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Posts posted by ZuZuMamou

  1. 8:47 PM BBT

    "Emmett and Jillian. Please change the batteries in your micorphone packs at this moment." Big Sister tells us. They get out of HT and cover it up.

    Back in the house everyone else is participating in "Talk with Talla" she is ending the segment with encouraging comments to her.

    Gary is so happy that she's had him on the show twice and he's really helped her ratings. Everyone applauds and cheers. Andrew gets in a good bye and then says they are bumping AJ.

    8:50 PM BBT

    Next up on talking with Talla is AJ Burman. A "Somewhat Special" guest. She asks him about his recent divorce. He announces that he is divorcing the woman from Vegas he mentioned last time and returning to look for love with lower standards.

    In the WCA Jillian is now cutting Peter's hair. "Do what you like McLaughlin" he tells her.

  2. 8:33 PM BBT

    Talla looking at Alec's eyebrows and is telling him what he needs to pluck. She asks Gary if he minds if she plucks Alec's brows. Gary does mind and she is not to touch them.

    "Talk with Talla" is now being played out as everyone enjoys coffee. "Good Evening everyone, tonight's topic is eyebrows and guys" she says as she talks into a lint remover. "Andrew, we just want to know, how are you bowels?"

    "Well Talla, they are on hold" Andrew answers "I had a steak the size of AJs head and it is now working it's way through my intestine and will be seen sometime next month."

  3. 8:13 PM BBT

    Jillian and Emmett still in the HT talking about nothing much. Suzette and Gary eating dinner at one end of the table as Peter sits staring at nothing at the other end. They discussed how much money the Survivor winners actually get after taxes and then that fades into nothing. Suzette and Gary are now joking that they have one last night to have their showmance. Lots of laughs as they decide they are full.

  4. 7:50 PM BBT

    Jillian and Emmett are Jedi training while cuddled together in the hot tub. That's right, stuck like glue, side by side in a HOT tub. They are covering all of the challenges and POVs and recapping who played what and who won what.

    Alec talking to Andrew and Peter in the sitting DR area. Talla is making coffee. She is eating again. Peter asks where she puts it all she weighs like 80 lbs. She corrects him and says she is 100.2 lbs. Alec says that the HGs are three hours away from eating - he's referring to the slop people.

    7:59 PM BBT

    "It will be weird to be outside and to have people stop us on the street because they recognize us from here." Alec says

    "i get that all the time from my YouTube Channel." Peter explains, "Especially at Metrotown. There's a lot of young Asian males there."

    "IS that your demographic?" asks Alec

    "Not really but it's the YouTube demographic so it means that I will get some of that." Peter responds "You have to have a really think skin to be on the internet. You can't take any dislike or negative comments personally, some people will like it, lots won't. Just ignore it."

  5. 7:43 PM BBT

    Jillian and Emmett playing table hockey in their swimsuits. Gary and Topaz still making something to eat in the KT. Talla and AJ out back having a cigarette. AJ telling Talla she talks a lot. It's raining outside now. They watch Jillian bend and stretch in her bathing suit and prepare to dip into the Hot Tub.

    It's just been everyone chatting about nothing so far this hour. No game talk.

  6. 7:29 PM BBT

    Andrew, Alec, AJ on one side of the table as Talla and Peter are on the other. Discussion topics so far have included drinking while eating and horoscopes. Peter states, "One of our drawbacks as humanity is our compulsion to want to believe in something more." They are now discussing the belief in "God" (in carious forms).

    7:32 PM BBT

    In the WCA Emmett and Jillian are discussing the hickey she gave him. He's the first person she ever gave a hickey to.

  7. 7:42 PM BBT

    Topaz is laying on a chaise lounger watching the game being played. Alec takes a moment out to go over and give her a big smooch. Must have brought him luck as he scores a goal. 2-1 for Team Alec.

    7:49 PM BBT

    The BB Soccer Cup is tied at 3-3. One more goal and they will switch sides.

    7:50 PM BBT

    With another goal scored by Alec a short intermission and a switching of sides is called.

  8. 7:09 PM BBT

    Alec, Peter, Emmett, Topaz and Gary sit around the kitchen table talking about actors (Steven Baldwin) and movies. Gary is eating and Topaz continues her manicure.

    Talla is outside smoking. She is making the most ridiculous face. AJ has joined her and she is telling how she asked her BFF how being on the show will affect her real life career. She is saying that the things she does in this house aren't the things she does in real life. She's not all up and kissing her girlfriends in her real life. Her mother will be disappointed but that's just in here. Does he think it will affect them outside of here?

    AJ says he's not sure. People should understand this is a show but she can't let other people that don't know her, let her down. He's warning her, when she gets out of there there are going to be people that love her and people that don't love her. Don't let people that don't let love you tell you what you are. He reminds her that they signed off on their rights to be portrayed as they are. He could be being shown as AJ the biggest asshole on earth and there's nothing he can do because he signed off on that. She is worried because people won't see that, they won't see the editing and it might take away from her credibility.

  9. 6:58 PM BBT

    Talla made garlic chicken cesaer sald for dinner. She can't believe Alec didn't like it. He grabs AJ's fork and stabs a whole pile of it (from AJ's plate) on to the form and stuffs that in his mouth.

    Gary telling the others how he can make awesome Kool Aid. They were just joking around about Black people stereotypes. Gary said he has orange "drink" not juice.

    Topaz doing her nails at teh KT table, Peter talking about getting into bars (Joe's Apartment) for free because he knows people. He saves the $10, $20, $25 cover charges. Peter said he paid $30 to get into Reflections once and it was just a DJ.



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