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Posts posted by omahaguy

  1. 1 hour ago, Drummer1 said:

    OK, I see that there are nine swings in this week's HOH comp.  That is one for each player in the house that is eligible to play.  What would production have done if DaVonne had a round trip ticket and came back into the house?  Would someone else have to sit out?  


    Let me know what you think.


    The ticket envelopes are numbered - - I think Day had envelope #8. BB knows which envelope has the RT ticket so they knew Day didn't have it.

  2. 8 hours ago, graceomalley said:

    He did NOTHING to stop it - he hung out with people who WOULD do that - its enough for me - he's done - but not before Paulie gets the boot - he needs to go first -


    Grace - Please don't get me wrong - I don't like this guy either. But I think it's wrong when I read on the internet that he set fire to a goat and there are many, many posts out there saying that. If you checked out the clip it's really not clear that anyone actually followed through with that but that's beside the point. Most of Corey's boring stories are about bar hopping with his buddies, getting drunk with his buddies, etc. This guy is little more than a good looking bar tender who is "less than intelligent" (I think that's the politically correct way of saying it).



  3. 1 hour ago, Samantha said:

    Completely unrelated to this season but whst are some of the things you miss from previous seasons?


    I miss the HOH room changing every week. That was one of my favorite things to see each how the room changed when I new HOH was selected! This season, they have barely even shown the pictures and letters every week. 


    I also miss the key ceremony where each house guest pulls out the next key until they are all gone! 


    I too miss the nomination ceremony with the keys but the "who wants to see my HOH room" was getting old. Lately there seems to be enough other things going on to fill the Sunday show or maybe they're just freeing up space for another commercial. If they need filler for a future show we might see it again.



  4. 4 hours ago, BBLover4ever said:

    He was given a chance to stay.   Just didn't work out for him.


    That's true BBLover  - - and now the RT ticket could be in the hands of one of them who I don't care for  *Ha!

    During Julie's house tour before the season started she had talked about the special up stairs phone and wondered if anyone would figure out how to use it. I had thought she was talking about the HOH phone that they were using and couldn't figure out what made it "special". I didn't even notice the upstairs phone booth until a couple weeks ago  *duh. 



  5. 14 hours ago, BBLover4ever said:

    I knew it! Production is working to keep Frank with the secret room. Wonder if the envelope with the round trip is even in here? They can add it when he enters...... 


    I'm not big on conspiracy theories. They seem to surrround BB every year, are proven wrong, and vanish. The secret room "twist" was announced before the last HOH comp. If production was going to influence the game in such a major way, I think Tiffany would have come back in the game instead of Victor. She probably would have been much more interesting and caused more drama.




    The game has really beaten this poor woman down and I don't think she can wait to go home (she said as much herself yesterday when she exiled herself to the have not room and was talking to the camera). If she is evicted on Thursday, as I think she will be, I can't wait to see the look on her face when Julie tells her she has a chance it get back in the game.


  7. 13 minutes ago, UCLADave said:

    I love Paulie's game but damn every other word out of mouth is the f-bomb ... i mean im not a pollyanna about cursing but geez every other word out of his mouth is fuck or fuckin... same with James and use of the word " damn" 


    Paulie is in a race with Paul as to who can use the f-bomb the most. So far, Paul is winning as far as who can use it the loudest.

  8. As of this evening the voting system seemed to have been fixed. But you now have unlimited votes - not just limited to 20 - so it's a half a** fix.

    This year the voting system has been a joke. I have no clue how BB will be able to fairly come up with a single winner considering all the problems.

  9. I'm not sure how the system determines when the "once per day" resets.

    It could be a certain fixed time for everyone, or it could keep track of exactly when everyone voted and count 24 hours before letting them vote again.


    CBS replied to my complaint:


    Dear Big Brother Fan,

    Thank you for taking the time to contact us. If you are experiencing problems being able to vote, we are aware of this issue and are currently working with our technical team to resolve this as quickly as possible. Please revisit the voting page periodically to submit your votes once this has been resolved.

    The Big Brother voting rules and information are as follows as stated on the website.

    "Vote for the Houseguest you think deserves to win $25,000!

    Vote up to 20 times per day. (You would need to wait a 24 hour period before voting again once your 20 votes have been submitted) Voting closes Monday, Sept. 21st at 10am PT".

    We appreciate your patience and trust that you enjoy the remainder of Big Brother 17!

    Kind Regards,

    CBS Support Team  


  10. Wow.

    That's a little harsh.

    (Actually a lot harsh.)

    Libelous, in fact.

    I think we all need to remember that Reality TV is, in essence, TV, and Big Brother is there for our entertainment. We should probably not take this simple television show as seriously as we do, but alas, real fans like us Mortycians seldom keep the show at a respectable distance, instead immersing ourselves in it until it takes over our very lives, which leads to feeling like it's all personal.

    (Sorry about that. Got a little pholosophical and preachy there. Must have been the effect of reading Austin's blog a second time.)



    ........... Where's the "Favorite" button on this site?    



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