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Posts posted by Janis

  1. i like him and hope he wins. I think he would take Dan to the end because he would want to win against the best player unlike Dan who will take who he thinks he can beat. Ian may be quirky but he has grown on me and has proved to be loyal to the people he decided to be alligned with. He has played a good game. Just because he doesn't go around acting like Dan doesn't mean he didn't play. Of the 4 people left there are only 2 that in my opinion have played well and that is Ian and Dan. Danielle likes to think she is the best player ever but she has done nothing but what Dan wants the entire game. Shane has escaped being voted out by winning the POV when he needed to but other than that unless Britany was explaining the game to him he was and is clueless.

  2. You gotta love Dan for calling her out. You know everyone else has noticed,because she even does it while having a conversation with someone. It's weird she hasn't stopped doing it since he pointed it out. She doesn't seem to be embarrassed by it at all. I would be mortified if someone saw me doing something like that. I think she really does have a screw loose!

    Thats because we are all jealous of her you guys didn't get the memo????? If I have to hear that one more time I might pull my hair out LOL.
  3. I think the coaches did her in. She had no chance. Boogie basically did not talk that much with her and definately was only Frank's coach. It did help her stay in the game longer though. But I think at this point she hadn't really bonded with anyone so she was on her own. I think she wanted to play but couldn't after Frank left and then really didn't try in my opinion.

  4. I do not like the way that Dan played in his season and I do not like the way he has played in this season. It doesn't really matter what I like because I am not playing the game of big brother. The truth is that they have left him in this game. It will be a decision that will probably bite them all but time will tell and there is still a little of big brother left to play. Having said that Dan is who he is and he did what he had to do to stay in the game but I think even in reality tv there is a line that you shouldn't cross and I think he did cross that line in his antics with Frank. It worked so good for him. I do believe that this could hurt him in the jury depending on who he is in the final with (if he makes it) I do not think Frank will vote for him because of what he did. Brittany may not after she finds out what the deal was with Frank. Ashley who knows it depends on the drugs she is on at the time. Joe may vote for him, Jenn from what i understand is upset with him so she may not vote for him either. So I do hope if its him and Danielle that she does not win. He does deserve to win to do what he has done in the game even if I don't like it. Ian I think does deserve to win also he has played a good game.

  5. There was a time when I wouldn't have been upset if she won but not anymore. Please don't take Shane I think she could beat him, please take Dan and trust me I really don't want Dan to win either but if it comes down to these 2 I will take Dan any day of the week. My only hope is that Ian can pull out a POV win. I think she is one of the worst hg's ever with her lies upon lies loved the autobiography thanks for posting it. I know that its a game called big brother and lying is expected but the lies this girl has told are so way over the top and really not needed. Her lies have all been about herself oh dang I forgot that is her fav subject........ how could I possibly forget that????? Did anyone else hear Dan tell her the other day when he stole her seat that she could still see herself in the mirror from the other seat? My favorite line of big brother this year.

  6. I think he does want Dan in the final 2 because he could say that he beat Dan! Its ok though and I don't think his ego is the reason. He is truly having a good time and he is playing a good game. I think he needs to wise up though because Dan will not take him to the final 2. I think Dan knows it's not a sure win for him if Ian is next to him.

  7. cannot stand this girl, will hate it if she makes it to f2, I have not been watching much this season because of Danielle, Shane, , most of them really, boorriinngg, I like Ian, and I do like Dan, he is heads above any of these ppl, but he has won, so I would like Ian to win, Dan is playing Danielle like a fiddle, and she is anything but smart, she is ignorant in my book, she has chased Shane around all season and he is no prize, not is he the sharpest tool in the box, she will never win over Dan, not sure anyone will, and the jury may say or think they don't want to vote for Dan becuase he has already won, but when it gets right down to it, I believe he would get their vote for his merits, he has played a great game, Danielle and the rest of them are floaters, with Shane being the least guilty of that, Ian is the only other one who is smart and has been playin, funny or odd as he is , I like him

    Me too
  8. Danielle has not made one move in the house unless she has had Dan's blessing. She wanted to put up Janelle because supposedly Janielle was talking about her but Dan nixed that real quick. It wasn't until the silent 6 or whatever their dumb name was made their deal that Dan was ok with her putting up Janelle. She tells Shane one thing and Dan another. Her little fake I am mad at Shane and am voting him out on Thursday was all an act in my opinion. She is at the point in the game where she will need to make up her mind if she is with Dan or with Shane. What she is hoping is that whomever is in the final 3 will make that choice for her. I do not see her voting out Shane. She may however vote out Dan because he has already won. Who knows. The only people left in the game that have actually in my opinion played is Ian and Dan. Unfortunately I don't see that final 2 happening. While i think Ian would take Dan I do not think Dan would take Ian.

  9. I do not think she could beat Dan. Dan's argument to the jury is that he was her coach and she only did what he wanted her to do. Which is the truth. She likes to think she is a great player but she has not made one move in the house without Dan's blessing. I think he would take her. She would just get up and say I love yall and I want the 500k so please give it to me. Brittany will vote for Dan and Frank will probably also because he will have 2 weeks to get over being played before the vote. Dani in my opinion is a floater along with Jenn and Shane. I would like to see a final 2 of Ian and Dan. The vote would be interesting but Dan would never take Ian because he knows that Ian could beat him.

  10. No way! Number 1 I am too old and then there is my mouth. I would have already called Dani out about everything being about her and I just couldn't be in a house for that long with no phone no tv and internet. That is sad but true. I know you have to have some self control but these people would get on my last nerve and then I would have to tell them all what I thought of them and it wouldn't look good. I would be a really bad player.

  11. This girl is completely dillusional. I have never heard that Shane wanted a relationship with her other than friends. She will make it to the final 2 but if she wins it would be because no one wanted to give the money to Dan. To hear her talk she is one of the best players. I can't watch big brothe after dark anymore because of her. I hear that they are going to try and evict Ian next I hope not she needs to go it won't happen but one can dream........

  12. Franks problem was Boogie plain and simple. If he had come into the house as Frank I think he would have been a likeable guy and probably would not have played the same game as he has played. I think he would have made alliances with people and they would have stuck with them. The coaches twist has made alliances in this house non-exsistant this year.

  13. I think the coaches didn't ruin the game, but because they were there, the players were forced into an alliance that maybe they would not have had if they were allowed to play their own game. I know that they did not have to follow the coaches wishes but this cast pretty much did so it is what it is. I think Frank would have benefited the most without the coaches because Boogie was his coach. They latched on to each other and forgot they had other players on their team. I think that Boogies influence on Frank is how Frank has played this game and his social game kinda sucks. He feels he is the only person there that deserves to be there because he has been fighting since week 1. Its true that he has been fighting since week 1 but if you are always on the block then you should figure out that it probably isn't just because you win comps.

  14. When I first watched the pre show interviews I thought I am going to like this guy. He presented himself as a nice guy loved the show etc...I have posted on here several times how much I cannot stand the guy and his hair drives me insane. I wish he would comb it once in a while or do something with it. I really would be curious to know how he would have played the game without Boogie's influence and that is why I think I dislike him so much. I think Frank is a nice guy who wants to win really bad and unfortunately had to play with Boogie and seeing how Boogie is such a likeable guy not! I think that is why I don't like him. I kiinda feel sorry for him now because luck usually does run out. I thnk this may be his week to go.

  15. How long does it take you danielle to bash your best friend in the house??? How long has britany been gone? Really she basically told Jenn that she was uncomfortable around britany! Omg I hope whomever does the backyard interviews does not sugar coat the questions for her.

  16. I love this place its what makes the big brother season so much fun. We have Britany haters and Dan's fans and all of us watching the same show and we all have different opinions. It really is fun. Whether it be Britnay or Dan or Frank or any of the players left they all want to win the game at the end. We all root for our favorites and hate on the people we dislike. We like to complain they fix the game but every summer I can't wait for Big Brother to begin. I am always sad when the finale is here because it means its fall and the snow will soon begin. I do wish they would do 2 shows a year. Oh well I am sorry to see Britany go I am on lunch at work and reading the updates and keeping my fingers crossed that she stays. We don't get the live show tonight until midnight which sucks because BBAD comes on at 10 pm so if I watch that I will already know what happened. I hope if Britany goes that Ian wins the HOH comp. That would scare everyone in the house..........

  17. And that thought would have never crossed Dans mind! Omg how dare britany sell out her alliance before the great Dan has a chance to do it!!!! For the record Danielle didn't need sympathy votes! Nice story though it makes Dan look so good! She worked harder at saving Dan then he would have ever worked to save her, now if she had been his Memphis and willing to give him the win and the money she would have been golden.

  18. No Snuggs - Brit's intentions were not good. Those of us that have the feeds saw how she turned on Dan the minute that Frank became HOH. Sadly, she broke up the Quack Pack because she was so worried about being put up on the block. She threw Dan under the bus long before they played for veto. Dan knew exactly what was going on and he shifted his play into high gear. Unfortunately, CBS did not choose to show what really happened. Boo CBS!

    I have the feeds and she made a fake deal as well as Shane with frank. She did not throw Dan under the bus. Sorry it is all not britanys fault. Dan being typical Dan has now decided he needs to win to stay. Britany was true to her alliance. I like britay you all like Dan but that is the truth. The reason they wanted Dan to throw it to them is because if they won their alliance would be safe because both nominees would be off and even if one of the alliance went up they had the votes to save them. She is not the evil scheming witch how could she be with her stabbing people in the back all the time after all there are only 24 hours in a day!
  19. Oh I think britany knows alot more than what she's letting on. I do think britany truly does want her to get far and maybe win but I also think britany has figured out she is still going to be with Dan. She even told her that tonight. It is what it is but I will be happy to see her go away.

  20. Don't Shane and Joe have to keep Britney?

    If Dani stays and Dan or Jen wins POV next week who would Dan or Jen put up?

    Let's consider their options.

    First, they would not likely put Frank up as they just formed the new alliance with them. They would likely give it at least a week.

    They could put up each other, but also not likely for the same reason they would not likely put up Frank, new alliance.

    They would likely put Ian up, but he could win POV and they would still need to put up two other people.

    So who is left?

    That leaves Dani. So unlikely that Jen would put up the only girl remaining as she is so into girl power. And, Dan is not going to put Dani up when he knows she'll vote for him if he is ever up. And, he can be sure of that as she keeps announcing to everyone that she could still "never go against Dan!"

    That leaves Shane and Joe to either both be nominated or one be nominated with Ian and the other Possibly nominated as a replacement nominee if Ian wins the POV.

    If they keep Dani and form an alliance with Frank and Ian wins HOH, they would be in a bad position as well.

    But, if they keep Britney and form an alliance with her and Ian they would likely be safe if Ian wins HOH. Also, they would likely be safe if Britney wins HOH.

    If they keep Britney and Dan or Jen wins HOH, they would also likely be safe as Britney is likely to go up with one of them as a replacement nominee for Ian if Ian wins the POV, and they will just be a pawn against Britney.

    So, they have to keep Britney, right?

    What am I missing? The game is about positioning yourself to be safe for the next week no matter who wins HOH, right? You cannot plan several weeks in advance without being able to predict the future, but you can position yourself for all contingencies for the upcoming week? Right? I just started watching this show and that is how it seems to me, am I missing something? Thoughts?

    You are not missing anything what is missing is dumb and dumber have no idea how to play big brother. They actually believe they have an alliance with frank. Yes its true. They actually believe that Danielle is no longer with Dan yes that is true so if we add up the brain power of joe and shane we get a negative I had high hopes at this point in the game they might between the 2 of them actually grow a brain but its a good thing I did not bet the house on that one. Oh well they will be joining britany sooner than later!
  21. You either like her or you really dislike her but I love her. I almost die laughing at the things she says. Its comic relief for me. Last night when she was talking about Frank i was laughing so hard. I know that she is not a fan fav and she is negative but the thing that I really like about her is that she can laugh at herself. I will miss her and now its back to watching the first 48 for me BBAD will be quite boring without her. What is up Jenn's butt??? She needs to lighten up just a little. I can see it now. The pool table and the hot tub. Joe will be talking like he is the smartest guy in the house and Shane will be totally clueless Dani will be talking about herself Dan will sit and stare into space and Frank in his carrot costume will be farting and poor Ian will continue to rock in his hammock for hours and this is BBAD from now until the end. Thanks for the laughs Britany. Now is the time I wish they would show the jury house.



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