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Posts posted by Shrinra

  1. When reading the LFU's for Tuesday some of the HG's were talking about how Alec had already won 10k, and that was almost half of the second place winnings. As far as I know, nothing about second was ever mentioned on the show and it wasn't mentioned on the live feeds before this. Does the runner up get 20-25k or something?

    Here is the quote from the live feed updates:

    8:06PM BBT: Topaz talking to Emmett telling him how everyone is saying that Andrew will be wishy-washy if she's up there with Alec. They are in the bathroom area. Hard to hear what Emmett is saying. Sounds like Alec bashing. "He won a trunk of money" no one is fooled by him saying what he won was nothing. "That's half of second place! No matter what, even if he leaves on Thursday, he's won 3rd place just based on money."

  2. Just read that she plans on putting up Alec and Peter - I hope she goes through with it. Everyone was getting in her ear and it seemed like she may have veered off her original course. Good for her if she does it! And the "shield" is definitely in trouble in that case. ;) <<<<huge silly grin>>>>

    I'm happy too. Alec seems like a tool and Peter is nowhere near as good of a player as he thinks he is. The last thing that Jillian said before the feeds went off was to tell Peter that he and Alec were going up. It definitely seems pretty official and it doesn't seem like she is going to deviate.

  3. This is the answer I came up and posted above: "As I think about it I think it is possible that the HG's sitting in front them may have heard the answer, quickly realized that Topaz had won, and gave her some kind of indication. That's the best guess I can come up with." Perhaps Alec or Gary figured it out and started cheering. It's definitely fishy, but there is probably an innocuous answer to it.

  4. I think Canadians tend to have pretty big potty mouths (TPB, anyone?) but it's not usually offensive, or said in anger; more used as expressive language. People 'round my part of Canada are big swearers but are super-careful around children or religious people.

    My American BB watching leads me to the conclusion that Americans swear more out of anger; is that accurate, neighbours to the south?

    I think it is. When we get angry there is often lots and lots of swearing. However, I've never encountered any angry Canadians before. All of the Canadians I've met have been super nice, whether they were in Canada or the US.

  5. That was the night the feeds and BBAD stopped until Sunday. There would be no talk about have to wait for 25 minutes.

    The person said that Topaz and Talla had to stand for 25 minutes.

    Topaz knew she won when the audience applauded her answer.

    After the taping of the show the audience had to leave because they were using the studio for something else.

    I think they wanted to make sure Topaz won to cause a power shift. It failed.

    Yeah, I totally forgot about the feeds being off. If they talked about it at all, we didn't see, and by the time the feeds came back up on Sunday it would have been old news.

    But why would the audience applauding let Topaz know she won? They could have just as easily applauded for Talla. I think we figured it out above though.

  6. I think it depends on who Jillian and Emmett align themselves with. From the feeds yesterday it seems they are both saying that they are loyal to Alec and Peter as well as Andrew. I am not sure where they actually stand (with the Shield or Andrew), but I think it matters in any case.

    I don't really like Alec, so I hope he gets evicted at least.

  7. LOL. Read it again, Shinra!

    We Canadians say "Sorry" when someone ELSE bumps into US!

    I do that too because I felt like I was in the way. I might be unique in that regard. I definitely overdo it with the word "sorry"!

    It seems to me that our houseguests do swear an awful lot. And it appears (at least to me) that the ones who come from urban centers are more guilty of it than the ones who come from more rural areas.

    I've heard that Canadians tend to swear more than Americans for some reason, so I wasn't too surprised when I heard it all.

    I also agree with everything else you said. I feel like we are trying to pick out these huge differences between Americans and Canadians that aren't actually as big as we are trying to make them out to be. There are polite Canadians and polite Americans, just like there are going to be Americans and Canadians who are not the least bit polite.

  8. This sounds kind of fishy to me and I am not sure I buy it. What would their reason have been to stop the competition with those two at the end to have a meeting? If so, what did they ultimately accomplish by having this meeting? If they wanted to manipulate the outcome of the comp, they would have done it before it started. Plus, if they took a 25 minute break during the competition I think it would have been mentioned by the HG's.

    I do think it was weird that Topaz seemed to know that she won before Arisa announced it though.

  9. I am an American, but you would probably have thought I was a Canadian based on that hypothetical exchange at McDonald's. I absolutely hate how most people here in America say "I'll have a Big Mac" because it just doesn't seem polite enough...where is the please? Whenever I come back to Canada I think I'll have to pay more attention. I do notice that most Americans say sorry when they bump into someone though. Perhaps it's just different things. Are there any other distinctions between Americans and Canadians that you can think of?

  10. Well, it might be the first season, but they have 14 seasons of the US version to build off of so I don't think that's the reason. It's probably just the group of people they put in the house. They just aren't that manipulative or cutthroat.

    BB8 was the last season that I really enjoyed. BB9 began a downslide IMO with casting. Those people that season were just horrible. Since then it's definitely been a mix. There has been lots of great memorable people, but it's mostly been a bunch of people who I cared little about and sometimes forgot existed if they didn't annoy me.

    And yes, I forgot about Suzette!

  11. While I definitely love Canadians (I've been called a wannabe Canadian more than once!), I wouldn't say the BBCA houseguests are so nice and polite to each other. There was so much trash talking between Topaz and Liza for example, the fight between Topaz and Tom, Talla being called a slut, and there is lots of trash talking about other HG's all the time. They might be nicer than BBUSA contestants, I'm not sure, but it's certainly not all niceties.

    With that said I am really enjoying watching the Canadian version. I am liking Big Brother more now than I have in years. There is just something about these HG's that I like. Lots of BBUSA contestants are just useless, dumb as bricks, boring, etc. That's definitely much less of a factor in BBCA. Even AJ, who was probably useless from a competition perspective was at least entertaining in some way. Also, the token gay guy is actually useful which I am really enjoying. Since the same casting agent was used for the Canadian version that is used for the American version I think it really shows the difference between Canadians and Americans. I mean, you just know that she didn't deviate from what she just does for the American version...you can see the same exact format.

    Also, I am really enjoying the humor and just the events in the house in general. It doesn't seem as boring as recent seasons of BB. Gary crying after being put on slop, Talla waxing Topaz...all hilarious!

  12. You all make such good points!!! I have to agree with Joystick on this one. Privacy is expected in the HOH room. It was lets say...... "implied" that the conversation was private. How was it implied? Well on BBUSA Julie Chen usually speaks privately with the HOH right before the eviction, and I think that Topaz was lulled into that false security. And while Arisa NEVER prompted Topaz to speak her mind openly (unless it was edited out), she DID ask her to explain why she chose her nominees, and IF the nomination ceremony was public, she MIGHT have answered differently then she actually did.

    Shinra (above) wondered why they didn't send her into the DR, and that is a good question, I'm thinking that the DR would have implied privacy, and that was BB's way of letting Topaz know that the conversation was not private.....?

    Let me ask another question here: neither Gary nor Topaz win POV. Nominations remain the same. Who do you vote out? Gary is clearly better at this game than Topaz......Wednesday always takes so long to get to!

    As sisu power said above, on BBUSA Julie always tells the HG's that they aren't being overheard and that they can speak freely. You might be right and that the HOH room was their way of saying, this is fair game to be shown to the HG's, but I still think if she had been smart she would have realized you always have to be extremely cautious about anything out of the ordinary in the house (and this was) as well as the fact that keeping your mouth shut as much as possible is best. I think that they gave her some very, very subtle clues, yet they didn't seem to be ones easily picked up I guess.

    Still, I think either argument could be justified.

    You vote out Gary because he is clearly a threat. After this week Topaz will go back to sleeping the days away and not being much of a threat at all. I am surprised that she doesn't fall asleep during competitions actually.

  13. Expect the unexpected. She was called in there for a conversation with Arisa, yet Arisa never asked for her thoughts while she deliberated. She was just there as a time keeper.

    People go to the HOH room to discuss strategy because it's a room that is secluded and has a door that locks. Just because of those things doesn't mean privacy is expected or guaranteed. People spill things that happen in that room all of the time. The HOH room isn't any different than the rest of the house and it isn't under any different rules or expectations IMO. I don't understand why you seem to think that conversations that take place in the HOH room are any different than ones that take place in the bathroom or the kitchen or the bedroom. People will have "private" conversations in those places if it is free from unwanted guests just like the HOH room.

    I am confused why they sent her to the HOH room though, instead of the Diary Room.

  14. I disagree. Topaz could have kept her mouth shut. It wasn't like it was in the Diary Room where they have producers asking them questions (presumably). That is really the only place they are encouraged to tell her thoughts. The HOH room isn't the Diary Room. Peter was right with his thoughts on the subject.

    Still, while she shouldn't have talked, it isn't her fault and I think it was pretty rotten that they got to see her. I'd say some of the blame for what happened falls of both Topaz and BB.



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