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Posts posted by echo

  1. As much as I detest Andy, the fact remains that from a purist approach to BB, he has used just about every stratagem ever employed on BB to stay in the house and go on the block only once thus far; and that as a pawn. How could we fault him if he wins?

    I agree. I personally can't stand him, but he's playing BB, and doing a good job. Can't fault anyone who outlast others, and he always setting himself up week from week to avoid being targeted. Helen only caught on to him, but only when it was too late. If she had been able to get back into the game, she would have fully exposed him to everyone, and target him, forcing him to pick sides, and openly turn on people.

    And he's not really playing dirty either. He lies, but that is part of the game.

  2. What gets me is that he issoooo desperate to get the prize money, he keeps sayin how badly he needs the money and if he loses to her he will have an aneurism, why is it he thinks he is more needy of the money? I cannot stand needy desperate ppl and he is so desperate, it is disgusting to listen to him.

    He truly is annoying to listen to no matter what he's talking about. If he talking to someone its likely to go like this:

    Andy: I need the money really really bad, but I know you need even more than I do, so you know that once I get to the Jury, I will be voting for you to win. Since I have no chance of winning, I just hope to make it to the final three. Make sure you keep me around that long, so I can protect you

    Doesn't matter who he is talking to, because he says the same BS to everyone, and makes it sound like its the first time he's said it, and he would never say it to anyone else.

  3. I can't stand this guy, but damn I've got to admit he truly one of the best players in the game. If he gets to the end, good chance of winning because nobody brown noses more than him.

    This season feels a bit like the Nerd Herd season, and Andy is selling them so much BS, it hard to comprehend how they can see it. Pretty much everyone in the house thinks Andy's their best friend. Hand me a barf bag fast.... :figment:

  4. 2:45am BBT

    Amanda, McCrae, Andy, Judd, Spencer. and GM are in the BY talking about sex.

    Amanda: "I've never had to beg to for sex so much in my life as I have here in the BB house"

    Amanda: "A real man could satisfy me, but hell he can't keep it up for more than one hour. I've hardly gotten started!"

    I love the way she says it so bluntly right in front of McCrae.

  5. Another nice of Amand XXX talk on BB15

    2:20am BBT

    Amanda, McCrae, Andy, Spencer. and GM are in the BY talking about sex.

    Amanda calls McCrae "Prudence" because he won't give her oral sex on demand.

    "I love oral sex, but 'Prudence' doesn't even want a blow job half the time. I'm beginning to wonder if he's more gay than Andy...lol"

    I don't know if she's had a few drinks, but after midnight she turns into a Amanda "the dominatrix" that wants her man sex slave to bang her for two hours before she goes to sleep every night.. Seriously, she wants hardcore sex every night... Ever seen "Sex and The City", Amanda = Samantha.

  6. 1:30am BBT

    Spencer, McRae, Andy, and Amanda are talking about sex.

    Amanda is complaining that McRae does not put out enough. She ranting they need to be doing sex more often, and McRae is not doing a very job of fulling her sexual needs....lol :figment:

    She's being funny about it, so she not ranting in a cruel way, she just embarrassing him by saying he's not has horny has she needs him to be.

    "He just wants to go to sleep, and I want to f*ck. I love to f*ck. it the best part of every f*ckin day...lol"

    Pretty sure that conversation is not going to be on TV, not even BBAD.

  7. OK I have respect for those here that predicted Elissa was smart enough to put up Andy.

    I agree that was the smartest move, but I truly doubted she would do it. I felt she would cave in and put up spencer simply because that what everyone else has done all season and nobody had the guts to do anything different.

  8. OK, I agree that Andy make a far better target than Judd. Personally I just don't think Judd belongs back in the game because he was evicted once. Just seem wrong to bring people who have lost.

    With that say, YES put up Andy and evict him. I can't stand to listen to him, but I do give him credit for playing a decent game. He has done an outstanding job at being a weasel to selling everyone out to get ahead, and hey, getting to the end is important. Not sure if he would get any vote if he does.

  9. No not Spencer. It is most likely Andy

    I hope you are right, and maybe she's going to take out somebody that is a threat to her game. Andy would vote her out the moment she gets on the block, Spencer wouldn't necessarily vote her out if he wasn't sitting next to her, which likely be the case.

  10. I heard them say they thought the VETO cermony was tonight.

    whenever it happens, there is 99% chance Spencer is going up as a repacement. How much boring and predictable could that get?

    Normally I'm not such a negative Nelly and able to find something fun\interesting about each season of BB, but this season has been so predicted after the first two weeks. And it so frustrating to watch the HGs avoid making any big moves, and always playing it safe putting up Spencer every week not because he a threat, but because he's not a threat. They put up people who are the least liked.

  11. She just said that there were "bigger fish to fry" and that's why she nominated Aaryn.

    if she has any guts she'll put up Judd as a replacement (most likely to win if he makes it to the final jury vote), but given how predictable this season has been, my guess she'll put up Spencer.... How more predictable could it be.

  12. Amanda winning the PoV is perfect example of why I failed to understand Elissa's nominations (McCrae an Aaryn), unless Elissa simply wants to get out Aryan, which would be soooo dumb.

    And guess what? Given that Elissa failed to make good nominations, let us all take a wild guess as to who she going to put up once McRae is taken off the block? Good Golly.... do ya think it might be ....(let me think for 1-2 seconds) SPENCER?

    And guess who's going home this week, Good Golly, and other safe bet that they all fall in line and evict spencer.

    Every week is so damn predictable, except when they do something unpredictably dumb (ie nominate McCrae and Aaryn)

  13. I am trying to understand Elissa logic in nominating Aaryn and McRae. Can some one explain how this is to her advantage?

    Maybe I missing something, but my guess Helen would talked her out of it is she were still in the game, and she would have put up Amanda and McCrae.

  14. OH... I get it now, posts are deleted if someone has already made a similar comment, so if I were to say "Elissa should nominate Amanda and McRae" my post would be deleted because somebody has already made the suggestion already. I guess that just wasn't clear to me that somewhere in the rules people can't say things that someone already said somewhere in the forum... Stupid me I guess

  15. Two questions:

    1) Who should Elissa nominate for eviction?

    2) Who is she mostly like to nominate for eviction?

    I think Amanda and Mcrae should go be nominated, and she should campaign to get Amanda evicted.

    If she follows the trend of the entire season, and doesn't want to make any kind of big move, she's nominate Spencer and Judd, and Judd get evicted for a second time (unless he wins PoV).

  16. Let see if she has any guts NOT to put up Spencer?

    IMHO, this season has been lame at times is largely because HGs won't make any moves, and always take the safe bet. Everybody is working hard not to lose, and very little effort is put into winning. I think many have thrown HoH and veto competitions simply to avoid having to make a decision. The only time a HG tries to win is when they know they have no other option; its win or go home, but until their back is against the wall, they won't do jack.



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