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Posts posted by Hikiki

  1. 1 hour ago, fredtheturtle said:

    The one them binding them to Paul is his honesty.  He is loyal until he tells you everyone for themselves.  I would trust him if I was playing.

    Also, Jason, Alex and Kevin to a point.

     But we've seen him turn against people loyal to him to have his next targets ready to go after his current targets are gone

  2. 4 minutes ago, HeleneL said:

    What?  You mean she used the ROR to take Cody's place and then couldn't play herself?  Wow that is so unfair to those on the block.  Watching BBAD now but nothing yet mentioned about her not playing.


    Also saw Elena in the storage room with Mark.  She cupped her hands to scoop out tons of M&M's and then shoved her nose in them 3 times to smell the chocolate and then she put them back in the bag.  EWWWWW!  Mark said now that's a little bit gross.  I say mega gross.  Then she half unwrapped some other chocolates to smell them too.

    I think someone mentioned it was Otev. There is no way she could participate in an Otev

  3. I hate watching him try to persuade Mark not to play the Veto because then he'd have to nominate someone else. Yeah, Mark needs to play like an idiot because it's easier for you. If you can't handle the duties of the HoH, throw the competition but don't try to strong arm someone into being a fool because you don't want to show your hand

  4. Everytime she goes off about Jessica accusing her of hiding the cat ears, I end up shouting but you did hide them.


    the other night when Raven was being unsympathetic about Jessica telling Josh that he picked on her on her emotionally worse day (her dad's death anniversary), my eyes almost rolled out of my head. She said Jessica accused her of hiding the ears on a tragic for Raven day then she lists about 10 other poor Raven things. Since Raven's life is such a disaster, she can't be sympathetic towards anyone. There was so many things listed than I ended up not being able to remember any but that maybe her grandma won't remember her when she gets out of the bb house. 


    Yes, Jessica was playing the victim, but Raven's life just has to be far worse than anyone else's.

  5. 11 hours ago, Canucklehead said:

    When everyday people play a game for half a million dollars sometimes the gloves come off ... Call it poor sportsmanship but regardless they will all back stab each other for the big prize if they can grasp that they are playing a game.


    Backstabbing is to be expected in this type of game. That is just the nature of the game.  It's never been pretty. A group of people trying to completely demoralize someone is an entirely different matter.


    Blindsiding people and misleading others about what your next move or vote will be is just gameplay. Personally attacking someone isn't and it's ugly. Ive watched this game since the beginning, when viewers actually voted people off the very first season. The majority of players have not needed to behave in such a manner. Yes, there have been blow ups and confrontations as personalities clash, but a large group attacking a much smaller group on such a personal level is simply ridiculous.

  6. I never liked Paul. He's always had an ugly side of his personality and riling people up to gang up on someone is indefensible, even if it's a game. That's the very definition of poor sportsmanship.


    And why the hell does it seem like the house is playing for jury and not for 500k? And why do Jess and Cody owe it to the rest of the house to sacrifice their gameplay to let them get to jury? How does Paul's logic make any kind of sense to anyone?

  7. 1 hour ago, tralynn222 said:

    Completely agree.  This is the WORST season ever.  I used to like Paul, but now he's shown his true colors.  In the beginning I wasn't too keen on Cody because of what he said to Megan, but I don't think anyone should be treated the way he has.  No matter what, everyone deserves dignity and respect.  

    Paul has always been awful

  8. On 7/29/2017 at 1:18 AM, WOC said:

    If I was in Mark or Cody's shoes and Josh was doing that to me I would turn the tables and start on how his parents and grandparents must really suck if he is the child they raised and just continue on and on about it. I have a feeling Josh would not be able to handle such talk and really blow a gasket. I'm not a bully, but what do you do? Just sit and take it?

    I was just thinking the exact thing. All you have to do to get Josh to stop is start telling him how disappointed his family must be and that his mom must be wondering what she did wrong to raise such a bully

  9. 1 hour ago, Newby said:

    Matt and Raven are the biggest floaters I have seen in a long time.  They add nothing to the game and will follow Paul no matter what he says.  They have no real alliance with anyone but Paul.  I wish someone would put them on the block and it would be a double eviction and they would both go home before jury.


    I think once Cody is gone, Paul has it worked out so Elena & Mark would put up Matt & Raven and Matt & Raven would put up Elena & Mark 

  10. 37 minutes ago, straykat said:


    So, Jason is gone if he doesn't get veto. I didn't make the connection of the curse to needing someone to go home if the hex was used. Hex gets used and the person who chooses to play and loses goes home. Very clever twist, BB.



    I thought if she played her temptation, it just becomes a non-elimination week so no one would go home period. Is that wrong?

  11. 14 minutes ago, Ziggy49 said:

    Paul said early this morning during his "game chat" with us that he doesn't totally believe Jess about the temptation and he's putting them both up. Unless one wins the temptation comp today and the other wins veto it's probably going to be a wasted week 

     You know that Cody will play in the comp. There is no risk for him. If he doesn't play, he's going on the block anyway so might as well play. 

  12. 2 hours ago, straykat said:


    It was really stupid for Jessica to be swayed from her gut instinct that something was wrong with the vote. I think she is unaccustomed to be an outcast in any situation and is desperate to appease the rest of the idiots.  


    Totally agree. It's not easy for someone whose used to being the center of attention to be outcast.



    2 hours ago, Lamasquerade said:

    I meant the to read attempt to evict. I think some in the house will follow when a big move is made. The problem is she would rather spend her time in bed with Cody then hustle the house to see it her way.  No one could say something won't happen if you don't even try to make it happen.  She wants a boyfriend not the prize money. 


    While watching BBAD, this really bothered me. They were the only ones not studying. I know she can't be HoH, but she should be helping him study. That's what past HoH's have done in the past, especially when they are in the minority. It's like they are just choosing to throw her temptation away instead of fighting for another week of protection.

    2 hours ago, Roli said:


    I'm sure Kevin feels guilt because he's mostly responsible for the fact that Ramses didn't stand a chance and is leaving.  He took the $25,000 temptation and let Ramses take the fall.  Then it just snowballed from there.  I wouldn't expect Kevin to confess about the temptation, but he could at least be a decent person and let Ramses know he's going home so the poor guy isn't blindsided.  I don't have a whole lot of respect for Kevin.  


    If I took the temptation (and I probably would because someone else would inevitably take it so I might as well get the cash), I'd definitely let someone else take the fall. I'd probably would only feel minorly guilty about it. This is a game, &  I take games seriously. Bluffing about your hand is completely reasonable. It was really only good timing and luck that won Kevin that temptation. I swear I saw a majority of buttons being pressed. His silence on the matter is only gameplay & I won't hold that against him.


    And why should he warn Ramses? Yes, they are buddies, but this is a living game. Warning someone can lead to the house being stirred up to go another way as we have seen season after season. If you think someone going out is the best plan, keeping quiet is only smart, especially if there are people in the house that disagree with the move and there are other people whose minds can be changed i.e. Matt


    The house would inevitably choose who they think took the temptation if no one speaks up. The fact the they choose Ramses has everything to do with how they perceive him in the game and his lack of social skills in this environment. 


    But I dont really like Kevin anyways 


  13. Unless, the two of them can keep the HoH, it would have been better for her game for him not to come back. She was repairing relationships and would have been a low priority target. His coming back has the potential to hurt her game, more than it will help it. just not listening to him this week would have been better

  14. 13 hours ago, Lamasquerade said:

    I know I shouldn't be enjoying this but I am. His meatball rants are amusing and the deodorant under his arms sticking to his hairy armpits is even more funny..please someone pass him a bottle of patron. I hope he stays and gets to evict Cody at some point and then we can watch him cry when he gets evicted. Jury house with Cody and Josh could be ratings grabber for Grodner.


    Its the deodorant that really gets to me. It's 2017 so big clumpy white deodorant isn't neccesary. You'd think someone in the Hair Care Sales business would know this. Is Hair Care Sales code for he still gets an allowance from his parents who own a Hair Care business? I don't get it. How is white clumpy deodorant possible on a guy that is in the beauty product industry? Like much about Josh,  it makes no sense!



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