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Posts posted by Janis

  1. All I can say is that I am almost done. Elissa sorry you had to have such a rotten cast and will have zero chance of staying in this house. Which is probably good for you since you apparently offend then simply by breathing. I think you are a class act and I was rooting for you. I seriously do not know how you have kept your cool because I would have already punched Aaryn in the face and probably kicked Jeremy in the $$$$$. Sorry but I was so looking forward to this season and this us what we got. I cannot even stand to watch the feeds. I hate it every year they always say someone doesn't deserve to be there and that's getting old too! What really makes me mad is the rest of the house with the exception of Helen all are bad mouthing her to her royal b$$$$. I don't like that either even if they are lying.

    Jeremy and Kaitlin were doing something the other night and quite frankly calling the hoh room a whorehouse was pretty mild compared to what they have been saying about her. Things like I want to stab her in the face, telling her husband to divorce her and the list goes on and on.

  2. Can someone tell me what he thinks Alissa is getting away with? As far as I can tell she was chosen or selected whatever to be on the cast . I cannot watch this anymore it's to the point that I am surprised they are not beating the hell out of Alissa for breathing the same air. Seriously I am almost done I am so disgusted with their remarks with everything. I was so looking forward to this summer thanks douchbag you have ruined my summer along with your girlfriend and he mean girls!

  3. Today everything is about political correctness. These people should have realized that when they went into this game they are filmed 24-7 and everything they say will be heard by someone. The problem is that instead of just making one statement they have made several statements. I am not going to call them names but to be honest I am surprised someone hasn't called them out for saying the things they have said. I am surprised that production hasn't told them to stop.

  4. I would love to see Elissa win. Gina Marie would kill herself or self evict and who knows what Aaryn would do. It would be hilarious to see all the haters have to go check out her HOH room and then kiss up to her. It would be fun because she would have sooo many options to choose from for her nominees. That to me would be the perfect senario so I am keeping my fingers crossed that it happens.

  5. Personally I thought great Rachel's sister yeah can't wait but then she came into the house and I do not think it's fair that she is being treated badly because she is Rachel's sister. I have not seen her do one thing that would emote such hatred from some of these house guests. I think Rachel's fans are rooting for her because she is Rachel's sister so I think she has a valid point that she has them because she does. My 2 fav players right now are Elissa and Helen. I think her treatment is really over the top.

  6. Aaryn may be getting alot of flack but that's how it is now days, it's a double standard big time. You will never hear GLADD or NOW being outraged because of this. As many of you have pointed out Paula Dean lost everything for something she said decades ago, yet Alex Baldwin can tweet homophobic slurs just recently and I still see his face on the Capitol One commercials, I guess his apology was more heartfelt than Paula's. I don't like that everyone laughs when these comments are being made. You would think as much as they are fans of the show they would know that the comments they make are going to come back to bite them many other house guests have been called out for their bad behavior and I am sure these people will too. It's just ugly behavior and I can't beleive that production has not said anything to them. I think Aaryn deserves all the flack that she is getting and will continue to get she seems to think it's ok to talk like that.

  7. Elissa has been digging for an awful lot of information suddenly. I am wondering if BB/Grodner just planted her in the game to ask leading questions and put ideas into the other HG's minds to see if they can figure out the theme of the season (unless I missed it, we don't have one this year like the X-Factor, DNA, etc).

    Elissa has mentioned many many times and to just about everyone that she can't believe she is the only one in the house related to someone else who played BB before.

    I think that is smart on her part, since they all hate her because she is Rachel's sister.

  8. I hated Mike Boogie more... leaps & bounds more....

    You know what I almost forgot about Mike Boogie, LOL yes he is probably my most hated hg but this guy is giving Mike a run for his money. I try to rememer he is only 23 but he just makes me want to grab him by the neck and shake him.......... If I was his mom he would be in soooooooo much trouble when he got evicted. LOL ok I know its just a game.

  9. Jeremy either couldn't care less about winning the game and just wants to look tough on TV or he is the worst BB player ever! I don't know if I ever remember anyone making more mistakes:

    -Never dare people to put you on the block

    -Never promise that you are going to win every competition

    -Never consume alcohol yourself that was meant for the house

    -Never bully other HGs, especially women

    -Never make everyone uncomfortable

    -Never start a fight without a strategic purpose

    -Never tell the house you don't care what anyone thinks

    -Never tell the house you will dump your showmance with no second thought

    -Never run around bragging about who you slept with last night and what base you got to

    -Never spread it around the house that all the ladies want you

    Should I keep going?

    Nope you about said it all, I do not even think anyone from past big brother seasons have I disliked more than him and that's saying alot since we have only seen him for less than a week. He is the worst and I hope that he goes soon like next week would be good for me.

  10. She acts like she is the one that discovered that Elissa was Rachel's sister LOL yeah right someone had to tell her. Then she goes into the diary room and sounds like she is so appaled that Elissa would think that they were that dumb............ Well you are. I have never seen a group of people act this way on big brother she should be with Jeremy because they are both equally as stupid in my book. They could live in their fantasy land of the beautiful people they think they are.............. really can't stand watching either of them. Of course in their exit interviews no one will call them out for their bad behavior which I think sucks.

    Also did anyone else hear her say that her feet were so dirty that she had Wal Mart feet???? What is that????????? Who says that?????????

  11. I rallied behind branchel simply because the house was always against them. I wanna see what Ellisa has. Rachel was a beast in comps not so sure about her little sis.... Several other girls i would like to see go first in this house. AND does anyone else see a resemblance in Jeremy to another BB player? Not sure who but he sure looks familiar.

    i think he looks like Howie!

    I originally thought Jeremy looked like Howie Gordon, but now Judd looks more like Howie to me than Jeremy does. I think Jeremy looks like Ashton Kutcher from a few years ago. (In the pictures with his hair down and not slicked back).

    I think Judd looks kinda like lane
  12. He is young and stupid and an ass!!! That's a bad combination he thinks he is going to win every competition lol ok let's keep count. I do not even think he's cute. I cannot wait for Wednesday to see his face when his friend goes by by!

  13. I did not see when Elissa admitted to being Rachel's sister but I did see her interview when she said she wanted to keep it a secret but if confronted with it she would admit she was Rachel's sister. Whether or not you like her or you don't I think that by putting her in a no win situation she was not going to be scoring any points with any of the houseguests. If she lied and said no I am not Rachel's sister then they would be saying she's lying. If she came in and said my name is Elissa and I am Rachel's sister they would still want her out. I can understand the new houseguests not wanting returning players in the game but Elissa did not play the game before so she too is a new houseguest. She may have inside information but she ultimately has to play her game. I did not see the confrontations she had with Aaryn or anyone else. I think by getting her out this week this is a waste of a HOH. When you have a chance to get out a stronger player you should get them out. She doesn't have anybody that wants to allign with her you could use her for a vote. She is basically all by herself in the house. I still think there are other players in the house with past house guests connections.

  14. Ok here is my 2 cents because that's about what it is worth.LOL. I really want her to stay because she brings the drama I crave every year on big brother. I remember Rachel's first season I wanted her gone so bad then when she left it became a snooze fest. Was it wrong for Grodner to cast her yes I do believe that she was definately wrong for doing so and the girl stood no chance of winning or staying past week 1. Do I think other relatives of past big brother guests are in the house yes I do. I could be very wrong on that assumption but I think there may be a couple more people with connections, I hate when the girls are so catty (this could be why they never win) and I hate that the house will vote her out because she is Rachel's sister, I think she would be a perfect person to take to the end. If most people do not like her because of Rachel then why would they give her the money???? I hate the house mentality because you should be voting off who you want to vote off not who the house wants. If Pizza man would grow a set he would not use it and tell everyone to kiss it. He has an alliance and has shown that he can win comps. Nick hopefully will convince him not to use it. I hate that big brother has become so predictable. I love how everyone is going to play the game for themselves until they hit the door. Jeremy is a douche and i hope he is gone really soon. He thinks too highly of himself. So I will keep my fingers crossed that something happens between now and Wednesday and she does happen to stay because I would love to see Aaryn's face and the other catty girls they would be so mad. Ok this is the end of my rant so its worth about 2 cents.

  15. Janis, it's definitely NOT you. What is missing here is the rules and regs of the MVP. McCrae even told Elissa to go into the DR and ask production the specifics. I'm surprised we didn't get a "you are not allowed to talk about production" over that one.

    BB should be required to spell out the rules, terms and conditions of the twists for the fans. The reason they don't is so Grodner can use it however she wants depending on the situation (like the game reset when Frank was on the block and sure to be voted out last year)!

    Well this should be interesting because of the way Julie explained it they do not have to tell anyone that they received the MVP and the nomination would be named in the diary room. So the paranoia should be running rapid in the house. They all assume that Elissa received it but they don't know 100 percent and if she did I thought the nomination had to be made right away. But I guess I was wrong. I was thinking that this would be kinda interesting and could make for some good drama but if they are going to tweek the nominations etc that would suck.

  16. Am I missing something??? I understand that we know that Grodner loves Rachel and her sister but the MVP really is only a nomination. Unless I missed something and unless they add something to this power then that's all it is and the MVP could be evicted because they are not immune from eviction. So from the sounds of it whomever wins the POV will take off one of the nominees and Mccrae will replace them with Elissa and she would be voted out. I am sure she got alot of votes Rachel has been on twitter asking for votes for her sister. This first one could not have been based on game play because it just started so it would be based on first impressions.

  17. I realize that she did not get there her own and I am not defending it but I wonder how many more of these houseguests were recruited to be on the show. I think that is just as bad as putting someone in the house multiple times or putting in their relatives. There are many people who go through the process of filling out the application and doing videos etc to get on the show that are probably overlooked for various reasons.

  18. Winning the first HoH usually isn't a good move because it puts a huge target on your back. Agreed.

    But if you're like McRae, you already have a huge target on your back for being different and not fitting in. So what have you got to lose?

    And as for doing the same stupid thing year after year by not putting up the dangerous players, instead putting up those who seem liike "weak links", that is done to show that you, the HoH, are not a threat. Kind of a "I didn't put you up when I had a chance, so now that you're HoH, return the favour and don't put me up!" thing. It's a strategy. And it might be his only move, since whoever survives the block usually comes after that first HoH, so if you can't put someone up that you KNOW everyone can't stand, maybe it's better to have two weak players up there, so whoever isn't voted out is someone who doesn't have that good of a chance at winning HoH anytime soon.

    I agree with you but in this case you have an MVP player who doesn't have to tell anyone and they get to make the nomination from the diary room. The house can think they know who the MVP player is but they cannot prove it. I thnk Elissa told McCrae because they seem to have talked about an alliance or something and she wants him to help her decide who she could put up that would keep her safe. I think he is blowing smoke up her rear but that's just my opinion. This would be a perfect chance to get out a strong player and for him to keep his hands clean because he did nominate 2 weaker players. The house wants Elissa out because she is Rachel's sister.



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