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Posts posted by Shrinra

  1. I've never liked her. Never saw what others liked about her during her other seasons and especially can't stand her this year. She has moments of good game play, but she ruins it with her down right meanness.

    I think in Season 6 at least, people excused her meanness because they hated the Friendship too, and liked her alliance. However this season it seems that the tables have turned, and now people aren't so willing to ignore her personality faults anymore.

  2. I would like to see him be a have-not, but he would likely complain so much I wouldn't be able to watch the feeds. I wonder, if he was a have-not would he still cook for everyone? Or would he be an immature little brat and want no one else to eat if he can't? He seems like a person that would hold a grudge.

  3. I think that next season (assuming there is one) they need to do another "back to the basics" season like season 10 was. Just 14 houseguests with no twists, and a pure BB experience. I think the chances of no returning houseguests next year is a good one...who could Grodner find to come back that was a good player and would want to come back? It was clearly a hard thing this year since we got Britney back. She needs new veterans and new all stars, and the only way to do that is let them shine on their own without vets to overshadow them. But then again, what do I know? I didn't think there would be returning players this year.

    Also, does anyone else think that chances for an All Stars 2 are low? A good number of the players that would have probably have been brought back have already been brought back in either this season or the last.

  4. Me too! I was a huge fan during season 6, less so during all stars, and now I'm over her and her nerd herd.

    She was great in Season 6 and I wanted her to win that year. It seems that she is still riding on her reputation from that season. During All Stars, I was less than impressed with her game play. She let herself be manipulated and used the entire season and played a less than stellar game, but I still rooted for her. This year she is making bad decisions even quicker than in AS, and I can't wait until she gets whooped by Boogie again. It's what she deserves since anyone can tell that Boogie is simply lying and will begin taking her team out next week (whether or not his team is in power). It's like she forgot what she felt towards him since freaking 2006 and how much of a liar he is.

    When Week 3 beings, I am assuming that Britney and Dan will be down to one player each (unless Shane wins POV) and that Janelle and Boogie will start fighting it out. Soemthing tells me that dear old Janie is going to be in deep trouble. Her team can talk a lot of smack, but we have yet to see them do much else. Wil was good at the HOH competition, but still lost. And unless the competition is a quiz on exotic spices uses in Middle Eastern food, I don't think Joe is good either. Ashley seems to be stoned about half the time, so I don't see her able to score a big win for Team Janelle. On the other hand, Boogie has Frank and he is a good competitor; physically and mentally. Ian has a great memory and is super smart, so I am not counting him out yet (even though he didn't do so hot at HOH). And they have Boogie himself, so seems like a superior coach.

  5. So Willie getting booted is considered a "tuff" day for all the little pansy HG and they need pizza for all. Stick to the F'ing rules for once! I could care less what happen in the house, the Have Not's can do the Have Not rules. Why do they get to eat? Do they get to sleep in a real bed tonight too? BB becomes a bigger and bigger joke each day it's on.

    I totally agree. If they aren't going to restart this week, then it should just be business a usual.

  6. Even with coaches playing show will end sooner than normal. Maybe that's for the best.

    After this week there will be twelve people in the house including coaches, so if they started playing the season could end after a normal amount of time. If this was a regular season (which I believe has 14 houseguests), there would be twelve people left after Week 2. I think it can all balance out.

  7. I was a huge Janelle fan but just could care less anymore. Her tightest alliance in the house is Joe.

    nuff said

    I think she really screwed up by ditching Britney...I think that overall Britney and her team would have been a lot more loyal than Boogie and his team. She is sitting pretty this week it seems as the house is united over Willie, but after he is gone the attention will turn back to her and it won't be pretty.

    I wonder if Janelle will still be a "fan favorite" after this season? Maybe she should have stopped while she was ahead?

  8. Letting the coaches get in the game is the most obvious and least creative thing that can be done, which is right up Grodner's alley. So this wouldn't be a surprise at all if it did happen.

    I can kind of see things working out this way. Since Grodner has zero ideas on what to do with the show, I can totally see next season being an all-stars season, since she's already been talking about it the past few years. Doing all-star's right after this season would really bring the show down. So how does Allison's get to do it? When they announce the cast for this season, people all over the internet talked down about the season because of returning players, and since the coaches might eventually get into the game, even more people have threatened to stop watching the show. I can't remember exactly at what point in the season that CBS usually announces they renewed the show for another season. I think it's usually about half way through. I'm thinking once the show gets picked up for another season, is about the time the coaches might enter the game, since the backlash/decline of viewers wouldn't matter anymore for this season since they already renewed it. Then Allison can come back next season and deliver the death blow with her all-star season.

    For the last few years, it hasn't been renewed for another season until around the finale. It's usually the date of the finale or the date after of the finale that it is announced.



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