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Posts posted by carmen

  1. Joe slicing cucumbers in the bb kitchen. At one point, I thought it was going to slip right out of his hands or he was possibly going to lose a finger.

    He's working that kitchen like there's no tomorrow, sometimes standing in front of the fridge with doors wide open, studying, studying, working the

    refrigerator. I honestly don't know what he would do with himself without the kitchen.

  2. Sadly, though, Ian has always been expendable to the quack pack as well. He was always number 5 in that 5 person alliance. That's why it has never

    made any sense for Ian to go there ratting out Mike and Frank.

    Plus the emotional cost of stabbing Mike in the back (aside from not gaining Ian anything) is yet another reason it was so ludicrous for Ian to do what he did.

    Of course, acting all sad and broken up over Mike could also be one of his "acts" since there doesn't seem to be anything genuine or sincere about Ian


  3. Just b/c Ian says he's good at this game doesn't make it so. I honestly haven't seen one single thing he's done that is supposedly so "impressive."

    Aligning with quack pack? he was the 5th in a 5 person alliance so that's a joke. Working with Dan? Snakey Dan tries that with everyone so that's

    a joke. "masterminding" Mike's eviction? I laugh every time I think of Ian saying that. So that's a joke. Come to think of it, Ian is really nothing but

    a joke.

    If he makes it to the end, and ends up winning, I'll chalk it up to a bust year along the lines of Jun.

  4. Am I the only one bored by this? Why oh why is production manipulating this game so much this year? The game is great when the houseguests are left to make their own decisions. This season is so predictable. Frank wins - end of story.

    I agree production should stay out of it. But many fans were turned off the year the Donatos were slated to win and everything was geared for them to come out on top.

    That whole father/daughter love/hate storyline got old real fast and was incredibly predictable. Plus, Donatos were just despicable. I figure if I can stomach that, what's

    another go around of production manipulation?

  5. No, Frank doesn't lack social game whatsoever. He's got one of the most likeable personalities in there (they've all admitted as much).

    They just don't want to roll with him. He got demonized early on, and they want to make it stick for dear life. As long as they can dog on

    Frank, that keeps the target off them.

    I can't wait to see what they'll do once Frank is out of the way. I suspect next target is Dan.

  6. I don't see how anyone can hate on Frank... he is a machine. He has litterally been put on the block every single week, except for the two times he was HOH. Everyone (except Boogie) in the house has been gunning for him since day 1. I think that's the main reason I like Frank so much... he is the true underdog. It's a long shot, but if he can some how make it to the final 2, the jury should make him the winner. He deserves it.

    I so totally agree. I do love an underdog and that has been Frank from the get-go.

  7. I really hope Frank wins HOH. Hopefully with Boogie gone he can realize Ian is a rat and use that against him. I guess im different, but apparently I like the "evil" people and everyone on here likes the "good" people. Even though the "good" people are worst liers and backstabbers of them all.

    No, you're not different. It's just that those of us who do like and support Frank and Mike Boogie tend to keep it on the down-low on this forum since the quack pack ravers

    rule the roost. I don't see Frank and Mike as evil, just two guys who have beaten the odds so far. I admire that Mike is still playing this game all these years after first being

    on what has become a legendary season of Big Brother (season two). Just b/c our comments are not the majority doesn't mean we don't exist. Welcome to morty's, bindeho.



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