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Posts posted by NYROSE

  1. 2 hours ago, Ziggy49 said:

    Yeah, the problem is you're way behind on what's going on in the house since you don't watch the feeds. Her and Cody didn't even study for the veto so the odds of them winning are slim. They also slept in bed together last night. She fully plans on using the hex to halt the eviction. That's why they didn't bother studying for the veto. 


    The comp was covered in the last show, because Jess took the temptation the curse is that now before noms there will be a voluntary comp, the winner is safe, the loser is a 3rd nom for the week. This will happen this week, and the next 2 weeks also 

    Thanks for the update: if it is a voluntary comp and no one plays how can there be a loser and a 3rd nom?

  2. 1 hour ago, Ziggy49 said:



    1 hour ago, Ziggy49 said:

    Where did you see that?


    2 hours ago, Ziggy49 said:

    You're responding to posts that are old. The temptation comp was played yesterday. They're going to have to use the hex, before the comp was played there was a chance that one could play in the comp and be safe, and the one of them could win POV and then they'd both be safe this week and not have to use the hex. 


    The temptation comp is the curse from the last temptation. 

    I thought you were saying the temp comp was the one Xmas had to take a veto player off...I guess it was a comp to put someone up as a third eviction possibility...JEss has the ability to freeze the eviction vote once the veto proves that she is still on the block. She could choose to not use it and let Cooty go...if she gets off the block...or if she wants to roll the dice in the belief that Cooty will go instead of her and then have that power to help herself further. I dont think she would risk that. but if she wins the Veto...she might.

  3. 27 minutes ago, WOC said:


    I need some of what you're smoking. Jess isn't preparing for POV so I doubt she'll win. But get Paul off! Lmao! That would be the dumbest move of the game yet. Paul can't be trusted to work with her and hopefully she knows that. He has campaigned against her relentlessly and to go back on that now would raise too many questions with the rest of the minions. Get Paul off, thanks for the laugh. If I ever get the chance to play BB I hope your in the house with me.

    YOu are correct...I wanted her to put Paul up...and take down Ramses and knew she was going to have a losing HOH if she did not do that. I think I typed this while I was falling asleep not high LOL...I meant that she could put Paul up and have him evicted..or if Paul were taken off by some HG, she could then recruit those whom she put up by using her hex to save them... I hope that makes sense now LOL reading it I can see why you thought i was out of it.

  4. 21 minutes ago, WOC said:


    Well you know how is is always talking about his family seeing him disrespected and crying, I can just imagine what he'd do if you disrespected his family. Mark even tried to apologize to Josh and he said he wasn't going to stop. What can a person do? Dish right back!

    yes I'd love to see it...and prod will not stop the pan bashing as they did not do also with evil dirty dick

  5. 12 minutes ago, Lamasquerade said:

    I just think he's weird with the showmance thing. Then again, he may think he has a chance for a role on Young and the Restless and he's hamming it up for the cameras. Either way, can't he get any back in his hometown or do the town women know enough to steer clear of him?

    maybe a flat faced Clint Eastwood silent he man BS kind of character is what he is aiming for...and it perfectly suits him that a "pretty" woman can throw herself at him wrap her legs around him, pull him to the bed, proving how irresistible he is

  6. 1 minute ago, Lamasquerade said:

    What a coincidence this is the second time today someone quoted me and used the term of give me a break. Still not sure if it's meant to be a general statement or directed towards my post.  

    Hoping for an attention seeking contest between him and raven? At least he doesn't talk about illness 24/7. I think she needs psych help more than he does.

    I was agreeing that the guy is gay and the GMAB was aimed as an intensifier...he is so gay his closet is in a strait jacket...

  7. On 7/24/2017 at 5:18 AM, music19773 said:

    Matt is a sleeper pick for me. I get he's just in it for the experience but he's likable enough, he stays out of stuff when he should, but keeps himself close enough to the right people at the right time. If he has been downplaying his ability to win comps and turns it on at the right time, he could definitely be someone to watch. 

    I am willing to see Matt kick up his game

  8. On 7/24/2017 at 5:22 AM, music19773 said:


    I like this assesssment.  I don't think it's rigged, as in the outcome is pre-determined, but they definitely do seem to pick and choose the right comps/advantages/etc. at the most coincidental times for maximum impact. Having watched Survivor, Amazing Race, etc. I don't think BB is anymore scripted than those shows. The producers are trying to make compelling television where people will still watch to the end. I would honestly rather have seasons like this than the one with Andy and his pack where I stopped at the final five because it was so boring and awful. At least I'm interested and there are people to root for at the moment, which is really all I want in BB. But that's just me.  

    yea scripted for sure

  9. On 7/24/2017 at 5:31 AM, music19773 said:


    I don't think bringing back Cody is anymore 'rigged' than bringing back Paul. In fact, I would say Paul's re-entrance was MUCH more scripted in his favor than Cody's. Not only did he get to come back, he got to pick who was 'safe' (making immediate alliances/bonds), taking someone's spot which got someone out of the house, and then miraculously got THREE weeks of pure safety from "America". Yeah...right. Cody had to compete in and win three different competitions to win a spot back in the house, one of which was against Paul who did a similar challenge last year as well. Paul did nothing and got a lot more power and safety in return. In the end it's all about the drama, and Cody brings that in spades. He is the only one I think out of the four outed houseguests who would truly give Paul a run for his money. 


    Oh, and welcome to Morty's. :) 

    he is not giving Paul a run , he is who Paul is after. Paul will not get him out this time because Jess will use the hex if she does not get herself off...only if she wins and gets to take herself off will Paul be able to get someone out whom he is after. But the hex will still be there and be more dangerous because everyone will assume it is a bluff on her part since they will assume she would have used it for Cody ...that is why not using the hex is the best strategy for her if she wins POV. She could win HOH and get Paul off...or she could  win HOH and have Paul taken off by one of his sheep and she could put another person on the block and make a deal with both of them that if they form an alliance with her, she will use the hex to save them by freezing the eviction...and that would be real hard game play...and since at that point it would be the fourth time she could use it...it would be using it most strategically to create an alliance for herself that she has not been able to form thus far.


  10. 16 hours ago, WOC said:

    If I was in Mark or Cody's shoes and Josh was doing that to me I would turn the tables and start on how his parents and grandparents must really suck if he is the child they raised and just continue on and on about it. I have a feeling Josh would not be able to handle such talk and really blow a gasket. I'm not a bully, but what do you do? Just sit and take it?

    O yea he would explode and become irrational enough for prod to call in a shrink...and the white coats...no doubt the guy would utterly be like Trump, but because Trump has power to take revenge, he does not go bananas more than we see...Josh has no power and that personality will not stand up to any barrage of attack.

  11. On 7/24/2017 at 11:31 AM, Lamasquerade said:

    Adds nothing to the game, yet he doesn't annoy me. I'm torn over this eviction.

    I liked his energy and I think he got short shrift and it bothers me that Paul targeted both melanin folks for no real reason...all a made up one ...I'd have liked to see him be there longer and get his stride. Kevin was such a snake...telling Jess after she gave up her power and not admitting to Ramses tht he was going to shaft him...he could have given him a heads up and it would not have changed anything. Kevin could have made a real move had he shifted the vote so that Josh went home. Had he told Jess before and she had taken Ramses off and put Paul up...a real game would have happened.


  12. 17 hours ago, Ziggy49 said:

    She's pretty much told him that it cancels evictions this week. He's good with it. He's happy it's out, but I take it you haven't been watching the feeds, she might not use it and let Cody go home (slim chance, but not as slim as it was a few hours ago)

    that would show real game play on her part

  13. 17 hours ago, WOC said:


    Attractive or not, some older people would be nice. But then you wouldn't have the deranged, Veruca Salt bean party mentality.

    totally more diversity so that there is not such a confluence of unanimity creating a herd...but having really different people finding ways to communicate and form alliance would be interesting

  14. On 7/28/2017 at 8:30 AM, Hikiki said:

     You know that Cody will play in the comp. There is no risk for him. If he doesn't play, he's going on the block anyway so might as well play. 

    I thought there were not going to be any more temptations...with both on the block, if one gets off the other is still up and will be voted off. If jess gets herself off and does not use the hex, she could win HOH and then not have to use the hex until the next block if she is on it and does not get herself off...then she can use the hex and prove herself a really good player for not having used it on Cody. It is doubtful she will get the ovaries to do that...but it would be fun to see.

  15. 6 hours ago, joystiick said:

    Wait, congress hasn't passed the opioid treatment legislation and it could be very dangerous for you to quit BB cold turkey. :D :D

    and the best non addictive pain killer, the herb cannabis is still illegal with Sessions wanting to start the drug war all over again since it was so successful in filling the private prisons with the males from the ghettos.

  16. 2 hours ago, Hikiki said:

    I feel the same about him, but the problem with him winning is people just view him a dull witted Alex sidekick so it maybe difficult for him to get votes. 


    I really wish Alex would listen to him vs treating him completely like an idiot

    and yet he has proven himself dull witted



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