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Everything posted by sassy2565

  1. 9:52am BBT the feeds switch to the HOH room where William and Dre are talking. Dre told Will that now she thinks it is better if they keep Dillon. Will asked her why and she said because they were trying to save him and that Bruno lied to Dillon but Dre never lied to Dillon. Dre thought since day one that she could vibe with Dillon even though they didn't chill the few times that they talked was honest and legit talks. Dre thinks that if Dillon stays she is persuaded that they can try something. Dre wonders if they can put Bruno, Kevin Dillon, Emily and herself in a room and talk then Dillon and Emily are going to see that they were trying to save them and the others were not trying to save them. If they really wanted to save them Kevin could have used that POV or thrown the competition like he has been doing and he could have given to Emily and Dillon. Dre wonders why Bruno is trying to tell them that Dillon would go after Jackie and Karen. Dre is thinking that they would be safe, but she don't know if Ika and Demetres would be safe. Will said at this point he does not care. Dre truly believes that they would be safe. Dre just wants to win HOH and she does not care anymore. Dre knows that if Ika or Demetres win HOH they are not putting her and Will up. Dre and Will discuss how they are making mistakes in this game because they have not played twice but the others are making mistakes as well. Dre said that she already apologized for the mistake that she made and she is not going to apologize four times. Dre is going to talk to her (Ika) and she but she already feels like she cant trust her she is just going to try and win HOH. Will explains to Dre about a conversation he had with Kevin and Kevin told him he would never go after him. They discuss Kevin and how Dre did not truly trust him. Dre wants to confront Dillon and Emily for something they said that Kevin said. Dre wants to talk to Ika because Ika was talking to Kevin and SIndy yesterday and when Dre passed through the kitchen Ika put her head down like she was trying to hide something and Dre thinks that Ika is playing too many sides.
  2. 9:01am BBT Good Morning Canada! We see the house guests sleeping with the lights out and then the feeds go down. 9:19am BBT The feeds are back up and the lights are now on. Kevin and William are in the HOH bed. Kevin is sitting up with his eyes closed and someone comes in to give them fresh batteries then the feeds switch to the blue bedroom. 9:20am BBT Dillon is laying in the bed and the sound of an alarm clock starts going off. Dillon has a strange look on his face. We can hear Emily saying "we never heard that one before" and Dillon replied that it is new one. BB calls Dillon to the DR and he said he feels like it is 6:00 in the morning. 9:22am BBT the feeds switch back to the HOH room where Kevin is still sitting up in the bed with his eyes closed. We hear someone come in the room and ask if they can use the bathroom and then we hear Will say yes. 9:23am BBT BB announces wake up or be prepared to face the consequences. 9:33am BBT Kevin and William finally start getting out of bed and the feeds switch to the kitchen where Dillon and Emily are. Dillon tells Emily that she is smart and he is dumb. She said no and thank you she appreciates that. 9:34am BBT the feeds switch to the blue bedroom where Kevin is getting dressed and Neda is still laying in bed. Kevin told Neda that Sindy said she is voting with them. Neda asked after and Kevin said after yesterday. Neda asked if they want to get Ika out and said because if they want her then they can't do Ika and Demetres because they will all vote to save her. Kevin agrees. Neda said they are going to have to figure out who they are going to put on the block for tomorrow if they win or do they want to get rid of Dre. Kevin said they have to put them up together so they can't save the other with the veto. Neda agrees and said they should figure that out and Kevin leaves the room. 9:36am BBT the feeds switch to the kitchen where Dillon is doing something. Jackie enters the kitchen when Dillon walks into the storage room where Emily is fixing a shake. Emily asked him whats up. He replies whats up and he was just seeing what she is doing. Emily said she was just in there and put flax in her shake because it is good for you. Emily and Dillon go back in the kitchen. Jackie asked how late everyone was up last night. Emily said that she has no idea and that BB hit them with good night house guests like three times in a row. Jackie said that she passed out early. Emily said that she waited thinking they would be able to take the gloves off and then she said to Dillon that they should ask if they could keep their gloves. Sindy comes running down the stairs in loud shoes and Emily said that is not a pleasant sound. Dillon and Emily spend the next couple of minutes discussing how good her shakes are and then Bruno enters the kitchen.
  3. 12:00pm BBT The feeds are back with Bruno, Kevin and Dillon in the wash area. Dillon and Emily are on the block! Dillon comments that he does not want Emily going because she is friends with him. He said that him or Emily have to win the POV there is no doubt about that. Kevin and Bruno make their way into the blue bedroom and Bruno told Kevin that Ika fought hard to keep them off of the block and they need to make sure that she knows they really appreciate it. Kevin hopes that they get picked for the veto. Bruno said that he does not want to play because if he wins then he is in a tough spot. They continue discussing the POV sceneros of who plays and who wins and if the POV is used. Emily walked in and Bruno asked her to come over because he wants a hug. Kevin said they are probably going to pick the POV players right away. 12:17pm BBT Dre and William are in the HOH discussing Sindy voting for Will going on the block. William wants to tell Jackie that his target is Dillon and she better not use the POV if she wins it. If Jackie does win the POV and takes Emily down, Dre suggests putting Kevin up as a pawn. Gotta get back to work now..lunch break is over~Sassy2565
  4. have to get to work...hope someone else can take over~Sassy2565
  5. 8:10am BBT the feeds are back up with Karen, Bruno, Demetres and Ika in the wash area getting ready for the day. Ika gets up and heads to the HOH room. 8:11am BBT Ika is in the HOH wash area talking to Dre about how it is William and Dre's HOH and she does not want to put in her two cents (but you know she will~Sassy2565) and she told Dre to do what ever they want to do type thing, she does not care anymore. Dre said she is the same she does not care and she did not tell anything else to William. Ika said that she has not talked to him anymore and she is not going to because it is up to him. Ika said that she told William to go with his gut. Dre said that she just felt like they are not seeing all of the options and just because Ika feels safe with someone does not mean that they feel safe with them and Will is going to do what ever he is going to do and Dre reassured him that it will be fine and they will back him up no matter what he decides. Ika said that the only thing that she was looking at is the three people came out and said that were (Ika, Dre and Will) are their targets (Will walks in to listen to the conversation) and Ika said she was just thinking just for this week Will is close with Kevin and they could work with Bruno or not work with him but have him keep them safe because Emily, Dillon and Jackie will not and that is all that she was looking at. Dre said that she understands but she does not feel like Bruno is telling the truth and she thinks that Bruno would come after her if he wins HOH. Ika asked Dre if she thinks that she is the kind of person that would say that if she did not think that Dre would be safe. Dre does not think that she is doing it on purpose. Will interrupts and said that he wants to speak with Bruno more. Ika said that is all she is saying because Emily, Dillon and Jackie have not come to try and work with them and they don't want to make enemies all over the house and that is all she is saying. Ika continues by telling Dre that those three people are coming after people in this group. Dre does not feel as comfortable as they feel. Ika suggests bringing Bruno in so they could have a conversation. Dre said then it will seem like something is happening. Ika said no because on Dre's best friend's HOH she should feel safe. Dre said that she dos feel safe on his HOH. Ika said that Dre needs to feel safe going forward and that Dillon and Emily are in the best interest of this group. Dre said that she is not disputing that and she is over that she just does not believe that Bruno is the safest bet for them. They continue to discuss Bruno and Dre said that he chills with Dillon, Emily and Jackie all of the time. Ika continues on pushing for Bruno to come in the HOH room and talk to Will because Kevin is close with Bruno and Will is close with Kevin. Dre said that she feels like they still do not know any more information then they did before. Ika said that Bruno is getting a little bit desperate and he is willing to work with them. Dre thought Bruno is working with Sindy. Ika said that she asked him and he said he is working with Sindy and Kevin. Dre wants to know why Kevin is throwing Sindy under the bus. Ika said that Kevin is an idiot. They both agree that they do not trust Kevin. Demetres enters the HOH room and conversation changes to music. 8:26am BBT Demetres and Will leave the HOH room so Dre continue to rehash how Dre does not trust Bruno and Ika thinks it will be okay. They leave the HOH room and go to the pink room to do their makeup. 8:29am BBT Will and Kevin are sitting at the kitchen counter and Will asked if the noms are going to be like right now. Kevin said they could be any second....and then the feeds went down.
  6. 7:23am BBT Everyone is up and getting ready for the day. 7:44am BBT Neda and Ika are in the wash area putting on their make up. Neda asked Ika if she saw how close Emily, Dillon and Jackie were sleeping. Ika said that she did and she said that last night Emily pulled William in the pantry for almost an hour. Neda looks shocked and said wow. Ika asked if Neda is not close to them anymore. Neda said no they pulled in Jackie. Ika said that Emily needs to leave the house. Neda agreed and said that they were all talking while they were all sleeping. Ika thinks that Dillon hates Jackie. Neda does not understand how Dre is being so stupid. Neda thinks that Dillon is making deals with them about getting vets out. Kevin joins the conversation and Neda asked him if he was the one that told William that Sindy nominated him. Kevin said yes and Neda asked why. Kevin said because he went through it and he (Kevin) was trying to put trust in William because he thought they knew. Ika said they did not know they thought it was Jackie. Neda said so now they want to put up Sindy and Bruno. Ika told Kevin that Will told her that Kevin did not say Emily or Dillon's name and that he spoke in circles and confused him and he doe not trust Kevin and now he does not trust Bruno or SIndy after what Kevin said and Dre is also in there pushing Bruno. Kevin though it was a good conversation with Will. Ika told Kevin that he can't have a long conversation with William because of the language barrier. Kevin feels so bad. Ika told Kevin that Dre and Will trust Emily and Dillon now and that Dillon swore on his niece that he is not coming after them. Neda told Kevin that Emily pulled Will in the pantry for almost an hour last night so someone from their group cold be leaving this week. Ika and Neda are coaching Kevin on what he needs to do. They say that Kevin needs to bring Bruno into the room and they need to make Will not trust Emily or Dillon. Neda told Kevin she thinks that Emily and Dillon made a deal with William about getting the vets out....and then the feeds went down.
  7. 6:40am BBT Good Morning Canada! The house guests are still sleeping. We can see Nomination Ceremony Today on the screen. They are all on the living room floor in sleeping bags. 6:45am BBT Ika wakes up. went into the storage room to change her battery and then headed up stairs to use the wash room. She went into the pink bedroom where the lights are still off and she is looking for her clothes. 7:03am BBT Bruno is up and in the wash area with Ika and she is telling him that she is going to have Sindy talk to Dre because Dre trusts Sindy a little bit. Ika wants to let William know that if he is going to put up two people that are not coming after him and leave two people off the block that are coming after him and then she tells Bruno that William said everyone came in the HOH room and threw Bruno's name out. She asked William who is everyone but he would not say who. Ika said that she told Will that those people want to screw his game and she has been his friend when he was not HOH and she is his friend now and she thinks that she got through to him but she told Bruno he needs to talk to Will. Bruno said that he told Will moving forward that maybe they could set something up. Ika said that she is going to talk to him today and also have Sindy talk to him. Ika thought they could go through Kevin but they can't. Kevin put doubt in William's mind about Sindy and she think even Dre and now she thinks Dre hates Kevin even more. Ika again tells Bruno that she is going to have Sindy talk to them. Ika told Bruno that he is not going on the block and if he does...then Bruno interrupts her and said that he will crush them. They both keep talking about how they do not trust Dillon, Emily and Jackie. Ika said that she explained to William how they do not want to go after people from different groups because he is not going to be HOH forever. Ika said that she told William that Bruno did not write his name down but Dillon did and so did Emily and Jackie. 7:08am BBT We hear BB say good morning house guests it is time to wake up and Ika said oh great and then she told Bruno again that he is not going on the block. Ika said that they will go through Sindy and not Kevin. She does not understand how the targets went from Emily and Dillon, then Kevin went in there and the targets went to Bruno and Sindy. Bruno is going to talk to Will one more time today. They discuss how Emily, Dillon and Jackie are close and Dre does not see that and Ika does not know how they let that happen. Bruno agreed they need to break the three up. This discussion breaks up because they know people are going to start coming up.
  8. 7:22pm BBT Kevin is going to talk to Will tonight. Ika goes into the kitchen and Jackie joins Kevin in the living room. Jackie is asking Kevin to tell Will that she would not put him up and he is not her target. Emily walked over by them and asked if Will told him who he is putting up. Kevin said he did not. The two girls are asking him to go and talk to Will to try and find out who he is putting up. Kevin keeps making excuses and really does not want to go and talk to Will right now. Jackie said that it is going to be hard sleeping on the floor tonight. (sounds like the feeds were down because of have not maybe). 7:48pm BBT Kevin is in the HOH room talking to Will about his nominations. Kevin asked Will if he has ever done the candy thing. Will does not want to use his candy so he went down to the pantry to get something to use. While Will is gone Kevin walks in the HOH wash room area to ask Bruno who is best for their game to leave Jackie or Emily. Bruno said it is best for their game if Emily leaves. Kevin real quick tells Bruno that Will does not feel comfortable with him (Bruno) and he is going to talk to Will and give him the scoop after.
  9. 7:18pm BBT Feeds three and four are back with Dre and Will in the HOH room laying on the bed talking in french so I do not know what is being said. 7:20pm BBT the feeds switch to the downstairs living room where there are sleeping bags and pillows laid out. Ika, Demetres and Kevin are laying on them talking. Ika is telling Kevin that he has to talk to someone (I think Will) because he said that he does not trust Kevin. Kevin will talk to him. Ika said that she has been pushing Dillon and Emily and Ika tells Kevin to push them also and it will stick more. Kevin said that he will push them. Ika said that Will said he does not want Dre speaking for people because he is not stupid. Ika again tells Kevin that Will does not trust him and he thinks that if Bruno wins HOH he would put him (Will) on the block. Ika said that she told him if Kevin is close with Bruno then he wont. Kevin is going to make sure that Will feels comfortable and he asks Ika if she would rather have Dillon and Jackie or Dillon and Emily. Ika said that she would rather have Dillon and Emily because if she wins POV she will 100% take off Dillon. Ika said that Will is angry at Kevin for trying to make him jealous over Gary. Kevin said that Gary is gone.
  10. The feeds have been down since 1:00pm BBT Rewinding and found a conversation between William and Dre: 10:07am BBT Dre wants to know why Kevin would tell Will that it was Sindy that voted against Will because she thought they were working together. Dre thinks Dillon, Kevin, Jackie and Bruno are a foursome, they had a reunion trying to figure how not to be on the block. Dre thinks that Emily is close to Jackie and she is trying to bring Jackie in. Will thinks it would be better to put Bruno up. Dre tells him to get closer to Kevin because Kevin likes him, but she also told him what ever he does guard his heart because it is not real. Dre has Will pinkie promise that Will would not fall in love with Kevin. Dre said that Sindy said she voted for Dre and Gary and she does not see why Kevin would say Sindy voted for Will because he is not a threat to Sindy. Dre said they wanted to have the most impact as possibly and Sindy would not be the lone person to do it by her self. Dre said that Kevin is working with them.
  11. 9:44am BBT the feeds switch to the kitchen and Emily is putting dishes in the dishwasher while Bruno is talking to Dillon. Demetres is making soup for Karen and Ika and Jackie is just sitting at the counter watching. Demetres is putting ice in the soup because it is too hot. He is asking Bruno if 0 is the freezing point, they both think so. 9:51am BBT Demetres carries the soup up to Karen and Ika, leaving Bruno, Emily and Dillon in the kitchen talking about movies and acting. Dre walks in the kitchen and Dillon said that he wished they made the sweater that she is wearing in his size. Dre wants to eat something and she makes a joke by saying "Gary are you cooking something."
  12. 9:34am BBT Dre and Neda are in the wash area putting on their make up. Neda told Dre how she took a shower in the middle of the night because she could not sleep. Discussion turns to Karen and Ika not feeling well. Neda wants to know how much they drank that they are feeling that bad. William walked in the wash area and Neda told him good morning. Neda said that she is done trying to figure out bb. 9:43am BBT Will and Dre left the wash area so now we are left with watching Neda put on her make up.
  13. 9:16am BBT Kevin talks to William but his mic is off so BB tells him to please put on his mic. William starts telling Kevin how Karen threw up again. 9:22am BBT Kevin is up out of bed while William is still sitting there listening to his music and eating his chocolates.
  14. 9:07am BBT Will is sitting on his bed, listening to his music and playing with his stuffed animal. Kevin is still sleeping. In the pink bedroom Demetres is finishing up getting dress while Bruno, Sindy and Ika are still in bed. 9:13am BBT We hear BB call Kevin's name and then we hear the rooster crow. Kevin sits up really quick and then closes his eyes. Will is still sitting on the bed listening to his music.
  15. 8:53am BBT Feeds one and two are back up with Sindy, Bruno and Ika still in bed. 8:56am BBT BB told the house guests good morning and it is time to wake up. Demetres is done with his shower and walked back in the pink bedroom so the other house guests wake up and talk but it is hard to hear without their microphones on. 9:00am BBT Feeds three and four come back up with Will in the HOH bed holding his stuffed animal and looking at his pictures. Kevin is still sleeping in the HOH bed.
  16. 8:37am BBT BB tells Neda to please go to the dr. so she got up and left the blue bedroom as Dre walked in to exchange batteries. After the battery exchange Dillon crawled out of bed as Neda got back in the blue bedroom and crawled back into bed. 8:41am BBT Karen is on the couch downstairs as William walks by to go in the DR. Karen asked Will if he knows what dry heaves are and Will responded it is not a good thing. 8:42am BBT We hear BB call Jackie to the DR so she got up out of bed and headed downstairs. Emily and Neda are left in the blue bedroom laying in bed. In the pink bedroom we see Sindy, Bruno and Ika still in bed. 8:46am BBT Emily got up and went out to the wash area. On her way she stopped by the railing and talked to Karen who is still sitting down below. They are discussing how Karen does not feel good and they hope there are no have nots this week. When Emily entered the wash area she seen Demetres in the shower and said hi to him. She asked him if everyone was still in bed and said that they are going to get in trouble.....and then the feeds went down.
  17. 8:15am BBT Good Morning Canada! Today should be nomination day. The lights just turned on in the BB house and everyone is still sleeping. 8:19am BBT We see Karen get out of bed and head downstairs to get a new battery for her mic. and then she heads back up stairs. The feeds switch to the blue bedroom where Jackie, Neda, Emily and Dillon are still sleeping. 8:26am BBT BB just announced Good Morning to the house guests and told them it is time to wake up. Not one of the house guests in the blue room move. 8:33am BBT BB tells the house guests to wake up again and ask Dre to arrange a house wide battery change.
  18. That's it for me right now too..I will try to get it in the am before the feeds go down for the day.~sassy2565
  19. 1:00am BBT Up in the HOH room Ika, Demetres and Gary are reviewing the video's. Gary is still reviewing all of the information wrong and it is making Ika aggravated because he is confusing her. We just heard BB say good night house guests sleep well. Ika thinks that BB will not do anymore videos tonight.
  20. 12:51am BBT The feeds are back up with Dre and William sitting on the stairs and talking in French so I cannot tell you what they are discussing. Gary and Ika are in the wash area. Gary is talking about the videos, but he is saying things wrong and Ika told him to stop because he is confusing her. Gary does not stop, he just keeps on going. Bruno, Emily Kevin and Jackie are all laying on the living room couch not talking (probably waiting for another video). Neda is sitting under the stairs. Dillon is pacing around by the kitchen table and it looks like he is studying the video information quietly to himself. 12:59am BBT The living room group was doing hand signals but we could not tell what it was about and then they broke up with Emily and Bruno going into the have not room, Neda went up stairs and Dillon, Jackie and Kevin went by the kitchen...then feeds 3 and 4 went down.
  21. 12:01am BBT Good Morning Canada! Today is eviction day and the house guests are reviewing over and over the video's that they have seen so far. There have been two from Cassandra, one from Dallas and two from Mark. 12:05am BBT Dre and Ika are in the HOH room talking about how Ika wants to win the next HOH. Ika said that Neda needs to build a resume because right now she is safe so she has to have something to say if she makes it to final two. Ika thinks that if Neda won HOH she would put up Dre and William. Ika thinks that Neda has an unfair advantage in this game. Sindy joined Dre and Ika in the HOH room and she is quizzing them about the video's that they seen. 12:18am BBT Out on the back yard couch Jackie and Emily are talking about what they are going to wear tomorrow, how they are going to fix their hair and then they start reviewing the video's. 12:32am BBT Emily and Demetres are now playing pool. Demetres thinks that today is going to suck because he does not want to stand in front of everyone and have to evict Gary on his own. Emily asked if Gary has tried to talk to him about it. Demetres said yes. Emily said it is what it is. Demetres said that BB is Gary's dream and he has to be the one to stand up and end it and then he does not even get to play in the next HOH. 12:41am BBT The pool game is over for Emily and Demetres so Emily makes her way into the house. She found Dillon sitting on the couch and gave him a hug around his neck from behind. Dillon asked her what is up baby. Emily does not answer her question she just asked him if everyone is sleeping. We hear BB call Demetres to the DR. 12:44am BBT Demetres is out of the DR and is now up in the HOH room reviewing the video's with Ika and Dre....and then the feeds go down.
  22. 7:29pm BBT The feeds are back up! Demetres, Ika, Dre and Gary are in the kitchen. Just general talking going on. 7:49pm BBT In the HOH room Neda and Sindy are talking about Cassandra coming up on the screen and they were trying to remember what she said and what she was wearing and what else was in view. They speculate that they will have others come on the screen like Dallas and Mark. They are hoping that some other past house guests will be on the screen also. They think that these viewings will be for the HOH comp tomorrow. They are also speculating that tomorrow will be a double eviction. They want to sleep in the HOH room so that if it starts back up again they can get downstairs faster to view it.



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