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Everything posted by WOC

  1. LMAO! I'm sure she gave to herself. But hey, look at her! She's so cool and different!
  2. It shows because she hasn't a clue on how to play the game.
  3. I'm kinda conservative too in some matters. But I don't push it on people and I don't want anybody pushing their views on me. I prefer to let people to play their own game where BB is concerned. There may be just a bit of jealousy going on with Sam. But who knows? You're right about how there always seems to be a woman or two who want to undermine the others. I've given up on trying to figure women out.
  4. I believe Sam didn't apply to be on the show, she was picked from social media by BB. It shows with her gameplay. She did herself no favors with her HOH. The power does seem to have gone to her head some. I mean, who is she to stop the Seer from apologizing after nominations? Let 'em play their game. And her refusal to talk about what she is thinking with Tyler? He seems like the best ally she has. All that does is create mistrust. What was that with JC at the veto ceremony? He speaks up and she immediately changes her nom to Karaoke. Flip flop much? When she did that the whole strong woman crap went out the window. Of course snuggling with Fessy did help the cause much. Finally, nothing to with Sam, but I could have done without seeing duckface back again to host the veto comp. And everybody fawning over her! I couldn't stand her and there was a little bit of vomit in my mouth watching Tyler call her a legend.
  5. I think they should keep her too. She isn't any good at comps (so far) and the Seer is a pain in the ass. Imagine being stuck with her in jury! There's pros and cons for both staying and going. I read that the Seer has said she will target anyone who votes for her to go. I'm sure she'll use her spidey sense to know who that is. Meanwhile, Karaoke is promising her allegiance to those that save her. I wouldn't trust either. I think JC is campaigning to hard for keeping Karaoke and it might bite him in the ass.
  6. Brett is just as nasty as she is.
  7. And she's too busy playing with emotion.
  8. More crying and boo hoo'ing. What did she think was gonna happen if the veto was used? This is a game for money, not a summer camp.
  9. This is far out there, but if Brett and Karaoke could somehow work together nobody would suspect it now. They would absolutely have to keep it on the down low though.
  10. Who is this Angela person?
  11. I've rethought my position based on Sam's actions. If I were Fessy (or whatever he calls himself), I would use the veto on Haleigh. That would force Sam into making another enemy. Plus she probably would have diarrhea of the mouth again with her holier than thou attitude. He could claim that Haliegh picked him so he was obligated to save her. Sam refuses to tell him who the replacement nom will be, but that doesn't matter. His side is going to lose someone either way because most likely the Seer of Stupidity will be the target of everyone no matter who is up. Sam doesn't get the game and she has pretty much made everyone suspicious of her because she's refuses to talk game, even with her own alliance, as HOH. Fessy can save someone, and they will feel indebted to him. That person who he uses the veto on, and the person not voted out will have their eye on Sam.
  12. Exactly! She doesn't get it's a social game. I admire her moxey, but that type of game play will not work in this type of game.
  13. This guy really has a much better game than Paul's. He's manipulative minus the douchery entitled behavior and bullying.
  14. I wouldn't use it for either of their sorry asses!
  15. Sam may have blew up her own game with that nom speech. She came off as holier than thou. She really has no clue and probably won't be around at the end. These young people don't need a mommy telling them how to act. They're all nice about it now cause she's HOH, but it may come back to haunt her. It's a freaking social game! Not wanting to talk about anything game-wise only works when you are HOH. Plus her weird voice is wearing thin.
  16. I lied, I have more to say after watching last night's episode, I think Bay overreacted. JC wasn't calling anybody anything.This is much ado about nothing.
  17. So, he wins the veto. I wonder if he will use it?
  18. She's so out there that it may be good to keep her around just to have a continuing target.
  19. I agree. If nothing else, you can get people, who you were never targeting anyway, to promise you safety for not putting them up. HGs offer this up all the time without even being prodded. Plus, like you said, you can get info. It's amazing what people will say when they think you may put them up. Also, she's in with the L6, and she can get brownie points by letting people in her alliance feel like she values their opinions.
  20. The number of years that slavery existed in America isn't debatable. Unless you think it went on after the civil war. And that's the last I'll say about it.
  21. What is strange is that Sam boo-hoo'ed the first week because she was a robot and felt she didn't get time to fit in and was behind in gameplay and all of that crap. Now she is HOH and doesn't want anyone in the HOH room, no one on one's or whatever. I don't think that's the best move, but whatever. I'm down with her noms.
  22. And she wants to start banging pots and pans a la closet gay guy from last year, a la Evil Dick.
  23. I think Sam should pick the two weakest players. That way she lessens their chances of coming back by using her app. Karokestar and the Seer of Stupidity would be good choices.
  24. It would have been nice to know what each good app was before anybody picked.



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