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Posts posted by ZuZuMamou

  1. 7:32 PM BBT

    Liza talking to Tom up in HOH (mostly everyone else is sleeping).

    "Think about this, we need votes to get rid of Emmett and Julian. I know you don't want to hear it but do we really want that final 4?" Liza asks

    "As long as he puts up you girls it's ok." Tom says, he guesses some ways it could work.

    "I don't want this scenario, I don't like it." Liza says "I want more players with me in mind."

    "If I won HOH I'd put you and Jillian up. Then I'd take you down." Tom says

    "Leaving me with the two strongest guys in the house which isn't a good scenario for me." Liza says "Especially since you already told me that Emmett is your final 2"

    " I know, but I told you that to be honest." Tom says

    "How about I just never talk that scenario with you again. I just won't mention it." says Liza

    "How about that. I want to play an honest game here. " repeats Tom.

  2. 7:14 PM BBT

    Suzette laying alone staring at nothing.

    In the KT Tom and Peter talk with Topaz. Tom is saying how silly Talla is and how he warned her that a girl alliance won't work. They laugh about the stuff he's saying.

    Peter will now grab a milk beverage. He says this as Tom goes back upstairs.

    "So what do you think I should do about Talla?" Peter asks Topaz

    "I don't know but make it work for you. She's thinking she's getting into everyone's heads just now and just play it to get more trust. She's alone and scrambling for anyone, anything." Topaz says

    "Who will she put up?" asks Peter.

    Talla comes in the room and announces she is going to bed. She leaves again. Topaz and Peter discuss how it is still light out.

    "She is flipping out! I am trying to get into her head. Right now she wants to put up Andrew. I had to talk to her and talk to her and talk to her. I am trying to get the right information into her head. I feel if I don't talk to her for a few days it's like I have to screw her back in."

    "Ok, I'll see what I can do." says Peter

    7:22 PM BBT

    "I just want to give you a heads up. She's a wildcard." Topaz whispers to Peter.

    "Ok, I'll try to be a little more conversational." Peter says.

    Topaz says that something is wrong if Alec is napping. Tuesday through Thursday are busy days for for all of them but the rest of the week is so slow.

  3. 6:58 PM BBT

    Suzette is flossing her teeth in WCA as Jillian takes a shower. It is VERY loud. She announces that she has fish breath.

    Tom says to Emmett in the HOH "Suzette I can't f-ing believe her. She sits in this very spot and apologizes to me for everything that she did. I told her she was going home and that it was a 10-0 vote for her to go home. She was ok with it. Then something happens today and she is trying to save herself and campaigning. I told her that I told Aneal he was just holding a place. She promises me that if there is anyway I can save her, her and Gary will be loyal to me. Loyal? Gary hates that b*tch. It really pisses me off that she's trying."

    7:03 PM BBT

    Tom tells us that he is freaked out when he walked in on Liza shaving her arms. She is in the HOH bath hsaving her whole body. "Girls, we know you do it, we aren't stupid ok?" to Emmett he says, "Dude, just win HOH. If there is one thing that Emmett can do it is win HOH."

    Talla comes into the HOH room and checks in with Liza who announces, again, that she is shaving her whole body.

    7:05 PM BBT

    "My biggest irk in this game is people that are only awake for an hour a day. Seriously that pisses me off." Tom says. He offers Talla a Mars bar.

    "This is the third time in a week that she has said to me that there are people who are trying to keep Suzette in this game because if it's you and Gary then tell me who it is so I can put your ass up." Tom says of Topaz. He has been going on about Topaz for a bit. He doesn't trust her or like what she is doing hanging out with Gary and Aneal. Tom thinks that Topaz is making up stuff just to cause trouble. "All Topaz has in this game is Alec and Gary."

    7:10 PM BBT

    "If there is a plot by the girls to get one of us guys out I want you all to know that we won't let it happen." Tom says

    "Who is the next guy to go?" Talla asks

    "I want Andrew but if you talk to Jillian and Emmett they want Gary to go." Tom says.

    Andrew, Aneal, Gary and AJ are the next to go in order according to Tom. He says this leaves Tom, Liza, Emmett, Jillian, Alec, Topaz and Talla to battle it out. He's thinking of replacing Topaz with AJ though.

  4. 6:42 PM BBT

    Jillian, Emmett and Talla hanging out by the HT. Jillian goes inside for a shower.

    "Ok, we haven't even talked game. Not since week 1." Talla says

    "What do you want to know?" Emmett asks.

    "I really want to win really bad this week but I need to know people would support me. I have my mind on someone but I need you not to tell anyone. Andrew. I think he thinks I would be easy to get out."

    E: Why do you think that because you guys are hanging out, he plays with your hair.

    T: We never talking, never talking. I think he thinks I would be easy to get out. I think it would be best to get him out. What do you think?

    E: I don't know Talla, you have to think these things through. I'll help you if I can.

    T: He's got something to prove.

    E: We all have something to prove that's why we got put in here. It would be boring otherwise. Do you think he thinks you're a threat?

    T:I don't know maybe?

    E: Because you are friendly with everyone and talking all the time? Hanging out?

    T: I'm just sharing with you and hoping you won't say anything because people take things you say and then make it something so much bigger.

    E: I'm not going to tell you what to do Talla but you can trust me.

    T: That's right at some time you have to trust people. ..... Who is the first girl?

    E; That depends, probably someone who doesn't have anyone they are close to, or someone who isn't playing along.

    T: Someone like Topaz?

    E: I don' t know..... just because someone tells you something, don't get mad, take a second and think it through.

    T: because not everything is going to be true. I don't want to be a hypocrite but I don't want this to come back to me....I just don't know what to think about Andrew....

    E: Talk to people...[can't hear he's talking way too low] you can try to do it subconsciously.

    T; I guess I'm just going to have to accept his unclean kitchen habits for awhile.

    E; I don't know have you talked to him about it? ....maybe he is scared of you because you haven't talked to him....maybe you should talk to him....I didn't tell you anything, you didn't tell me anything...you talk to who you want to.

    T: Ok thanks. That was fun. Good Talk. Good Talk.

    6:52 PM BBT

    Emmett runs into SR with Peter. He gives a complete run down of the entire conversation and how he told her to be careful of what she hears. "So now we have everyone believing me and I kept telling her to be careful about who is close to her and who she talks to."

    "That's good dude. Good thinking. Nice!" says Peter obviously happy with how that went down.

  5. 6:27 PM BBT

    Talla talking with Liza she's upset with Topaz. Apparently she's not been part of the girls alliance for real, she's only been hanging on by her toes. Talla is so disappointed in her. Talla knows that Liza and Jillian wouldn't do this to them. She asks Liza if it was just down to two of the girls and Tom she'd pick the girls right? Liza plays dumb and says she didn't understand the question.

    They talk about who goes up. Andrew and Alec. "If Alec comes down you put up AJ and get Andrew out" Liza says. "If you do that, you'd be the hero of the house." She clarifies that Emmett can only be put up against Alec.

    "Don't tell anyone!" says Talla

    "I won;t tell Tom. You think I'm going to tell Tom?"

    6:34 PM BBT

    Tom is going upstairs to separate himself from everyone for awhile. Suzette was in the KT with him. She is making some salmon to eat. Liza is on the couch. "Peter and Alec are tight." Suzette says.

    "Really?" asks Liza

    "That's a tight alliance those guys." Suzette drops. They get interrupted with Talla coming in with Danielle's shoes. "People are too scared. I get it. I went into the hot tub area and Andrew and Alec were talking saying stuff, planning the next HOH saying they don't have to worry about this week, it's all about the next few weeks. Ya know?"

  6. 10:52 AM BBT

    Jillian is sitting on the KT counter. [Her butt is on a surface people eat from. She does this all the time. This annoys me. - ZuZu]

    In the BR Suzette is talking with Gary. "He's playing his own game and that's that but where I come from you don't respect a rat. He's a rat. A rat is a rat." She is sharing her powdered eye shadow with Gary. She can't wait to go home and see her kids. When she gets on the outside she'll be telling everyone to text for Gary for stuff that benefits him.

    They can see through the many mirrors to see AJ and Alec. BB closes a curtain to stop their view.

  7. 10:47 AM BBT

    Peter is hypnotizing Jillian to immerse her in foil ball. "Foil ball is the game of your life. It will complete you in ways you never thought possible. It will bring things that are missing from your life. It will complete you. Take three deep breaths. One. Two. Three. Now come back to us. Slowly. Slowly. Welcome back. You are now one of us."

    "Now sing the theme song!" chants the rest of the group. Everyone is in the KT area chatting.

    "Foil ball, foil ball, it is the game of your life." Jillian repeats after Peter.

    "You are now inducted." Peter declares.

  8. 10:32 AM BBT

    Talla opens the fridge and pulls the water jug out. THe container of blueberries falls everywhere. "What the F8ck is wrong with people?" Tall yells. "This is our food, I clean the f&ck out of this fridge all the time. LOOK at how people put food away!"

    "It's ok Talla," says Jillian "We now have BB art, courtesy of Talla, on the floor."

    The girls and Peter clean the berries up. Talla feels bad because this is all of the berries they have. They swear Peter, who was at the counter, to secrecy. He can't tell anyone she spilled all the berries.

    He suggests they make a fort, it will cover up why they are looking under stools and counter for berries. "You go ahead but clean it up!" says Talla who is clearly still upset with all of the mess in the house and her role as maid.

  9. 10:09 AM BBT

    Talla, Topaz and Liza complaining in the KT about how no one cleans up or does laundry (again).

    Outside the guys are talking about Christian Bale movies. Talla comes outside and tells the guys she is going to be cleaning up all of the pillows and putting everything in the BY where they belong so will the guys please not mess everything up once she has done that. Alec picks up a pillow, "Where does this one go? Just so I don't get confused." She tells him that it belongs on the couch. "Ok but does it go this way or that way?" he flips it around one side is patterned. "What about those pillows over there? How do I know where they go? I'm a visually learner." She tells him that she will do it while they work out and will see where all of the pillows go. She also explains that all of the towels were washed yesterday and there are none in the bathroom stacks today so have any of them seen any of the towels? "We shouldn't wash the towels every day. It's too much detergent and too much water. Take a towel and hang it up and re-use it for a couple of days." she says. [The only girl who actually addresses the guys directly btw - ZuZu]. "So we heard what you had to say and we've decided that it is irrelavant so let's move on to the next topic." jokes Alec as all of the guys wink and laugh. "No seriously guys, I don't want to see any towels on the floor." she stands firm. "Ok, we've heard you and we will comply with your request." Tom says.

    As she leaves Tom says, "That whole conversation was pointless. I get the pillow thing, sort of, but was there something about towels? That whole conversation was pointless, no one cares so move on."

    Andrew points out that Talla got a bit upset with them for a bit but then she calmed down.

    Tom says they should get points for moving pillows all over the yard, putting them in the house, on her bed etc. "Then when she gets mad we'll just say we need the pillow detective, which is Peter, and she will calm down."

    "So nothing is going to change because no one really cares, that was pointless but we got to mess with her for 15 minutes so it was sort of worth it." says Tom.

  10. 9:47 AM BBT

    AJ says to the guys, who are discussing all kinds of nothing on the patio; "Last night Talla said something...." and trailed off as he lost his thought. "Let me guess, it was stupid." jokes Andrew.

    "Last night I dreamed about Justin Timberlake and that's not a euphemism for anything." Andrew says.

    "God I want to play golf." says Peter as he stretches.

    Meanwhile in the KT Aneal, Gary, Topaz, Emmett, Jillian chat about milk bars and buying milk fresh from farms. Emmett is sitting beside Jillian at the KT table and she cannot keep her hands off him. She runs her fingers along his arm and he tells a story about fresh milk farms.

  11. 9:31 AM BBT

    Peter talking with Alec, AJ and Andrew about being in high school and being the 'other guy'. He met a girl who was in French Immersion (a school where the students work in french all day) who he fell for. Her BF was away for hockey and Peter and she got close. When he came back Peter got to know him and they became good friends, even while he was still seeing the girl. To this day he knows the guy still.

    Guys talking about the sports teams always being the same 6 guys, the same people on all of the teams.

  12. 12:07 PM BBT

    Tom, before getting in bed for some pillow talk with Liza, was complaining that Big Brother doesn't offer him dry cleaning. "I mean, my clothes are expensive." he boasts.

    Tom grabs Liza's had and puts it down by his junk. "Honka Honka" he says.

    12:10 PM BBT

    Alec, Emmett and Peter having an 'upstairs' chat. "That's why were just nodding about the Andrew thing, just hoping it would go away." Alec says. "I would be able to get close with Talla and Gary if Liza would just shut the f&ck up."

    Alec is throwing out there that they BD Liza.

    "By proxy, if Tom is making decisions for this group, which he is doing, then basically Liza is controlling our group. If Tom is making unilateral decisions, which he is, then Liza is in charge." Alec points out.

  13. 12:01 PM BBT

    Gary walking through LR he's wearing just a towel, like a girl would wear it. He announces, "Hmm maybe I should put some underwear on in case this towle goes voop!"

    He just finished explaining to everyone that he is going to watch Topaz take a shower then wait for Emmett to fall asleep and then "Bitch is going to get a brownie!"

    Tom and Liza up in HOH room. Tom telling Liza that Emmett is warning him against Liza. Em wants Aneal out of the game and he knows Liza is close to Aneal so he's trying to tell Tom that Liza will flip on him.

  14. 11:44 AM

    Emmett and Tom are tossing a ball back and forth. Emmett is filled in on "Operation Andrew" he is cool with it but he just can't do anything more, there is enough heat on his back already. Emmett is saying that AJ always seems to know what is happening in the house. He's useful for that. Tom also says that AJ can't win any competitions so let's take out a stronger playeer.

    Tom wants Liza to win HOH because she will put up Gray and Aneal. They will talk to Gary to let him know what is going on.

    11:52 PM BBT

    Peter and Alec teach Jillian how to play "Foiled Again". It is a game like baseball but the bat is the tube from the foil roll and the ball is made of foil. She just got 50 points for a contact catch. They are just making stuff up.

    11:55 PM BBT

    Alec and Peter talking. Alec doesn't think it makes sense to send Andrew home, he wants to do the whole Tom plan but put up Liza. He can't trust her. She's targetting them. Peter gets a lot of information from her and doesn't think this is a good idea.

  15. 11:19 PM BBT

    Tom, Peter and Alec talking about what could happen if Gary wins HOH. Alec shares that Topaz doesn't want to be a part of the girls alliance, she just has a feeling she has to be. Tom says that Liza hasn't reported Jillian being a part of this. They think the girls alliance is Gary and the girls. Peter is concerned about trusting Liza to control Andrew until the back door can occur. "Are you f-ing kidding me?" Tom says "Controlling him with someone he is in love with is awesome. Liza told him her ex had a beard and now he's growing a f-ing beard."

    Tom explains that Andrew has to go within the next 2 weeks. If Andrew wins HOH then Gary or Aneal have to go. The guys seem pretty confident that the girls are no threat to him. Andrew is the only one that can really challenge them in endurance comps.

    11:30 AM BBT

    In other news Jillian and Emmett are making out like it's the back seat of his first car.

  16. 10:46 AM BBT

    Liza talking with Aneal about the differences in education and career in USA vs Canada. "The US is very State driven where we are more Canada" she waves her hands to indicate the whole country. They are in the LR.

    Peter and Suzette now discuss graffiti.Suzette and her husband saw some tags in Vancouver and they looked them up online to see who id them and it turned out to be some gang tag. She has another friend "Dettos?" who does artwork and murals versus tags. Alec shares with them a story about a study done in Europe where some graffitti was put in an alley and people were given something with a wrapper to eat as they walked through. There was a garbage can at the end. If there was even one bit of graffiti then people were more likely to throw their trash on the ground. It makes people think the area they are in is worth, less. It devalues societies opinion of the area.

    10:54 AM BBT

    AJ and Topaz in the BR. They are talking about how Suzette has been in trouble since the first night. She not only put up two strong players but one of them wins POV pretty much guaranteeing the other one is safe. It's good that Kat went, though she was a dangerous player. Then Suzette's comments after the POV showed just how wrong her comments that others were bullying her.She made disrespectful comments about Gary and then threw out redneck comments. It's her own fault she's there, she lost it for no reason.

  17. 10:24 AM BBT

    Liza, Gary and Talla talking about what they were like as kids. We learn that Gary's Dad had two older half-sisters but his whole life he called them his step-sisters because he liked to think of himself as Cinderella. He tells us that when he came out it was a difficult time for his family. They almost stopped speaking but everything is ok now.

    Liza explains that her BFF took her into a closet at a party to tell her that he was gay. Gary laughs and explains that he never gad to say he was gay, he was just always as he is now, people just knew. Other than his family.

    10:30 AM BBT

    In the KT. Andrew sharing that he went to school to learn about hotel management. He works to live not works to live. AJ was just sharing with us that he wonders what his life would have been lke if he had really tried, really applied himself.

    Big Sister's voice [Canada has equal opportunity laws and there is a male and female voice *wink* - ZuZu] tells them the sliding doors are open. Everyone wonders if the toilet is fixed it the WC now.

  18. 11:28 PM BBT

    Andrew telling Liza and Gary how he had to make up a story to make everyone feel bad for him. It seems that he thought of something about his Dad (who is dead) and he had to make everyone feel bad for him then one he did, the party was to cheer him up.

    Emmett turned off the toilet in the general WC. Everyone has to use the HoH room now. BB has to replace the toilet. Gary can't go upstairs so he is going to pee in the shower.

    11:34 PM BBT

    Gary is eating as much pizza as he can before he gets cut off from eating it at midnight.

    11:37 PM BBT

    Liza chases Tom out of the pool and starts smacking him with a pool noodle. They are now wrestling. He calls a truce. She stands on guard.

    11:39 PM BBT

    Inside the other Have nots figure out that it's almost midnight and go to eat. Topaz is not allowed to have any for some reason.

    11:41 PM BBT

    "OMG, Liza wants Talla sooo bad. Like so bad." Tom says. "Liza is bisexual and I'm just figuring that out."

    "So you ok with that?" asks Emmett

    "Nope." says Tom "I don't want a woman that wants to be with other women. What? I'm not enough for you? Liza has been with 10 women. For real, with 10 women, not just sex."

    Emmett doesn't think it's cool. What, the guy isn't cutting it? Tom says that it's not that the guy doesn't cut it it's that the girl wants a vagina in her mouth.

    Peter is sitting in the LR with Liza.

    "SO you ok?" she asks

    "yeah." he says

    "And?" she asks "Are you just listening/observing?"

    "Nothing I didn't already know." he says. "When the house is really empty, that's what I'm looking forward to."

    He says that eventually he's going to mess with people, do little things to set them off in the right direction and then watch them burn, burn burn.

  19. 11:19 PM BBT

    Gary is telling Emmett that he can't f*ck with his make up but anything else ..he's so scared. He's talking about the revenge Emmett is going to take out. Alec and Topaz are making out on the hammock in the BY.

    Tom is now in the pool. Liza in the KT preparing to head into the pool. As she walks by Gary says that the bathroom scale is accurate to .02 lbs.



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