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Posts posted by carmen

  1. He treats her like she is a five year old, not an equal partner.......the very essence of sexism IMO...."I couldn't tell you MY plan because........." says to me, I'm the male, I'm the smarter person, I decided for you, YOU couldn't handle it".......sexist pigism 101..

    True. I wonder if by some miracle Frank was sitting next to Danielle in the final two, would Dan still support her? Or would he cast his vote for Frank?

  2. Couple things wrong with your analysis. Frank's connection with Mike is made "worse" by the houseguests than what is right in front of them.

    Danielle will never turn on Shane, ever. Ian's psychological connection with Britney would have been unbreakable. Dan -- the only coach

    remaining -- still has Danielle. Why do they not see how dangerous THAT is????

    Frank has been liked by the other houseguests from the get-go with one exception: Janelle. They all have made comments sprinkled here

    and there how likeable Frank is -- and this was before Mike was evicted. Britney was probably the biggest bully there -- she's just a little

    sweet-looking woman and was sometimes underhanded about it (and sometimes not), but she was a bully, no doubt about it. As far as Mike

    being a sexist pig. The footage they showed of the Bro-gade reminded me just how sexist pigs have run the show in the past. Why Mike

    gets singled out is beyond me, especially when I see Enzo and Lane chucking it up at Britney's expense.

    Oops -- I didn't quote but this is in response to CeCi's post.

  3. Wow, after Frank brings Dan back from the dead last week and Dan swears up and down he will be loyal to the end, he's just gonna turn right around the next week and stick a knife in Frank's back? That's some dirty dirty gameplay Dan...

    Exactly. Which is why I hope Dan does it and it blows up in his face -- if no other consequence than he blows his chance with the jury. Haha Go on Dan.

    Do it. I dare ya.

    Frank, on the other hand, we'll be seeing you on All-Stars.

  4. Difference is that Dan got lucky with a piece of dirt (Ian the rat). He saved that piece of dirt for the right time and it worked to his advantage. I don't know that

    Britney has an equally powerful piece of dirt that could be worked to get her out of a jam. Unless she could maybe invent something.... like I overheard

    Dan laughing that you fell for his deal and heard him say he had no intention of honoring it???

  5. Yes Joe seems clueless about the game. Like he doesn't even realize he's on some reality show. Almost like he thought he was showing up

    to do a cooking show or something, and it turns out he's surrounded by a bunch of schemers.

    Seriously, it's almost like the producers didn't realize he was there the first night they started filming and once he was in, they had to go with it.

    A producer was probably watching the first footage and said something like, "hey, isn't that the guy we were auditioning for California Cook-Off?

    How'd he end up on the set? Oh no! Now we gotta make out like he's actually part of the cast!"

    Or is the cluelessness part of his strategic genius?

  6. How classless of Frank to personally attack Ian and call him a terrible person, especially when he clearly already felt horrible. Ian, who is clearly a nervous and vulnerable individual. Way to go Brit for sticking up for him.

    So fragile that he thinks he "masterminded" Mike Boogie's demise. LOL Too funny.

  7. It's amazing how such an upfront and nice guy like Frank can get nailed as some kind of scumbag. Really? Are we watching the same show? Granted,

    I don't have live feeds but I sometimes watch after dark and the show of course. I just haven't seen his scumbag side.

  8. I lost a lot of respect for Dan's game when he told Boogie Frank was being blindsided and tried to sell to Boogie that he was hitting the reset button just to save Frank. Even the dumbest rookie ever to play wouldn't have bought that load, let alone a veteran. And Frank only wanted Dan out because he had heard over and over that Dan wanted him out so he could work with Boogie. If Dan had just been loyal to Froogie, he could have sat back behind the biggest target in the game knowing that Frank was bound to be taken out eventually, leaving him with his hands clean and free to work with Boogie, who was also likely to be targeted before him. Taking all the heat for all of the Quack Pack's wrongdoings against Froogie was also pretty foolish and unnecessary and just ensured that he was the biggest target in his alliance. I don't think that these are things that you only realize when you are outside looking in, they are just really bad gameplay decisions from any point of view.

    ITA. Dan has probably done more to hurt his former "great player" image this season than any of the veterans put together. It really wasn't that difficult to just sit back and work with

    Frank and Mike like you said knowing Frank would eventually go since he was such a huge target anyway. I also agree that Mike would have been targeted before Dan, but probably

    not before getting Dan far along in the game so he could then work it from that angle at that point.

    Dan was sitting so pretty and didn't really have to do much of anything (which is exactly how he likes to play). But this season proves he couldn't do the most basic fundamentals

    of Big Brother.



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