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Posts posted by NYROSE

  1. I think Danielle's best option is to put Boogie up against Frank. The house gets to choose. She can take all of Boogie's plan and just twist it to that alliance minus Boogie with Ian as the missing voting piece. She can let Frank know that he is not the target and can still be in the alliance, but that he and Boogie are too close so she can either get rid of Frank or Boogie and her pick is Boogie so this way she defuses Frank's anger at her for putting him on the block.

  2. I know I saw it on BBAD. Janelle whispered every secret she could in Brittney's ear for 3 hours. When BBAD was finished, according to live feed discussion on sucks, Janelle's whole team went at it for about 8 hours more. You're right-- It had nothing to do with Ian.

    Yes that is what I said in amazement at her timing and how she knew just when to push and when to allow what she said to sink in before going back in for another salvo. I could not believe how it worked. She knew her targets both Brit and Shane and was masterful in playing them

  3. I fear Grodner will keep both Boogie and Frank here. Their DRs together I have seen on CBS show are downright sickening. They act like a couple of adolescent girls at a spend the night parthy.

    I have never seen women lift their legs like they do it is only male dogs who lift the leg. Yes women giggle together, but men do as they do laughing wildly in derision and they make wild motions too and the business with the legs going into the air while splayed out is unlike women. Men sit with legs apart more often than women do.

  4. That is a good picture. If she re-kdid her makeup she would be better looking.

    Her insecurity is her achilles' heal. She doesn't handle stress well. What is she won an HOH. Or was on the block? She'd be a basket case. She certainly loves to be the center of attentiion. These last few days she seems to think she is Greta Garbo or someone like that, "Please I vant to be alone." Yeah right.

    Her insecurity is like a giant zit on her face that no amount of makeup will cover up. If she wins HOH before they send her home, she will just love the attention. It will not cure her, but I'd like to see her get it, enjoy it and then run it into a train wreck. Predictable but there is some satisfaction in seeing the sun come up and go down eh? Having someone behave according to their pattern gives us some sense we know what is going on and have something to count on. I will enjoy watching her try to pick out her nominees and all the pressure that will be put on her to make up her mind. Sadly she is so crippled she will not win one. That is my prediction on her chances of making HOH unless BB decides to make a competition that is exactly designed for her. They are not beyond doing that as we know.

  5. It is so right according to type for Wil to want to cause a bunch of drama by pretending he is going to vote for Joe and actually voting for Frank. Yes the blindside engineered by the blondeside and her gayside will make real drama. I hope wil does try to make it seem like Ian did the dastardly deed, that will wake Ian up to the need to play the game and get payback on Wil. He will engineer something with Booger and become Boog's fav but will still get some help from Dan that will give him perspective to keep from falling into the trap that Boog will set if he gets his real allegiance. At some point, Ian will play his own game and shake off the coaching. And yes I think he does have asperger's to "duck" into for relief from the stress of feeling so out with these people.

  6. She did, indeed. My problem with it is the people she supposedly did it for. I would be fine with them leaving tomorrow.

    I found her power of persuasion amazing, she not only got Brit who cannot stick to a pov to return to her orig stand that both teams ought to fight it out and thus having one from each team made sense, she also got Shane to break an alliance and essentially trust her...how did she do that how? I watched and would not, was not at all convinced was always aware that she is out for herself. But she knew exactly how to play Shane She seemed to know just how much to push, how much to leave up to BRit, and when to reappear to make her points. A blonde-- well dyed-- blonde witch for sure.Oddly for me, it is her mouth that puts me on alert to a sense of her lying. She grimaces and does things with her lips that I find creepy. LOL

  7. I think much of it has to do with their contract. If, say, Janelle has to give up the 100K to go into the game and vie for 500K; maybe she won't want that. There are no guarantees and 100K-guaranteed might loom larger to her than the possibility of 500K. Bird in hand.

    Oh, and at this point I don't care if they go into the game or go home. If Grodner wanted to stir some interest she surely did do that.

    We all play the hands Grodner deals us...

  8. I don't think the majority of posters liked Danielle from the get-go. It began as a small-time dislike for her baby-talk and morphed into a gigantic plate of obsession. Us with Danielle. Danielle with Shane.

    I can't think of anything worse than crushing on a guy on a reality tv show. It is absolutely the dumbest thing a person could ever do. It certainly has done Danielle no good and we are only at Week 3. Scary.

    It serves to remind me of how strong a relationship Jeff and Jordan had (have?). That situation (twice) could have been oh so different. Remember how jealous Rachel was? It's so crazy and such good TV.

    And, as for Danielle, I got called to task for calling her fat. The general consensus being that she isn't. Fat. Nuts, maybe. Not fat.

    certainly obsessed and has a broad beam but it is not fat just a body shape and within normal limits.

  9. So very true. Britany however though is a lousy coach and a lousy player. She is of no help to Shane what so ever and I will be glad to see her get evicted when they enter the game.

    I agree she is totally confused and changes her mind with every passing suggestion and dan uses that to his benefit with Shane and Danielle and now he is infiltrating Ian ...

  10. Ian says Boogie has been telling him to not be nervous as much as he is. Dan says what kind of things can you do to not be nervous? Dan goes onto say that he thinks Dani's game has really stepped it up because of his coaching. Ian says he thinks he's become a way better player as the weeks have gone on. Dan asks Ian what if he were to start working with some of the coaches if they came in the game (Now we see where Dan's head is at....)

    Here we see Dan mining the opportunity of making Ian a part of the alliance of Shane and danielle. He is also making himself a potential ally with them both by pointing out the advantage of his coaching continuing if he enters the game. Why Shane has not seen this possible ally has more to do with a tendency people have to judge people on looks. Even tho Danielle is irritating in her neediness, she looks like a regular person where Ian has been marginalized by his brains and his slight body to being not one of the in folks. He is painfullly aware of that to his detriment.

  11. I just wish that the women in the house for once could band together and not turn on each other and take the game. They always get distracted by turning on each other for stupid little things and I want them all to be strong players and show the men how it is done!

    Do you think BB would put a feminist or two on the show? The woman who runs it looks for women who are like herself.

  12. I agree NYROSE. She can't discuss strategy but only how someone has made her mad and isn't that right Shane. She keeps on and on about Janielle and Ashley at a personal level instead of at a game level and she is so in love I see a future stalker in Shane's life.

    She is not in love, she feels lost and Shane is her only life preserver in her eyes. She does not know how to make any other alliances. On that score I can not blame her, would you feel that anyone on Janelle's team was a person you could make an alliance with? And Ian has not been able to get his nose our of Ashley's cootchie so he is not available for sane alliance making and that will be his downfall. No one has realized how sane Jenn is, her age and looks and sex orientation make her too different for them to see she could be an ally. Jenn is smart, she is biding her time for someone to see her as a possibility. That is her only hope and if you heard her about how she is as a lesbian, that is also how she approaches women she is attracted to so as not to scare them.

  13. Her weaknesses are her entertainment factors. Throwing herself at Shane, worrying about what others think about her, her inability to concentrate on getting a strategy or alliance going other than what Shane offered her. We watch her like a slow motion car crash can't she turn the wheel and stop the wreckage?



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