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Posts posted by ZuZuMamou

  1. 7:16 PM BBT

    Jillian laying in utter silence/stillness outside. The alarm goes off. "I wasn't sleeping, I was going over everything that has ever happened in my mind." she yells out. [That or...sleeping - ZuZu]

    7:20 PM BBT

    Talla is convinced something is about to happen because the buzzers keep going off and they won't let them sleep. "Oh who cares, we are on Big Brother time." sighs Gary. Andrew has been in the DR for a long time.

  2. 7:26

    Talla and Andrew reminisce about the other people in the house. How it sucks to be on the block but there are so many others who aren't even here, who aren't on the block because they aren't in the house.

    7:32 PM BBT

    Emmett and Gary talking about nothing in the HOH room. Gary paid $105 a ticket to see The Raptors play The Celtics in Toronto.

    7:37 PM BBT

    Jillian is back and they are playing chess again. "This is like two girls, one cup." Gary says of their game.

    Outside Andrew tells Talla that the move of Gary coming back screwed their games, one persons anyways, but it's not Gary's fault. What was he supposed to say, "No, no, I'm good."?

    7:39 PM BBT

    "Too bad we didn't win." Talla says

    "Yeah, it's good that you went for all the other ones. You got the slop pass right? You went for all the other ones." Andrew says.

  3. 7:05 PM BBT

    Silence reigns as Jillian and Gary play chess. Talla trying to listen to Gary. Emmett and Jillian upstairs. "Huh, look at that. They are probably going to vote me out." She talks really loud with Andrew about going out back to talk strategy. She heads into the WCA and sits on a stool. "Oh big brother." she sighs then heads into the WC.

    7:10 PM BBT

    Talla having a monologue with herself. She's pissed off and screaming as she puts her feet into the HT. It sucks being on the block but she has faith and she knows you do to. She is in a showmance with Henry the moose.

  4. 6:45 PM BBT

    Andrew is complaining that he is not allowed to cut his hair. He got the hair cut and so now BB said if he cuts it they can evict him. "So what? These bastards in here are going to do that anyways!" he laughs.

    6:52 PM BBT

    Gary Hollers "EMMMMMETTTTT!" from the other room and we get SoTH. It's short lived and we are back to Gary saying that silly is annoying him and that the chicken is kind of cute.

    6:54 PM BBT

    Talla called to DR. Gary going to force himself to eat slop because he has no choice. He's going to add the peanut butter flavoured protein in it.

  5. 6:31 PM BBT

    Talla is eating dinner. She hates cheese. So does Jillian's sister. She doesn't even like it on pizza. Which leads to a discussion as to whether pizza is healthy or not.

    6:33 PM BBT

    Andrew and his mohawk are up. The guys are going to work out. Jillian can't imagine working out. They all just realized it's Monday.

    Talla made an appetizer for her pre-dinner meal. "It's broccoli and cheese." Andrew says looking at it. "No it's not. It's got other ingredients. It's broccoli and a word..umm it's spelled g-r-a-t-i-n." "Broccoli au-gratin?" Andrew nearly laughs "You know what that means right? Broccoli and cheese." "Whatever.." huffs Talla.

  6. 10:54 AM BBT

    "Why are there so many towels around here?" asks Talla as she and Andrew pick up the sheets and laundry from the BR. BB told them they had to do it.

    "Because we leave with a bunch of hosebeasts." Andrew replies.

    They are fighting over who has made what beds when and when she last did the sheets. Andrew says "if BB says we have to do it, we do it. They ask us to strip the beds, we strip the beds. They ask us to get up,we get up. End of story." He's sort of yelling at Talla but they are joking around that it feels good to be able to yell at each other to get out some of their stress at being servants. The luxury item for today is that they get to play one on one hockey. Talla and Andrew do not. "I am going to vacuum this room today." Talla says "You've said that so many times I'd like to see you do it about once." Andrew replies.

  7. 10:25 AM BBT

    A phone sound rings in the BB House.

    "Good Morning!" Andrew yells. "Topaz isn't here."

    Talla remains with eyes closed on the couch. She had earlier told Andrew she wasn't do morning servant shifts.

    Andrew slices a banana for Emmett's breakfast of oatmeal.

    Jillian comes in the room and Emmett spoon feeds her.

    10:30 AM BBT

    As Peter muses about all of the products and worries women have (anti-that, pro-this, creams, rubs, all that STUFF!) and Jillian tries to explain some of it we fall into SoTH.

    10:34 AM BBT

    Feeds are back. Talla laying on Jillian's lap as she gets a little back tickle. "Mmmmnn. You smell so good. Far better than the guys who smell like burp and fart."

  8. 10:10 AM BBT

    The other HGs are up and Andrew and Talla are awaiting their fondest desires. No one is quite ready for coffee or breakfast yet. Talla and Andrew have already completed laundry and tidied up for the day. She's now laying on the couch on the patio as Andrew talks about needing to really win new appliances and how important it is that Talla win a competition. She insists she's won some, as part of a group effort.

    10:14 AM BBT

    Peter would like a Toaster Strudel, a muffin and some yogurt for breakfast. Andrew gets ready to prepare it. "I would like my muffins made from scratch." Peter jokes. "Well then, you shall starve" laughs Andrew. There is some discussion on what flavours to have. Andrew serves Peter 2 organic blueberry strudels, 2 yogurts and a pre-made muffin. "Your breakfast sir" he embellishes.

    10:19 AM BBT

    The guys discuss why there is no juice in the house. They only have had water or pop. "Shall I go request some Sire?" Andrew asks "No, I don't think that will be required." Peter responds. "Then I shan't. Enjoy your breakfast Sire." Andrew replies and sits down so they can discuss playing one on one hockey later.

  9. 11:39 PM BBT

    Andrew grabs Jillian another glass of water. Emmett asks if they can go back into the SR to have a look at some snack options. Andrew notes that Emmett seems to love this task. Emmett and Jillian are laughing.

    "Can we have some m&m's, or a banana?" Emmett asks. "oh I know! A grapefruit!"

    Jillian asks for a yogurt. Then some raspberries. "I'm so hungry I don't know what to eat." she cries

    "I don't give a shit. All I've eaten today is slop." says Andrew.

    They go into the KT and Andrew preps and slices Emmett's grapefruit for him. He almost licks the knife. He places the yogurt and berries in front of Jillian after opening the container for her.

    They have 72 hours left of this. Jillian says it's a really weird task. Emmett thinks it will be funny to watch.

    11:45 PM BBT

    Jillian asks for a couple of bottles of water for her and Emmett before Andrew goes to bed. "If you ask me to cut up lemons I will tell you to go and fuck yourselves." Andrew says in a butler voice. "Shall I bring these upstairs for you? I shall. I shall fluff your pillows for you. I hope you don't get pink eye."

    He carries the water upstairs. "Lovely! I am now off to my horrible suite with a horrible woman and i shall have night terrors and I shall have a horrible sleep."

    11:51 PM BBT

    Emmett is upset with Jillian (sort of) because she told Peter that they would use the veto on him. Emmett didn't want to say anything about using the veto. You can hear Andrew yelling in the background, "I hate this woman! She is horrible!" in his butler persona.

    11:54 PM BBT

    Jillian and Emmett are running a bath so they can soak and talk. They ask Big Brother to dim the lights. She needs to go get the bottoms of her bathing suit. She doesn't want to get into the bath with her underwear on like Emmett suggests. They smooch.

    11:56 PM BBT

    Andrew and Talla are in the HNR - lights are out. She's hogging the bed. He's made a bigger bed out of the little bed with pillows and chairs.

  10. 11:19 PM BBT

    "If you want Andrew out this week I'd rather take him to the final three with me. He will be totally against me next week when I'm not HOH and there will be no mercy. I'm afraid of him of what will happen if I break that trust." Jillian says.

    "You can't play this game in fear, that's the problem. You can't play it in fear, you won't win." Peter says.

    She's trying to sell Peter on going up on the block as a way of getting out Andrew like he wanted to do last week.

    "I'm putting an awful lot of faith in you, you just literally told me that you trust ANdrew more than me. What if Talla wins POV and it is Andrew and me up there?" Peter points out the flaws in Jillian's logic

    "I'm confused, I want Andrew out of the house."

    11:24 PM BBT

    They go back and forth a bit and finally Peter announces, "Ok I trust you. As long as you understand that I am putting all of my trust in Emmett I have been with him since day 3. As long as the one of the three of us wins, I get taken off."

    "As long as it is you, Emmett and me in the final three, I don't care how we get there." Peter declares. "Just think, in the next HOH it will be Emmett, Talla and me."

    11:30 PM BBT

    They head downstairs. "Oh how lovely, a prepared meal." Jillian says seeing her plate waiting for her. Emmett and Andrew come out of the SR. "Where'd you get those?" Jillian asks Emmett. "Why Andrew got them for me." Emmett says Jillian wants Frank's red hot sauce but Andrew is pretty sure that climbing over the wall is not in the rules.

    Whisperfest starts up as Jillian and Andrew talk about Peter going up and out this week.

  11. 11:08 PM BBT

    Emmett sneaks downstairs.. "Pete, go up and talk to Jill" he whispers. Pete heads upstairs.

    Jillian asks Peter to wait as second as she picks her nose. She wants to talk to him.

    J; Ok I have serious game to talk. I've been in the DR talking about my game and they keep asking me what I'm doing etc.

    BB gives her a no diary room session warning.

    Emmett tells her everyone can hear her

    J: Here's my plan and it does include you going on the block so I have to make sure you're ok with it. I trust you 100% in this game. I want to take you final three with me and Emmett but here's my solution to the problem. Andrew intimidates me, he's the biggest physical threat in the house right now.

    P: Yes he is

    J: Andrew is a big threat and Talla knows she's going up but if I put up..

    Andrew comes in and asks if she wants food or anything. "Pour me a glass of water!" Jillian hollers.

    He leaves to go pour it. "Oh shit!" Jillian says

    Andrew brings her water back as she is explaining how Talla will be the one to go and not to shut her out it looks like he's declining the plan already. Jillian tells Andrew to bring her a chicken breast with Tabasco, Sour Cream and Ranch dressing.

    Peter says he wanted to do this last week, try and back door Andrew.

    Peter counters that he thinks that Andrew should go up with Talla and he be told that he and Talla are a pair by circumstance and that they need to be broken up and that Talla is the target.

  12. 10:51 PM BBT

    Emmett laying in bed listening to music.

    Andrew in the KT taking the chicken out of the fridge and covering it up/putting it away. He asks Big Brother if Jillian is in there or what (the DR). He's waiting to go to bed.

    "OH Pierre, what have I gotten myself into with this bunch of punks. No way he's watching. Ugh." Andrew talks to himself.

    Jillian comes out of the DR. She's hungry but first she has to go tell Emmett to turn his music down, that BB can hear it.

    Andrew gets called to the DR. We hear him talk with BB. "What about the making of a meal for Jillian and stuff?" he asks

    "I don't know, is it on a timer or something?" BB asks

    "No, it's just sitting here covered up and stuff." Andrew explains "Trust me I'd rather come in there and talk to you for a bit."

    "Well come on it then, for a bit. Just come on in here." BB tells him. Andrew obliges and heads into the DR.

    Emmett says they will wake up Talla to make Jillian's dinner.

    The cam zooms in on a sleeping Talla.

    11:00 AM BBT

    Jillian and Emmett having a chat. She needs to know what to say to Peter about why he's going up. Emmett is saying that she should tell him that they don't know where Andrew stands and they don't want Andrew going after Jillian next week. Peter will go up against Talla and then she goes home.Unless he wins POV and takes himself off. In which case Peter comes down and Andrew goes home. Jillian thinks Andrew is pissed because of how close he came to going home. You can tell Emmett is tired because his accent gets stronger. Jillian thinks that Andrew wants her to turn on Emmett.

    11:04 PM BBT

    Jillian is telling Emmett that she is going right now to tell Peter he's going up. She's not going to hurt his trust by blindsiding him with this info. She's telling him right now. She's going to explain why she is doing it. Emmett keeps telling her to make sure she says that he is not the target and that he has to trust her.

  13. 10:29 PM BBT

    Peter has hurt his leg. He says that tomorrow, if his leg hurts, he will ask Andrew to carry him through the veto competition. He's off to bed. Andrew confirms he doesn't need a drink or anything.

    Jillian is in the WC. Talla is getting ready for bed. Andrew and Emmett just chatting about getting zits on your butt. In grown hairs even.

    10:33 PM BBT

    They discuss whether or not the Veto and replacement noms will be tomorrow. They don't think so. Andrew gets fired up. Not like Prince of Darkness fired up but fired up. Talla is going to bed. "What am I supposed to do with that chicken?" a terrified Andrew yelps. "Feed it to her." Talla advises. She hollers her good nights (at 10:23) and is gone to bed.

    Andrew can't go to bed until Jillian is out of the DR as he must serve everyone until they are asleep this evening.

    10:38 PM BBT

    Andrew thinks this food thing is ridiculous because he has to do every single thing for their food for the duration. It's going to get out of line. Talla left dishes out. "Not only do I have to clean up after all of you, I have to clean up after HER too!" Andrew exclaims. He says he really does clean up after himself and Talla has no business get mad at him.

    Emmett invites Andrew into the pantry. "Come into the pantry with me. I'm going to look and see if there is anything I would like to eat. That's the problem with this place and being bored. You eat." ANdrew has to go because Emmett is not allowed to touch the food.

    10:41 PM BBT

    Talla and Andrew look at their bed. They must share the have not bed. Andrew tells her that tomorrow, when they get woken up, he is dragging her ass out of bed. He is also going to hang out in the LR until all his gas is gone, so the room doesn't stink.

    10:43 PM BBT

    Peter is lying like a human pretzel in his bed. He's talking to Emmett. They think there will be a movie tomorrow. Peter says that if Jillian really wants a dress he will let her choose it. They get to choose everything else so let her have a dress. Emmett has no dress shirts. They think the item for Thursday could be dress clothes for eviction. Emmett would like a dress shirt. Blue, black, purple whatever. provided Jill's dress doesn't cost too much. How much do dresses cost anyways?

  14. 10:19 PM BBT

    Andrew and Peter having a chat. Andrew reliving how he and AJ had to share a bed even after there were almost enough beds for everyone. Gary couldn't sleep with AJ because he reminded Gary of an Ex. Suzette couldn't sleep with anyone else because she was married....etc.

    Emmett and Peter sitting on the couch. Emmett can't finish his drink and asks Andrew to put his drink in the fridge. Andrew thinks it must be hard for them to not be able to do anything for themselves.

  15. 10:03 PM BBT Talla and Andrew by the dryer have a discussion about how much she cleans and no one else does, even when she's not a servant.

    10:07 PM BBT

    Andrew is just clarifying what they are responsible for. "All we have to do is cook, clean, everything?"

    "Yes, cook, clean we are SERVANTS!" Talla yells "Oh god, I don't even know how to tell if her chicken is done. How do you know if chicken is done?"

    10:13 PM BBT

    Talla has come up with a new plan for her 'servitude'. She is going to take a loooooong shower.



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