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Posts posted by NYROSE

  1. Dan was the best player, but should he win? Not if Ian takes Danl. obviously. And he may not win because part of being the best player is not alienating people too much and he had to. His manipulation may have been the best but is he really the best player? That will depend on how the jury reacts to him being there with Ian if Ian takes him. But if he wins and takes Danl, he will win. So then if Ian wins and takes Dan and wins, Ian gets what he is aiming for winning against the best and therefore being the best. And if the jury decides Ian was the best becauseDan went over the top, then dan was not the best. But what Ian does not seem to realize is that he shows he is the best if he wins and does not take Dan. And that is too sad and relates to how he perceives women. He desperately wants to be a man. His virginity, his social awkwardness all make him feel he is not able to achieve Alpha status and he admires Alpha status so much he must risk to achieve it rather than seeing that saying POP a squat to Dan is as Alpha as it gets in BB.

  2. I find Dan's manipulation to be both fascinating and despicable. He got all excited and congratulatory to Ian in order to get Danl upset. He told her stuff to say knowing she would yell. She feels an impossible squeeze between having to pretend she is being the good student to her coach and her awareness that he is prob playing her. It esp frosts her that Ian might not take her to the f2 because she did not think he would forsake the newbie alliance even tho she would have IMO even tho she claimed to make a deal with Ian that they would take each other just before the comp.

  3. I respect your opinion regarding Dan but still disagree. I think the coaches were at an unfair disadvantage for the reasons I previously stated.

    As far as the generalization, I disagree as well and I am firmly against lumping any particular group into a stereotype based on generalizations of any sort. I spoke for myself and my opinion on one particular incident. I did not speak for all Americans nor did I speak against all people in their underwear. If I were to have said I don't like that picture hanging on the wall does that mean I don't like art or that all Americans don't like art? If I said I don't like green beans does that mean I don't like vegetables or that all Americans don't like vegetables?

    And my biggest issue with your generalization is that you are ASSUMING I'm American in the criticism of my comment. Do you know for sure you are right in that assumption? I think not, and THAT "raises my hackles". You are "imposing some standard" on an entire nationality based on the statement of one individual who may or may not be OF that nationality, which is exactly what you are claiming we "ought not" do. You are completely contradicting yourself, IMO. As a human am I not entitled to have a different opinion than you on a subject without it being a reflection on an entire age group or gender or religion or nationality (none of which you even know about me)?

    Well I agree that we disagree on Dan and I had considered your point but did not feel that weighed like the argument I put forth. So that is just a disagreement. No sweat has to do with perception of which is more onerous.

    No I do not know that you are of the US. So I apologize if you felt smeared by the generalization origninally, but I admitted your precept that you were ok with others being in underwear and asked if you just do not like Ian. We would disagree there also. I like his quirky stuff.

    However I do live in the US and there is a slant against the physical "get a room" if one kisses a loved one, TMI if one says anything about one's physical reality having to do with bathroom or bedroom and some other areas also get that rejoinder. ANd lord help us if one sees a nipple a butt crack much less the entire nude bod. I just wish the country in general would grow up. Every one farts, has stuff up their nose, burps, and has other physical stuff happen and there is just nothing wrong with being a human and having those things happen and underwear is so much like bathing suit, what is the big deal? So it is not a generalization to note that there is a definite national bias on this subject. And I repeat I wish americans would get over being offended by petty stuff like seeing underwear. ANd I have noted that you have excluded yourself as being among those who do have that bias on that subject. So I asked you if you have a dislike for Ian? and for some reason you have not answered to that.

    I am completely & officially OFF on the Ian train.... tried to give this jackwad a chance but after listening to his talk about Survivor last night and how he deems all the women useless & only thinks there should be women on the team with 'sex appeal', because otherwise they hinder the game.... he can bite my butt... the kid is a tool. Age has nothing to do with it... he is a dweeb.

    I did not hear that can you give the time it happened so I can look it up?

  4. You know ... another idea that would be in the same vein is to do factual questions that the houseguests have spoken about .... how many siblings does so and so have, what state was so and so born in - stuff like that. They have hundreds of hours of tape ... I'm sure there are things they could come up with and it would force house guests to really get to know each other each year.

    That is a good one

  5. It's not a game about who needs it more. If it were then they would only let the "needy" play. It's a PRIZE that is EARNED by the best PLAYER. Not a donation.

    And I disagree with your opinion that the coaches had an unfair advantage. I think they were at a serious disadvantage. Not only were they outnumbered two to one, but their game play had been seen before and they shared their strategy with their players.

    (And as far as Americans caring what people wear - you really should be careful with generalizations like that. I just said I was sick of seeing IAN in his underwear.)

    But if the best player has been honed and trained and is a pro against amateurs, it is unfair. Dan has been paid. Dan has played and is a paid pro at this game.

    My generalization is accurate to the majority and if you are just singling out annoyance at Ian in underwear, Why? I suppose you have a dislike of him if you are ok with others in underwear and not him. If I am ok with seeing someone in underwear, then I refuse to impose some standard of size or age about any one else being that way. We are just humans who age, get fat, have odd tics, whatever and what we wear ought not raise anyone's hackles. IMO

  6. BBAD video fight with dani - ian. --from tumblr


    Note how Dan enjoys all the drama he has caused. Note how he asks Ian " how should I behave toward her?" as tho he needs to quell her anger whereas Ian think she hates Dan. He is unaware of how Dan cajoles her and gets her to take in all his lies. And if he takes Danl, while he will prob not have Shane's vote, he will not have Danl's vote against him and he will have Dan's vote for him. Dan will respect Ian for evicting him.

  7. Dan has always said that he made a few small purchases and the rest of his winnings he invested. He went back to work, wrote some books and said he has not really touched the money he won. :lol:

    I had not heard that and he keeps saying he needs the money so I thought he blew through it. And of course a person has the right to do so, but I also have thoughts about those who are spendthrifts and then want me to give them money. So were I on that jury, I would not want to see him win more. So if he has all that money, why is he so desperate to have more? It is called life changing money and it is for folks who will prob not make more than $50K a year for their lives. Why not let another person have that life changing chance? Ian and Danl both really need the money. The fact that Dan thinks he needs it, shows a rapacity that is not recommended by most with a spiritual bent. I want to see Ian get the 500 K and Danl get the 50 K and that undoes all the unfair advantage the coaches had. That was a tilt of the field that was unwarranted for BB except of course given their need to make up for Willie's departure and still keep to the format of the game.

  8. Exactly! And he never washes his dishes and I'm sick of seeing him walking around in his underwear, and I DO say this in a bad way! LOL

    I do wish Americans would get over caring about whether a person wears underwear or nothing at all

    Could you imagine? He wins Pt 3, turns to Dan and says in a cultured Ivy league voice Phew glad that's over. Pop a squat Dan!

    O that is a great image and it would be the coup for Ian to show he has control and is not just loyal or manipulated by elim Dan.

  9. I think we all forget that these folks are in a petri dish. How Danl reacts to this situation does have a relation to who she is outside of it, but it surely magnifies her somewhat manic flip flops. She knows Shane is not real, but in this place, he feels real and like a safe place. Losing him, and having Dan blindside her put an extreme anxiety on her. She has come off of that loss with a lot of tears, and on a few occassions, even shows that she has strength and awareness that is not just Dan manipulated. She did say that were it up to her, she would take Ian. Since she has known that it will not be up to her, she has been trying to work the two who are going to get to choose. She does Dan's work on Ian, and she acts the obedient student to Dan. These roles suit her dependency training as a Sourthern female. On the other hand, she has the capacity to hold a position of responsibility as a nurse, so she is no ditzy dame. Both of these sides of her surface depending both on her strategy and on her reactivity. One is logical and the other not. I think the viewers seem not to be able to see these two realities that struggle in her. And yes her whining is annoying and I am irritated by all the crying because I just think about how burning and stuffed up I feel when I cry. So of course I avoid doing so, but that takes a control that she has not been encouraged to grab.

  10. Dan will take Danl because he has sworn that he will do anything to get the win. Have I missed something? Has he really changed his mind and how the heck can you tell ? LOL I think he started poor me=ing himself as a shitty player to elicit Danl's sympathy instead of letting her go on about herself. It is a distraction. Again he is manipulating her, and in this case, it is a good thing.

  11. Yes Janis, Go Ian, as for Dan, I thought the funeral was genius, but his turning on Danl was overdone. I objected to the swear on the Bible thing because if one is a believer, that belief transcends the game. Any person ought to be able to know that another person has a line they will not pass. In this game one should not put that reality aside. I can not believe Dan has gone through all the money he won before. That seems to me to indicate a person out of control in the real world and it is reflected in his desperation to win and to do anything at all to win. That is where your disgust is warranted. I do not object to him using Danl to try to influence Ian to either throw the comp or by virtue of her awfulness to confirm him in taking Dan to the end, that is good manipulation and game play. I like what you propose for him to say to Danl. But I think he should take her to the f2 and let everyone know he is capable of seeing through the mist.

  12. I want Ian to win it and wish he got a secret power from Pandora's box where if he wins the final comp he can then choose to replace both Dan and Dani with a jury member for the F2. What a twist that would be and such a shocker. I don't think Dani deserves it and the coaches had free game play and then got to play against some who imo had no clue of how to play BB and were recruited and did not apply and then play against Janelle, Boogie and Dan totally unfair.

    They all need to appreciate being in there and be respectful of the house and take care of their mess while they are in there. Can't they each pick a area to clean and switch it up every day. I'm sure some one is adult enough to come up with something besides being a bunch of slobs.

    That would be a great twist indeed Jerseygirl letting the winner have a pov to choose someone from the jury. I love it, and looking at how they live in the house reminds me of me from nine to when I was thirteen. What kind of people are these? Stuff is strewn all over. Then they wonder about ants in the ice cubes? Ants love places that have places to hide. The HGs have nothing to do all day. It is like the people I know who are on welfare who stay home all day and are slobs. (Not all are like this) but the ones who are like this boggle my mind because if you have the luxury of staying home to take care of your kids, part of your job is to teach them to be clean. These people have nothing to do and even if they are talking game, what is to keep them from picking stuff up folding and putting away?

  13. We see that Ian is completely committed to taking Dan and then all of a sudden he is saying maybe Danl? We see Danl doing the same switcheroo. It is these inconsistancies that bolster my feel that the contestants are coached in the DR. I am sure they sign confidentiality also so they keep mum like the Skull and Bones the Masons etc because they are under force of suit and threat. This kind of tinkering makes one wonder how much of Dan's conniving was contrived by BB.

    I think most of us watch to see how people express their game play. BB needs to stop letting us feel that we are being told to ignore the guy behind the curtain.

  14. DAnl has taken exactly the wrong tack with Ian. If she would be calm and tell him that Dan has a f2 deal with her, and how Dan has been coaching her, she would perk his interest. Yelling and threatening only make him irritated and disgusted and his own physiology irritates him enough so he does not kowtow to others doing it. He feels sorry for her, but that is not part of good game play in his book either so no respect for her feelings even though he does not want to aggravate them. He is sorry not that he causes her feelings but that the nature of the game does and in his book that is another reason not to take her to f2.

    I think it is a shame that he respects the game so much and will take Dan to f2 to put his fate in the hands of trying to prove he can beat the best player. That is an expensive bit of pride on his part. DAn has blown through his first win, I'd sure like to see Ian have a chance to better his own and his family's life. Take Danl to f2 Ian take Danl and win.

  15. I did not like the beds in the HN being on a slope, I do not think BB should do anything that compromises health of contestants.

    I would like to see contestants with alternative lifestyles and BB ought to offer organic and whole grain foods so people from that side of the country's attitudes would be interested.

    I agree on bringing back early evicteds all evicted first had no real chance.

    Institute a "Stop Whispering" order so we can hear what is said in BBAD and on the feeds.

  16. Sounds like some people haven't been "misted".........refreshing.

    This will be DG's claim to fame after BB, I was able to manipulate and outwit an honest young man with a disability and a weak female that I was sent into the game to mentor.....I AM GREAT, RIGHT??

    Great post lvgal. It is sad that when Dan takes Danl to the F2 that Ian will get a life lesson in distrust and how evil he needs to be to win.

  17. I want Ian to win, but Dan is the best player, but he already won and what did he do with all that money? Why give it to him again? And Ian has played a very good game, but to win 500K he must cut Dan. Dan will win over Danl and he knows it, so he will play to win and take her. Ian will never trust another person again. If Ian takes Danl, he will win for having been the best player even if Shane votes for Danl. Dan will vote for Ian as will Joe, Brit, Frank, Ashley, Jenn because they will all know that Ian got out DAn and that will show that he is not Dan's pawn.

    If Ian takes Dan he (Ian) will win $50K. Dan wins for the best player ever. Did AG coach Dan to hold the funeral? or was that his mastermind? And then he gets Danl to take him off block with POV. Those two moves alone make him best but now he has both of them thinking he is taking them to F2. And if Ian wins, he knows Ian will take him to F2. Ian can only show his gamesmanship to be equal to Dan's duplicity if he takes Danl.

    AND Dan did say After burping on a drink from a bottle of water or bubble water, he "must throw the comp to Ian because my conscience will not allow me not to take Danl because surprisingly I do have a conscience. It was not this hard the first time. What the heck do I do?" He says this after washing dishes in the kit. Then he sits pondering in front of the blue game with holes on the table. Danl is in the shower. I think Dan is saying this for the audience. He is like the bullfighter who can turn his back on the bull showing his control. He is confident he has Ian fully on his mist or Koolaid.

    Everyone asks Ian if he has a final 2 with Dan, but Ian never asks if Dan has a final 2 with them. If Ian and Danl would just see what a bind they are in... but with only hours to go, it does not look like either is waking up.

    DAn starts talking about how it is insane to throw the final hoh but it just might work. This is IMO more playing to the audience.

    Ian says this is not a game about good people winning, but it also is not a game about loyal people winning. With Dan playing cutthroat, and all the signs of that being how he is playing, the best strategy is to get him out of the game and show one is the best player seeing through the bs.

    also by saying he should throw it to Ian, Dan is giving himself credit in case he does not win. And claiming he has no ability to cut Danl, what about all his promises to Ian? No he will play to win and take Danl, this notion being stated for us to hear is just to make us think it is game play if he does not win.

  18. I want Ian to win, but Dan is the best player, but he already won and what did he do with all that money? Why give it to him again? And Ian has played a very good game, but to win 500K he must cut Dan. Dan will win over Danl and he knows it, so he will play to win and take her. Ian will never trust another person again. If Ian takes Danl, he will win for having been the best player even if Shane votes for Danl. Dan will vote for Ian as will Joe, Brit, Frank, Ashley, Jenn because they will all know that Ian got out DAn and that will show that he is not Dan's pawn.

    If Ian takes Dan he (Ian) will win $50K. Dan wins for the best player ever. Did AG coach Dan to hold the funeral? or was that his mastermind? And then he gets Danl to take him off block with POV. Those two moves alone make him best but now he has both of them thinking he is taking them to F2. And if Ian wins, he knows Ian will take him to F2. Ian can only show his gamesmanship to be equal to Dan's duplicity if he takes Danl.

    AND Dan did say After burping on a drink from a bottle of water or bubble water, he "must throw the comp to Ian because my conscience will not allow me not to take Danl because surprisingly I do have a conscience. It was not this hard the first time. What the heck do I do?" He says this after washing dishes in the kit. Then he sits pondering in front of the blue game with holes on the table. Danl is in the shower. I think Dan is saying this for the audience. He is like the bullfighter who can turn his back on the bull showing his control. He is confident he has Ian fully on his mist or Koolaid.

    Everyone asks Ian if he has a final 2 with Dan, but Ian never asks if Dan has a final 2 with them. If Ian and Danl would just see what a bind they are in... but with only hours to go, it does not look like either is waking up.

    DAn starts talking about how it is insane to throw the final hoh but it just might work. This is IMO more playing to the audience.

    Ian says this is not a game about good people winning, but it also is not a game about loyal people winning. With Dan playing cutthroat, and all the signs of that being how he is playing, the best strategy is to get him out of the game and show one is the best player seeing through the bs.

    also by saying he should throw it to Ian, Dan is giving himself credit in case he does not win. And claiming he has no ability to cut Danl, what about all his promises to Ian? No he will play to win and take Danl, this notion being stated for us to hear is just to make us think it is game play if he does not win.

  19. IAN if you read this: There is a non invasive brain exercise called neurofeedback that will calm that brain of yours down and leave you as smart as ever, but no more need to rock. Google Cygnet in Woodland Hills and call and ask them to give you the number of a practitioner in your area. You will love it, and you might just find a course of study that you will find interesting.

  20. I want Ian to win, but Dan is the best player, but he already won and what did he do with all that money? Why give it to him again? And Ian has played a very good game, but to win 500K he must cut Dan. Dan will win over Danl and he knows it, so he will play to win and take her. Ian will never trust another person again. If Ian takes Danl, he will win for having been the best player even if Shane votes for Danl. Dan will vote for Ian as will Joe, Brit, Frank, Ashley, Jenn because they will all know that Ian got out DAn and that will show that he is not Dan's pawn.

    If Ian takes Dan he (Ian) will win $50K. Dan wins for the best player ever.

    AND Dan did say After burping on a drink from a bottle of water or bubble water, he "must throw the comp to Ian because my conscience will not allow me not to take Danl because surprisingly I do have a conscience. It was not this hard the first time. What the heck do I do?" He says this after washing dishes in the kit. Then he sits pondering in front of the blue game with holes on the table. Danl is in the shower. I think Dan is saying this for the audience. He is like the bullfighter who can turn his back on the bull showing his control. He is confident he has Ian fully on his mist or Koolaid.

    Everyone asks Ian if he has a final 2 with Dan, but Ian never asks if Dan has a final 2 with them. If Ian and Danl would just see what a bind they are in... but with only hours to go, it does not look like either is waking up.

    DAn starts talking about how it is insane to throw the final hoh but it just might work. This is IMO more playing to the audience.

    Ian says this is not a game about good people winning, but it also is not a game about loyal people winning. With Dan playing cutthroat, and all the signs of that being how he is playing, the best strategy is to get him out of the game and show one is the best player seeing through the bs.

    also by saying he should throw it to Ian, Dan is giving himself credit in case he does not win. And claiming he has no ability to cut Danl, what about all his promises to Ian? No he will play to win and take Danl, this notion being stated for us to hear is just to make us think it is game play if he does not win.

  21. I'm sorry but I just cannot see why Ian came on the show. The only way I can see him getting to the end is by being dragged there. He's the odd ball kid that everybody picks on. So he does anything he can to make everybody happy, so that they don't pick on him. He don't/won't care what they do to him as long as they will let him sit near them and be part of the group.

    Kids whose parents beat them are very affectionate to the parents. Ian exhibits the behavior of having been bullied, but he is also very intelligent and is trying to learn what goes on with the popular and "normal" people. With any time spent with them, he may just realize they are boring. He is the most interesting person on the show.



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