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Status Updates posted by Reaper

  1. 8=====D

    NOW SHUP, LOL!!!!

  2. Pssssstttttt!!!

    WAKE UP!!!!!!

    Miss Ya!!!

  3. passes you the ...


  4. Stops by with a brown paper bag filled with, um, stuff *grabs lighter* Sets it a blaze, then rings the doorbell to your dungeon and RUNS LIKE HELL!!! >:)

  5. Love Pantera!!!!!!

    Is that you in your pic???

  6. Nice tattoo and thanks again for last night!!! Hehehehe

  7. I'd give you your damn shackles back if you'd give me the key, Geeeessshh!!!


  9. Joyami, don't tell her that, her head is BIG enuff already!!!

  10. So you're MIA!!!

    Do I need to send out a search party???

  11. Reaper

    Trust Me, I've seen the wart (Twice, lol) you are not missing anything!!! Look away, nothing to see here... Thanks for the add!!!!

  12. Yes in fact, that was a HOWDY... Would you prefer, "YO G WHAT'S CRAKA LACKIN?"

  13. Howdyyyyy stranger!!!

  14. So, why are studdering when you leave me comments these days???

  15. Stops by to check on your back wearing my cop uniform... Hmmmm, too bad you're asleep... Maybe another time... How was Sven last night???

  16. I was probably going to sleep when you were racing to be 1st to the bathroom this AM... Not Lazy, just addicted to that damn game LOL!!! Why? Jealous???

  17. Stops in to say hey... So, HEY!!!

    You should be happy, Sid the Kid and the Pens look as though they're gonna lose game 1... Yep, they lost... It should be good Finals, though... See ya

  18. After picking up all Your ASS HAIR yet again, I sneak into your room and paint ur walls with glue, open up all 4 garbage bags of ASS HAIR, and use my industrial sized fan to create a shag carpet look in here... All you need now is a lava lamp!!! LMAO

  19. *Cough Hack Sneeze Cough Hmmpppppphhhhhh Hack Sneeze!!! DAMN ASS HAIR!!! Keep it in your own room!!! *Sniffles*

  20. Silly little girl, you took everything I leave out for guests, I satsh the GOOD stuff... Now, I'm off to re-paint my room... ARGHHHH!!!

  21. Somebody's grumpy today!

  22. Oh crap! I forgot what was in that drink! Do you remember anything??? Cuz, I'm a little fuzzy! Oh wait, yes, it's all coming back to me now, Muwahahaaaaaa!

  23. Please excuse Wicky and her pervertedness... I'll have a talk with her... ;o)

  24. DAMN ur HOT!!!

  25. *I'm shaking at the knees* Don't be jealous Marty, Wicky talks about you ALL the time!!! It's like Marty this, and Marty that, GUH!!! LOL Just sayin...



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