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Everything posted by sassy2565

  1. 8:35am BBT The lights are on and house guests are starting to get up. Will and Kevin are in the blue bedroom. Kevin is asking Will if he will use the veto. Will does not know if the others will get mad at him and he thinks that they might put up Dre if he uses it. Kevin assures him that they will not put up Dre because they love her. Kevin keeps telling Will that if he stays on the block with Bruno then they will keep Bruno and he will go home. Kevin tells Will that if he uses the veto and they put up someone like Jackie or Karen then Bruno will go home and he will only have Will left in this house and he will do whatever he can to make sure that Will makes it to final two. As Jackie walks in the blue bedroom and interrupts the conversation BB calls Kevin to the DR.
  2. 8:00pm BBT In the HOH room Kevin, Bruno, Demetres, Ika and Karen are reminiscing about house guests that have left this season. They miss Gary and how funny he was. Bruno commented that Gary was the one person that left, he could feel the presence gone and everyone agrees. In the meantime, Dre, William and Dillon are down stairs on the living room couches discussing how the past few days have been boring and then they discuss how the weeks go when they have stuff to do for a few days in a row and then they have a few boring days in a row. They begin speculating how much longer they have in the house. They think that it will end on a Thursday since the live evictions are on that day.....and then at 8:17pm BBT the feeds went down so that they can play in the POV.
  3. 6:20pm BBT Ika and Demetres are now in the pink bedroom going over who would take a shot at them and who should be put up.
  4. 5:53pm BBT Dre walks in the HOH room and interrupts the conversation and Bruno got up and left the room.
  5. 5:45pm BBT Still in the HOH room Bruno said they know this week it is one of them and next week it is him or Ika. Bruno said if you guys want to put me up that's fine, but he is telling them it will be them on the block next week. Bruno continues to tell them that they need to play together and he will take the others out because he has no allegiance to any of the others and he does not care who he pisses off. They discuss the other house guests and how they are taking each other to the end. They discuss how Jackie was giving information to them and they know it was true. Bruno said that he didn't and he can't vouch for Kevin. Ika said they were thinking of Kevin and Jackie but if Bruno won the veto he would pull Kevin off. They discuss all vets going home and there are only three left. Bruno said that Dillon said it in front of everyone that Demetres is a comp beast so that is a sign that he is telling everyone look at Demetres he needs to go. Bruno said that he is not coming for them but if him or Kevin go in the jury one of them will be there next week. Bruno said they have to work together. Ika said they tried to trust them but they turned on them by trying to get them out and be with Jackie and Sindy. Ika said that Kevin has lied to her so many times in this game.
  6. 5:41pm BBT Demetres and Ika make their way to the HOH room to talk with Bruno. Demetres starts the conversation by saying that he is not going to say until he does it and Bruno responds fair enough. Demetres said but his issue is they were in this alliance and when he thought it was kinda done was after that last HOH where Dillon won because they knew that Dillon wins so me (Demetres) and Ika are going up and to throw it to Dillon even though it was not an easy comp because he was in it too and he can't put it all on Bruno but they fight for Bruno, they pushed for two days to keep him off the block. Bruno said he knows. Demetres said that he heard that Bruno and Kevin were pushing for Demetres to go home. Bruno said people make up stuff and Demetres agrees but he knows how the mood felt and him and Bruno were not talking to each other. Bruno explained that is why he talked to Ika and said that they have to reset and it is bad for him right now, but he promises Demetres that it is equally as bad for him, he continues by saying these people are laughing and they are coming for him. Demetres asked him then who does he chuck up. Bruno said he will look him dead square in the eyes and says what ever couple he puts up this week and if he (Bruno) wins HOH next he will put up the other one and they can even talk together about who to put up. Bruno said they have no choice or all four of them will be in jury before those other five guaranteed. Demetres said that he put so much trust in him and Kevin. Bruno said it goes both ways. Demetres said then why did you guys f me? Then they discuss the first week that Bruno and Kevin flipped on him. Bruno said that he totally understands and do what he has to do, he is not sitting here trying to convince him not to put him up. What he is saying that if him or Kevin go home (jury) he promises they will see him next week in jury. Bruno said it is not a threat he just promises these people are just waiting for this. Bruno wants to know how can five people be safe when two groups that should be working with each other, this is big brother, this is crazy. Demetres agrees. Bruno said they are literally beating themselves. Ika walks in and said they can hear them talking out them doors. Bruno asked if Demetres hears what he is saying? Demetres said there is no situation where he comes out of this scott free. Bruno agrees but said if he pleases them this week they will still come after him next week.
  7. 5:35pm BBT Dinner is over and most house guests are helping clean up. Nomination Ceremony Today is still on the living room screen. Demetres and Ika make their way in the storage room and are checking out all of the new food that was put in there. Demetres makes a comment that he still does not know what he is going to say. He is thinking something like they are both physical competitors. Ika said if it is real that the others are coming after her and Demetres and Bruno and Kevin then when one of them (Bruno or Kevin) go home then nothing should change and they will still need each other. Dre walks in and interrupts the conversation by saying she needs to go and put on some underwear and then she leaves. Demetres said every HOH there are big targets going up and no one is going after the smaller players. so they are all going to get to the end. Ika said the big targets are still coming after them so they have to go. Demetres agrees. They both agree they really want Kevin gone. Ika said Bruno never remembers anything good that they have done. As they are talking Bruno walks in and asks if they want to chat upstairs. Ika said they will meet him up there. Bruno left and Demetres wonders if he should tell him. Ika said to say that they talked it over and they can't trust them (Bruno and Kevin). Demetres wants to also say they keep flipping on them and they can't be trusted.
  8. 1:41pm BBT Nothing much really going on since this morning. The house guests are just eating, doing laundry and talking. The screen still says nomination ceremony today.
  9. 10:13am BBT Demetres and Ika continue talking about who they think would be coming after them if they win the next HOH. Ika believes that if Demetres does not put Jackie on the block she would remember that and think they are really honest. Ika feels like her gut instinct is to put up Bruno and Kevin. Demetres agrees that they can't trust them and they can't beat them in all the comps. Ika said that in types of competitions Kevin scares her more than Bruno. Jackie enters back in the HOH room and they continue to talk about how Ika and Demetres should have a reason to put her up but they haven't. Ika is building up Jackie by telling her that she is a strong girl. Jackie said if she got picked for veto she will not use it if she is not on the block. Ika told Jackie that Kevin and Bruno wanted Jackie to go on the block.
  10. Picking up where I left off: 9:47am BBT Jackie joins Ika and Demetres in the HOH room. Jackie is crying because she realized that all she told Bruno and Kevin got back to Ika and Demetres and she though she could trust Bruno and Kevin but now realizes that she can't. She is telling Ika and Demetres some things about their alliance the pheasants that Kevin came up with. Jackie said that moving forward she is by herself. Ika told Jackie all she wants in this game is honesty. Ika is not upset that Jackie went and told Bruno and Kevin some things that were said with Ika. Jackie wants Bruno and Kevin out. Jackie said that she asked them about their conversation with the HOH and they would not tell her much. Jackie said that she did not say from the beginning that she does not want to honor their truce like Bruno and Kevin told them. Jackie told Ika and Demetres that Kevin and Bruno will go after them and they are lying to them by saying they will not. Demetres told Jackie that he has never put her up and Ika said that she is coming after them and they have never put her up. Jackie said that if she won HOH she would put up him (Kevin or Bruno) for sure. Demetres reminds Jackie that she has been on the block three times and they have not voted her out. Jackie said that her next target would be either Dillon or William. Again Ika keeps telling Jackie that she values honesty and loyalty. As Jackie leaves the room she said that she is not talking to them (Bruno and Kevin) the rest of the time that they are here.
  11. Have to get some work done now since I have been ill the past few days~Sassy2565
  12. 9:15am BBT Kevin and Bruno spent the past 30 minutes in the HOH room talking to Demetres and Ika rehashing the same stories trying to push others on the block instead of themselves. After they leave the room Karen entered the HOH room and brought Ika some coffee. They discuss Bruno, Jackie and Kevin. Ika thinks that Bruno and Kevin have been playing a slimy game. Karen is going to go downstairs and put cream and sugar in Ika's coffee. Ika reassures her that she is not going on the block. After Karen leaves the room Jackie enters and tells Ika that she will wait until Demetres is done talking a shower and as she leaves the room she says that she is fn pissed. 9:28am BBT Ika left the HOH room and went into the wash area where Bruno is taking a shower. Ika starts talking about how Jackie came in the HOH room and Kevin walks in and told them how Jackie came up to him and said they are pieces of shit because they did not include her in the conversation and they are supposed to be working together. Ika said they should have kept Sindy because she has always been loyal to them and Jackie will turn on anybody. 9:40am BBT Ika went back into the HOH room to put make up on the hickey that she gave Demetres on his neck. They begin to discuss who to put up. Demetres said the only three people that he is thinking is Kevin v/s Bruno or Kevin v/s Jackie or Bruno v/s Jackie. Ika thinks that if they only put one of them up (Kevin and Bruno) they might appreciate that. Ika thinks that if they put Kevin and Jackie up and then Bruno wins the POV they can put someone else up and Jackie will go. That way it would make them think that is what they wanted and they could still work with them.
  13. 8:44am BBT Still in the HOH room, Ika has joined the conversation. Kevin is still explaining how Dillon was cheering him on during the HOH comp and how Dillon was pitting them against each other last week. They continue to compare notes about what Dillon has said. Ika said that Sindy told her the plan last week was for Sindy to win the POV and then pull Jackie off and put Ika on the block with Demetres. Bruno and Kevin both tell Ika no that is not true.
  14. 8:19am BBT Good Morning Canada! Today is nomination day. The lights just turned on in the BB house, but all house guests are still sleeping. 8:25am BBT The house guests are starting to get out of bed. Dre is up and passing out new batteries. Demetres is laying in his HOH bed listening to his music. 8:41am BBT Everyone is up and getting ready for their day. Bruno and Kevin walk in the HOH room and Bruno asks Demetres if someone is in the shower. Demetres said that he thinks Ika is in there. Bruno asked Demetres how was his night and Demetres said it was pretty good. Demetres is laughing about how him and Ika drank all of his liquor and Kevin busted them when they were dancing. Demetres asked if the board said nominations today and Bruno told him it does. Bruno explains to Demetres that there are five people in the middle that want to pit Ika and Demetres against him and Kevin. Bruno reminds Demetres that he cannot play in the next HOH and the other five people are going after him (Demetres) and Ika if Kevin or Bruno leave this week. Kevin told Demetres that before the HOH Dillon pulled him aside and told him to win this thing so he can fire back at Ika and Demetres.
  15. The house guests are getting ready to party, but I have to call it a night~Sassy2565
  16. 10:56pm BBT The guys are still at the dining table talking about sports while Karen cleans up the dinner mess. Dillon comments that they have to hit the club tonight. The other girls are still in the pink bedroom putting on their makeup Ika comments that she thinks they all should just have fun tonight.
  17. 10:51pm BBT They are done eating and Jackie, Dre, Sindy and Ika head to the pink bedroom to put on make up and change clothes to get ready to party.
  18. 10:26pm BBT The food is done to celebrate Dre's birthday and all of the house guests minus Bruno and Jackie are at the dining table. They all toast to Dre for her birthday and begin to eat (except for Kevin who is a have not).
  19. 10:15pm BBT Dillon joins Bruno and Jackie out by the hot tub. Jackie got out of the hot tub and went inside. Bruno asked Dillon if he is alright.Dillon said yea. Bruno said it is no good for them and asked Dillon what happened and what changed. Dillon said that he panicked and he has been literally been beating himself up back and forth since Demetres won and since Sindy put him up it was easier to put her up as the replacement. Bruno said that it was Ika's doing. Dillon asked him what was. Bruno said Sindy putting him (Dillon) up and then he said it's all good, it's done and they have to move ahead. Bruno continues by telling Dillon that Ika does not like him (Dillon) and he knows that for a fact. Dillon said that he just can't handle the stories anymore. Bruno said that he knows, it's cool, it's fine, it's done, it's all good and Ika is a good talker. Dillon said he come down this morning to try and make a protein shake and Sindy would not leave him alone she just kept it up for like an hour. Dillon does not like being HOH it is not fun at all. Bruno said that he would not have done it. Dillon said that he felt like if he put Ika up he did not feel like they had the numbers. Bruno said 100% she would be gone. Dillon said that Demetres, Dre, William and Karen would have all voted for her to stay. Bruno said if he would have told Karen this is what you want. Dillon said that he did multiple times and Karen told him no they do not have the votes for that. Bruno asked Dillon if they do not have the votes now then when are they going to get the votes because they; are just going to puck them off one by one. Dillon said they just need to put them in a position where it is Demetres and Ika. Bruno reminds Dillon next week they are all playing and he cannot play HOH. Dillon said that he should have put Ika and Demetres up right off the bat and he don't know what he was thinking. Bruno keeps telling Dillon they are not on his side, they have been trying since day one to get him out and they are just good at talking.
  20. 10:08pm BBT The feeds are back up with Bruno and Jackie in the hot tub. Jackie said that it will be awkward talking to Ika. Bruno asked her why and Jackie said to get her vote. Bruno told Jackie that he believes Sindy was put on the block as the replacement to be voted out. Bruno and Jackie discuss how they need to update their calendar and how they have not studied much in the past two week. Bruno said they could go chill in the cave (have not room) because no one goes in there.
  21. 1:17pm BBT BB told all of the house guests to go to the HOH room and then the feeds went down. 6:36pm BBT The feeds come back up with Karen, Dre, Ika and Demetres in the pink bedroom. Dre said the only people that talk game with her are Ika, Karen and Demetres. Karen said up until Thursday Bruno has had a few conversations with her up until the past four days he has talked game to her a lot. They talk about Sindy and how she only talks about herself. Karen thinks that the others are freaking out because she is in the room talking to them. They discuss how Bruno, Kevin and Sindy still think that the game is going their way and that Ika is going on the block. They begin to discuss Dre's birthday party. At the same time Bruno and Sindy are in the wash area talking about voting Ika out once she is put on the block by Dillon. They are worried about Karen's vote and they will tell Karen stuff about Ika to turn her against Ika so that she will vote Ika out and then the feeds go down again. 7:31pm BBT the feeds come back up with Dillon, Kevin, Bruno and Demetres out by the hot tub with general talking going on. Ika, Dre, Will and Sindy are in the pink bedroom talking about when they are going to celebrate Dre's birthday and why they have not had the veto ceremony yet and wonder if they should start Dre's birthday party now because some people will not feel like partying after the veto ceremony. They talk about what they are going to wear for Dre's party and then the feeds go down again.



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