show how wonderful and brave she was to stay in the game, against all odds, walking uphill both ways to the Have Not Room.....because she is getting evicted by everyone including the chlorine pool duck and the fish on Thursday! 


    People on the Internet are back to calling Audrey a HE and saying "He had no business being on the Big Brother show.

    That is just SO wrong on so many levels.  Unlike Jenner (so far, and he may still, but who cares), Audrey made the full commitment to be female 3 years ago.    Again, I don't see any of the HG's treating her as anything but a female houseguest, who lied, got caught in her lies and even though she came to them with some truths about what was going on in the house she cried wolf too many times and nobody believes a thing that comes out of her mouth anymore.  We who watch them on our monitors know the lies and the truths but it would be hard in that house, or real life for that matter.


    I liked Audrey at first and I really thought she was going to be great at this game.  I quickly came to not like her as a BB player and I do not think SHE has any business in this game with the stress of the game and whatever meds may or may not be adding to the problem.  She had her chance, she can't handle the game, and it's time for the poster (sorry I cannot recall his or her screen name) to bring that "It's Over" Viking to the party!



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