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Posts posted by Denise4925

  1. LOL, yeah, it's safe to say that I'll be avoiding anything with Vanessa, as well as anything with Steve or Liz.  Or any of the others.  It's not just that I don't care for Vanessa.  I also can't imagine a show about poker being appealing to me. 



    I agree.  Nothing about Vanessa is appealing to me.  I can't stand her puppy dog face and wouldn't waste my time watching anything she's involved in on TV ever again.

    Well I for one am happy that Steve and James won......   Steve sounded very different last night in my opinion. Not so much the nerd and unsure of himself.


    Me too

  2. I am not accusing the game of being fixed or anyone of cheating, but Liz has said Big Brother gave her an answer in the competition.  Also Vanessa has signed a contract with CBS after the show ends for her own TV show.   Plus Vanessa has offered people money for voting for her.  Big Brother claims it is her own money but if she wins she will replace it with her winnings,  Both Liz and Vanessa should have been disqualified.   In the first few years Big Brother was much stricter.  Talk about the game was not allowed but production has teased Liz all season and laughed when they told her not to talk about production, when she was talking about production.  Also hated the twin twist.  It automatically helped one side.

    But by breaking rules about splitting the money and helping Liz with a competition, Steve's chances are really slim to win.  I guess Big Brother has decided. 


    They need to go back and play the way the game played in season 2


    I agree, but I still like the golden veto.

  3. In my opinion, it hurts the game. It basically causes a target to be put on the smaller, weaker players in the early part of the game. Now and then, a strong player will be picked off, but for the most part, the weaker players without an alliance will be on the block. On top of that, the HOHs get people to throw competitions and sabotage the person they are targeting. I hope they do not bring the Double HOH and BOB back. 



  4. Dayam, dayam, dayam. You keep looking and hoping, and begging and pleading for one of the other players to step up, but it seems absolutely hopeless. These people just don't seem to have the mental or physical abilities to beat Vanessa. It would be depressing if I had a favorite in the game, but I don't.


    It is time for me to throw the hail mary. Whoever I pick as my favorite (BB, Survivor, TAR) almost always loses. With that in mind, I am declaring Vanessa as my favorite. I want her to win so bad. It will be so unfair and I will never watch BB again if she does not win.


    LOL, I feel the same.  The only season my favorite won was BB8.  I've had three Survivor faves win.  I think my husband is going to try out for Survivor next year.  I have to research to find out the best way to be picked.  Any suggestions?

  5. When you compare Vanessa's resume with the other players, what do they have to offer to counter what she did? Even though a voter may not like Vanessa or her game, her accomplishments are becoming overwhelming. She has been HOH or POV holder for around half the game. She has been instrumental in almost every major move in the game. Everytime Steve or Jmac had a chance to really make a difference in the game, they shied away. I really don't want her to win, but when I remove personal feelings from the equation, the rest of them do not deserve to win, if she makes it to the f2.


    I was the one who spoke of Russell. That was before the other 3 allowed her to win the veto.  


    I agree with you.

    Great call on the Russell Hanz.

    My point is there is so little difference in comp total. Hoh veto and Bob totals are, as best I can remember

    Van 7 wins

    Steve 6 wins

    Jmac 6 wins

    Liz 5 wins

    Even if this is not 100% correct, my point is that comp wins are close in total. I agree that Vanessa is the run away winner of the mental aspect of the game. But she cancels that out with being the run away loser at the social aspect of the game.

    I just fail to see why most every year we are told that this is the type, the game winner should be. The most complete I think other three players have each played a more rounded game.

    As the show starts I admit I am happy that I am not 100% sure who is going home for the first time this year. Mostly sure but...


    Why do comp totals make a difference when in every BB circle, Wil Kirby is supposed to be the best BB player in its history and he never won one comp?

  6. I hope Johnny Mac does not win Americas Favorite Player.  I am not a fan of Johnny Mac.  Although his DR's are slightly humorous, he comes across as silly to me, even though he is obviously intelligent.  I thought he was too quick to throw comps and help to do the dirty work for Shelli and Vanessa without being formally aligned with them. He is the ultimate floater.  He floats from one group to the other without being committed to anyone but himself. I feel that he is really cowardly, but when he told Julie that he would go after Meg, I lost what little respect I had for him. After Vanessa and the Austwins put him on the block and evicted him, he decided he would target Meg??  Personally, I cannot wait until he is evicted again!


    Yeah, that was crazy.  I thought, what a waste of an HOH.

  7. Uh oh Steve.  LOL

    For some reason people on the Internet started the Austin is stinky and Austin doesn't shower stuff. 


    He does take at least one shower a day and sometimes 2 showers a day and he uses soap. 


    He does not wash his hair every day and I get that. I am a person with dry frizzy hair like Austin and washing it every day is the worst thing I did for years. The doctor told me to not wash my hair more then once a week. Bingo bango my hair became healthier and it started growing past my shoulders where it never did my whole life of over washing. I now have healthy hair thanks to cutting back on the washing. 


    As far as the touching and sex part that is a real turn off to see that on the feeds. Yucko 


    The self promotion talk is really boring. I always hate when people talk about BB being a stepping stone for fame. ugg


    I would rather Austin win the game over Vanessa but .... not really a fan of anyone or invested in the game outcome. 


    I'm not invested either.  I find it entertaining to see the rest of them squirm as a result of their game play now.

  8. Yes, tomorrow night is a double eviction.

    It was the "Hide an object within the house, then everyone try to find one another's objects. Last unfound item wins Veto" veto.


    Thank you Jedi

    Dang, I haven't seen this comp in years. Exactly when was the last time they had this type of veto competition, can anyone remember?


    Season 8

  9. I really hope she, Austin or Liz go during DE


    Is there going to be another double eviction?

    Vanessa is such a cry baby sore loser, poor sport B---H that I have ever seen. The odds were in their favor to win the veto comp because they had the "numbers", Vanessa, Austin, Liz & Julia all competing against James & Meg.

    James & Meg have been nominated a total of 4 times each, and so far they've managed to stay in the game.

    Vanessa's crew of Austins' Angels have only been nominated once(twice if you count Liz, but she won BOB and was safe) this whole game.

    Vanessa & Austin were so busy scheming to fix the veto comp was hilarious. They were so sure that it would be the "Stay / Hold" game that they didn't consider anything else. Then Vanessa blamed Steve for not warning them about this type of comp. WTH!!


    Which comp was it?

  10. The show was good last night.  I'm really impressed with Johnny Mac's survivor skills.  I like how he turned on the Austwins and how they were fumbling when questioned about it.  Ugh Liz so entitled to say, "what's he doing?".  Like no one is supposed expose your game even when you put them on the block after just making an alliance with them.  WTH??



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