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Everything posted by WOC

  1. I gotta admit, his DR sessions are kinda funny.
  2. She watched American History X too many times. She's about as scary as a William Hung concert. She really thinks because she's not playing the game and was just there for the experience that everyone should be there for the same thing. What was she saying tonight, something about the money and people will do anything to get it? She said it with disgust. Seriously? If she doesn't want anything but the experience she needs to find a commune and move in. This game is about making bank!
  3. If Sam said anything I haven't heard about it.
  4. Sam has been jealous of the younger women for a while.
  5. Tyler won Veto! Step Two!
  6. I'd like to add, Jun was actually playing the game though.
  7. First she's pissed because she thinks people are making fun of her. Now she's pissed because people are picky eaters and she thinks that when someone makes food they should just eat it. I think she wants to be the mom of the house and she feels she's not getting the thanks she "deserves." In reality, these people don't need a mom. Their grown and probably could care less if Sam does their laundry or makes coffee. Jun played that angle, kind of, in season four and won. I don't see it working for Sam. She seems like a nice person, but she let her mean girl show when she was HOH with some of the stuff she said. If she just stuck to the nice girl act, who didn't get mad she would be a great goat in the end.
  8. And I just read that KC put up Karaoke! Step One!
  9. Apparently KC has won the hacker comp. If she were to take herself off and put up Fay or Karaoke, then someone from L6 win the veto, it will be another MASSIVE failure for Foute.
  10. She also said that the HOH comp was sort of how she and her friends text each other or something. It's based on some Sponge Bob stuff. Who knows? It doesn't bother that she won. She can shake things up. The people that are generally thought to be good players will actually have to play good to survive the week.
  11. Seriously? Aside from the stuff mentioned above, look at what she said about JC. Making fun of his size, behind his back, she called him the Tasmanian Devil, little man, munchkin, and little thing. She called Scottie an albino snake. She admits she doesn't like white people. She's a nasty person and I enjoyed her going, I only wish it were sooner. She and Swagless deserve each other. Both are shallow and self centered. Good riddance!
  12. You're right. He can use it if he feels like he'll go up, not after he is up.
  13. Foute finally gets an HOH that will work for them. I won't be surprised if they walk around all week like they just won the game.
  14. I believe his power can save him after noms or veto. He should be good. He did act a little cocky after the last veto, but it was nothing out of hand. His side will take a hit this week.
  15. She needs to go. She's not a fan of the game and really brings nothing to it for the fan who wants game play. And what was that vote for Bay after Bay acted like a raging lunatic? There's no way Bay has been nicer to her then Tyler. They're all adults in there, I'm sure they can cook their own meals and wash their own clothes.
  16. I thought it was fitting that as she went to leave the house, after being evicted, she tried to push the door open and it needed to be pulled. Just one last wrong move!
  17. They should just let her go then. If she doesn't want to play then so be it. Maybe that was why she was the only vote for Bay.
  18. And Bay says that she hopes this will change things, right in front of the other nom. Thanks a bunch teammate!
  19. Wow! Bay is like a female Paul. The way her team bows down to her is dumbfounding. Hay, Fay, and Karaoke are horrible at this game. I can't believe Hay just told the rest of the house she was the hacker. 1st rule of BB, don't trust anyone. 2nd rule, don't call house meetings. And Evil B goes off on Tyler giving everyone reason to want to keep her cheerful ass.
  20. Exactly, they probably have different options depending on who is gonna play. Perhaps that's why Kaitlin left so much stuff behind in the house, because production had hinted to her that she was gonna stay. I think I read that somewhere, that the house expected her to stay or something.
  21. I couldn't agree with any of you more. Bay made her own bed with her attitude. Plus, she has a power that will go bye bye with her. Only production could save her now! Hay would be a total fool to give herself up. Watch Bay sell her out on her way out the door just for spite.
  22. He's still hung up on Hay. Dude, she ain't worth giving up that prize money. It's probably too late for him at this point, unless he starts winning comps. Hay said she would finally kiss him if he won the next HOH. All I can say is lookout HGs! He's gonna go all beast mode on everyone for that kiss!
  23. So glad she put up Bay, I got the feeling she was shying away from making that move at first.
  24. I would like to see that too. Though it wouldn't be the first time I thought someone was a good player until I watched them as HOH. Right now I'd like to see her in the F2.



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