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Posts posted by omahaguy

  1. 1 hour ago, Slowpoke said:

    I haven't taken the time to get all the details about how it works yet.

    I'm undecided .... still deflating from BB 18. ^_^


    Would love to find out who's going to take the leap too ....



    I'm going to give it a shot. At $6 @month, it's cheap entertainment. The interesting thing to me will be a quasi "season" of Big Brother without fish! 


  2. 2 hours ago, joystiick said:

    As I said, too much fan involvement will ruin the game. In early BB history, they tried to involve the fans in too many decisions and I think it really had a negative impact on the game. There's a big difference in the way hg view certain actions in the game and how the fans will view the same actions. 


    I have a hunch that BBOTT will be a lot different than the recent BBs. Yes, in the early days of BB (season 1 ?) the fans voted on who would be evicted making it more of a popularity contest, so doubt that they'll go purely in that direction again with OTT. It will be interesting to see how it will work. 

    I'll keep an open mind knowing that if I don't like it I can cancel it with one click.  :rolleyes:


  3. 8 hours ago, PrincessWhiteTrash said:

    Season 6... My favorite also.  LOVED Janelle and Kaysar.  I wish they would have been F2.  Am I the oldest, or does anyone else remember when the HOH was down stairs... you know, one story???  Things have gotten way too predictable.  (Except what we may be seeing these next 9 or so days)...  I really wish they would shake things up.  I made a suggestion a while back about an all girls, or an all guys cast... but we'll see.  Another poster had a GREAT idea of America voting on Punishment Packages instead of care packages.  (I'm sorry, I can not recall who came up with that, but excellent in my opinion.).  


    These 20 somethings, I am guessing, never even saw the first few seasons.  Heck, they were probably babies.  I would love the idea also of putting more cast members in, and give America a vote also, just to keep them guessing.  


    Does anyone also remember when America voted on who to send out, or am I just THAT old????


    I'm with you, Princess as I remember those things too. The house was on one level, the small HOH room was just that with no private bathroom. They had a vegetable garden in the back yard and chickens. They had an old fashioned wringer type washing machine to wash their clothes. The live feed was free and on AOL (I wonder how many remember AOL?). A few years ago I went back and watched the first couple episodes of season 1 - - each house guest was driven up to the front of the house in an SUV and greeted by Julie as they got out. Neither the HG nor Julie seemed to sure about what to say or do next.

    Yes, America did the voting so it was more of a popularity contest than survival depending on skill and/or strategy. But the show has evolved in to what it is today. After 17 years it has a loyal following (many old timers like me) while appealing to new, younger viewers too. The show's ratings remain high and it has been renewed for two more summers. The producers has found a formula that is working and they're not going to change it.

    No matter how unhappy I might get with certain things about the show I view it as entertainment ... it sure ain't real life ... and I do find it entertaining!  :D


  4. 4 hours ago, joystiick said:

    If I remember correctly, Julie made reference to the bribe and it left me with the impression that it could be used until the end of the next HOH comp. I could be wrong, it could have been the card that Corey read when he got the package, but I am pretty sure, it is good through the next HOH comp. 



    You are correct joystick and Marty -

    I flashed back to Friday 12:43pm where Corey reads the card in the care pkg. and it said the bribe could be used until the end of the HOH comp.

    I just checked the CBS web site and it still reads "...leading up to the next eviction."  

    Another CBS BB screw up :angry:


  5. 2 hours ago, Marty said:


    He has it until the end of the HOH comp on Thursday then it is done



    The voting ballot read:

    "The winner gets $5K to bribe one Houseguest! Bribes may influence voting, competitions, vetoes or nominations. The bribe can only be given to one Houseguest, for one action, within the week leading up to the next eviction."


    According to that, since Corey got it last Friday it would expire with this Thursday's eviction and before the HOH comp.


  6. 12 hours ago, Zappy912 said:

    Here is something I was thinking about. Even though it is a moot point at this stage, but what if one of the jury members had won, wouldn't they have been eligible for the $5K Care Pkg? For instance, if DaVonne would have won, and since she hadn't received a care package, it would have made her eligible, right? So hmmm, did someone know it was Victor that was returning?

    Just something to think about.


    The voting period was shortened to a few hours for this care pkg and didn't start until after the comp was over. So if another jury member had won (like DaVonne) you probably could have voted for them.





    On the feeds last night Paul, Victor and Corey were discussing how Corey could use his $5K Care Pkg money to bribe Nicole for something. Then after the show the four of them could use the money to take a trip.

    Somehow, I don't think this is what the fans had in mind when they voted on giving Corey this package.




    As this production fixing conspiracy bites the dust, I feel it's time for a new one. Hows about this .....


    As everyone knows, Corey is the most intelligent HG left (not to mention the best story teller) so America obviously voted for him to get this weeks care pkg. Production must have snuck into the airport last night, got on the BB plane carrying the pkg, and switched the name tag from Corey to Michelle.


    I'll be on the lookout this week for further evidence of this latest fix . . .



    Paulie shows signs of obsessive compulsive behavior. He was arranging bacon on a baking sheet the other morning and took extreme care to rearrange the slices so they were equal distance apart and perfectly centered on the sheet. He went in to the storage room to get something and before leaving he straightened up the cracker boxes so they all lined up. All signs of OCBD.


    Flash back to 1:39am, today, cam 3 to hear Victor and Paul tell how Paulie described his idea of a perfect date.  ...it's a hoot!



  10. 2 hours ago, abdala said:

    I have been thinking the same thing re ticket.  Wouldn't take much for production to slip the round trip into wherever Paulie is keeping his.  And agree re Paulie is the bad boy and these 'reality'(?) programs want the high ratings these bad boys bring in.  I agree, if Paulie doesn't have round trip I will be shocked. 


    I hope Paulie doesn't have the R/T ticket for two reason:  1) I really don't enjoy watching him play the game  2) if he does have it the BB fixing conspiracy theories will be flying left and right.

    I do think that BB can and does influence the game through the DR sessions but I don't think they'd go so far as sneaking in and switching the envelopes when no one was looking. And if they did do something like this, I think BB would have done it for DayVonne - - but that's just MHO.



  11. 20 minutes ago, Addy08 said:

    I'm voting Vic for ACP. Im not sure who I want to win but I'm sure I want Nicole/Cory to lose. He can't play in hoh but Paul can and Vic winning keeps Paul safe also. It will keep Michelle from going back to Nicole if she decided to. 



    I think the majority of the votes will be for Michelle, Paul and Victor. I just hope they are not so split up that Corey ends up getting the pkg. by default. 

  12. 8 hours ago, joystiick said:

    No. I didn't know Victor wanted to do that? What was his reasoning? To me, at this point, you have to get out the people that are strong in comps and the people that have huge influence over other people. Although Nat and Mich may have some influence, I would put them down near the bottom of the list of the people that need to go right now. 


    That's true. Victor thought it was too soon to make a "big move" but Paul convinced him otherwise.

    Thank you Paul for finally putting some excitement (fun) back in to this season .... and thanks to Victor for following through!



  13. 3 hours ago, Fortyishladycanwin said:

    Holy crap and hallelujah! Victor grew a set of ***** and nominated king Paulie! He must have gotten the subliminal messages I was sending through my computer! Finally the game has started.  Although why America would give Nicole safety for the week is beyond me. They probably just wanted to humiliate her by making her wear the costume. For the first time Paulie is NOT calling the shots and it's killing him.  After this move I'm pulling for Victor to win it all! So excited for the rest of the season now.


    Many fans think Bridgette got the most votes for Super Safety (I agree - she got my votes) but since she was evicted it went to the number 2 vote getter: Nicole. I agree with joystiick that Nicole has a large fan base and I've also read that her mother has a presence on social media with a big following. Actually her getting safety this week doesn't make much difference as Paulie or Corey are the targets and she would have been safe. Besides, with her "winning" this week, she is out of the running for the next two Care Packages which are better.




    Nicole got the latest Care Package this morning. (Actually I think Bridgette probably got the most votes to get it but, since she's gone, Nichole somehow came in second). 

    Included in Nichole's Care Pkg was a can of "Off" insect repellent. Maybe a hint from production that the wrong people are hanging around her?  :lol:




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