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Everything posted by sassy2565

  1. 9:15am BBT Jackie and Sindy are in the kitchen making breakfast while Dillon sits at the counter watching, no one is talking.
  2. 9:00am BBT Kevin and Will are sitting on the living room couch (looking like they are trying to wake up). Kevin, Ika and Dre are still in the blue bedroom discussing the other house guests. Dre talks about how Dillon wishes that he did not make the deal with Bruno so that he could put him on the block. Dre wants to know how bad it would be if she convinced Dillon to put Bruno on the block. Ika coaches her on how the game would go and they would have Dillon's back if he put Bruno on the block. Dre said that she can convince him (Dillon) to put Bruno on the block, but wonders if that would make her a bad person if she did so. Ika keeps telling her no it would not make her a bad person and said that Dillon can put Bruno up and then repent.
  3. 7:30am BBT Good Morning Canada! The lights are still out and the house guests are still sleeping. 8:11am BBT The lights just turned on in the BB house, but the house guests are still sleeping. 8:16am BBT In the blue bedroom William is crawling out of bed to grab the box of batteries and pass them out to the house guests.The house guests get their batteries changed and everyone starts getting up to get ready for the day. 8:34am BBT Demetres and Ika are in the pink bedroom. Demetres keeps asking Ika what is wrong and she keeps telling him no, stop and she don't want to talk about it. Dre walks in and Ika said it is Dre's birthday. Dre started talking to Ika and Demetres, but her mic is off and we cannot hear what she is saying. Ika said that she thinks that she knows what happened, when she was talking to him (William) yesterday maybe he doesn't trust her (Ika) after what Neda said. because he does not know what Ika has been telling Dre. BB told Dre to put on her microphone. She does so and then she told Ika that because her and Dre don't talk game he (Will) gets confused. Dre said that Will thinks that BB will edit what he says and make it look like he is dumb because of the language barrier. They continue to discuss Will and how he is confused. Dre said that she talked to Will and told him that she though he was with Kevin and getting closer and Will told her that he is not. Ika said that Will cannot go two seconds without touching Kevin. Dre said because he has a crush on Kevin but it is not a love thing it's an emotional thing. Dre said that Will told her that Kevin told him he wanted to keep Jackie over Demetres. They discuss Karen and how Dre thinks that she will vote the vets out every time. Ika said that Bruno and Kevin are slimy. They discuss how the only person Ika trusts in the game is Demetres and Dre and she is trusting William through Dre and she is trusting Dillon because she knows that he has a good heart. Dre said that when Bruno got into the shower Dillon used his hands to make it look like he was shooting Bruno (without Bruno seeing) and Dre said that he is done with Bruno.
  4. 3:18pm BBT Break is over, gotta get back to work~Sassy2565
  5. 3:09pm BBT Sindy, Bruno and Demetres are in the pink bedroom. Sindy is coaching Demetres what to go and say to Dillon about he knows that he is going on the block and he respects his decision. Demetres left the room and Sindy told Bruno more of her conversation with Dillon and how she told him that she would pick Kevin over Bruno to work with. Bruno is glad about that. Bruno asked Sindy if Ika and Demetres are okay with them giving Dillon the HOH last night. SIndy said that they are okay with it. Sindy told Bruno how Ika wanted to leave the have not pass for Bruno but BB said since she already touched it she had to take it.
  6. 3:00pm BBT SIndy left the HOH room and Dre entered to talk to Dillon. Dre wanted to thank Dillon for yesterday and she asked him just to make sure that he does not trust Bruno and be influenced by him too much. Dillon told Dre he wants to work with her moving forward and that he is going to put up Demetres and Jackie. Dre thanks him again, gives him a hug and says she is going in the hot tub. Dillon told her that he will be that way soon. .
  7. 2:38pm BBT Sindy is in the HOH room talking to Dillon about who she thinks he should put up. Dillon said when he won HOH he thought Demetres, Ika and her (Sindy). Dillon is surprised to hear that Ika was trying to help him and he likes Ika. Sindy is trying to explain that when she put him up yesterday, he was not her target. Sindy is telling Dillon that Neda kept telling her to put Karen up when Jackie used the POV and then Dillon would go. Dillon has come to the conclusion that his decision is to put Demetres and Jackie on the block. Dillon and Sindy continue to compare notes about things that Neda has said.
  8. 9:00am BBT Good Morning Canada! The house guests had a rough long night last night so BB is letting them sleep in. 10:07am BBT The lights are still out and the house guests are still sleeping.
  9. 11:08am BBT Neda and Sindy are in the wash area and Neda told Sindy that Emily cornered her last night and asked if they were keeping her. Neda said that she told Emily that if she is saying 100% that Dillon wants to go and you want to stay..then Jackie walked in and Neda said so it was not like a full blown lie. Sindy explains to Neda that Emily came to her yesterday and asked her what is going on to which Sindy replied as far as she is concerned she is still staying, but that was also with Dillon saying he wants to go home. Sindy said that she asked Emily again if Dillon wants to go home and she said Emily told her that Dillon is going back and forth. Neda said that he is not going back and forth because he wants to stay. Sindy said that Dillon has not come up to her at all this entire week. Neda said because he is scared and Bruno told him not to talk to people if he did not want to campaign against Emily. Sindy said that she told Emily if Dillon wants to stay then she will need to hear both sides. Emily and Dillon walk in the wash area and talk stops.
  10. 10:49am BBT Neda and Sindy are in the wash area talking about counting things in the house and comparing notes on how many they each counted (possible questions for a competition). Other house guests are still at the dining table talking and laughing about Gary. 10:52am BBT Jackie walks in the wash area and talk turns to them being on slop. Neda hopes that Arisa shows them some clips of what they did because she likes watching herself on tv. 10:54am BBT Dillon and Emily are at the kitchen counter eating slop. Karen walks in and said that she is on the weight loss slop program. Dillon makes a comment that he hopes BB keeps them on slop for weeks. Karen talks about how she will not make it on slop and how she works for her stuff in real life and does not have to beg for food. Dre said this is real life now. Dillon said in real life he is not surrounded by a bunch of liars. Karen said that he actually is in real life but he just don't need anything from them so he don't know it.
  11. 10:25am BBT Dre is in the kitchen scrubbing the pots and pans, Kevin is at the dining table eating his slop, Bruno is making himself a cup of coffee. Bruno asked Dre how she slept and she said not really good. Bruno said that he could not sleep either. Bruno said you don't realize how hungry you are until the food is gone. Bruno joins Kevin at the dining table and they talk about working out. 10:29am BBT The feeds switch to the pink bedroom where Demetres is laying in bed and Ika is sitting on the next bed over. Ika said that she feels like this whole time that they should not trust them because they are coming after her and Demetres, but she was wrong in the sense that she (Emily) is a different person then she thought.and Ika thinks she is funny and a pretty girl. Demetres started saying if she comes up to him and then Ika interrupted and said that she does not want to be left alone with her. Demetres said if Emily comes up to him and asks him he is going to straight up tell her she is going. Ika said no she does not want him to be the one to do that or they will be the target. Demetres wants to tell Emily that he thought the whole house was voting to keep Dillon and he thought she knew. Ika again says no and she tells Demetres to leave the pink bedroom in case Emily comes in to pack her bags and Ika is going to be in the wash area with people so they are not alone with Emily and they both leave the pink bedroom. 10:40am BBT some house guests are in the wash area doing make up and hair and others are down at the dining table with just idle chatting about Gary.
  12. 10:00am BBT Dillon entered the pink bedroom and asked Sindy if he could use her steamer and then BB called Dillon to the DR. Ika asks Emily if she spent time with Dillon before they are apart today. Emily said they spent time together and she cried last night. Ika said that she hides when she cries because she hates it when people see her cry. 10:12am BBT Ika and Sindy are in the pink bedroom doing stretches while other house guests are in the wash area getting ready for their day.
  13. 9:51am BBT We hear the rooster crowing again and the feeds switch to the HOH room where Kevin and Will are both still in bed. Ika went into the pink bedroom where Sindy is still in bed and Ika told her about the whole house being on slop. Emily enters the pink bedroom and the discussion continues about the whole house being on slop.
  14. 9:37am BBT Demetres and Bruno entered the wash area and Karen told them about the whole house being on slop. They are all discussing what they could have did to deserve it and then we hear the rooster crow. 9:40am BBT Karen heads back downstairs as she is talking to BB saying that she cleaned the whole house yesterday and BB does not appreciate it and then she told BB she does not want to be on slop and she hates BB. 9:42am BBT the feeds switch to the HOH room where Will and Kevin are still sleeping and then we hear the rooster crow a few times. The feeds switch to the pink bedroom where Dre and Sindy are still sleeping and we hear the rooster crow a few more times. 9:47am BBT Demetres is in the kitchen making himself some slop.Ika told Demetres that Emily told her that she has the votes to stay and they are lying to her, they have not told her that she is not staying . Ika said that Sindy would tell her if they changed the vote. Demetres wants to know what the point of lying to her. Demetres thinks that someone should tell Emily. Demetres thinks that they think if they tell Emily that she is going home she might start throwing them under the bus.
  15. 9:17am BBT Jackie is out of bed and heads to the wash area to change her battery and use the water closet. 9:18am BBT Karen is putting on lotion in the wash area. The lights just turned on in the bedrooms as we see Jackie go back to bed. 9:23am BBT BB announced good morning to the house guests and told them it is time to wake up. Emily is up and heads to the wash area. 9:25am BBT Karen heads down to the kitchen to make coffee. After making coffee she went into the storage room to get some ice and realized everything is locked up or gone. Karen headed up to the wash area and told Ika about it. Ika does not believe her and has to go and see for herself. 9:31am BBT Ika asked BB what they did and said maybe Canada voted to put them all on slop. Karen said that know they have to compete with no food. Ika said this season is called petty and BB tries them every day. Karen questions what they did now and why they are in trouble. 9:33am BBT Karen and Ika walked back up to the wash area and told Jackie and Emily about the whole house being on slop. Emily said that they kept getting warnings yesterday about watch out Canada is watching and quit talking about production so maybe that is why they are in trouble. Karen said that they will find out why and all four girls are getting ready for their day doing their make up and hair.
  16. 8:00am BBT Good Morning Canada! Today is double eviction day! Right now the lights are off and the house guests are still sleeping. 8:30am BBT the lights are still out, but in the pink bedroom Ika has her eyes open and she looks to be in deep thought. 8:54am BBT the lights are still out in the BB house. In the pink bedroom, Karen is up, grabbed her towel and left the room to go and take a shower. 9:01am BBT The feeds switch to the storage room where we see a lock and chain on the refrigerator and all of the other food is gone off the counters. Of course, we see a big can of slop!. 9:05am BBT Ika ran down the stairs to grab the battery box off the kitchen counter and went back up stairs. She set the box down in the wash area and jumped in the shower. 9:10am BBT the feeds switched from the storage area back to the pink and blue bedrooms where the lights are still out and the other house guests are still sleeping.
  17. 10:58am BBT In the pink bedroom Sindy, Ika and Demetres continue to talk about Neda and who to vote out. Sindy told them that Neda asked her if Ika was trying to persuade her to vote differently. SIndy said that she told Neda that Ika just told her if she chose to vote Dillon out, that Dre would be against her. Sindy said she will go to Bruno and Neda to ask if they want to keep Dillon and if so, then Ika and Demetres will vote the same way. Ika does not like Neda and she is going to be her worst nightmare in this house. Demetres is going to make some food and left the room. Ika and SIndy discuss Kevin and they both like him now and trust him.
  18. 10:47am BBT Bruno continues to coach Karen on how the game is played and how others will try and deflect the attention off of themselves. Bruno told Karen if he goes out of the house she is loosing someone that has her back. Karen said that he has others to talk to and she has nobody. Bruno told Karen she has him. Karen said that they do not need her number to vote because they already have five numbers. Karen sees someone in her room that talks to both sides and she tells Bruno that she thinks he is getting played. Bruno said that he knows and thinks they are talking about the same person. Bruno does not see Karen have to worry and if he wins he will prove it. Bruno said that it kills him if Karen thought even for a second that he would put her up. Karen said they are in a house of liars. Bruno is glad they had this talk and it lets them both see they can't trust those people because they are trying to put them against each other and they do not have either best interest at heart. Karen said that if Bruno goes back to his people and tell them what she said then it will put a target on her back. Bruno said that he as not told anything she has ever said. Bruno said that he sees Emily going around and probably blowing up games and asked Karen if she sees Emily going back and forth. Karen continues to bash Jackie and calls her evil. Bruno tries to convince Karen Jackie's day will come and to stop pointing at her because she is going to see it. Bruno thinks that if Jackie wins HOH he does not think she will put Karen up because she wants Ika and Dre out. Karen and Bruno both wish it was Thursday already.
  19. 10:44am BBT Karen and Bruno are still on the back yard couch talking about the game. Bruno wants to tell Karen something but he wants it to stay between them. Bruno said that Jackie does not like Ika or Dre.
  20. 10:20am BBT Karen and Bruno are out on the back yard couch talking about jury starting tomorrow. Karen said that it is a battle for who is going to go tomorrow and that Dillon wants to go home and Emily wants to stay. Bruno asked Karen why she is saying our side your side. Karen said that she does not have a side and Bruno said that he does not have a side either and he is good with her. Karen said that someone told her Bruno said he wants William and Karen out. Bruno said that she could bring that person here right now because he has never mentioned her name in 33 days and he is trying to guess who said that. Bruno said that if he wanted her up he would have nominated her, he does not want her on the block and she is on nobody's radar. Bruno tells Karen the people that she considers on his side are not even looking at her and he gives her his word nobody is targeting her what so ever. Karen said that Dillon has told the whole house that he wants to go and wants Emily to stay. Bruno keeps telling Karen that he is not coming after her. Karen said that no one has told her who to vote for and that Jackie should have left instead of Cassandra because Jackie is a loose cannon and she cannot stand her and she is so against how fake they are. Bruno is still hung up on the fake that someone said he was going after her. They discuss how people say things to get the target off of themselves. Karen said that Jackie is the worst one in the house that stirs things. Karen said that Jackie will attach to someone and every single person that she has attached to is gone. Bruno agrees that people try to switch the target off of themselves and he is sorry that someone told her that he was going after her. Karen said that Cassandra told her that too. They discuss Cassandra and how Jackie should have gone home. Bruno told Karen he finds this game is very simple but people over complicate it. Bruno keeps going on about who told her that he was coming after her and he has never mentioned her name.
  21. 10:08am BBT Ika asked Sindy how she suggests mending things with the person that sleeps next to her and she can't say his name. Demetres said he is going to talk to him. Sindy told Ika that she can't fake emotion. Ika said that he is a liar. Sindy said that she has not been alone with him but the first thing they will ask her if they are done with Ika and Demetres. They discuss how they are going to vote and Demetres thinks that they should vote with them. Ika said that they kept them off the block and they are liars. SIndy said that they are scared to be seen and the most honest discussion they had was without Neda. Sindy said they have a good alliance but they can communicate because they have to portray that they are on separate sides. Ika keeps calling Neda bad names and said she is sorry but Neda is pissing her off. Sindy suggests that Ika and Bruno talk if she wants to keep with the six.
  22. 10:02am BBT Will has to use the washroom and Ika leaves the HOH room and goes into the pink bedroom to get dressed. Demetres, SIndy and Ika are in the pink bedroom talking about Neda telling people that Ika yelled at her. Ika said that she did not yell at her after and that was completely about her attitude it had nothing to do with votes. Sindy said that she is in the middle, Ika said they should have brought Naeha back instead of Neda and asked if they can just evict Neda. Sindy said that she understands both sides and does not have a personal pull of either Dillon or Emily so either one of them stays does not benefit her. Ika said that she was told that Sindy is not with them she is just a number. Sindy said because of the day when she was in the room and Emily came in with all the lies so Sindy feels that if she don't vote a certain way. Ika said her perspective is that those people where throwing up their names and she does not feel comfortable with Dillon staying because that is what they will continue doing and if Emily stays they can't do that. Karen walks in the room as SIndy said she wants to get closer to Jackie. Dre walks in the room and then her and Karen both walk out without saying a word.



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